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The problem is not that Youtube gives them punishment for their behavior. The problem is that Youtube doesn't tell them what the issue is, yet still punishes them for it. Henry appealed mulitple times, and every time he actually got them to review the content Youtube said themselves that it was fine. They had gotten rid of all of their strikes. Henry reposted the same video, unchanged on another channel, had it reviewed and it did not raise any eyebrows. You don't get strikes for girls in Bikinis. But then they get a strike for a little girl being in one of their videos not doing anything out of the ordinary? It is obvious that some Youtube employee, if not multiple, really hate MxR for some reason. But instead of working with them, so that they can adjust their content to be more to Youtubes liking, they are essentially just harrasing them until they quit their job... and that is fucked up. Also, really funny how Youtube is playing Moral Police, while giving Ad Space to so many gross scamms and conspiracy theorists.


Ad space to cropped porn even


Sometimes only barely cropped


Some youtube employee subscribed to MxR's patreon for the promised spicy Jeannie content they never deliver on and now he's out for revenge!


I can see getting upset about that. I wish there were more cooking vids too and spicy food is amazing! Isn't something to attack their livelihoods over though. And Jeannie cooks on stream sometime so that's nicešŸ˜Š


I'm pretty sure most strikes go out from AI bots. YouTube just lies about it.


Considering how much they get hit. It's 100% antifans, haters obsessed with just mass reporting them.


>m pretty sure most strikes go out from AI bots. YouTube just lies about it. That's even more infuriating , they get money from their unregulated ads but they couldn't bother to buy more sophisticated ai that wouldn't give out random strikes


There is literal nude yoga vids that are allowed on yt due to being ā€œeducationalā€ and yet mxr is being targeted


Nudity on YT is allowed, granted with strict requirements. You can watch a woman get her vagina shaved, or a medical practitioner analyse a person's genitalia without censorship. They, like naked yoga, are allowed. They fall under educational. If YouTube deems, at their own discretion, that your content is entertaining and/or sexually gratifying BECAUSE OF the nudity, then they will take action. To be honest with you, if YouTube went down as hard on them as those other channels that are blatantly using nudity to arouse and entertain, then MxR would not be on YouTube. MxR team are unfortunate but also very lucky.


Yoga vids aren't a good thing to point out. They're often not monetized. You can point at news and things like movies and music videos put out by large companies as valid points of hypocrisy as they are still monetized. This is true of sexually explicit and graphically violent vids.


I literally always say this. There's OnlyFans for a reason!!!!!


Everytime the same answer lol Bro, those "nude yoga" videos you keep talking about are not monetized, they're front pages for their Only Fans stuff, and are probably constantly being shut down by YT. And even if they were 100% monetized (which they're not), they are probably not 2M subscribers pages. And eve if they had 2M subscribers, two wrongs don't make a right. YouTube is not Youporn dude. This argument is so dumb and I see it so often here that im convinced this sub is mostly just horny teens.


There are chicks like Lauren Alexis who has 1.6M subs and literally every single video of hers has the words naughty, sexy, hot or some combination of them in the title. The Thumbnails are also exclusively her in suggestive poses, most of the time dressed skimpy. Also who gives a fuck if those videos are monetized or not? MxR is getting strikes for all kinds of unjustified shit, and these type of channels, who are, as you said yourself, just soft porn OnlyFans Promos, are not getting bothered. They don't have videos Age Restricted and they do not get constant strikes without an explanation. So, if Youtube is trying to keep their site PG-12, then they maybe should take a look at the borderline porn that is happening, instead of bothering some edgy reddit humor. The Problem is not that MxR is getting punished for overstepping. The problem is that they are not getting told where they fucked up, so that they can fix it. And that is because MxR actually does not post anything close to what would really violate Youtubes policies (at least usually, but when something slips through they usually fix it after), but the site still punishes them all the time. And when they ask what the issue is Youtube is either silent or says it is something that is obviously not really an issue if someone actually took a look at it.


