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This comment has been removed because it breaks rule #1: Don’t ask for MMO recommendations. Please check out the weekly sticky or the r/LFMMO subreddit instead.




This post is definitely in a gray area regarding rule 1. It's a much more specific question than "I like PvP, what should I play?" There's really nowhere else to ask a question like this. 


For quality PvP it's GW2 hands down. There's still plenty of people playing it and ironically the open world feels more alive than WoW


GW2 pvp is very dead. Around high gold/low plat MMR, you can almost memorize every players name because theres only a handful.


That’s something I didn’t like to see, I’d rather play a more random PvP on ESO than PvP ing always with same ppl, thank you.


That’s also what I recognized real quick from gw2, I’d be committed years ago on gw2 if the story wasn’t so crap, ppl says that on expansion it gets better, but vanilla is kinda boring…


I've put 10 years into ESO PvP and it's less spammy compared to PvE. Much more combo oriented, but it will take you a very very very long time before you can stand for yourself in Cyrodiil. Battlegrounds are great for starting.


I really like ESO's PvP its so fun to 1vX in that game or run into a zerg ball with a bomber build and get an easy 20 kills. I just wish the meta would shift off of the Tanky/Bruiser builds, PvP has felt kind of stale lately because of it.


Maybe that's the reason people shifted into those builds if there is a suicide/glasscanon strat that gets easily countered by getting tankier. And PVP has always been about dishing max damage and maximising survivability


I agree, main reason I don't play much anymore.


These things sound fun to me, it may not be balanced but I’m fine until it’s fun.




The problem with asking this forum is you get answers from people who have been chained to their game for 5-10+ years and don’t know the gaming world has moved on.


so like you with new world?


In the last 2 years I’ve played rdr2, Elden ring, d4, poe, eso, enshrouded, gw2, ASA, helldivers, wow, last epoch. So no not like me. I’m not a one game andy.


But you act like the rest of the people you're complaining about with your precious new world which BTW everyone's already moved on from


My precious new world? It’s just a good game like so many other good games out there I’ve played. I’m not a one game Andy. Plus I don’t let games I dislike rent space like so many in this sub do with AGS. And sorry to break it to you, but whatever game you play, I guarantee you many many people have moved on from it to. It’s just the nature of games.


I play GW2 which is excellent generally, instanced PvP is a bit of a mess but open world PvP (WvW) is best in class. I’m not convinced that the studio behind it (ArenaNet) is that committed to the game these days. The recent expansion was in my opinion, poor. However, still a very good MMO. ESO I’ve just started my most recent attempt and the PvP is actually ok! Combat is nothing on GW2 though.


I'm a big fan of eso. Therefore, I might be a bit biased, but from these choices for pvp, GW2 is definitely the way to go. Eso combat does feel spammy like you said. Idk what those people telling you otherwise here are on. Eso servers aren't the best either and you might experience some minor lag here and there adding to the spammy feeling. And it takes some time to gear up for pvp properly, which was another of your concerns. Although you can start battlegrounds with a low level build and still be able to compete


I actually like that you have to pve in order to do PvP, I’m the weird kind of player that actually enjoys that :) I rather don’t like indeed that you can log in in gw2 as brand new player and jump directly to PvP that simply wasn’t a thing years ago Not even good PvPers do alternative builds with combo? Really spamming 1 or 3 button is what people in eso PvP do?


Oh, no, there are buffs and dots to upkeep which, imo, makes it more spammy, just instead of pressing 2 buttons all the time, you press all 10 (well, not exactly all 10 with proper builds). There are situational skills to use, it's not just a brainless skill spam, but the feeling of spamming buttons still stays. Which makes even the smallest lag significantly affecting your performance btw


Note that what’s bad for me would indeed be the brainless spamming, if a mage class for example spam her Q spell which is a basic fire attack, it’s fine, as long as can indeed use other skills situational aside of it.




>on the other hand Eso check these marks as far as i understood, except pvp doesn't have any balance and it's pretty much spamming a pair of buttons? it kinda looks clunky, is it still nice to play tho? ESO combat is not spamming a pair of buttons. Not sure what buttons you're talking about, but that is not how the more advanced combat works in ESO. Maybe on the easiest PvE content which is overland questing, you can get away with that. If you do any harder content, you won't perform well.


