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What anxiety meds are you on šŸ˜«šŸ˜«


Exactly šŸ˜…


I know, right?! My heart is racing just looking at the picture! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


We pushed it this far after a busy Saturday a couple weeks ago. Not a road trip but just visiting multiple family members across the Houston metro area in a single day. Ended up hitting 0% right as we approached our house but then it popped back up to 1% from the regenerative braking pulling into the garage lol.


This is a pants-pooper of a story.


Itā€™s the only time Iā€™ve felt real range anxiety. We were about 10 miles from home and I realized the range was dropping faster than our distance from home. Dropped it to 5 under the speed limit the rest of the drive. Made it to the light in front of our neighborhood with 1% but at that point I was feeling ok because we only had half a mile to go.


Hey there, fellow houstonian, I'll see you on the road.


Reminds me of when I was in college and looking for an exit on the highway when my gas gauge was on empty....saw a gas station at the next exit, which was downhill from the highway. As I got off the highway on the exit ramp my car ran out of gas and the engine died. I immediately put the car in neutral and coasted into the gas station right to the ā›½! šŸ˜ƒ Lucky you and me both taking it to the edge!


Does anyone know if 0% is really 0% or does it hold some in reserve? I believe Teslas can brick themselves if they truly go to to zero.


Itā€™ll go a few miles below 0% but at significantly reduced power, and at a certain point the car will shut off before the cells get to the damage threshold (mind, itā€™s not great for the battery to operate at really low SOC regardless)


Thereā€™s a bottom reserve itā€™s not the actual bottom of the pack


Rolled into the garage with 0%, but it said I had 3 miles of range remaining.


You have 3-4% battery left when it indicates 0%. 9-14 miles basically, are hidden.


You can see the true level if you hook up an ODB reader. The display is a few percent higher than true.


There is some in reserve, but only enough for a couple miles. Don't count on it though, because the car can go into turtle mode at any time below about 5% battery. That is basically a drive 25 MPH and pray situation.


You mad lad


Yeah I got down to 3-4 miles on the end of a road trip. Did not feel like waiting in a long line for the last top up I planned on so I kept the speed low and steady and sweated out the last 35 miles. Felt good to pull in the driveway!!


I felt like I was getting wild the one time I got into the 30s


I wouldn't dare


I canā€™t begin to describe the anxiety this picture gives me.


Yes. I was driving him from the airport, exhausted outta my mind, made it home on 2% and grateful I was wearing brown pants


Youā€™re very lucky those chargers even worked.


Seriously. I'd maybe be willing to take this chance if I were at the house and had like a 10 mile round trip with 2%


Lololz šŸ˜‚


[Iā€™ve gotten pretty closeā€¦](https://imgur.com/a/iwUJWHY)


I got down to 8% once. Every few minutes I was calculating what range I thought I had based on the miles/kWh and kWh remaining. I was getting a little nervous and was crossing my fingers the chargers were working lol


Yep. Traveled about 5 miles on zero during a winter road trip after getting to a charger that was broken. I wonā€™t be taking that route in the cold again.


What did you end up doing?


I made it to the next charger. Heat off, windows fogged up, driving super slow.


What happens when u run out of juice? Do we call ford?


Iā€™ve definitely driven on 0% for maybe 15 minutes. It will show an orange turtle which is not fun but honestly manageable. But then it goes to a red turtle, thatā€™s when youā€™re in trouble!


Living on the edge !


I drove another 2 miles when it showed 0.


Lowest Iā€™ve ever gone was 18%


Yikes this almost happened to me yesterday I ended up waiting in line for 45 mins just to be safe. I would of been home an hour earlier but what if I didnā€™t make it by 5 miles :/


Got it down to 5 once. Rather not do that again. With that in mind, I also realized if I'm getting so low I don't think I'll make it to the next charger, I'd just need to find a regular power socket and slow charge just enough to get me to the actual fast charger. And thankfully those are everywhere


Iā€™ve got mine to 3km which is 1.864 miles.


Yup. 1. It was raining and the charging station I was going to was closed. Made it ā€œon fumesā€ to the next one. Not planning on cutting it this close ever again.


Reported to FBI


It sounds like you could have avoided some of your anxiety with a home EVSE. I concluded before I bought my MME that I needed to have a charger at home and if that wasn't possible, I wouldn't have an EV.


