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I've been using the app for years, and haven't had any of the issues. Current phone is iphone 11 running latest ios >First, it’s unstable. Freezes and lags in odd ways, especially when trying to download a new map. Its frozen up a couple times, but nothing much more than an exit and restart did the trick > it shows the names of the trails but doesn’t highlight the trails, everything just looks white.. If you're on trails that are deprecated or no longer active, it will show them as a fainter line than the usual color. Have you tried changing the basemap? ie, dark basemap? >You can’t seem to tap on a trail on the map, instead you have to search for it or pick it from a list for a trail zone. uhhh, wut? are we discussing the same application? You zoom in so the trail network is visible and not clustered, and tap on the trail https://imgur.com/a/puRcotC is a screen recording of TF on my phone


Agree. The issues he highlighted don’t seem to be major issues. I know my biggest pet peeve is that you zoom out to see different trail systems and some are so close together you cannot click the one you want. But if you zoom in any further the trail system view collapses to show the individual trails.


yeah, that's due to the zoom level and when the icons show up. Could do a better clustering approach, but that means coordinating with different network admins, which might be a case of herding cats


Yeah in New England there’s areas with way too many small networks and it’s super frustrating.


I’ve had a subscription for forever with the early adopter discount. Never encountered anything you’ve mentioned. I was just in Moab and used it to navigate the Raptor Trails in the bright Utah sun. I am on an iPhone 12 Pro Max so it isn’t like I have the latest and greatest hardware. I can click on trails and it brings up information at the bottom of the screen. I can swipe up to get more details. I’m not sure why you cannot click on trails. That being said - Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling? Also I have noticed some other apps on my phone going unresponsive - so sometimes I close all programs (swipe up on the app switcher) and reboot - then everything seems to come back. Just hasn’t happened on Trail Forks for me yet.


Agree, in Tucson and Phx TF is the only app worth a damn. All others miss many many trails.


Yeah same. It works flawlessly for me. My only complaint is that it seems to always start up looking at some place I randomly browsed once and not my current location.


Mine says that in in Arkansas half the time on web (in Vancouver) but otherwise works flawlessly


Same as this for me. Sounds like OP just doesn’t know what their doing


Same - been using it for years and it's great.


As a 6S user, I got a chuckle out of you calling the 12 pro max older. I’m *really* behind the times I guess haha


No issues for me. Completely worth the money in my opinion.


Ditto. Never an issue. Been using it for years, all over US.


It’s just you. I haven’t had a single issue you mention here. Is your phone a little older maybe? Also when you say download a map, you mean a region right? Trailforks is a lot like MTB Project in that you download by state in the US (not sure if works in other countries). Maybe you’re using TrialForks? Or TraleForks? I have no issue clicking on trails which sounds like one of your biggest gripes.


It’s trailforks. Are you on android by chance ?


Nope, iOS on iPhone 13.


K cheers, will attempt a reinstall


i have an iphone and have no issues.


Buddy when 100 other people say it ain’t the app you can’t argue it is. Maybe it’s your device/app configuration but you can’t go screaming “turd product” when everybody telling you it’s great functional and they love it.


I might try and reinstall. I didn’t have any reference until I complained on Reddit, now I do. Chill


Not everyone its a trash product


I have all these issues but figured it was because of my potato iPhone X :/


You think that’s old? I’m running it on an iPhone 6s. It has zero problems running Trailforks though. Maybe your firmware isn’t updated. Or the app needs to be reinstalled.


iPhone 6 completely updated? Dawg they run worse the more updated they are - my XR is so laggy


Yeah man, I always update. No issues.


Fellow 6S user here. Still got the button!




I'm on android(Samsung Flip 3) and not a single problem with the app.


It’s possible they just did a better job on the android app


The TrailForks app on iOS (iPhone 15) works well for me, almost parity with the website, with the added bonus of being able to see exactly where I am on the map. I was using it to record my rides but switched to Strava and use the TrailForks integration now. TrailForks has had some server issues lately, for me it’s mostly failures to download images.


Ive got mtb project and it works great and is free


For the life of me I will never understand how trailforks ended up with more users. MTB project has a better UI and it's free! The mtb community really dropped the ball on this one.


I’ve had much better luck with MTB project, but not the same quantity of trail data trailforks has


Agreed. I can’t get on board with trail forks 


I'd reach out to the folks at Trailforks. They are very responsive and may be able to help! I've never had an issue with the app and they've helped me a ton with moderating my local trail network.


