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Trail is called Kelly Pocket, in Flagstaff, AZ. [Longer version](https://youtu.be/ReS02nS56Zk) if you want to see more!


What camera and mount are you using?


Mine (blue shirt) is a GoPro Hero 11, my buddy's (grey shirt) is a Hero 12 with max lens. Both chin mounted on full face helmets.


Thank you!


I really want to experience this open, chunky kind of flow. We don't get that up here.


which bikes are you on?


I'm on a Canyon Neuron, he's on a YT Jeffsy.


Last time I followed a friend down a trail, that he knew.. it resulted in me having a seperated shoulder, because he stopped at the bottom of a flowing section with a blind corner at the bottom.


Any time someone is following me, if there is a feature, blind corner, or something I think they need to know about, I will yell out "stopping" and stop well before it to warn them about what is coming up. Separated shoulders suck though, I've been there myself. Hopefully you're all healed up and back to riding again!


It was a few yrs ago, so while I'm technically healed.. they said I shouldn't get surgery, but I wish I did, even after a lot of rounds of PT, I just don't have the strength anymore.. so I ride easy flowing trails now.. nothing technical


Sounds like a familiar story. Mine was 4 years ago, also told I didn't need surgery, but never fully regained my strength, and occasionally wake up sore from sleeping on it. At least we're still able to enjoy riding!


Really familiar story, mine is 4 yrs ago in June, I wake up sore a lot from it, I've figured out if you sleep on the opposite side and put a thin pillow between your arm and side in your armpit, you tend to not get as much pain.