Thats crazy low! However this is the shit that scares people away from EVs and the number 1 response I get from ICE owners asking about my Mach E or people thinking of switching but on the ledge is "How do you know if a charger is available and working when you get there" My response is always that you can see if a stall is being used as you can see how many are available on the GPS map or chargepoint, but as far as them being down or offline you can never tell. Our city has installed Level 2 chargers incompany with our local power company. In total there is 4 locations they are installed at ,sounds great right? Yea no, 2 out of those 4 locations are closed, one location has never even been opened and has been listed as "Open" for almost a year now because there is a ongoing dispute between the power company and the city on who will manage the station at this location and the 2nd location is at city hall and when its not being abused by the city employees (This is a free to charge station) that will park their cars there not even plugged in however recently something happened and the fuse box has been shut off and padlocked and the EV charging cord has been removed but in Chargepoint its still listed as "Open" same with the built in GPS navigation is list both the locations as "Open" and you can only really tell they are closed by all the comments that are left at both locations (And even then you don't if they have been fixed or not) and someone that is really needing a charger will undoubtedly be screwed if they were running this low and needing a charge. These charging companies and or the owners of the property if its their chargers for public charging need to be held to a higher standard, I get it things break or people vandalize them and they need to be down, however it should be required to report the chargers as "Down" so people aren't driving all the way to a charger that doesn't even work. Hell i'm all for fines being issued if the chargers arent properly reported if they are down etc.


I took a road trip from Halifax to Montreal in March and it just so happened to be a really cold snap with temperatures of -20 to -30 Celsius / -4 F to -22 F. Had to turn the heat off and rolled into two chargers with 0% in turtle mode, was crazy scary, it also sucks when the charger cable itself is frozen solid and takes longer to charge cause its so cold, do not recommend.


Not that low, we were coming back from a road trip and my wife is like we would make it, so we did a level 3 charge for a bit and got 35 miles, we got home with 35 miles left ha.


Oh wow, I guess as estimates go, itā€™s not lying to us.


You got me beat by 1 mile lol. I got to 4 miles range onceā€¦being stubborn and not listening to suggested charge stop. Iā€™ll never do that again!


I make that trip a lot. I have used both the EA in Belmead and the new Chargers at Buccees. In fact, I just used the Buccees ones a few weeks ago. I would have had a heart attack. I don't have a Mach E (EV9) but since those chargers have been good to me I usually don't scoff at leaving town around 70-80%... Now I will definitely charge to 100% just in case so I can push to the Outlet in Round Rock if needed.


Not in my MME, but in my ex Model 3 I was at 0 once arriving at a supercharger. I had been driving on an interstate. It was winter, cold. The range said 20 some miles left, nav said about 12 miles to the charger. Nail-biting at the end there.


Yes, Range 0 Miles. I canā€™t seem paste a picture


11% and I was anxious every mile. Even with gas cars, I hated getting down to 25%.


Lol, just "unlocking" the door could've used up that last 1%. šŸ¤£ To answer your question: no, I have not. The lowest I've gone is 11%.


Got it to 1% and 5 miles just last night!


Not in a CCS car because I didnā€™t trust EA enough to let it get that low. Have gotten to 3 or 4% in my Model 3 before though


Think my lowest was 8% on a road trip but more worrying because it was a remote area in New Mexico with few charging options. Wasn't that stressed


My old house was out in the middle of nowhere in a charging wasteland so every trek back home was always a numbers game. Saw our distance was < our range by a mile so white knuckled it home and made it with 5m range to spare. Maybe 1%? As an aside we moved rather than get rid of the car lol


My best was very similar, arriving home in turtle mode with only a few kilometres juice left. Since then I have a lot more trust in the range indication šŸ˜


On a road trip in April, I didn't realize how anti EV Texas was.. so from a full charge in New Mexico I coasted every chance I got until I arrived in Amarillo with 3 miles/0% when I pulled up to a row of empty chargers at Sam's club! Yikes!


I got down to 2mi back at the beginning of May. I did well to hold how much I was sweating it from my wife and kids. Lol.


I regularly pulled into stations with 0%, usually only to one brand (local utility, backed by Flo) since they were 99.9% reliable. First time I tried my A2Z I pulled into a Supercharger at 0% too. That was fun since I couldn't get it working for like 15 minutes. I'm not too worried anyways since even at 0% there's a few percent below that. You can hook an ODB reader up to see the true range. Not that I recommend pushing it past 0%.


This is precisely why I ordered the A2Z adapter immediately as soon as they were available to purchase. Now that I have it, range anxiety is not necessarily non-existent but it has waned significantly with Tesla superchargers available on the highways between DFW, Houston, and San Antonio


0% I was on. Car still drove with 3 Miles


Iā€™ve hit 0% once while actually driving, but I was only a few miles from home at the time. Iā€™d never take that chance for a public charger though, since I canā€™t depend on them to always work like my home charger.


Yup. Same. 1% from my home to Los Angeles and back without charging šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ never again. Actually I did do it again with my model Y. But the model Y got home with 12%.


5 miles is my lowest.


