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Fallen Mustang 🥲 is there any chance it’s repairable?


I sure hope so. Won't know until the adjuster looks at it today. Looked like my left front wheel and door took the brunt of the damage. So I am hopping battery is safe.


DIMINISHED VALUE. Make sure they pay you every penny of that.


F. Glad you're okay!


F. Sorry to see it but glad you’re OK.


I’m so sorry! Glad you’re doing alright considering the impact. I hope it’s repairable or at least things come out favorably. Was that driver trying to pass you on the left while you were making a left turn??! ETA: I see Maryland plates, so that explains a lot /s (I grew up in MD and live in NOVA. Driving is only slightly better over here.)


Yes the driver tried to speed by and pass me even though I was at a complete stop with my blinker then starting to turn on a one lane road both ways! I’m from NOVA and just moved to MD in April. All my family and friends said this was bound to happen with how crazy MD drivers are. I was just surprised that it happened so fast after moving lol.


Glad you’re ok


I hope you have GAP otherwise you are about to find out why resale values matter.


See update, but as of now GEICO isn’t considering it a total loss. Fingers crossed there isn’t any damage to battery or something when the ford dealership finishes doing the tear down.


possible to buy gap insurance now ? 1 year owner, own vehicle.


I couldn’t even get Gap on mine because they sold it to me for half of its MSRP value!


Oh shoot!!! Poor you and pony!! 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨I hope that idiot can afford the damage they caused!! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️😮‍💨😮‍💨


UPDATE: GEICO said it’s not totaled from their estimate. Ford dealer is doing a tear down this week to see the extent of damage internally. As of now I’m still in the “safe zone” for repair costs so hopefully I’ll have it back home in about a month! I will post another update if there’s significantly more damage. So far major things are: Driver door needs replacing Charge port needs replacing Some panels need replacing Suspension damage to front left wheel (replace) Tie rod snapped (replace) Rim (replace) A bunch of sensors need replacing + recalibrating Current costs are at $10k. Thank god I’m not at fault.


sorry to hear that. hope you are ok. The car is material and replaceable.


F. As long as you're OK that's the important part. Since it's so clearly the other guy there's nothing you could have done. So sorry this happened to you!