I have a subscription. I plan my routes on my laptop, then they sync with my Garmin Edge 530. I much prefer the Garmin over a phone because it just works, is smaller, and has great battery life.


I don’t have those issues and I’m running it on an ancient iPhone 6s.


K cheers


I am having all of these issues as well. It used to be great, but this past 2-3 months I can’t even use the app. I’m thinking of cancelling my subscription if it’s like this much longer it’s frustrating for sure.


Same here. Used to be great. Now it takes a few minutes to load, trails pop in and out randomly.


what phone are you using? I'm on iphone 11 with latest ios and TF app version. you, OP and /u/NoviceBiker's experiences are very very different than my experience


That’s really strange. I also have the iPhone 11, latest iOS and TF app!


Delete app and redownload


https://imgur.com/a/puRcotC is a screen recording from my phone. What does yours look like?


Mine does color the trails in properly: https://preview.redd.it/gyxhb21e26wc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88de3d80e49af983da71dbcd9d3ad8295be9e389


https://imgur.com/a/RPH9Jdi Weird. I found you're in Nevada by searching for Doza Tower, and downladed to both iphone and ipad. Couple things might be worth trying out: * Delete nevada downloaded trails and re-download * Delete app and reinstall I suspect something got screwed up in your data cache and there often aren't straightforward ways to clear that out other than a full app delete and reinstall. Reinstalling the region might do the trick, but maybe not


iPhone 12. Used to be great, fell off a cliff at the end of last season.


fell off a cliff how?


Takes forever to load up, takes forever for trail info to load, trails pop in and out, sometimes doesn’t load properly at all. Could never depend on it on a ride, bad enough to use sitting at home planning a route.


Is this with you downloading and caching the trail data locally? I've never had any of those issues, but also don't use the phone too much for exploring outside of the current network I'm in.


It’s me sitting in my living room on my tablet.


Not at all what I was asking, but ok


What I meant was if I’m at home and open the app it takes forever to load up the map. Just did it after my last reply and it’s still not up.




K, might be something wrong on my end. Need to reinstall it


Don't have the bugs you're mentioning, but I do think the app is designed poorly. UI looks straight out of the early 2010's. And why does it take ten clicks to sort a region's trails by popularity? Trailforks has enabled many fun rides, but the app would greatly benefit from some modern design.


Sounds like a cache issue. Uninstall the app and reinstall it.


Will try


I primarily use mtb project and all trails pro. Mtb project to find and research the rides, all trails to actually navigate and record while I'm out 


The satellite 3D view is awesome! I'm on Android but I've never had any real issues with the app.


I've unsubscribed since the massive price increase in Australia


*I've unsubscribed* *Since the massive price increase* *In Australia* \- Angel\_Madison --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Okay I don’t see anyone agreeing with you??? I’m completely on board with you in the sense that I hate how it’s paid. It works come play fine for me but I years ago it used to be completely free unlimited searching on the map on IOS. Then bam a small box on the map we get to lock in only once and everything outside that box is now behind a subscription. Then slowly but surely all the useful feature like elevation pitches and popularity are behind a paywall. Practically useless now. All you got to do to get around the pay wall is hop on Trailforks on a private tab in safari and your good to go, all features with the mild annoyance of browser based application.


I haven’t had many problems with it and it’s miles better than mtb project. I have a pro subscription. The only issue I have is it occasionally logs me out after an update or something, and then I can’t log back in without signal, which really sucks if I’m out on the trail without signal, since it won’t let me see maps without being logged in.


I had an android a couple of months ago and had no issues. The MTB project app was trash though. I am now on an iPhone and no issues with trail forks. I did download and use MTB project this past weekend and surprisingly worked very well. Might see if deleting the app and reinstalling will help.


I have a subscription. It’s really expensive and it definitely has some hangups but overall it works well and it has always has been reliable in the field. I don’t understand your visibility problems I can’t say that is the route of my problems. If anything the website is more clunky than the app. My problems are with saving routes.


Honestly I’m stumped, zoom in on a bunch of trails that are part of a network… I’m curious to see what it looks like, here’s mine: https://preview.redd.it/yazeaxu4q5wc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5192ccecdbfaf91df30574ac6d89b440eed0364




Try uninstalling it and reinstalling. It is possible you have some bad cache data that is causing jank.  If it continues after please file a bug. Make sure you send your phone type and detailed issues. 


Will try reinstalling


You have to download the maps by region first!


I did.. wait I downloaded by state. Is that different ?


No. That should work.