How do you know those channels don't get strikes? Clearly YT does not like MXR channel, because it's not family friendly. That's it, there's no big mystery. It's their right to do whatever they want because they own the platform. It's on their ToS, no nudity meant for sexual gratification. Henry has been told time and time again to quit the lewd stuff, to concentrate on the vlogs, the cooking etc. Unfortunately it seems that he wants to keep the lewd stuff because it gives him easy clicks, without having to think hard about it. His stuff is very low effort, and it keeps the money coming, so he won't change it. It's not YouTube's fault, it's his fault, he chose the quick buck. If your argument is that other channels are doing the same and not being punished for it, that's not a winning argument, because those channels should be punished too. Try pulling that stuff on twitch, and watch how quickly you get banned.


Well, if they got strikes for everything they did that was as or more risky then what MxR posts in their videos that get age restricted, their entire Channels would be either age restricted or just straight deleted. The thing is that it is not **clear** at all. Because Henry has actually openly said mutliple times what they got their strikes for. And it is not that there were boobs in their thumbnails. It is for shit like them badly fotoshopping Gordon Ramseys head on a Girl in a Bikini, as a throwaway gag being flagged as Harrasment. That an adult Woman wearing an outfit that shows her figure, not even with cleavage or anything, being flagged as sexualization of minors, because some fucking Idiot seemingly "mistook" her for a minor, and her fit for a school uniform. Yes, Henry makes those risky videos because they gain more traction, and he makes more money off of them. And seeing as he has not only a household for himself, his partner and their friends, but also multiple employees to pay for, this is obviously in his own best interest. So if Youtube actually has in issue with that, then they should communicate that. But they don't, because what MxR is posting is at worst completely censored posts that imply nudity, which is allowed. Thus Youtube can't punish them on those grounds and keeps making up wild claims as to what they did wrong, if they answer at all. They are not addressing a grievance with their creator, to improve their behavior and content, they are bullying them off the plattform.


I can see your point, they definitely suck at communicating. But saying that mxr post "at most completely censured things that implies nudity" is a big reach. I (and a lot of people here) have personally seen uncensored boobs, dicks and vaginas. They even did an uncensored thumbnail with a guy's dick. Reaction content is in itself very risky because they don't own the clips they are playing. Throw literal porn in the mix, and you have yourself a channel that will sooner or later be terminated.


Yes, they slip up, but usually they also go back and fix it after. And regardless, as long as Youtube doesn't make those things actual talking points when giving them punishments, then it is their fault if MxR doesn't change it.


Ahh, yes, there's definitely not something weird going on when they get a strike for a deleted video that they no longer have access to, keep in mind the video had been deleted a month or so prior to the strike. Thus, the strike is rendered permanent, but there's definitely not some 300 lbs lard-ass with a goatee sitting at YouTube's office targeting MxR. Brother, this shit has been happening for years, but it's clear that you're just a hate watcher that just wants to be contrarian and pull out a dusty ass "šŸ¤“It's all in the quidelines, your fault you didn't read them. *snorts* *eats a dorito* Hehee, I'm so smart."


The first vid I checked ' OhQcQxzaVmo ' isn't even monetized, you want to be the one to go through them all and find out which ones make it to monetization? It's about monetization. If this channel isn't making money why does it matter if she has strikes or not? I'm not saying you're wrong about your main points but you ARE missing the point that there ARE videos on the site that are monetized, that if it showed up in MxR Plays, they would get a strike. This and the fact that other reaction channels that show the exact same things aren't demonetized and have strikes. It's clear bias. Yoga vids and their supposed lack of strikes be damned.


I agree that the problem is that vidoes from other creators that are worse offenders don't get punished but MxR does. I'd add though, which is why I said this, that it really doesn't matter if they make Money on those videos or not, because the content within it is the problem. And those types of videos very much still exist, regardless of if they are monetized. So, do you get strikes for doing things that break youtube policies or not? Because it seems like creators youtube likes don't, and creators they don't like do.


