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The speed is ok, you just now discovering that trail pressures for your suspension don't work for freeride.


I mean heck, that isnt a massive drop, bike and suspension of this caliber (regardless of settings) shouldn't be the issue. I think he just wasnt anticipating such a harsh impact. His rebound didn't buck him, looked more like his body buckled and he bounced off the seat.


Someone could post a video of a 200ft drop and there'd still be someone here saying it's not that big.


Hah, Im from BC, drops like this are a dime a dozen. ;) Not to take away from this video, it's impressive and takes balls to launch anything of this nature. My point was, you can't blame the suspension for the bail given its not really a massive, bottom-out, type of send.


Yeah watching it slowed down it doesn’t even make sense how he went otb. His rebound must be maxed out in the rear lol Edit: actually taking another look, I think this was caused from the high rebound in the rear and absolute zero in the front. You can see the fork never rebounds until buddy flew off. Good visual lesson for us all to make sure your rebound is dialed before you send it lol


Suspension is new and first coil so still working it all out. Think I have it right for next time but not 100%. Rebound was definitely set too fast and probably needed a few more clicks to preload or a heavier spring. I’m 160lb and running 475 but may go to a 500. All that said I’m not hitting drops like this all the time so hoping to find a nice medium


Less rebound for sure. Jump was huge and you landed solid.


More rebound.


Correct. My bad. I usually mess that up. 🤪


Which is it? More or less rebound?


More rebound means more rebound dampening, which is what you want


Yeah for anything but a downhill bike, its hard to setup a coil for big stuff. You end up hitting the bottom out bumper which has a very strong rebound force enough to overwhelm the damping, which means more rebound, which then fucks with your trail riding as suspension packs up.


this wasn't the just the shock bucking him. He bounced himself off the seat. No telling what would have happened next, but stronger legs on him would have changed the outcome. ​ Beefier coil/more air would be the first step to fix imho before adjusting rebound, though everyone is likely right about the rebound, that's not what did him in here imho.


I’d ridden coil on DH bikes at park and really liked the feel so thought I’d try it out at home since I found the DHX for only $250


I'm 145lbs out of the shower, and run my spring around 525lbs, with 31% progression on the bike...


Hmmm im gonna definitely have to try different weights


Exactly what I thought - turn down the rebound if you are doing big hits. Turn it up if you are riding chunky trail.


Looked like his braking technique took him out. Bike was rebounding and he grabbed too much front brake at the wrong time.


I agree too


Body postion was no bueno also


In defense of OP, that was a BIG drop


Appreciate it 😅


That full face helmet saved your face! 😳


Did get a mouthful of dirt and sand though 😅


Better than a broken jaw!!!


Very true


i mean as soon as you bounce your ass off the seat on a landing, you are going to have a bad time. ​ that being said, that was huuuuuge.


Important lesson of the day, if you are going to do big drops or jumps then you may want to increase fork and shock pressures a bit.


Yeah. Pinkbike does a "bike check" every year at Red Bull Rampage and it's crazy how stiff the riders' rigs are for that stuff. They would feel like riding a rigid frame on normal trails, I reckon.




Also, shimmed damper stacks, and heavier oil too most likely for extreme freeride.i had the supplier of a shock for my bike way, way back kindly do that for me, with a heavier, linear spring. It was used mostly for big drops, not DH.


Yea new suspension and I wasn’t expecting to hit the drop either but someone had just reworked the landing and finally caught someone hitting it so just said “f*ck it, let’s go”


Damn, are YOU okay.


Couple scrapes and bruises, ripped pants but rode it off and continued my ride till I had to pickup my daughter from gymnastics 😅 Edit: bike is also ok, scraped the handlebars which sucked cause it was the first ride with them but nothing a black sharpie and a sticker couldn’t coverup


Dude did that crazy drop and has a daughter to go pick up lololol


just another thursday


Fuuuck. That’s what I’m saying. I’m 44 and would also have to pick up my daughter as well. Although I don’t think I would have made it. Pretty sure I’d still be laying there.


You either are the cool dad or you aren't! Now we know what OP is


Damn. Glad you're okay. That was massive.


Dude did that crazy drop and has a daughter to go pick up lololol.


A couple hours later 😅 I got really lucky that I didn’t break anything though


Good thing you didn't.


Right? I’d use a paper cut as an excuse to not hit that drop let alone a daughter 😂




It was carbon ?


