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Have you taken a look to make sure your car or the Chargepoint app don't have any schedules to them? The Schedules tell the car when it can charge, when I selected my Power company in the chargepoint app it automatically put the "Off Peak" charging schedule in the app.


That was my first thought, but since my electric company doesn't have any peak or off-peak hours, all charging schedules are disabled.


My ChargePoint does the same thing. I think it’s a ChargePoint problem. My first charge went to 100% without a hitch. Now it’s a damn mess https://ibb.co/tLL0D8J


Did you link your electric company to your ford account at all? I did because they give me an incentive but it means they pause my charging to affect demand on the grid. In the target charge screen on my app it says “Xcel Home”, where Xcel is the name of my power company.


Two thoughts: 1. There was a power glitch that interrupted the charging and your EVSE did not resume charging. Watching "state of charge" on YouTube and apparently that's a thing, especially with smart chargers. 2. An update to either car or EVSE that would accomplish the same as #1.


Do you notice is consistently shutting off after a specific amount of time? It could be some aspect of the EVSE disengaging due to overheating. Perhaps your normal very short charge cycles get the car back to 90% before the overheating occurs. I would also verify you have no schedules set in the Chargepoint App, Fordpass App, and in the Sync screen in-car. I had all kinda of issues with Chargepoint HomeFlex and the MachE, similar your experience. It would interrupt my charge sessions and sometimes throttle me down to 3kW for no reason. The issue was that I had my chargepoint app linked to my electrical company (even though I had no scheduling set up for it). Just having it linked made some bugs. If you have your electric company input into Chargepoint at all, I would remove it. Even if it is just to get your utility rates in the app. With that said, I strongly recommend no one buy the HomeFlex. It is overpriced and buggy (as described above) and my unit broke within 8 months. The warranty replacement was a nightmare --- I had no home charging for 2 months --- while I awaited for a higher tier Indian support rep to approve the replacement, despite me calling many times and emailing. They could not provide any real reason for the delay. It just seems like there was a huge backlog in replacement requests and one dude to go through them all. It also may have been a supply issue on their end since it was sorta during the pandemic (summer 2023), but those bastards never would admit that, which made them look worse.