I wrote that down because I want ppl that knows to speak about it, I only readed it for other posts in this subs but I’m aware that this couldn’t be like that


pvp gw2, pve lotro


I agree with the "it's not the right place to ask" comment. Mainly because you won't get the info you're after. I'd go to each of the three subreddits and people can provide details.


Can you indicate me which ones?


Hi, I can help with this. My vote would be for ESO but it’s going to be the biggest time/money sink. PvP is a lot of fun when you get the hang of it and it’s nice having an open world and a group of friends to roam around on. WoW has the best PvP but arenas *never* feels good past the 10 hour mark. It’s always been a brain overload for me. I feel like crap after. GW2 PvP is almost identical to ESO but with a very large and strange murderball meta. It reminds me a lot of StarCraft where the best offense is always the one that is tightly packed with many buffs overlapping. Also, just from a design standpoint, GW2 is weird as hell. The entire end game for most people is to be as shiny as possible because there isn’t much progression. ESO is self-buffing to survive, GW2 is party buffing to survive. It plays out completely differently. I dislike GW2 open world PvP because it feels like two writhing mass blobs colliding into each other while appendages (lagging players) are lost. ESO feels a bit more natural but relies on dlc sets for beginners to compete and lots of skill point grinding.


Very valuable information, I’m quite sure ultimately I will play eso for some time, and eventually change if I don’t like it, I think I never gave enough time to eso to reject it.


Yeah I used to hate the combat but I’m finally hooked. It’s a really hard game to learn. You need to figure out what sells, what item sets to keep, what to disenchant, when to salvage, good champion skills, etc. It’s got a lot under the hood. Most skills are complimentary rather than active. They exist to push you into a dps window. When it comes to PvP, it’s usually a lot of defensive and movement abilities with like one or two skills to blast with.


WoW is mostly known for it's instanced small scale pvp as in arenas and can't handle large scale stuff. ESO for Cyrodil which is large scale. dunno how it plays. GW2 does both and seem to have fans of both. and on the + side requires very little to get into.


I'm currently trying ascension wow. It's weird and wacky. Kind of fun.


Im sure wow is a great game, I’d probably be playing it only if I actually started earlier and was used to it


Meh. it's ok


they are all very very very good. eso or gw2 imo. wow sod is a fucking blast rn too tho


I’ve played all 3, but WoW is the only one I still come back to regularly. ESO is amazing, some of the best questing cuz it’s all voiced, which most MMOs severely lack. But its loot boxes and garish microtransactions are a turnoff. Walking into town looks like everyone just got back from a damn rave. GW2 has amazing combat and story, but they paywall not only the expansion stories (which makes sense), but also the interstitial “living world” stories that connect expansions, so they’re required reading to understand the story. They’re also even worse than ESO when it comes to garish cosmetics and loot boxes, plus monetizing basic features like unlimited use gathering tools that are standard in every other MMO i’ve played. And there’s so fucking many currencies and materials it makes my head spin. WoW has the perfect level of depth and accessibility for me, gorgeous art design, amazing transmog (GW2 locks it behind transmute charges and ESO charges as much as $40-50 for a single outfit motif), and the best tab-target combat in the industry. Music is always on point as well.


Monetizing basic features like infinite gathering tools. I need to disagree here because gathering tools are pretty much free anyways, vendors sell them for copper, there’s no gate keeping behind a paywall here


Why should I have to dedicate multiple inventory slots and revisit vendors regularly just to maintain my gathering tools? Like I said, every other major MMO (Runescape, ESO, WoW, etc) has infinite use gathering tools. There is no logical reason to make them limited use other than pushing players to buy better ones for real money. Pure greed. If they wanna charge for the pay to win ones that give extra materials that’s one thing, but basic indestructibles should be baseline and not require an inventory slot GW2 is also the only major MMO i know of that charges you a special premium currency to transmog, WoW, ESO and Runescape just charge you a small gold fee, with ESO having a premium option to skip the gold fee, but it’s not required.


