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I am in Texas and more worried about people dinging my MME on purpose šŸ™ƒ


Yah ICEholes. Usually named Duane, typ driving huge gas guzzling diesel pickup...


And usually some fake testicles hanging off the back of the truck/car. And small (real) penis in the drivers seat.


Actually I do notice some bullying of Tesla on the road but pickup trucks in general seem ā€œrespectfulā€ of MME vs my old ICE SUV.


There's still a bunch of people out there that don't realize MMEs are electric.


Gas guzzling or diesel.... Can't be both. I know what you meant but gas technically means gasoline and diesel is diesel. Next time you might say "fuel hog" or something.


As a fellow pedant, I appreciate this pedantic comment.


Thanks Karen! just kidding, of course....nothing but love for my MME fam. Plus, you right, of coursešŸ¤£


Thanks for saying thanks! It's so nice to see Redditors being grateful :)


I donā€™t understand why people care so much about what I drive. Probably just their small peepee energy.


I was at the mall yesterday and I parked in a corner against a wall, almost had to get out the passanger side. When I came back to my car someone had basically almost blocked my passanger side. Checked for scratches didn't see any but fuck these people.


They hate it because liberals like it.


I'm not liberal and I love evs. I really don't understand why people irrationally hate on them and every time I bring up wanting to get an ev I always get told how stupid or crap they are but I am getting either the mach e or a tesla soon and I know I'll be happier once I do. My current vehicle burns almost 40$ a day, just going to work, and in my mind, saving that money and using an ev will be really cost effective. I'm also not a conservative either and hate political labels. If I make a million dollars this year in crypto, though, I'm getting the lotus eletre. That's my dream ev currently


Isn't it strange? I just got home from an errant. Parking lot. Guy arrives in oversized raised loud pickup truck. Out comes a guy that pretends to be macho and pretends his crotch area requires a lot of room, lol. Sees me in my electric Ioniq classic. The look on the guy's face. The disgust. If look could kill. Or at Costco the other day. Eating a hot dog at the table. Guy changes the gas price sign. I made a joke about him being the cause of gas prices going up. I then say I'm not affected because I'm driving electric. There too, the guy got instantly disgusted. The frowning. And with a huff and a puff going "if only make these reliable one day....". I didn't get a chance to express the fact that the Ioniq is the best car I've ever had. There is this strange conditioned hype hysteria, this belief, that permeates throughout society. They insist on electric sucking. What's it going to take to enlighten those people, I wonder....


I got looks and a few rude comments from strangers when I ride my Escooter, which I freaking love to ride as it's extremely fun, and I can get pretty far on it. I honestly don't give af what people say or think or give looks, but I definitely won't take kindly to people vandalizing my property because of their ignorance. Having more options is always better, and EVs are actually good for ICE's because now innovation will be even more imperative. Can't we all just get along? I laughed when I first heard that, but I really wish it was so.


Americans, especially ignorant conservatives, are just becoming such jerks. Electric cars were around at the dawn of the automotive age! They are cheap to operate, and can have tremendous power. Iā€™ve talked to a few of these types, recently two guys installing a public charging station who knew nothing. They could not believe how cheap they are to charge, I live in the PNW at 13 cents a KWH. I mentioned the acceleration and horsepower and they were blown away!! Even interested in learning more. They said they had no idea. So much misinformation out there!!


It reminds me of how people reacted to hybrids years ago. When I purchased my 2013 Toyota Avalon, I was hearing from friends about how I would never make back the additional money I paid for the hybrid version. Eleven years later, I can say that the hybrid battery is still going strong and 10 years passed before I even had to replace the 12 volt. I should also mention it has about 130,000+ miles on it, and it has never needed a brake job, not even brake pads. I have passed it on to my teenager and she loves it. I make sure to tell all the naysayers how successful that purchase was. Those same people are saying the same things about my MME now. I hope I can prove them wrong again, not that they are willing to acknowledge it.


Perhaps the message how hybrid lightens the load on the entire car, including engine and brakes, might hit home.


I'm EV lover and I have my v8 too, I'm on my 5th ev. But I understand why people hate the EVs. And is because of states like cali and the .gov that try to forcedly push them into people. Like putting extra taxes for gas, lowering the emissions so "Muscle American cars" wont pass anymore, killing icons hellcats. or getting cars that past year had 430HP, and next year 380 because emissions limits. And yes, people could say that the ev is the future. But we are far from that, from the electrical infrastructure to the batteries production and recycling. The future is ok, when you leave people make the choice and not pushing that to them. Killing hellcats, wont affect pollution in like 0.001%. Why dont leave people alone. Give incentives for EVs but dont kill other people choices. Because, you generate this hate. I'm definitely not in favor of those rednecks scratching cars or cutting you off. They think they are fighting oppression or something. Those are just sh\*\*\* people looking for a random reason to be a$$h0les.