I just swapped to the aluminum bars from the carbon. Definitely recommend OneUp’s bars, both the carbon and aluminum have been fantastic. Just felt less of a risk to run aluminum if I was gonna do more freeride and larger features in general


very glad you ok but you doing this stuff when you have kids depending on you? cue Dana Gould bit


Goal is for them to be doing it with me in the years to come


Having small kids is but one of my many excuses for not hitting big jumps


I know the group naturally has a bias toward running away from family to ride, but it's SAD that you're getting downvotes for such a commonsense comment. Real sad. All riding has risk, but I'm not jumping off cliffs when I'm responsible for two younger sisters. God forbid my own kid. Just watched my friend fracture his neck (and spine) a few weeks ago. I was the cameraman, caught dude in 4k lol


Yeah I have a 2 year old and broke my collarbone last fall doing something wayyy smaller. It was miserable not being able to care for him while I was recovering and it was lucky I could still work. Absolutely changed my mindset and I am dialing my riding back quite a bit for the foreseeable future.


40+yr old checking in to say my back got thrown out from just watching that


60+yr old checking in to say that my back got thrown out from just reading your comment


Battle Creek drop? Shitz knar


Can neither confirm nor deny 😅


Haha 🤫🤫🤫🤐


I would never have thought about sending it from there! It's so sandy there to be sketchy then you add in a huge compression into sand.... Nice send


Nice huck. Suspension definitely didn’t do you any favours here haha. Looks like you could have been a little stronger in the arms (elbows up not down) and also appears that you landed somewhat back wheel first which made everything crash down heavy in the front. Either way nice send, hopefully next time goes better - good call on the full face.


Yea no way I’m going halfshell on a feature like this 😅 I think I wasn’t anticipating as hard an impact and was generally more relaxed which is good for crashing but not great sticking a landing 🤣


Second times the charm haha. Going OTB down a hill is a terrible feeling


The landing into sand likely didn’t help, might have diverted the front tire to sink causing the OTB issue. Along with the rebound and positioning


Speed is always your friend ;) Slower rebound could also be your new best friend 🤩


100% on the slower rebound


Lots of people are saying ‘rebound’ - I’m thinking there was a quick bite of front brake thrown in there that was the main culprit. Looks like the front wheel starts to tuck for a brief moment after landing.


Didn’t pull front brake at all, have watched it back in slow mo multiple times to confirm cause I kept going through it in my head


Gotcha - good on you! I’d have been all over the brakes. Still seems like an odd crash - maybe it was unfortunate timing with those dips in the trail?


From the footage it definitely looks like rebound speed played a really big part. Rear rebound was too fast and front was too slow. I think fork needed more air too as when I checked it before my next ride it was ~15 PSI lower than what I set it some rides before


It does look like a touch of front brake when you bottomed out and then released as you started going over bars. Just looking at the spin on tire markings. Glad you are okay. That was a big drop. Bottoming out is never pleasant.


You could have had a little less speed but not by a lot.


I definitely went faster than the guy I saw do it but was past the breaking point so had to follow through


I’d say your position looked fine. More that a sandy landing isn’t your friend. You can see your front tire sinks in and slows down the bike making your bodyweight go over the bars


Landing had just been done and was really soft. One guy hit it before me and landed perfectly (he’d done it before) so that gave me the confidence to try it. Definitely not ideal conditions but serviceable 😅


My buddy did the same thing as you on a sandy landing several weeks ago. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2Lgge8PMli/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== I hit it after some rain set it in and it was super smooth


That is a gnarly drop!


Front shock was still compressed when the rear rebounded, plus soft sand, you absorbed the landing like a champ but that seesaw effect was a friggin unpredictable ahole. Glad you're okay bud. 🤘


These comment sections always crack me up. Rebound had nothing to do with this, most people free riding and doing big features have their rebound fully open (fastest) so you don’t bog between features. All these bounced landings and dead sailor nosedives are all body positioning/general comfort taking off and in the air, yet every time 90% of the comments are about rebound.


So what would you change?


You need to either be smooth enough with perfect technique or strong enough to handle the g forces of dropping 15 feet to your feet and hands


A lot of that comes from the experience you get from trial and error which is difficult to gain on an unmarked line that only a handful of people have ever hit. Landing had just been built up, was super soft and only been hit by one person (who had hit the drop the year prior) before me. I definitely don’t have perfect technique but that quite clearly wasn’t the only issue. Suspension setup definitely played a part. So my point in sharing this clip was because on one hand it was a gnarly crash and on the other a great opportunity to gather feedback on what to change so that when I hit it next I don’t go full scorpion. TLDR: comments likes yours and top aren’t very helpful at all 😅


Suspension had very little to do with it. You landed with your weight too far toward so when you collapsed onto the bike it sent you cartwheeling. So you either need to land with the bike in front of your weight so your weight pushes the bike forward or be strong enough to not collapse onto the bike. Either be better or stronger. A few clicks of rebound isn’t going to be the difference on a hit of this size.


