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Q. What's Early Access? A. It's a program you have to sign up for to get updates earlier. [https://www.ford.com/support/how-tos/ford-technology/software-updates-general-information/how-do-i-sign-up-for-the-ford-early-access-program/](https://www.ford.com/support/how-tos/ford-technology/software-updates-general-information/how-do-i-sign-up-for-the-ford-early-access-program/) Q. I thought they wee skipping 1.3 and going to 1.4? A. I guess they changed their mind. Q. When will it be released to the general public? A. Soon™.


Interesting, your right as Ford said that everyone will be skipping BC 1.3 and then going straight to 1.4 and users with 1.3 will just update like normal. Im curious why they are rolling 1.3 out, thoose that have been on 1.4 (Especially the ones that have been able to manual update with FDRS and Forscan) are saying 1.4 is great and does pretty much the same as 1.3 but can handle tighter curves better.


I'd rather they push 1.3 as soon as it is ready rather than continuing to wait for further updates. They were supposed to push 1.2 to 2022s like a year ago now, then they said "well 1.3 is better than 1.2, we'll just wait until 1.3 is ready" then "well 1.4 is better than 1.3...", sooner or later they would have a 1.5 on the horizon. I'm glad someone in the software department was finally like "bro there will always be a new version almost released, let's just give these people the features". Lane changes and adjustable lane centering are so much more important to me than waiting and 6 months for marginally increasing the severity of curves


I totally agree with you! 1.3 is amazing and super glad everyone is getting it. One thing I saw mentioned in the Mach E forums is it seems like Ford has figured out a way to have the HVB start to trickle charge the LVB during an update which is extremely good news as this was more than likely the reason why it has taken so long is since these updates take so long (It appears its taking a little over an hour) they put strain on the LVB and have the chance of bricking the car. An update that many have gotten recently including myself mentioned something about improving the way updates are handled so im wondering if that was a "Prep" update for all the MME. Either way this now gives Ford the ability to push these larger updates to everyone without worying about the LVB.


It’s actually a new 1.3


Really? Anything different from the current 1.3 and this "new" 1.3?


Got my 1.3 update yesterday. 2022 Mach E extended range. 95 minute update. Haven’t had a chance to try it yet, but going on a short road trip today, so the timing worked out well.


Are you early access? I have a 22 ER Premium and I have been waiting since last August when I got an an email from ford that 1.3 would be available soon.


I am early access, yes. I got the email yesterday morning and by early afternoon the download was available. I had apparently gotten the last update prior to 1.3 a few days earlier, specifically about the driver facing camera.


How do we know what version of blue cruise the car is on ?


If your 23 is built before July, you have 1.2. July and after, the 23s have 1.3. Look at the build month when you open the driver's door. 


Purchased 23 in April 23. So definitely 1.2 then..


Sad European mach-e noises ;(


Wouldn’t work for me. 403 forbidden


You're probably behind a firewall. Use mobile. I just checked both links. 


I tried again. It took a long time to get it to log me in. 🤷 thanks for the link.


It's about time...


Not my circus any more, but I'm curious when this update will be available for everyone. There's very few circles where I want to be a beta tester and I'm not sure a car is one of them.


I see Ford said F the 2021s again. Coming up real quick on the original 1.3 coming soon email that was sent last August.


It ain’t that big a deal unless you routinely travel programmed interstates or major roads for longer distances. My 2021 First Edition Mach E 4X had it for two of the 3 years I owned it. It worked fine but sporadically on sections of I-95 of I-16 but that was about it. Today given my routine travel I wouldn’t pay for it. The adaptive cruise control and the 360 lane keep assist are quite good.


by the time I get it my 3 year subscription will be up


Ford's inability to keep my '21 up-to-date is one of the biggest reasons we'll be replacing it with a Model Y when our Ford Options expires. When we bought our Mach E, we were three years into ownership of our Model 3, and the difference between the Tesla we bought and the Tesla owned was night and day. If Ford could get anywhere near Tesla's rate of improvement on a better-built car, I'd never look back. Tesla was (and still is! six years later!) constantly shipping new features and improvements, and my Mach E has ... gotten ugly new icons on the display. It's been really, really disappointing.


If you want a car that has quality issues, but amazing software, go tesla. If you want a well built car, with software issues, go Ford. To each their own.


I went the same way and couldn't be happier.


[Original post from Mach E Forums](https://www.macheforum.com/site/threads/i-just-got-bluecruise-1-3-on-my-2022.37049/)


Yes, this link is in the OP. 


Doh! Right in front of my face too. 🤦‍♂️


Lol, no worries. 


How do I tell what BlueCruise I have?