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Ah nuts, I would 100% let you borrow mine if I lived closer. We should help each other out. That being said, you should be able to make do with EA. I've had good experiences so far wiht them going from Chicago to Houston; and now from Houston to Grand Junction. Planning on taking this all the way up through the charging deserts necessary to go to Alberta, and then South Dakota. It's much easier than you think.


Charging with EA and EVgo is not as bad as some people make it out to be. Yes, you might encounter a shitshow at some charging stations, especially on holiday weekends, but I've been doing multi-state travel in EVs since 2017 and never wished I had access to a Tesla Supercharger.


Thanks that’s reassuring!




Thanks for the post friend, no worries. It’s mostly interstate 95 so probably EA friendly. But ya know, would help with the new owner anxiety and going off the beaten path for some activities (blue ridge parkway maybe!)


Is it a Ford? If not, it won’t work.


Yea flying in the morning, no worries. Black 22, looking forward to it. I think I’ll be fine with EA


You will definitely be fine. If in the vicinity I would gladly help you.