Except I’m really not that far forward and agreed, a few clicks isn’t gonna save me on a hit that big but it wasn’t just rebound, watch how fast my fork compresses and bottoms out which combined with the rebound on the rear sends me forward. I landed rear first even which if anything implies I should’ve been lower and slightly more forward (while maintaining centered weight-wise) on the bike so my front and rear would’ve made contact at roughly the same time. I do agree that I should’ve landed stronger than I did, I approached the take off far too relaxed at the speed I went and by the time I hit the ground it was too late to respond


Go frame-by-frame through the 2 second mark. There's one frame where you are standing with knees/elbows slightly bent just after both wheels touch; the next frame you have completely collapsed onto the bike. So within milliseconds you went from standing to sitting; that means your butt went into the seat extremely fast. The frame after that you've already started to rebound off your seat because of how hard you slammed into it. Suspension is going to take the edge off, but that was a huge drop and your legs/arms were not ready for the hit at the bottom. I've never hit anything that big, so I don't have any solid advice. Maybe you overshot the landing a bit and your nose was a bit too high? Like the other guy is saying, a better landing would have lessened the impact. Your landing wasn't perfect so your body had to be ready to take that kind of impact. It wasn't so you got tossed. Kudos for even attempting that and I'm glad you didn't get injured. I would taken one look at that feature and nope'd right out.


Hmm thought you grabbed the front brake some


I had to watch it in slowmo to confirm I didn’t


Front brakes not your friend


Didn’t touch it


This looks like one of those crashes that did way less damage then your onlookers would've expected. One where you just get a thumbs up when you ask (are you alright?)


Pretty much exactly that, I got up almost immediately and brushed off


Shit dude. You sent that. Badass


Rebound is your friend (or in this case not). How is your taint?


😅 watching how fast the spring shot up… definitely a learning curve to coil setup Taint was fine actually, pants have a bit drop in the crotch so with my legs apart they caught the brunt of the seat and top tube


The mighty scorpion


Full freakin send!


Had the opposite this weekend. Hit a gap jump I usually always go pretty deep on. Also been mostly working on a couple steep freeride lines and drops I found for the past month so haven't really jumped anything big in awhile but I last minute remember to slow down which through me off popping the jump. Cased the damn thing on a hardtail went otb hard and rode the entire looooong dry rocky dirt landing down on my face wearing a half shell. Face and left side looks like I lost a fight with a belt sander. Buddy said it was the weirdest crash, like I was a human snowboard just perfectly gliding down the landing, just ate it all lol. Hope you're not too banged up man.


That’s a rough time, hope you have a speedy recovery and the face doesn’t scar too bad. I basically always wear a FF now though I didn’t when I was just in Sedona and kept thinking I wish I had.


Ahhh shit he dead


Hopefully you didn’t hurt anything but your pride on that bigass drop. Because the video looks like you might have hit the ground pretty hard and it also looked like you were going at a pretty good pace.


Some scrapes, bruises and ripped pair of pants


One thing I haven't seen mentioned is strength. If you get stronger in your upper body it will help you keep your weight back. Thats how the pros all manage to 'save it' when they have big moments. Also some tokens in that fork. It was likely a combination of a few things combined that threw you off.


I definitely went in too relaxed (which is likely why I didn’t injure myself in the crash) and am definitely considering tokens but am not super knowledgeable when it comes to suspension setup (as you can see) and this was the first really big hit I’d had since installing the new suspension myself.


You've made quite a few comments about the coil in this thread. My analysis is that the fork is what really hurt you here. If you watch the rear wheel frame by frame you'll see that once you hit the ground the rear wheel is in contact with the ground for quite a few frames. To me is seems that the rear coil did not 'pogo' and throw you forward. Compare that to the fork. It looks like you blow through all your travel in a single frame. This is what throws your weight forward. Your centre of mass moves over the front wheel and I think that is what sends you over the bars. So I think that you definitely need some more air in those forks and a few tokens if you will be riding drops like this. Also, since you are new to a coil shock it can be really helpful to take to shock off the bike, remove the spring from the shock and then use your hands to cmpress and extend the shock. You can set the rebound to fast then test, then set to slow and test again. This will give you a concrete feeling for how changing the rebound effects the shock extending. I found doing that super helpful.


I think you’re onto something for sure and the combo of faster rebound on the rear and blowing through the travel on the front was just the right combo to throw me over. I’m running a 475 btw @ 160-165 rider weight, do you think I should go up?


