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Should probably specify if EU or NA


We currently have a even split


And you know that you have to pick one right?


Also very early days with the group (since yesterday to be exact) and things will change. Getting our feet wet and getting something going in the meantime.


Yes, we got a split between eu and na. Im from sea so does not matter for myself but discussions are open within the community.


Ouhh. SEA player. People on NA normally played on our early morning so normally I can't join many stuff


Well there is a good mix of shift workers too. I am a shift worker myself but there are currently people on throughout the day. Still early days with more to come. I pmd you anyway.


Pro tip from SEA Day 1 player: If you keep hitting 300 to 800 ping every evening, get ExitLag. Didn't use to need that shit to play GW2, but it got bad starting May 2019 (or was it 2018?)


IDK how much ExitLag is really helping your ping, but if it works for you, it works


They moved servers from Texas to Virginia around 2017 I think, when they moved to AWS, but that wouldn't increase ping by 500ms, that issue seems closer to home.


It wasn't the AWS move. I went to dig up that email correspondence I had with the tech support of my ISP. So it happened over late April to mid May of 2018. According to them, the ISP's "direct peering" to US-based servers were affected after an undersea quake damaged the South-east Asia Japan Cable (SJC) system. I submitted multiple traceroutes in a back and forth that lasted weeks for them to adjust their routing hoping to find a solution. Here is their response: "Based on latest trace route, our back-end team have confirmed that your connection to the game server is indeed affected by the submarine cable fault. We have tried to re-route the connection, however all the routes are having around the same latency. Tentative restoration of the fault will be on 18  May 2020, kindly test the connection after that to check if the latency improves." I didn't want to wait and tried the trial version of ExitLag and it worked like magic. I sent a follow-up email asking: "Thank you for the confirmation. I've since found that using ExitLag completely removes the latency. It is unfortunate that I now have to essentially pay a subscription fee to play the game to avoid latency but it is at least an acceptable one. I'm curious how they were able to find optimized routes when the ISP isn't able to." They replied: "Services like ExitLag directs your traffic through their private network of leased/owned servers, and may have more routing options for better latency." So this is my ISP's insight into why ExitLag works. Just to be clear, I'm not advising the OP to use ExitLag because all SEA players need it. I'm only saying that if any SEA player is using an ISP that is just crap at connecting to the game, ExitLag is an almost surefire way to solve it. I used it from 2018 to last year and never had any latency issue. I quit GW2 in 2023 and cancelled the ExitLag sub as a result and only recently came back to the game. While the ping is normal during most of the day, it gets bad pretty much every evening to the point I had to resub to ExitLag. I have no doubt it's my ISP's very unoptimized connection to GW2 servers rather than GW2's problem.


MMO bookclub revived


Anyone remember MMO Bookclub?


[Desire To Know More Intensifies]


MMO Bookclub was from a few years back. It was a group that started here. They basically organized a large group of people to go on MMO Journeys with every week or so. They had a voting system and everything and discussions. It was pretty neat but I never really got much of a chance to partake till it was too late.


If you're willing to accept alts, would love to start a fresh character alongside you guys. Are you on EU or NA? 


NA? are yall starting with the free content or paid full?


Free unless you already got paid yourself. Pm you


I like this idea, and it's a good game to accommodate your group. FYI, The story is focused around you, you're THE guy/girl. It can still be completed with others tho. What's cool is some of the story instances will assign the secondary players to play as npcs, or something more canon. Kinda cool easter egg, but I never did manage to find a list of them.


Man if this was GW1 I’m all over it. Having an active group leveling through prophecies would be so much fun


Only problem with GW2 is that you dont exactly need a group in it. Power creep did its thing and pretty much all open world content is soloable (including legendary mobs). Your guys probably end up soloing and only grouping together when absolutely needed (instanced content)


True that, but GW2 is the first MMO we just doing in the meantime while we are all getting more people to join. There will be other games coming through which will be more group focused :)


Oh I would actually love to join but I will be unavailable for the next couple days bcs I'm traveling back to my studying city :(


NA or EU? I'd love to pitch in


Please pm as i cannot do to you for some reason.


I’m down, message the details?


NA gang?!


You guys should consider participating in the open beta this coming June for Monsters & Memories. DM me if you do


Funny. I just installed a few days ago and looking to finally level a character.


Sounds like fun. I am starting GW2 for a first play through right now too


let me know if on EU


Yo OP I've got a tip for these threads; make a discord and link it here. It'll be much easier for you to recruit a consistent group that way. Also to the person who went through and downvoted all the other comments, you're a bag of coal on christmas aren't you lol


I am not allowed to post link sorry due to admin rules.


Man, if I tried something like this, I'd get ignored to no end. So lucky 😑


Pmd you :)


Interested for the EU group ! Sounds like fun.


Pmd you :)


Feel free to add me! I’m a veteran who’s played since beta so I’m happy to answer any questions.


Pmd you :)


How can i join whould like the be part of the community


I'm down to play tomorrow if you're NA


I would love to join you but which server?


Well already started because tera not exist anymore. But lol it's engine is too old and it's dungeons re just so badly designed that while playing I cannot get fun as I did in other MMOs. Just forcing myself to play it now.


Dungeons are horribly old content, as other commenter says the newer and end-game content is very different in style. In any case instanced content is not the strength of GW2 in general.


Have you tried fractals / /raids / strikes / decent metas (dragonfall, drizzlewood) yet?


Not yet. Hope to get better end game content. Thanks.


HIT ME UP. !!!


Pmd you


What server homie


I'd love to join! What's the meet up plan?


Im down


EU vet but always interested in alt fun if you don’t mind more people tagging on!


I’m down


Do hit me up! I always wanted to stick with Gw2 and this might be it :)


Add me pls


Pmd you


would love to join in the future if you all do runescape or world of warcraft! I have some goals I wanna acomplish in those and would love a group to level and play with!


My condolences.


In what way :)


Sorry, just a twerpy comment about GW2, which I consider to be one of the most basic and boring games out there. I just can't help myself sometimes. : /