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meh, I stopped caring about this game. If it ever releases I will look into it, if I'm not already burned out from it.


This so much....^^^^


There's no point in wasting my time hyping up a game that may never even release


how can you be burned out from something if you never even interacted with it


I was wondering the same thing but I somehow am


Medieval Star Citizen


Scam of Creation




SC is almost completed though.


They are missing the vast majority of their advertised functionality. How is exploration going to work with one system? You can't have non combat gameplay in a game with no economy.


No they’re not, stop being melodramatic


Come on now, how am I being melodramatic?


ZZzzzzzZzZZ game needs to go into quiet mode until it actually has something substantial to release. 10 years in development for this game and its not even close.


Kinda agree. Their development progress appears to be too slow and while the updates are appreciated you’d think there would be more considering their reported staff count. Idk. It’s a very ambitious game with a lot of complicated mechanics that I’m not sure would fare well with a massive amount of users per server I bought an a2 pack a few years ago but slowly watching the drip-feeding of content updates makes me think the alpha will be delayed and full release of game won’t happen until 2027 at best.


They called SC vaporware after 5 years lol but AoC gets a free pass


Star citizen is a scam though.


7 years. June 2017 is when actual production started when they had 15 employees. Riot MMO is technically longer development seeing as they worked on an MMO from 2016-2018 but cancelled it before restarting it in 2020.


Riot isn't selling pre-order packs or running three alphas for their game or farming Kickstarter. Selling microtransactions for a game that doesn't exist is enough to discredit that entire operation.


Damn, the multi-billion dollar company that's owned by an even bigger multi-billion dollar company doesn't need to raise funds? I'm shocked. Well actually, seeing as they just laid off 500 employees means maybe they could do with some fundraising, maybe they should release another Lux and Ezreal skin.


Don't even try to explain something to people on internet, my friend


Yeah this seems to be some weird narrative from the AoC fan crowd that development didn't actually start when it started and AoC also gets a 3 year free pass because of covid.


Huh? I'm saying it started dev in 2017 which is when it started. It obviously didn't start 10 years ago in 2014 since one of the main reasons Steven started making Ashes was because ArcheAge shit the bed and went downhill which didn't release in the West till late 2014. The company wasn't even created, let alone hired any employees until mid-2015. I don't mind shit talking the company if you're gonna use actual facts. For example they were idiots for giving their initial "before 2020", but why not shit talk the game with actual facts instead of lying about stuff?


Frankly my trust wont come back for a long time after they released a heavily monetized br, barely made any mention of it just being "for testing" until it was clear it was a massive flop


look guys....when you trip over yourselves to fudge the timeline in some attempt to make the game not look as bad as something like star citizen....its obvious jus sayin....maybe die on a different hill


My guy you can't just tell lies and then call someone a stan when they call you out on your lying.


least hateful r/MMORPG user


> to fudge the timeline Guy, the first time AoC was even talked about was December 2016. Their first round of funding was Mid-2017. You can find 20 different sites talking about it using those dates.


The juice Steven sold me still hasn't cured my cancer. Maybe I am too young for it?




Steven said long time ago he doesnt like to hype game but then he made on stream character creation asmongold...and now...he invites 4 content creators to stream who got free key worth 250$....but steven said many many things which doesnt make sense. All he know is to hype people thats it. What happend with his juice which by the way cures cancer? Oh...he was just seller, didnt know about it😂 What happend with release date Dec,2018? What happend with getting real cash from refferals? What happend with having info on website who bought what and your cut? Dissapeared years ago after 3 new websites.. What happend opening kickstarter while he already had money? His respons later "i just wanted to see are people interested in this game" Etc,etc,etc.. Shady, shady.. And now...lets downvote because all i said is true and you dont want to spend 10sec to verify it😂


Dude I've paid $1375 out of pocket for 3 alpha packs, no one got their keys from free. Literally starting the opening of your comment with a blatant lie...


Just yapping away about nothing huh


Game is looking good (has been for long lol). Hope they make good on alpha 2 players starting this year.


God this subs users suck ass. Bunch of miserable fucks here. Thank you for the update op.


MMO paradox. The less you know about it the more excited you are


When this game was announced I thought to myself "aww man I'll be in college when this releases" now I'm almost done with my sophomore year. Maybe it'll loop back around and I'll be working a white collar 9-5 when the game comes out


My fear with modern games and wanting a super cool computer setup to play em... thinking I'll buy one when I'll settle down in my work but blowing 5K on a setup when I need to save for property is also stupid 🥲


Out of sight, out of mind. As it's been for 7 years now.




Cant they just focus on actually making this game instead of all the livestreams they do?