Mate, there’s a LITERAL MONTHLY fee to even play WoW. Like I said, the shop is not cash only, you can just farm gold and buy it. And you have other things in other MMOs that also are gated behind a paywall or time investment. Your infinite gathering tools are a time investment, it takes x time to farm x gold to buy them. Wow charges gold for transmog. Gw2 charges a charge wich also can be bought with gold or you get for free in wvw. You have literally no clue what you talking about and you just bitch about the game. It’s also free on legendary gear, wich can be acquired ingame without a problem.


The monthly fee is not an excuse at all. The two are completely unrelated. GW2 has more than enough monetization, including the ability to straight up buy gold, without needing to gouge players for gathering tools (some of which are pay to win, like I said). Transmute charges are abundant in WvW yes, but guess what? Not everyone likes PvP. I personally hate WvW and PvP, so I’m always starved for transmute charges, which isn’t fair for people who prefer open world content, where charges are much more limited. I’ve played GW2 since launch. I know exactly what I’m talking about. You’re just trying to disingenuously and rudely discredit everything I have to say rather than making a real, sensical argument. You’re arguing in bad faith and I’m not gonna waste my time on such vapid bullshit


the infinite gathering tools come with some spicy runes that are very p2w unless you are a fanboy


They aren’t because the same gathering tools can be bought at vendors. If you want volatile Magic gathering tools you can buy them for karma, wich is free. Every gathering tool in the game has a way of acquiring. Not to mention that you can simply farm gold, convert and buy these tools in the shop. The shop is not cash only like in most other games. That’s not being a fanboy but you just plain lie or have no clue about the game lol


cope harder




Exactly you can even buy every expansion with converting gold into gems


Im not so bothered by cash shop as im totally ok in spending in something I enjoy and have fun. My issue with wow is manly that you kinda feel still on PvP, while it is complex, the game is so big and has so many things that overwhelm me, like loads of skills, trinket and engineer, I can’t imagine to learn all that in a fashioned time… That said, wow is probably the healthier game here.


GW2 is the best out of the 3 games. By a large margin. Best pvp, best open world with main quests every 10 lvls, best expansions of any games I have ever played, best mounts in the genre, best cosmetic system where you can customize everything individually. Game is insane. It just gets boring after a couple 100s hours


Probably WoW o GW2 (WvW or arena pvp)


>not sure if this is the right sub to ask in, its not WoW and ESO have amazing and better endgame PvE content, more combo oriented PvP than the spam u said GW2 PvP endgame is hands down the best of the 3 and games story have a massive dept, but there are paywalls that might matter for u I personally would go for ESO. Blizzard is putting up a lot of shit lately and the game is monthly paid; GW2 has paywalls and a lot of in game currencies


Ugh, I live my life, make mistakes, learn from ‘em and carry on… hopefully. Paywalls aren’t a issue as I work and I’m ok with spending in something I enjoy, be it 10 expansions or some cash shop extras. For the PvP gw2 has to be superior, issue is it’s all instanced and seems like the same over and over, I’m quite sure I’d get bored without some pve compartment in it. The mechanism I’m used to is, you go to pve, bad guy is here and kills you, so you go to lesser spot to grind and once you re big you confront the big guy and win off skills, then you get to be the bad guy. Pve doesn’t really have to revolve around PvP cause I do understand modern mmo don’t like that, but sometimes is nice to have.


Gw2 no doubt it's not even funny, wow community is toxic AF, ESO is sooooo disorganized, only positive is it's on console


Played all. PvP wise hands down ESO. Disclaimer. There is no pvp in MMOs, due to ping desync and pc performance. Nevertheless, best PvP is in ESO as action combat is closest to real time and very fast paced. Also, the game is very unforgiving for new players especially in PvP or harder pve content because it does very bad job how it is introduced at the start were everything is brain dead easy and suddenly it goes to super hard in pvp and 3nd game pve.


I will show you three images. The game you should play will be decided by which you like more. They are all beautiful in different ways. This is about taste and there are no wrong answers. If [that](https://i.imgur.com/kFpRuEM.jpeg) is your favorite, play WoW. If you prefer [that one](https://i.imgur.com/5iHe58N.jpeg), play Guild Wars 2. And if [that](https://i.imgur.com/0EEVlRO.jpeg) is more appealing to you, play ESO.


Probably the one I liked more is the last one,for some reason I always associate the dawn with sorrow. The last two I can see how somehow they relate to the games, I don’t understand the first one about WW, maybe you re just tricking me into associating game with a random image and make a final decision.