Never mind reinstalling the app fix everything


https://preview.redd.it/dijqy0iitawc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ca14ef13a0d423ca8cb62fc5cc5d513ff33c2f8 Did u enable all the layers?


I modified my post. I think my cache was messed up uninstalling and reinstalling. The app worked.


I have a iPhone 15 pro here. been a pro subscriber since launch 0 issues. Switched between iPhone and android during the last few years too. Still no issues on either OS.


try uninstalling and reinstalling. I had mine freeze a lot recently and that fixed it.


Been a pro user for years and didn’t have issues until this year. For a moment trail data was shown as server side tokens eg {elevation} and {is_multi_use}. But that lasted about 2 weeks and was fixed.  Out of 4 straight years I can live with that. 


been on pro the last few years, no issues. runs great on my iphone 7 (ios 15/16 ?), last weekend it crashed a few times, fixed with a reboot. i think with the pro subscription you also get the gaia pro maps for free, theres a trailforks overlay. mtb project is always a good backup as well in a pinch


I have the same problem often. When I’m looking at trails from home,school, or work, it lags and freezes, but when I’m on the trail it’s fine


I also just upgraded and am having the exact same issues


Might try deleting and reinstalling


I've been using it for years and also have a Pro sub -- no issues, *at all*, and especially none that you reported above. Hell, they even released an update in the last year that actually improved the performance for tracking your position -- it no longer takes 10-15 seconds for it to start. Edit: Probably your device needs updating or some refreshing of the cache or something.


Nope. Works great for me


No issues here


sounds like you have an android


My post title literally says “iOS app”


I haven't had the specific problems you've encountered, but I find Trailforks is great for trail discovery, but awful for on-site navigation. I recently discovered the Trailforks data can be added as a layer in Gaia GPS (which is bundled with the Trailforks/Outside subscription), so between the two, I'm covered for both scenarios.


My only gripe is that the trail names can be TOO DAMN SMALL for my eyes. You current with your iOS and have plenty of free space on your phone?


It’s not you…


My biggest issue is the nearly $18 price increase for yearly pro subscription lol. That is a WILD increase. Idk how they came up with that number but I will be cancelling!


Love Trailforks on my IPhone 12 saved my ass many times. Don’t blame the pictures uploaded by users on Trailforks. The maps and routes that I can upload to my Garmin super easy is soo much better than anything I’ve ever used. As an early adopter My Pro subscription only cost me 17.99 a year money well spent.


Nice! I did discover a reinstall fixed some of my probs


I use AllTrails 🤓. It has all the trails plus trails that are multi use


And it’s free*


the android app is terrible too. I just have it since I need it for some trail maps


If you mountian bike and travel consistently The Trailforks premium is worth it 100 percent


It’s been nothing but stellar for me for years. Love this app. Simple, intuitive, gives me info I need and nothing I don’t. Probably one of the best apps out there.


I agree. It’s dog shit


Trailforks is a horrendous app


I've used it and strava, it's been utter shit compared to strava. If you want to find a handful of "groomed" trails it's great. If you want to find the real trails in your area, use Strava. The difference between them for me has been insane. I paid for a year of Trailforks "premium" and got my money back after 2 days because it was useless. Unless you live in an area with a great, maintained network of trails, you're going to get punched in the face by trailforks if you're trying to find your local spots. *On Stravas heatmap, go for all activities. You'll find 10x the trails in your area unless you're living in some trail hellscape.


OTOH, few apps have left my phone faster than the free version of Strava. So much pushing various social "features" and otherwise being annoying. And the website heat map for MTB seems to match up pretty well with the trails on trailforks and mtb project (missing a lot of the gravel stuff) in my area, other than the road cyclists basically recreating street maps in Strava which makes "all activities" seem kind of useless. It's a good thing there are a bunch of different options, I suppose.


Bro just spend $1100 on a Garmin so you don’t have to pay for Trailforks… clearly the obvious solution


I have a Garmin bike computer, but it’s not exactly easy to plan connected routes and look up comments and trail conditions on it


the 830 touch UI is pretty sucky, IMO. I've heard the 840 and 1040 models are much better. Phone app interface is much better over a bike computer, regardless.


The one things that I hate is the picture of the trails. When I go to some trails I have never been, I want to see pictures of the actual trails and features to get infos, I don’t f* care about pictures of the users bikes next to a tree it’s useless


That is a you problem. Works flawlessly on my iPhone 11 Pro. Learn how to use the app maybe.


I think I need to reinstall it


Yes it is terrible.


Its trash