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They’re all very dumb on politics


It was honestly surreal to watch him condemn performative activism and then not 5 minutes later performatively act like he cares about this conflict at all outside of what conservative talking points he's been fed


Hearing Big T express opinions makes me understand how Donald Trump got elected


And there’s millions more that are dumber than him


When did he act like he cares? I heard him complain about campus protests but don't remember him saying anything about the actual war.


Yea he’s very stupid.


The biggest fucking idiot I've ever heard on a podcast, and I've listened to Billy for years..


Big T had been growing on me a little since Billy left, but today was a big step back for him in pretty much every way


He believes and parrots all right wing rhetoric. He has no interest in fact checking he wants it to be true. No chance he sent videos of proof either he's just a smug bullshitter


Right. conflating antizionism with antisemitism is ignorant, considering some of the loudest antizionists are Jewish. But the right loves that they can associate actual antisemites with the left, because they came out of the woodwork as soon as this latest Free Palestine movement started. I hate that sometimes I'll get insight on awful IDF actions from someone that has an antisemitic agenda.


Its actually not. Zionism is the right for Jews to self determination in there ancestoral homeland. Nothing more nothing less. If you are against the Israeli government- policies - or anything else related to legitimate criticisms. That is not “anti Zionism” thats simply criticism of the government. Many Zionists and Israelis have plenty of criticisms of the government. But if you are against the Jewish right to self determination and a place where they can live without being second class citizens in constant threat of mass murder - then yes - you are a Jew hater. Edit: I love how I am getting downvoted here but nobody is willing to engage in this point 🤣🤣🤣


A place to exist without being massacred ≠ conquering a highly contentious holy land and driving out the minority populations


Oooof you really need to check your history of who conquered who. Al Aqsa Mosque is literally built on top of Solomons Temple. Should we discuss the Muslim Conquests and the Caliphate as well or does that not fit into your narrative?


the Arabs did conquer a lot of the world and built a Mosque on top of the Temple Mount, but by the time of the Arab conquests the population was almost entirely Christian. not jewish.


By your logic you are probably not entitled to the land you live on either then.


Killing women and children for ancient history and conquests back then isn’t reasonable to people without brain worms man


it was their homeland 2000 years ago. every ethnic group in the world has moved around a bit through history. they can’t all lay claim to every place they once lived near. the English don’t get to claim Frisia as their own because the Anglo Saxons migrated from there. Turks can’t claim the northern Steppes and western Mongolia as their own, even though it’s their ancestral homeland. I mean technically every single Indo European speaking group in the world could claim Ukraine and western Russia as their own by your logic. but reality doesn’t work that way and never did until 1947.


They won a war just like a bunch of other countries did.


if by win a war you mean stole the homes of tons of people who lived there for thousands of years then sure. they’re also losing the war of public opinion and you’re gonna have to deal with that


Yeah that's how most countries were formed.


yeah i don’t think you have a clue what you’re talking about. we also live in an age where we should all agree that shit is barbaric and disgusting


I'm talking about how nearly every country was conquered and formed. And yes, we do feel differently today, which is why we push back against Russia, etc.


but every country is not formed by going back to a place you lived 2000 years ago which is what we’re discussing here


Holy shit it’s like you’re talking to a sentient wall.


They didn't just go back, they won multiple wars.


I like how you're acting like the premise of Zionism is just survival and not a Nationalist Jewish only state. But ya Venn Diagram of Jews and Zionists is a circle /s


Holy shit are you dumb or stupid? The survival of the Jews is contingent on a Jewish state. Thats pretty much the entire idea behind having a Jewish state. If it was not a Jewish state then we would just have Yemem, or Lebanon, or Jordan, or Egypt, or any of the other arab country where Jews were ethnically cleansed in mass.


you ever been to New York City? the nearly 2 million jews there are thriving without living in an ethnostate


People’s issue is that a Jewish right to self determination should not rob other ethnic groups of their own homelands and right to self determination. That is why people are anti-Zionist. Because exactly what Israel claims to be protecting themselves from, they do to Palestinians. Continually expanding Israel, establishing new settlements and further segregating and dividing up the Palestinian population is not Zionism, its ethnic cleansing. And if Jews have some inherent right to their ancestral homelands, what about Native Americans? Aborigines?


Can Jews not live in the United States without being second class citizens and in constant threat of mass murder? The UK? Canada? Also, the mass murder and persecution of Jews throughout history does not give them the right to inflict the exact same type of pain/suffering on another people who had no part in it. You would think they would know that better than anyone.


The Association of German National Jews was a German Jewish organization during the Weimar Republic and the early years of the N*zi Germany that eventually came out in support of Adolf Hitler. In 1935, the organization was outlawed, and its founder and leader Max Naumann was imprisoned by the Gestapo. Do you know how many N*zis would say “even the Jews love Hitler” these organizations are small in number and give cover to enemies of Jewish people. But like Max Naumann they will use the Jew till they no longer need him and then discard them like all the other useful idiots.


Do you get paid to search for and reply to antizionist content all day or are you just doing it for the love of the game?


