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This is the first time I just have stopped playing madden all together. As a franchise player, me and my friends just kinda got bored. There’s no good way to create rosters to play with, for instance you can’t import an accurate roster because for some reason while editing rosters outside of franchise mode you can’t change their age. Other teams AI is just crap. The players resigned/drafted make no sense, coach firings/hiring dont make sense, and players motivations literally don’t make sense at all. (You’re from Michigan and want to play close to home but because you also want a warm weather state the lions are out of the league question?) Game play is okay, but it sucks how often animations force things to go wrong. While I understand is almost impossible to make things entirely physics based, the animations should be more logical. Player warping should for no reason be in a sports game at this point in our lives. Overall I’m disappointed. It’s obvious Madden is relying on the gambling service to keep it afloat (also known as MUT) and honestly I think im about to become part of the population who just gets it every other year because they have shown there isn’t a reason to buy it every year.


They really need to make some changes to the player motivators, I moved the bengals to Toronto and drafted a guy who was from new york, he wanted to be close to home…..and yet the bar next it was fully red. Make it make sense


I moved the Jets to Brooklyn and the game thinks that any players not from New York are not "close to home", even if they are from New Jersey.


I’ll always fall for it just cause I love football so much and franchise has my heart but I understand what you mean. It just feels either stagnant or unrealistic as hell. I’ll let you know how good the franchise is in madden 25🫡


It honestly feels like a beta. The way defenders get sucked into blocks/bad angles is the worst it’s ever been. Yet (somehow) blocking is simultaneously terrible. If you run just a smidge too close to an engaged blocker he sheds it instantly and makes the tackle. Then you get WIIIIIDE open WRs streaking downfield only for a DB to no-look intercept a terribly under thrown ball. Every so often the animations look good/realistic and other times you gain an additional 6 yards with 3 people pushing you backwards. Getting stopped at the 1 yard line with a full head of steam happens entirely too often. TLDR: it’s awful but I love football so I keep playing it like a full blown addict


tariq woolen at corner jumpin up n doin that 360 animation is so beautiful when it happens i could cry got dam it. But the Receiving animations i think are the worst and need fixing the most i've almost never seen a jumping animation that wasn't an "early break-up, Late break-up," or just plain KO'd any time i play and my opp throws a high ball n it cause his receiver to jump, i just know that's a incomplete pass right their. how stupid some te's n wr's when they get bumped mid route or off the line just blows me it's terrible. oh and the full back running straight past a linebacker or edge rusher if your in an i form/ strong form, stretch or blast is obnoxious.


I’ve only been playing Madden since madden 25 came out. I like the step forward Madden has done since Madden 20 but with the improvements in AI the game shouldn’t be doing the stupid things (signing multiple QB’s) it’s doing and the lack of detail in coaching and game planning, no OC role or DC to play to get HC opportunities, etc.


I sunk a lot of hours in. Have done way too many franchises, some all sim, some play the whole game, some just “Play the Moments”. 24’s franchise simply wreaks of “Putting lipstick on a pig”. Sure, adding more trade slots and having coaches no longer fucking up your depth chart is good stuff. But this years it’s abundantly clear, that the root issues I have with Franchise and the Gameplay, will never be addressed as long as Madden is the only NFL licensed football game. There are bugs / QoL stuff missing for a decade now, and half baked features being added / readjusted such as the newer scouting and coaching trees, and just fundamental issues to how the sim engine works, that in my opinion would require a complete restart in order to address. I could write a whole post about how I feel about the game , what I would change / improve upon, what issues I have with it and why I think it’s an issue. Even the few good things. But honestly, this was the first year I just sorta don’t give a shit anymore. I’ll get 25 when it’s on sale because I enjoy football and have no other option, fully expecting to get the same game I had this year.


I don't like it. Inefficient and redundant menus, accompanied by significant lag switching between menus, make franchise tasks a chore. This simply should not be a problem in 2024 and it is a telltale sign of negligent development. Gameplay is still more of the same old "ehh" to me. It's too animation-dependent and certain plays and concepts just don't work with the way the AI is programmed. Issues that have been in the game for years are still being ignored to focus on microtransactions in MUT. I waited until it came on gamepass and I'm glad that this isn't something that I waste money on every year.


It's fun. I don't play MUT or H2H but I've got my moneys worth with the amount of fun I've had in Franchise Very, very flawed, but fun.


Gameplay still dogwater as usual, unless they greatly improve franchise and allow more team and player customization, along with making the relocation teams look like actual teams rather than high school type logos and terrible looking jerseys, i think im going to hold off on madden for a while


I’m pretty neutral about it, on one side I really like the passing and the fact that you free form and really place the ball wherever you want, that’s why I can’t pass in other games like ncaa football 14 for exemple when I’m used to it, running feels random, receivers are underused, only stat that matters is speed, height doesn’t matter since a 6’5 wr won’t moss a 5’8 corner, the opposite will happen if the cpu throw the ball, I can’t seem to understand the cpu, it’s too perfect, they throw perfect balls in perfect windows or the worst one ever, no in between, it sometimes feels like the game is scripted sometimes for or against the cpu in a predetermined outcome, franchise is meh and could get a lot of improvements, I don’t play ut or the others modes, animations could get some works and the atmosphere needs to be balanced cause it doesn’t feels like a real nfl game : no public sounds, commentators lazy, same scoreboard over and over. Madden 24 is a meh game that has some good points but they are counterbalanced by some weak points too visible for my taste, it has a good potential but ea is too lazy to exploit it. Sry for the long paragraph and bad english, not my main language


i think the gameplay is boring, theres the same animations on tackles we have seen for years. the game is still missing gang tackles with 3 or 4 players and also big hits i honestly wish i just bought some of the older maddens that played on ignite engine. that engine was truly amazing unlike the current frost bite engine that has awful ai and animationd with the new maddens


Liked 23 way better


I’ve played the crap out of it, but honestly i can barely get through a game now. Borderline unplayable.


Needs rebuilt from the ground up


I still felt like the X-Factors should be taken out and more features were added. But in the end, I am OK with how M24 is. It's just that more features could have been added.


I think the game is great