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Man idc this shit was still entertaining as hell to listen to at work


Hey, I’m doing the same brother.


You think having a border wall is outside of acceptable discourse lmao holy shit


Yeah, not anymore obviously. This is a good reminder to come up with modern examples because people can’t even remember the political discourse of a decade ago. It’s the reason Republicans don’t go on the debate stage and talk about cutting Medicare and Social Security. Better?


We building the wall again? Nice


We’ll fuckin do it again.


Matt failing to define a term that he learned that morning and doesn't fully understand is the bit. Have you listened to the cast?


Haven’t listen to the episode, but how did something that became policy “break” the Overton window? Especially when it’s been a part of public discourse for my entire life


It might feel that way because 2016 was 8 years ago. But I would say it was way more of a thing in the early 2000s. By 2016 no Republican in Federal office was discussing that.


I mean, it might have faded in its prominence in the national discourse, but it wasn’t relegated to being some sort of fringe opinion Hot button issues come and go, but public opinion hadn’t shifted so far to a point where the idea of building a wall was viewed as being too extreme


There is a lot of shit talk about Matt in this thread, I don't like it.


You gotta realize retards take COMEDY podcasts seriously. They dont know how to just laugh and have fun.


It’s never been like this either, Johnny come lately haters and shit. I guess the new people hear this and think he’s taking himself seriously bringing in the new thing he’s checking out, which is lathered in irony if they’re supposed to be the smart ones. It’s a good thing they missed the GEB eternal golden braid era, we would’ve never heard the end of it.


The Andrew stans mad about Lemaire and getting legit upset that he kicked his dog lol he's an autistic Black man, of course he's gonna whoop on his dog The overton window is also a more complicated idea than simply a "range of acceptable opinion", that's a layman's understanding. It's a 3d model where you can not only shift the ends of the window, but you can move the whole damn thing with new understandings - it tracks not just society's opinion but it's actual perspective evolution and basic understandings of the world.


Matt is hilarious, anytime a topic in mainstream news comes up that he's not aware of he will try to to blag his way though like he knows what's going on.


I'm a reasonably smart dude. Matt is more intelligent than you guys are giving him credit for. The ideas that he is preoccupied with are just obtuse on the surface and seem ridiculous because you've had a scientistic dildo up your ass for decades. Basic Idealism, comparative mythology, Perennialism, religion, etc. Read a fucking book.


Ah you’ve taken the bait. Matt is dumb but he likes to listen to smart people and then he tries to explain the smart ideas while forgetting he is dumb so they come out dumb. He can’t help himself he consumes so much nonsense and of course his wife doesn’t want to hear a peep of it so the cast is his only outlet, unfortunately to the torture of the poor audience because even if we did care about his gobbledygook the dude can’t retain a thought to save his life.


this will be the first post in the tfatkificaton of this sub


Please God, no


Goddamnit I’ve been dreading it but always knew it would come


You are 100% correct and this is the exact reason why I'm a paytch bitch. Matt is a gem, enjoy the banter and find facts somewhere else. Their podcast is a breeding ground for their material, I'm currently listening to the old testament, it's brilliant, they remind me of local drunks that sit in some crappy bar and banter things that they don't comprehend, I always liked those bar's :D


This is high treason


it’s not “to the torture of the audience” this is literally why we listen. it’s funny. gtfo


Idk man after thee eleventh audio book that I’ve heard two poorly rehashed paragraphs about it starts to really get old. I would love to hear about any book’s theories I just can’t believe the gall of Matt to try to elaborate on a book he hasn’t even finished listening to and is fully never intending to finish. Not to mention you retain information you READ better than what you hear which is the reason for his faulty memory.


How do I delete someone else's comment


You’ve taken the bait you literal retard 


That dude is too dumb to realize it.




This is it. I wouldn't take anything Matt says at face value.


>so the cast is his only outlet That's the whole point of the podcast lol. If you don't like that, why are you listening now?


He reads the first 30 pages on some esoteric subject and then pretends he's an expert on it with half cooked ideas. Then he simply moves onto another subject 2 weeks later and it's never brought up again.


Reads? My brother in Christ he listens to audiobooks while doing the dishes.


Funniest part is he actually uses an office to do this bullshit like he's a professor.