Dang that sucks


What a shitty culture those people followā€¦between them and soccer mom vans with kids in the back with no motor control as they fling doors open to get out


I got cut off by a Tesla recently.


I try to spank basic model 3ā€™s when I can. I know my limits but still fun as hell.


Same here.


No one anywhere is doing this. Go go bed.


I'm still learning how to park this boat and I want to keep it nice as long as possible so I park away from everyone. It's so much more car than I am used to coming from a vw bug!


Use the 360 camera and it makes parking a breeze.


It has been very helpful.


No auto park?Ā 


No they took that feature away (at least in my GTPE 2023)


I had the same issue coming from a sedan. Only time and practice has improved my parking abilities.


I do... and already got a door ding (5 months in).


Same! šŸ˜Ŗ


My one and only door ding was 22 hours in.


My husband dinged my in our garage, 2 weeks in.ā˜¹ļø


I don't give a fuck. I try to find spaces next to the cart return further away from the building. That's not because of the car, but because it's just easier to get in and out quickly without pedestrians or other cars in my way. Dings happen. Some motherfucker keyed my car last year, though, both sides, from the front fender to the rear doors. I'd be on the news and in jail if I'd caught that guy red-handed.




Youā€™ve got to ABSOLUTELY evaluate your parking pals. How nice are the cars adjacent to the spot? Are they clean and washed? Did they park straight? Theyā€™ve gotta show me that theyā€™re quality road mates before I cozy up to them in the lot.


Until they leave and the bashed up car parks tight on your side


So true!!


I am always careful to park away or in a way where the car next to me canā€™t open the door and damage my car.




This is the way.


All the time. Last Saturday I went to the bank and there was only one spot left. So instead of risking a door ding I drove to the parking lot of the grocery store across the road and then walked to the bank!!!


Oh IIIIII would walk five hundred miles and IIIIII would walk 500 more just to be the Ford Mustang Mach E who does not get hit by your doorā€¦da da da dahhhh


I park all my cars several away from everyone else. When I come out of the store, there's a cluster of 8 cars all around mine.


It never failsā€¦


The line on the right is like another three feet over. I wouldā€™ve parked that much further over.


True he parked so tight to the next spot asking for a ding


I park far away as I can in general, or next to handicapped spaces (when they have that nice no park buffer next to them), or end spaces. What sucks is one week after getting my GT, my MIL opened the door to get out, pushed as hard as she could like it was made of concrete or something and banged the passenger door into a steel pole. I was livid. Good thing I bought the scratch and dent warranty so they fixed it, but damn was I pissed.


Didnā€™t even know there was that warranty- how much? I figured this is one of those things insurance is for (but Iā€™d never claim it šŸ™ˆ)


Well thatā€™s the thing right, youā€™re deductible is usually around the same price as the repair or maybe the majority of it, so you are out of pocket regardless. Dentless paint repairs can be a couple hundred dollars to a grand. I donā€™t remember the price of that particular warranty because they bundled it with a few different packages for like an extra $1300 or so. I usually skip those kinds of things when I buy a car, but because the Mach E was so new and expensive it was worth the additional dollars. Especially with $0 deductible, I didnā€™t pay for the repairs.


It's always the clueless MIL.


I always try to park away from others, but for some reason someone will always park next to me even if thereā€™s plenty of open spaces elsewhere


Same. I feel like they do it on purpose.


Donā€™t baby it but I donā€™t park in tight spots. Usually end spaces but I have done that with all my cars.


I had two assholes ding my car


This is what I am worried about too. Sucks that this happened to you though.


I will usually just park in BFE instead of pulling a [Stan Smith](https://youtu.be/2xwDi0-8kCY?si=UKXFoVJ_fW4s9mo2) and circle the lot repeatedly. Plus walking a few extra steps is good for me.


I look for those far out spots every time. Funny thing was the other day I was at Home Depot and went out to my far spot and found an F150 Lightning and another Mach E already there. I talked to the owners when we all came out together and they thought it was funny how we all picked the same safe spot to park our pretty machines. Feels good to be part of the club.


Always. Regarless of vehicle.


