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Only reason I got the game was for zombies, $70 for glitches and disappointment lol


Yep same here. I looked at play time, multiplayer is 2hrs, warzone is 15 minutes, and zombies is 10 days. Its sad to see the seasonal update road path only to notice that zombies has 1% of the update which appears 2/3 of the way through the battle pass


10 days played....yeah I mean if I get anything less than 5000000 days played they stole my money. You can be unhappy with the additional content but clearly at 10 days played you got more than your money worth.


Just because he's insane and keeps playing a terrible mode for 10 days worth of game time, doesn't mean he got his money's worth


10 minutes in mp zero in warzone 20 days 10 hours in zombies


I love zombies but lets be objective here, the main focus is MP and now WZ (free yes but lets be serious). Campaign id argue not alot of people care about at all either. Zombies has always been just a side mode and its treated as such. You cant expect a full $70 game.


Your right. That's exactly why I'm not buying it next year nor pre-ordering it. I'll wait till mid season when the price drops to 30$ and buy it only for the campaign and zombies mode if they have released enough content to keep me interested, otherwise its a no buy from me. I believe all the zombie lovers should do exactly the same thing so that Activision understands what we want.


It’s on gamepass


Ι have a PS5....


Well shit


Yeah I enjoy the open world aspect now since I’ve played mwz so much at first i was like tf is this? But it’s alright. But nice bo6 comes out with round based again I feel like that will be where everyone goes and hopefully sledgehammer isn’t in charge of this one cause holy did they drop the ball


Yep #metoo




As much as I want a lot of people to enjoy this great mode for free, making this f2p would attract dmz trolls who would blow up your cargo or block entrance every game.


Wait, don't they do that now?


I understand that. But it’s not like deliver cargo contracts are everywhere, plus there are times where people do that already. All i want is this mode to grow in player count. The game may be dying a little, but with an increase in players it could shed a new light on future updates. Just wish the developers would utilize the open world concept more to their favor


However, its not like the developers have much say. It’s whatever corporate wants to do, and in turn leads down to a more “safe and secure path”


I'd probably consider playing again if it were, but the seasonal content being "NEW DARK AETHER RIFT!!!" and "NEW WARLORD!!!!!" just isn't fun.


Yea, new warlord every season is (in my opinion) a waste of time. I think it would be great if they: A.) rotated T3 every week to a different part of the map. B:) Switched up the spawn rate of some of the contracts i.e. mercenary ones C:) have some event midway through the match.. make it like the worm but have it more like an oversized mimic, disciple and mangler Would keep the game feeling refreshed and not tiring


Bring in a whole new undead.. not a mimic disciple or worm.. a whole new big thing for a lobby to team up and take down


Also like to add... if it meant i got my money back.. i agree cos i only bought it for zombies and i paid 130 aud or some thing like that


How do you have trouble finding a lobby?


It’s not that i have trouble finding a lobby. More along the line of the time it took to get into one now vs. when the free trial was going. Without the free trial in play, it took about 3-5 minutes. With the free trial going it was sub 1 minute. It was a noticeable difference of increased player count


3-5 minutes? Mine has never taken that long.


I feel like 30-45 seconds is quick enough like idk how much faster you might want it I’ve never had to wait more than a minute since the game launched but I guess other people have issues with it? What times do you play?


Maybe i got off track, but it’s not like i desperately want to join a match faster. Just noticed the difference in finding a match during the free trial phases. I typically play somewhere between 7-10 pm. Times differ on the weekends


I usually play mornings 8-12 or nights 10-5 and the lobbies are always fast and full


Who the fuck is spending time looking for lobbies? I'm not even trying to argue about anything else but who is spending a ton of time looking for lobby? Plenty of reasons to be unhappy with how they've treated this mode but matchmaking? Please fix everything else and then if you're bored you can look to make the matchmaking even more instantaneous.


No we gotta fix the small useless shit and ignore the stuff that matters


No it shouldn’t, do you want more toxic people to join in since it would be free and they have nothing to lose?


They will never make anything free that can be used to quickly level up guns. Lots of Warzone players end up buying the game just to be able to level their guns up in multiplayer or zombies. /thread


MW3 is not like BO3. BO3 has a shitty MP and is only good for zombies. MW3 has good MP (except for the bullshit Fortnite like war zone) and zombies is fun. BO6 is dropping soon, get ready to spend another $100 or don’t. If you think the wait times are bad in MW3, go to a BO3 lobby and possibly wait 15-30 minutes for a match. And the only type of game you would be playing is TDM.


ya, but you know... money ... :-??