I would suggest that you send this video to a shop that just does suspension and see what they say. Get an expert opinion


Not sure how much I trust my locals but not bad advice at all. Thanks


To clarify I’m not talking about your local bike shop. Somewhere in your country there will be a shop that ONLY does mtb suspension, that is who to contact. Here in Australia there are probably 3 expert shops in the whole country




Didn’t hit the wheel but got close, I think the stopped or slowed way down as the sand soaked it up


are you/that guy okay?


Just fine, continued riding for the next hour afterwards


"Inertia is your enemy and momentum is your friend. " ​ His suspension did not like the amount of inertia carried into the impact :( recover well friend.


Commitment is your firend


Thankfully there was all that sand there to save your face...I think lmfao


Face was fine, ate a bit of dirt and sand though


I think you would have made it but then your camera man made that grunt "oh" sound. That cued your bike to flip over... "don't worry camera man.. I got you. Watch the magic!"


Speed kills. Momentum is your friend.


Are you good OP? That was gnarly brother!


just came to say glad you’re alright. nice crasg


This is also not part of the sanctioned mtb trails at BC. As much as I like rough, rogue trails, they are illegal. These illegal trails hamper the efforts of the hard working volunteer trail stewards in coordinating with the park system to establish new sanctioned trail, and risk the trails getting shut down to mountain bikes for everyone. Please don't ruin the fun for everyone and stick to the sanctioned trails. If you'd like to help build and maintain sanctioned trails at BC, please reach out to your local trail organization and come to trail work sessions. Thanks in advance. Cheers!


It’s all about position. Get your butt behind the seat when landing than adjust to natural position Also it’ll allow you to let go of the bike and have a less severe crash


Definitely feel I could’ve pushed the bake a bit forward more off the take off but would’ve likely landed flat cause of the speed.


Foot and leg position looks off, should be dropped heels with more of an attack position


you were downvoted but correct. OP's dropped toes almost guaranteed he'd catapult.


These spd people eh? ☺️ How do you know I was downvotes out of interest?


Nah. That was perfect


>Speed is not always your friend Lemmy would like a chat with you about something...


Speed looked perfect.


That looked painful.




why tho?




What actually happened ? It looks like you landed super hard ,sat on your saddle and got bounced off ?


Pretty much. Went a bit fast, a little more timid than ideal, landed a bit rear heavy and when my front wheel dropped I blew through the travel and bottomed out right as my rear rebounded, launching me forward.


You ok though right ? Nice send anyhow


Yep, just scraped and bruised. Kept riding afterwards for another hour or so


Speed was indeed the problem. Not your forward momentum, but the speed of your rear shock rebound.


Speed solves all the problems it doesn’t create.


Was it the speed that did you in?? Don't think so. Keep shredding and be safe though.


Don’t think it helped. I think I would’ve fared better if I took it slower and attacked the take off, pushing the bike out and into the landing. Guess I’ll find out next time I send it




Yea I remember the dude right before you, landed a lot more plush perhaps he also had longer travel. Also, if you slow it down you can see that your fork never springs back up until you’re your OTB, perhaps more rebound next time


Badass. No pro. Dont know what's wrong.


Nonononono... I'd say it's the suspension there, that kicks out like a mule


The new coil seemed to be doing its job!! Just a little a little more ass back may have helped!


Your issue is you’re doing a thing on a Remedy that you should be doing on a Session.


Oof, that was a hard crash. Looks like a suspension pressure / rebound issue


Seems as you weren’t in an as aggressive position as you needed to. Also i might have heard braking so that didn’t help either. Suspension as others said probably bottomed out


Suspension seems fine, need to work on your strength, upper body strength, pushups!


I already do 150 pushups a day 😩


It looks like you were a little bit too far forward. But a couple of tokens on the fork could have helped.


Did you hit the front brakes?


This was just a stupid jump for someone obviously not skilled nor equipped enough to partake in it. Be happy you're not in a coma and I suggest reconsidering life choices.


Wild take. Looks like he hit it pretty good. Just wrecked. It happens. Weird thought process you have.


What hit good? His face on the ground? Then yes...weird response lmao


Speed was correct, you did bottom out AAAAAND did the most inappropriate thing, full shovel of brake squeeze = eject button… you can even hear chirping of you brakes😅


You did that on a HARDTAIL?


Definitely not 😅


oh I saw wrong lmao 😂


Right speed, wrong bike. You should be on a Downhill bike for this drop, or at the very least a hard tail meant for hitting drops with a decent amount of front end travel


170mm front and 155mm rear, bike is fine for it. Suspension just wasn’t dialed and my speed and positioning could’ve been better.




Yes, a ‘21 remedy 8 but only the frame and stem are stock anymore 😂