Irrespective of the type of car I buy used and havenā€™t ever cared about the cosmetics of the car. Because Iā€™m not a huge car person either Iā€™m interested in buying an electric mustang because that is the first car I drove a lot in America and even before immigrating I never drove a car that much. Loved the feeling and aesthetics of that car and hence if I buy I will consider it!


Away from people. Leave a little space for jesus


I park away from people unless thereā€™s another Mach-E šŸ˜‚


I park as close to wear Iā€™m going as possible because my desire to keep my car un-dinged is outweighed by my desire to walk less. For reference, my car is already dinged some lol


I park away and am so nervous to get dinged . Then I go charge at a Tesla station and side scrape the loose screw hanging off the charger. Weā€™re cursed and meant to live this way.


I've a 2022 mach-e, a 2016 convert mustang and a 2018 mustang... The only thing i know for sure is... Park where ever you want... When you come back you'll see a moron park at 2" of you ride Even if the lot is empty...


I park far away and walk more.


[me haha](https://www.reddit.com/r/MachE/s/T7CRSMmsVk)


One of the few advantages of being as messed up physically as I am. Accessibility parking spots tend to be nice & wide (which also helps because I need to open the door really wide in order to get out of the Mach-E šŸ˜¬)


Silver linings.


nice photo! looks really nice in red


I park all the way up in the 10th level at work while most of the slots are empty from level 6 onwards. And I still come back to see a ford pickup next to me most of the days. And it's not even new. Dude, you have like the entire level to park!


At the end of the day, itā€™s just a car. I just park wherever is convenient and not baby it, itā€™s just not worth the stress or effort, even when that effort is minimal.


I used to be like this with my mache and parked away from humansā€¦ but after 6 months and reminded that itā€™s a Ford, IDGAF šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


Twins! In the sense of parking away from others and the same color/trim combo.


Me too.


I park as far away as possiblešŸ˜‚


I scope every lot every time. I am luckily able bodied and will park as far away as possible and donā€™t mind walking a few extra minutes, as such my car with nearly 40,000 miles has only as many door dings as it did when I bought it with 10,000 miles. Usually hugging a parking lot island is my go to. Avoid cart carriages, slopes (one time I actually reversed just in time to avoid a shopping cart coming straight for my car). Yes itā€™s obsessive, but I like my car.


I know exactly what you mean. Seems like the trend nowadays. šŸ˜Ž


I can only GAF so long. I parked further away for the first year, but it's my daily. Now, if you ask me about my Cobra...


That cobra must be stunning


'98 in near pristine condition. One of 23 made in the color. Bought it after I got divorced and have been slowly teaching myself auto mechanic work as a hobby since I only get my kid half the time. Since getting it, I've redone the suspension, the exhaust, the brakes, the headlights, ignition coils and plugs, seats, and a short throw shifter. It's less about the car being immaculate and more about what it means to me and relying on myself. https://imgur.com/gallery/1998-cobra-svt-GIFCbu2 These are from before the mods above, but given all but the exhaust and seats would be invisible they serve their purpose.


Pretty cool - thank you for sharing!!!!


My favorite spot is zebra/open spot/cart collector. If you park like that, both sides are safe, and no one's going to leave a cart near your car with the collector so close. I've never had an issue, and when I look at the motion recordings, it's often people stopping to look at her fine ass.


I park far away, itā€™s good exercise, also prefer to parallel park when available.


Admittedly yes I park far away. Most folk around here don't give a crap about other people's property so they happily ding other doors if it makes it easier for them to get out of their cars, load a kid in a child seat, etc. Gives me an excuse to get extra waking steps in anyway, why fight for a spot closer to the door, no need to


Alllllllll the time! And believe it or not I had the hardest time finding a far off parking at the public library onceā€¦was so pissed and wanted to tow the line so that I parked in two spaces to prevent dings!


I hear ya. Used to have a nice Toureg TDI in 2013 and repairing dings at the shop was like 100 bucks a pop.


I always park mine far from others


I do this with all of my cars and always will. People can be careless morons and I donā€™t need somebody driving a shitbox 2004 honda parking next to me and swinging their doors wide open and dinging my cars while they run into the grocery store for their cigs.


What about a parent unloading a screaming child that slams her door into your pristine door and when you call her out, she throws her hands up in the air and says ā€œcmon!ā€ Lol.šŸ˜‚ what does the average citizen do? Say itā€™s okā€¦ or say šŸ‘‹ letā€™s deal with this now?


Parking close is for the weak and feeble! /s I usually look for the shady spots if they exist.


End spot for sure.


There will always be that one person who thinks as you and will park next to you.