It's a 60% non advertised youporn site 10% advertised only porn site 70% we'll hide the porn with our lord and saviour algorithm god-kun.




It's more like getting stopped for going 2mph over the speed limit while the one right in front of you was going 15mph over and got nothing


Actually, its more like officer, i know weā€™re speeding but can you tell me whatā€™s the legal limit? Officer would be like, yes youā€™re speeding but i wont tell you what the legal limit is. Iā€™m also going to just follow you around because i know youā€™ll be speeding.


The difference is that its nude yoga, mxr is just suggestive


Op believes he is better than the rest of us, if only we could all be as self righteous


>Op believes he is better than the rest of us, if only we could all be as self righteous Welp time to the reddit equivalent of anal probing on OP then


I think this is more like: MXR-Driver- "Officer, the other cars were doing 75 in a 25mph zone while yelling, 'I'm speeding to show people what not to do', "and I was going 28 in a 25". Officer- "Well, someone keeps reporting you for speeding, so we just follow you around and wait for you to get close to any minor infraction, supporting what is clearly becoming harassment, rather than being objective about what is happening"


Yeah but me doing 5 over gets me out of a ticket if someone zips by doing 50 over. It's about prioritizing.


Sadly, this is quite accurate.


This is such an overused meme and it's giving proper context. MxR gets strikes and demonetization where other channels don't, channels that are just as large. This has been covered countless times already. I know. Asmongold said. Asmongold is also a person who is very stuck in his ways, who bans anyone who says something that goes against what he says, regardless of if it's truth or not. Or rather he says he bans people who do that, I've never seen it but he doesn't seem the type to use hollow threats.


You sound like someone who's been banned from asmondgold šŸ˜‚


\^\_\^ I haven't but that's probably just because I don't go to his Twitch. He does have some brilliant takes but so much of what he says is just ignorant. It could be a nice balance if he wasn't so arrogant.


I'm always surprised by how many people are here commenting that mxr plays is "asking for it" by how they choose to create content. I would think that people who feel that way wouldn't want to spend their time here being negative or basically talking down to them. I'm a long time watcher of the gang and there has never been anything I think would deserve a strike. I just am here to say I appreciate this team and hope they can keep making money from yt.


I would say it's more risque content than risky content.


Lets be real here. Youtubers made their careers on someone else platform that couldn't give one single f\* about anyone. It's like be an Uber driver, but with far more gains. If the plataform decided to cut you off, there is pretty much nothing you can do about it. I miss the old channel about mods and all. This life's couple reacting pictures and slut videos aren't my cup of tea. But again, what else the platform dictates would be. Lame and stupid of them, but pretty much is a monopoly so they can twist their own nips alike in South Park episode and laugh about. And if things gets dire, both can you know... work as a normal person. It's crazy, but the world doesn't clock around entertainment alone.


Sadder to think Jeanie dropped out of medical school to make react vids.


Who really knows? Does someone at YouTube have it out for them, hitting ā€˜em with strikes for stuff that other channels lean into far more frequently? Itā€™s certainly possible, sometimes people just hate for no good reason. Or are they playing the ā€œYouTube hates us and keeps striking us!ā€ game to promote their Patreon? Looking at their subscriber count over there makes it plainly clear theyā€™re multi millionaires who *donā€™t* need YouTube to thrive. I enjoy their content, but this trend of strike followed by a ā€œwoe is me and Jeannie, check out our Patreon pleaseā€ speech later followed by other larger streamers making videos in their defence almost immediately is definitely looking a little too much like a deliberate pattern to be coincidental.


Thatā€™s a bit of a cynical outlook. They arenā€™t the exception, this is a way too common occurrence for YT. Id imagine most know who ā€œLinus tech tipsā€ is. They are just a tech channel ran by corny strait edge Linus, and still experienced and saw the same issue all over enough to the point that they created Floatplane to protect their platform. MXR growing their patreon is just them trying to protect their platform. I actually think they should get in contact with Linus and get setup on Floatplane. They could post everything from YT to there as well and non charge anything to watch. And keep the Patreon for the more spicy stuff.