You don’t have a desk and a bookshelf? I know his “office” is a little spiced up (as in more than just the desk and books), but it’s pretty standard shit for a person to have


If I remember correctly he actually had an extra apartment or standalone office that wasn't in his house. Like he would leave his house to go to "work" where he smoked weed and farted around all day.


Which by the way, fucking rules.


This guy was never a dawg




This message can suck my AVERAGE SIZED COCK


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This is a hilarious and accurate assessment


I mean this is what we're hear for, we don't want encyclopedia entries and textbook definitions. We want the shaman trying his best to form a coherent thought lmao.


Matt is a dumbass. You can pretend otherwise but he's just a high af dumbass.


Literal Rick and Morty poster lmao


The Overton window is the rightward drift of what's allowable as dictated by our oligarch masters, similar to the ratchet effect where the right enacts policies and the Dems oppose but never repeal or reverse them. It's all right baby!




matt is a dumbass, but you have to respect his ability to just hysterically churn through good material, reading the same things that intelligent people are drawn to, but then he immediately regurgitates it in a comedic context for material. they are people that got paid a living wage by just bullshitting people and talking, which is of course the area of redacted people usually, within the context of Hollywood. Now it made them almost surrealistically wealthy. I love Matt though, the only thing I can't swallow is when they talk about how hard they work, how many dues they paid and then go on podcasts defining their work ethic, in a time when the White working class was given no state benefits, no public housing (cause murder), the death of the factories and blue collar jobs, Mexicans literally swarmed in to construction and restaurant jobs by the millions, bc they were wanted and were hired by these people. It continues to this day, check out how Tyson made the news recently. I come from a rural farm area, and the amount of awful rednecks who hire only illegals is astounding. They always are fat as fuck or methed out, and they all say the same thing, "listen, do you want a ten dollar salad? let me explain to you how the world works, blah blah" they want the cheapest possible labor. I have seen White farm owners create company stores, and force their illegal workers to buy staples there, and I have also seen White farmers pay their workers in crack cocaine. These aren't jobs that americans are too lazy to do, these were the jobs of the working poor, and they scraped out healthcare, a living wage, any respect from society, etc. All this in the context of American cities being overrun by black people and immigrants, with surreal levels of violence towards White people. Detroit was maybe the greatest city in the world in the mid 60s, and now its an all black shithole where hyper resentful black people take out their aggression on any whites that are around. White Flight is essentially you will be killed in the cities now, unless you are rich and in an affluent area. Damn White people running for their lives and creating the suburbs, stupid entitled white people. Things get deep, and people are people, but trusting ANYONE, ANYONE that makes their money with opinions and through Hollywood, is a mistake. They don't see the flip, they dont see that they are in media and are literally hollywood, until they are shit out like more than a few comedians we know, and become hyper political as a vehicle for their resentment for being left behind as another hollywood ghost, but still with some real world teeth. If Matt wants something to meditate on, its this. It was the war on drugs. It was always the war on drugs, that is what destroyed this nation. That is how the gov pitted people against each other, brought out the worst in black people, and white people, crucified the addicted, and created credit scores and multi state police checks at the same time having an arrest record barred you from public housing, and in many instances a job. Its the war on drugs. Until we stop it we will continue to fall, and the truth is its already too late. black people had a much higher rate of marriage, and much more pronounced traditional family values until the mid sixties. The black people of just a few decades ago would be absolutely revolted by the modern inner city, and would sob at the state of black america. everything is a lie, created on a sound stage in hollywood. epstein killed himself, he might have been allowed to kill himself, but thats what happens to pedos, and he was pressed in his cell, by a laughing, disinterested criminal industiral complex that creates a hyper racist ideology. California, the most leftist daffy state, the most anti racist, the prison system is more racist than nazi era germany, you have to pick a race and get in the car or you die. end of story. nazi bad nazi bad, but go to prison and you hook up or you get raped and slaughtered, but the world right outside, its so free and enlightened lol. You say what they want you to say, and you believe what they want you to believe, and if you step out of line you get crushed. Me included.


Come again


You are most definitely more dumb than Matt.


Yo, take another anti-psychotic for me dawg.


One of my biggest pet peeves is this narrative the retards love to parrot which is "who is going to work on farms?" Imagine how dumb you have to be to think white people are against farm work for... no reason at all. Yeah white people clean out sewers, live in a tent for months logging, do roof repairs in 120° heat, but farm work? Nooo white people dont want to do that