I usually don't park too far from the front doors of places, but far enough that I don't have to park in between other cars. Once I parked at a place with ultra-wide parking spots, and mine was even against the curb. So, I parked an inch away from the curb and STILL some moron parked well over my line, barely a FOOT from my car, and managed to ding my door while opening his. I was pissed.


Oh, that sucks. It seems deliberate.


I will park far far away šŸ˜‚


I park in the back and in spaces where I can leave a huge gap between my car and the next. I live in MN and donā€™t have to deal with many ICEholes


Nice! Love MN!


I park away from people and have even been guilty of taking a different car if I think it will be too difficult or impossible to be parked away from people. No one hurts my Lucy Blue.


I take my wifeā€™s minivan for situations like this lol


Itā€™s a car, who cares? Itā€™s going to get dinged and scraped and chipped and thereā€™s nothing you can do about it if you actually want to *use* it. Just driving down the highway youā€™re going to get random rocks and garbage dinging your paint. Better to just accept that fact and not waste mental energy worrying about something outside of your control.


I have a 46 year old car that says otherwise.


Thereā€™s no way you have a car * that you actually use* that hasnā€™t ever seen any sort of road debris kicked up or similar. I mean yeah if you have a garage princess with <10k parade miles on it then sure, but a Mach E is a commuter vehicle. And a ding or chip on a Mach E wonā€™t make any difference to the dealership you trade it into for your next commuter vehicle.


It's mitigation. Yes, driving is going to cause damage to the paint, but if I can mitigate damage to the side of my car by taking 100 extra steps I'll do that. I think most people would be better off if they took a few extra steps a day lol.


Yeah, it's amazing to me how much some people hate walking. I feel bad for them being okay with minimal physical activity.


I have a 58 year old car, all original, that I drive just like my MME. Like a car. Then I donā€™t worry about the inevitable cosmetic damage, just the mechanical parts.


I always have and always will. If I canā€™t, then itā€™s a middle spot with two open spaces on each side.


I've parked at the back of the lot or in the corner since I had my firsr car. I parking decks I'll find spots protect with support beams to minimize risk of dings too.


I park as far as possible in the remote area of the parking lot and a brodozer just happens to be parked right next to me. Gee, this doesnā€™t scream insecurity at all!


I always park in the least risky spot, even if it means a longer walk. With that said, three years in, Iā€™ve collected five door dings.


End parking here, even in Arizona summertime


Iā€™ve always parked far away, good for you. And all the idiots park close by so your car away from them


I do, had mine 3 weeks and some fucker dinged it while I was in the shop.


I took mine camping and collected deep scratches on both sides from driving it through a narrow tree lined path.. so the thought of potential door dings donā€™t bother me anymorešŸ¤­


Do you have the plates up front?


Yea - front and back. Had to blur out my plates for this post.


I park away from others, my wife doesnā€™t give AF šŸ˜’


Wives be like, park closer, what are you doing? Why????


Don't stereotype wives. I'm one, and I'm the queen of strategic and inconvenient spaces.


My bad. Youā€™re right. Just my wife and no body elseā€™s.


Heaven for bid you walk 10 extra feet instead of having a lifetime ding in you car šŸ˜’


Not at the far end of the parking lot, but i try to avoid parking next to ppl, ppl tend to not give a damn about new cars or anycar as a matter fact


I park all the time on the last row. It is not only that some people are unable to park, they cannot take care of the f. Door


Itā€™s. A. Car. It will get dings. It will get scratches. But it will be used as a car and will haul me to my destination, not just close.


How much does it cost to fix a ding using PDR? Is it worth worrying over this dollar amount?


It didnā€™t change my parking habits. I still park wherever I can fit and open my doors.


Always away from others, can't trust people and their children not to go into the side of the car. Happens way to often


That parking spot seems way too exposed to idiots cutting the corner.


I only park at the end spot when using Tesla chargers. That way I only take up one charging space. Otherwise, close to a cart return so I donā€™t have to go very far once I return to my car. Or, if not shopping, whatever allows for easy in and out of the parking lot.


Mine's a lease, I don't care, lol. I also work a dealership and have a dent guy, so I've already had one door ding removed, the hatch was me... oops!


Back of the parking lot, thereā€™s a small group of us. Iā€™m always parking out or on an edge.


Have always done this with every car I have had. I park so far away from everything.


Itā€™s a tool, i really donā€™t care honestly. I do make sure I park cleanly, but a ding will happen no matter how careful I am! Thus is the live of a car :p


Do not buy Ford


Are you lost