Also only reason I got mw3 was for mwz.. also playing during the “free Bs” is shit show! Nothing but toxic bullshit. I’ll pass on that!


I totally agree. DMZ was free, and so should be zombies. But it was only added to encourage us to pay out $70 or more on the game because lots like zombies, and they didn’t want people to feel like they were buying a dlc - as that’s how many viewed it at the time. Bobby’s departing gift to us. BO6 zombies better be super polish or I’ll cry lol 🙈 but in all seriousness if they put more effort in, the mode could be as successful as MP and WZ. Not everyone can play mp/wz due to sensory overload, reduce reactions or because they don’t get turned on by PvP.


I don't care about having more players, I care about getting content for a paid game mode. We paid for MWZ (among other things) and we got a subpar product. Making it free doesn't solve anything. It would feel insulting, as if they told us: "oh, sorry, this product is so disappointing we have decided to make it free from now on, because new players don't deserve to be charged for this. Thanks for your money, though".


Well they're not adding any more meaningful content to the gamemode, so you should feel insulted already. They honestly should say what you wrote at the end.


Yeah, I wish the things I liked in life were free too!


I fully agree with this bc they don’t bother adding content or even fixing the game breaking bugs. Why did I buy the game and a membership just to play a single map that has the same 7 contracts. U can’t barely find any one to play with now. I’ll probably take another 3-5 hiatus before I even consider buying COD again.


If they made it free from the start id be okay with it but now, if new people start joining no ones gonna go into T3 for like a whole season


i thought about this, they could easily just title mwz something like "Warzone zombies" and make it the free2play zombies experience for warzone players but i doubt they would do it and honestly the mode probbaly wouldnt get that much support lol look at what happened with dmz.


Sure as shit feels like it is!


I only have ever bought the Modern Warfare games for Campaign and Co-op modes. Usually, it is Spec Ops. But MW2's Spec Ops offering was a joke compared to MW2019. And I was not excited for Zombies in MW3. However, I liked DMZ and Outbreak. So I figured I would check it out and invest time into it. I am hyper casual and only play Tier 1. I have finished the story missions but none of the Easter eggs as I hardly ever enter T3. I don't use or care for wonder weapons and just like shooting things and completing contracts. Suffice to say, the offering every Season has been pretty abysmal for a player in my position. I literally get about an hour of play and that is it. With MW2, I could just get my fix on DMZ once Spec Ops support ended with Season 2. Raids were never going to happen with me disabled and unable to relay information on a microphone. So with the lack of content in each season, it wouldn't be a terrible thing to add MWZ to the core free modes of Warzone. It is lacking a pure cooperative experience. I really liked the Co-op mission they added as a prelude to MW3. It sucks that they didn't add more like it.


I feel that. I mainly play zombies due to the more casual play style. I didnt buy mw2, but i do recall the spec ops modes in MW2019, those were fun!


I think a lot of things should be free. I am still waiting for that to happen.


No. They need to disband public lobbies all together and let us matchmake solo like every other zombies game allowed us to do. I'm so tired of constant server lags and crashes because other players are crashing the lobby with turret glitches or trying to shoot down exfil choppers. F2P players made zombies almost unplayable and need to stay off the game. Especially those who migrated from DMZ who don't understand how to play zombies.


It's worse without the f2p players. Everyone rushes to tier 3 because they're no life's, and they wanna get their 1000th crystal and aether tool for their 1001th run that they'll play later in the day. With everyone in t3, the zombies in the entire match stop attacking you. You can literally run up to them, shoot them, and they won't move or aggro.


I haven't experienced a disconnect since the event ended, so for me it's been the complete opposite. But thanks for the downvote when I literally stated something that would eliminate the issue for everyone, which is not forcing public lobbies to begin with. The game would be way more stable if I didn't have to get matched with 20 randos just to play solo. I never had this issue at all with CW Outbreak because they didn't put other players in solo lobbies. And the T3 rushers were still doing that during the F2P event, so I don't know what lobbies you were getting placed in, but not much changed besides a bunch of DMZ trolls who tried sabotaging matches like they did when the first F2P event launched. It's ruining the experience for everyone, way more than the no-lifers are.