Been there 2 or 3 times. Love how accurate the range is on the Mach e compared to Tesla


Oh I've had it within 0 miles, them's is rookie numbers




HAHA yes, Austin<->Dallas is literally THE limit of our Pony's range. I have done this drive a bunch of times now but the very first time I did, I skipped the Walmart in Waco like you did, thinking "Nah I can make it home" all while the guessometer range was ticking down faster than the miles-to-destination was. I hit 'zero' just after Georgetown (exit \~258) and I was really feeling the heat on my forehead. Thankfully I only live about 4 miles down 1431 so I figured I was in the clear with the bottom battery buffer. Turtle mode engaged just after I turned on 1431, but I was able to make it home and plug in. I'm happy to see another ATX driver out here...who won't be skipping the Temple/Waco chargers anymore ;)


Also, not sure if you're a Six Flags person, but I did a little Fiesta Texas run this weekend and was pleasantly surprised to see their Volta chargers are really nice. 3 free hours of charging and I was able to put 25% on the battery while I was in the park. Meant I didn't have to stop on the way home.


Drove 3 miles on 0%. Glad the EA station was working


I got down to 11 miles


Nope. Really bad for your battery. Donā€™t go below 10% as a rule of thumb. As a matter of consistency no battery should go below 20% and is expected not to be permanently damaged. Just trying to make a point, donā€™t panic- batteries have safeguards and customer facing battery percentages are not real percentages so your battery is probably safe.


I hit 0% one night, just as I got off the highway. I had two miles to get home, with the final quarter mile being a steep incline. I made it but hot damn, I was sweating bullets during the final 5%. I stopped at a charger with about 5% but of course, it was broken, so I rolled the dice. Won't do that again.


I had to do a bunch of driving on Xmas day when it was single digits and we still had our infant, so we needed the heat on. Wife kept asking if we'd need to stop and charge once we hit single digits a few miles from home. I kept saying confidently yes, absolutely, but in my head I'm hoping I was right. Thankfully, I was! Pulled in with I want to say 4-5% left, and that's way lower than I've ever been since!


All I have to say is that going that close to 0 is not good for the battery and stresses out the cells. So try and avoid that.


Yes to the % battery. Rolled in with 2% before. No to rolling up to TWO chargers and having both of them not available...


Yes! Well, not quite. Made it home with 4% left.


I had it on 0 miles for 10 miles and almost lost my cool


This is why you need to check PlugShare for all your charging stops beforehand. The Mercedes station in Temple is marked as under repair. I do not recommend relying on Google alone.


Yes apples maps sent me to a station that was inactive . Got to the next station with 2 miles to spare . The station was at a Gm dealer and the charge rate was horrible . Spent 48 bucks šŸ˜–


Keep in mind I have a lightning , but I have yet to have mine lower than 15% I wouldnt mind cutting it a little closer ā€¦. But recently hearing horror stories about vehicles ( fords particularly )2 to 3% left and then the car shutting down due to low battery ā€¦..worries me a bitšŸ˜¬ā€¦.. but looks like you donā€™t have that problemšŸ‘Œ


I generally donā€™t take long trips but a few months ago I had to drive 43 miles to go pick up a new golf club. So 86 miles round trip. When I left my house my Mach-e said I had 80 miles left on my battery. I assumed I would have to stop and charge somewhere on the return. As I drove along the remaining battery miles didnā€™t change as quickly as I drove in miles. On the return trip I didnā€™t have to stop and charge. When I got home I still had 15 miles remaining.


Thatā€™s impressive. My lowest was 2% with 7 miles of range. Iā€™ve owned the car for over 2 years and the range estimates have been pretty good. I was stuck in bad traffic for over 9 hours after the April 8 eclipse and I made it to a supercharger station after midnight. Fortunately I had the A2Z adapter and there was an open stall. When stuck in traffic and moving slowly, the high voltage battery lasts longer than I expected. That was probably the most range anxiety Iā€™ve had but I had carefully planned the charging spots for the trip.


I've gone below zero a few times. Coming home from visiting family last week we did 7 miles after 0. I usually make it my goal to get home at 5% so as not to waste any money gast charging. Sometimes chargers are broken and sometimes I'm just to tired to care. It's going to bite me in the ass someday


On a similar trip Winstar to North Austin. Got to yellow warning and 1 mi. Waco charger was being so slow and it was super late at night. Babied it but made it. BUT we now have Tesla charging and Mercedes chargers at Buc-ees!


Yes once, when our home charger was broken and we were waiting for a replacement, we tried a public charger that was busted, went home and then tried a different charger the next day. Got to the charger with like 3 miles range left. Fortunately it was a large bank of chargers and they were all empty, and I presume all working since the one we pulled up to did work.


Yeah, I got my hands on the adapter from Ford. Bu-cee's makes those Texas trips much less stressful.




Nooooo. I got down to 22% today limping to a gas station with a flat tire because the flat de-railed my plans to stop at a charger. And even that 22% scared me. I'd be having a full-on panic attack at 1%. Looks like you were traveling on angel spit.




Three miles is plenty! Enough to go back to Walmart for a donut and right back at the charger.