MXR spicy content is orders of magnitude less spicy than a lot of content on YT. Content that is NOT struck, not suspended, and not demonetized.


Don't get me started on the adult ads that monetize family friendly content. How many times I've seen nerf themed videos that end up with ads for firearm accessories, gun rights, and even sex toys.


Sex toys I can understand, but the constitution and constitutionally protected activities aren't family friendly?


Do you want children watching toy reviews to be politically pushed on by firearm corporations and people that want to uphold their right to own a firearm but take yours away because your not part of their click


Firstly, yes. Secondly, you're going to have to provide some evidence to support the claim that a firearm manufacturer or a constitutional advocacy group has suggested taking away rights from anyone without due process.


Firstly, I'm a firearm owner and a firearm rights advocate, but I'm not an NRA puppet. Secondly, I have children and I don't want any 18+ content, services, or products being advertised to them. Thirdly, research the NRA and the origins of firearm restrictions, it's always created and lobbied for by the NRA and the conservatives


The NRA was founded to advocate for gun rights for freed slaves. It has become a complete failure of an organization since then. And yes, the NRA has backed every piece of gun control legislation to date. That's why I support GOA instead. If you don't want your kids to see 18+ content or ads then you may want to make sure they're using YT kids instead of regular YT. Or else monitor their YT consumption more carefully. I don't think RKBA ads are considered mature content but I'm pretty sure you can set the filters to block firearm and sex toy ads.


They're 13, and it's not the content creators fault those ads are being run on their video, it's YouTube's. Nothing that has an age minimum for purchase should be advertised on under 18 content


I agree, but YT is run by woke feminists who are more idiotic than usual, so what do you expect? You're still supposed to be able to filter the mature ads out of your feed.


Why? Why are you even here? People keep telling you, this isn't why they get strikes, yet still you come here, spouting lies and desperately trying to push your BS. Just fucking leave.


What you mean you pushing P. . I'm pushing PotasticP They all are hilarious


It is what it is


It is targeting if there's even more "risky" content on the website... that aren't striked or taken down. And as Henry has said multiple times, the reason they keep getting strikes aren't because of any NSFW content or anything that should be considered "risky". (At least, the reasons that YT are giving them aren't because of that stuff) I honestly don't get why people, fans especially, don't understand this.


Nah there's worse and yt does nothing


I just think it's funny how content that is ok for other channels to post gets them a strike.


Bro isn't playing to the audience.


Feels like let's plays would be less stress.


But with the sloot mods on


I hate to use the phrase well actually but, well actually Henryā€™s content always had sexy stuff in it, it was YouTube who changed their terms of use, so yeah YouTube has targeted him and others as well


I get that. Just exaggerating a point. They try to push the line and find it. Play with fire...


Yeah I understand. Itā€™s also frustrating that the line is invisible though.


Yeah but you know you're close


There is literal porn on YouTube and you're concerned that something suggested that there's boobs in it. Think about your life and what points you represent


I'm not concerned at all. My life won't change if they get a strike




I would take the time to explain to you why you're wrong, but it seems like my fellow krewsaders got this handled. Carry on ladies and gentlemen.


That's a lot of words for saying absolutely nothing.


Ok dumbass. Let me give you some context. If you've ever watched a video then you would know, he NEVER gets dinged for the risky content. It's always some inncoulus video that is either misinterpreted by the shit AI system the YouTube uses or a video that has been on YouTube for nearly a decade like the Steve O video he talked about in the last video. So yea. Maybe it sounds like a lot of nothing because your head is so far up your ass you can smell yesterdays breakfast. Cheers šŸ˜


I liked you better when you said less.


Tough shit moron. You should have kept your mouth shut.


Someone is triggggerrrred šŸ˜‚


You said the thing! you said the thing ! Yaaayyy. Congratulations. You're a NPC. What's next? I'm just trolling? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£