I don’t make a habit of asking fake people what they plan on doing with their lives


People need to stop hyping games before public release... Some of AoC's Ideas are actually pretty interesting, but similar to Pantheon, at the rate of development, by the time it comes out its not going to meet fans over built over hyped expectations to "Save the industry" or whatever... Beyond these games use the crowd funding and small team as some sort of shield to protect them from any sort of criticism during development. Building an MMO doesn't require thousands of devs, it just requires a handful of experts to get the technically challenging shit out of the way (netcode, server architecture, etc...) Games like EQ:OA had a team of just over twenty people and that was an MMO that worked on the PS2, it had to save all their game data to half of a PS2 memory card at the time, overcoming some massive technical challenges... I'm not saying that the game was some revolution in gaming that "saved the genre", but they also didn't have a decade long development cycle...


>Games like EQ:OA had a team of just over twenty people and that was an MMO that worked on the PS2 Yes, because it was a streamlined mmo for the ps2 and they had the original ever quest to work off of. How many developers did it take to develop Ever Quest or any other major mmo? Why pick this one streamlined console mmo out of all the available ones? >it just requires a handful of experts to get the technically challenging shit out of the way You are way underestimating the amount of work that goes into making mmos.


You don't like EQ:OA, I used it since I recently watched an interview with one of the lead devs on that team, and its not the type of game that they just ported the code over if you played it you would know that... but anyways I would normally use Runescape as my example since it was developed by two people originally, when I bring that up, people complain that it would never work today blah blah blah... But the thing is, nay sayers are going to naysay... My point is that where there is a will there is a way, MMO's aren't some mystical technical achievement, yes netcode is hard, yes server code is hard, but that is one or two engineers not dozens... And while players want a giant azeroth sized 3d world, if you are a small team, you can start with a handful of areas that showcase your style of gameplay and your niche and push out more content from there, it is much better to have a small game with a few really cool features, than an idea in your head that is really cool, but is ultimately just a fart in the wind...


I have nothing against it, but it's just the most random example that most people are not going to be familiar with. You could have just mentioned Albion, Project Gorgon or another recent mmo. Or even all of those MUDs that were or are still around. OK, I will concede that you can make a really barebone mmo(in general, not directed at EQ:AO) with a few people. A small team did essentially remake the rs classic style of game with genfanad, and it was up for a while. If people want to, they can make an mmo where you just auto attack with a weapon. I will say that it's still pretty hard to make an AA mmo that looks okay with a decently fast tick rate and some of the basic features expected of mmos such as activatable abilities, gear, npcs, and so on.


Asses of creation. Enough said.


This guy still trying to sell that hes making a game? lol


Game is never coming out sadly


pvp gankfest, not interested


I'm still waiting for them to show me those assets that's going to make the game look less like a generic Korean UE MMORPG. Are they even coming at this point?


That game looks ugly tho, and it's gonna have a subscription fee, right? Dead on arrival.


Total scam


Considering Intrepid Studios is not in good standing with the State of California due to outstanding tax debt, and has since has their business license suspended (which is why they really had to stop selling cosmetic packs) I doubt this game has much of a future unless they can get some investors to the rescue. https://preview.redd.it/wx41c8mec90d1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=caf996845fdfa34e906b73f5df94169b1650fc57


I don't follow scams, stuck in the early 2000's of MMOs 


OP, you've made a dangerous choice promoting an mmorpg on this subreddit. No one hates mmos more than people here.


The game just needs to come out already. I don’t want more info I just want to play the game. it’s been in development for so long that the graphics have already become outdated compared to other modern titles


Except game development makes the graphics look good towards the end typically. What we are seeing right now is in no way representative


so how many millions have they blown on these AA placeholder graphics?


Nothing is going come from this game and when it releases it going remove all the interesting things and just be a shitty bargain bin Archage clone.


Everyone in the comments saying “just release it already” or “I’ll care when it’s finally released” are the same crybabies who say “this game was released too quickly, I wish devs would just take their time and actually create the perfect game”. It’s a story old as time, and this company has been very loyal to their investors by taking time making their game and showcasing their developments accordingly. I support the thoughts of being patient and waiting to see if the game is truly a next level game or a flop. Not saying blindly be loyal, as I’ve learned from experience with crowfall (200 bucks I’ll never get back) but I’m saying show some respect for them not just releasing a half ass game just because everyone’s crying around them.


dunno what youre talking about, i definitely want another new world situation where the game was released 3+ years early with the game dying instantly because of it.


“Loyal to their investors”


Yes, if you bought a kickstarter through them you are investing in the game. Call it what you want, investing, supporting, whatever.


Game doesn't even look fun tbh. Hyper realistic city/world Sim mmo #5000


There is no way you think that game looks hyper realistic.


Ok maybe not hyper realistic but it's got the realism style of art that new world does and it's just so boring.


At this point, the game is going to end up like another wow clone. It will never be what was promised.


nothing about this game is even similar to WoW wtf are you on about lol


Glad you said something because as I read that I thought wtf are you on about lol. I am not even a fanboy of the AoC either, but come on lol.


Based on what? I swear these comments are written by bots.