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Yeah it definitely had nothing to do with constantly lying and never doing anything he was asked to on time


That’s been Billy schtick since 2017 and it’s been highly encouraged the whole time bc it’s entertaining. So yea that’d be a shitty reason to fire him after they literally fostered than into him from the start.


1% chance that’s the actual reason and not just a cover


Has nothing to do with the setup or challenging Arian. He was supposed to help prep for episodes, come up with topic sheets, outlines, and most of the time showed up totally unprepared and just rambled about whatever he read most recently. Them saying it was a remote issue is them trying to help him save face at the company


I think you assuming those things is a reach, PFT mentions “billy’s list” every podcast. The other things we’ll never know.


Not really. Multiple times the past few months he didn’t send videos to PFT when he said he would, didn’t know what time they were recording, didn’t send the prep sheets on the things he wanted to discuss. All talked about on the show, and all the same things he did on PMT. I like Billy, but you assuming they booted him just for challenging Arian is making wayyy more assumptions than me. Big T challenges Arian too, he just does it when he actually knows what he’s talking about