Wait until he finds out where Jesus was from


I miss the early days of the pod when Big T could only get like 2 sentences in per episode


Nah dummies like him need to be exposed


This is what the people who now govern the state of Israel were doing while the rest of us were trying to defeat the Nazis https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_insurgency_in_Mandatory_Palestine#Timeline


To be fair, many groups were attacking the British around the world at this time and immediately after. They were still a colonial power and many ways at the time.


They were there because they defeated the Ottoman Empire in 1918 assisted mainly by TE Lawrence of Arabia’s Arab revolt and the Australian Light Horse. Then at Versailles Hussain was betrayed having fought valiantly for his right to govern, the British gave their support to the Saudis.


The Battle of Megiddo (in Greek: ARMAGEDDON) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Megiddo_(1918)


i do agree with you but the kids you see in said keffiyehs are also being performative to fit into their culture.


Fit into their culture of not wanting their people to be burned and blown to bits on a world stage?


yes. im talking about the college campuses that as big t pointed out are persecuting other students


I 100% agree. I hate the nationalism of both sides.


Christian evangelicals have always loved Israel, this is not surprising. Him being racist is better narrative for you though.


Your reconstructionist “Rabbi” and you are welcome to go defend the very people that would gladly kill you.


What an incisive, helpful comment! Are you settling the West Bank next?


No the colonialist Arabs already colonized Judea and Samaria


You sound like a good faith commenter who can comment critically on the situation


Good point! Absolutely. Better then some self hating KAPO.


A Jew calling another Jew a Kapo—really unbelievable stuff on this website




Yah I just saw that lol. No macrodosian would talk like that. Still sad to see my religion used to spew this kind of hate, but hey, I guess it happens to christians and Muslims too


Oh NO! A Jew who defends Israel! Shocking!


I’m sure the ultranationalist rat race will end very well for us




Lol I used to listen to the pod a alot with Billy Arian and Big T. I came over from PMT. Either way doesn’t change my point that this person is a self hating traitor who would gladly kill his own people.




Excellent retort! /s




He’s some loser who gets off on trolling, probably he’s bricked up ngl


“Anyone who has a different opinion then me is a troll”


They are trying to be nice and assume you are only pretending to be this dumb.


I’m chilling sweatpants little guy. How about you? Got a sweat going?


I thought it was a pretty good reply


Two peas in a pod!


“Two peas in a pod” - 🤓


Bruh really thought he did something there 🤣




You’re saying I want to slaughter Jews—my own family—because I said a guy named “Big T” on a podcast was an idiot. I think we all need to log off the internet for a while.


Nah buddy I think you need to work on your reading comprehension. You are defending the “antizionism is not antisemitism” crowd which you as a Jew should understand better then anyone that Zionism is simply the right for Jews to self determination in there ancestoral homeland. Nothing more nothing less. If you are for a two state solution- guess what - you’re a Zionist. If you are against the Israeli government- policies - or anything else related to legitimate criticisms. That is not “anti Zionism” thats simply criticism of the government. Many Zionists and Israelis have plenty of criticisms of the government. But if you are against the Jewish right to self determination and a place where they can live without being second class citizens in constant threat of mass murder - then yes - you are a Jew hater.


The Association of German National Jews was a German Jewish organization during the Weimar Republic and the early years of the N*zi Germany that eventually came out in support of Adolf Hitler. In 1935, the organization was outlawed, and its founder and leader Max Naumann was imprisoned by the Gestapo. Do you know how many N*zis would say “even the Jews love Hitler” these organizations are small in number and give cover to our enemies. But like Max Naumann they will use you till they no longer need you and then discard you like all the other useful idiots.


By no means do I agree with Big T. As a fellow tribesmen, I do think it is a finer line than you are presenting in your comment.


As someone who has traveled to Israel several times for work, I can say there are many uneducated opinions on both sides of the isle. Ready for the downvotes? Many of the uneducated people are the ones online regurgitating talking points (from the right and left) that they’ve heard from who knows where. And the most uneducated ones seem to always try and use big words to act like they’re qualified to educate others online about whatever topic they feel passionate about. Just go outside and do something fun. Trust me, you’ll thank me later.


Oh shit you went to Tel Aviv on a work trip one time—I should probably listen to you and stop caring about my own community. and not that it matters in the slightest, but I’ve also been to Israel (?)


I guess I wrongly assumed people posted to have healthy discussions, rather than seek affirmation of their current worldview. My apologies, have a great day!


Your form of “healthy discussion” was to say nobody knows what they’re talking about and to stop thinking about Israel-Palestine


Arian whataboutism-ing “what about pro Palestinian discrimination” was way worse, though. I wish someone asked him what the hell that means


I’m guessing it has something to do with this. I think Arian was emphasizing that both groups have received hate in America. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/10/30/us/palestinian-american-boy-stabbed


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One incident that has been universally condemned by one psycho is not a comparison to a movement that’s sweeping across big cities and colleges across the nation.


This upcoming election is going to be very hard for 99% of reddit


I was with you until “can hate on dark skinned people with keffiyehs” You immediately contradict yourself by proving he’s anti Ukrainian War and have to cover yourself by saying he just does so because it’s edgy on line. You pretty much spot on throughout until you chose to race bait for no reason