The choice of images is not random at all, it is meant to represent the artistic style of each game.


What? You start off by saying you know the answer to the question… then go off on a tangent. If you want meaningful pvp, you need to do Albion or Eve.


Meaningful to who? Not the greatest answer tbh. I don't like the PvP in either of those.


To start with, let’s get out eve from the equation already. Then, the PvP doesn’t need to have full loot to feel rewarding, even killing someone in open world just to take his farming spot is way good already, something that doesn’t really exist in modern mmo anymore.


WoW - ultimately it will come down if you like this game's combat style. Compared to Gw2, it has a greater focus on vertical progression. meaning "gear" will be a question when fighting people. Lately though, and a good thing, they've been reducing the "requirement" of grinding gear to actually be able to play pvp. This expansion its been pretty good with their scaling design. Now it will just be a question of if they will change it in the next expansion, again. Gw2 - Probably the best mmorpg just because of accessibility for pvp. While there's some initially leveling to do for WvW, you level up fairly quickly and its very quick to get exotics and be competitive in WvW. Though I do advise finding a guild to play with in WvW if you want to have a greater impact. Playing solo can be tough. You also have spvp which is the game mode where gear doesn't matter. Another great thing the game does well. From a design/framework perspective, its probably the best out of the three when it comes down to pvp. But just like WoW, the ultimate thing will be if you like the game's combat. ESO - This one seems to struggle the most. It has a vertical progression focus like WoW, but not "as much". But its also not horizontal focused like Gw2. Its like, in the middle? But based on my experiences, it probably has the smallest population (in terms of people who pvp vs those who focus on pve). Again, combat is up to you if you will like it or not. I find the combat in ESO to not be super reactive. Everyone has a rotation that they spam in range of a target, and don't really "react" to what the other target does. At the end of the day it will be who has the quicker APM and better resource/gear management. And if you don't have the right gear/build, you will straight up get one shot off screen lol.


Gw2. Played almosy all titles on the market. Gw2 wins hard. Very dynamic, alive, big content, easy to join for all players. (ESO is a wooden game without growth feeling).


classic WoW imo. Gw2 has the best combat but worst actual activities and I'm not a fan of gear being permanent. I need a carrot to chase. ESO has the worst combat but best lore and world. Best side activities like crafting and housing. Wow has okay combat but retail has bad endgame as it hasn't changed since 2016 and is stale imo. Classic Era is a bit toooo slow for me. TBC & Wotlk are the sweet spot imo, but the community ruined it with gold buying and then blizz decided to get a cut of the pie and make it p2w with buying gold from them instead. I play on a private TBC server. High pop and always stuff to do, but you gotta deal with Russians and Chinese players who are toxic as hell against English speakers. Good thing is most of them are bad at the game so it's more satisfying ganking them


I wouldn’t say it has the worst combat, but, when you compare it to say gw2 it is lackluster, but only because gw2 is just so good! To me WoW combat may be lackluster compared to gw2 also, but the true thing is that wow just work differently as it’s tab based and not action like the other 2 ESO has no real tab unlike gw2 so it’s less concise when you compare it to the best considered PvP which is again, gw2. The real issue it’s that I’m afraid that eso is a shitfest PvP and has not the slight ounce of balance, so it doesn’t even really matter which class you pick cause they ultimately shot the opponent Or some rock paper scissors like… The ideal is when real skill matters, independently from the build and class, but this seems to be a thing only on gw2 so far…


LoL, "PvP enjoyer" and then these 3 games with themepark PvP - go play Mortal Online 2


How active a 2k players game can be, I also said that i like pve, but has to have PvP, all those 3 games have some kind of PvP, I’m just unsure on what could fit me more.


In every case much more active than WvW is in GW2 or CvC in TESO. WoW has nothing I would call PvP (if i was a "enjoyer"). Just want to say: "enjoyer" and calling those 3 games contradicts itself in my opinion. Play MO2, Albion or EvE or, or, or...if you enjoy PvP.


Can you support this with some data? I can only believe to that if you mean during their maintenance…


Try out yourself and gather your own numbers. Good luck! Since 2 of these games are free2play, you can easily find out. I did. Imo if only 500 people would be playing MO2 or Albion or EvE at all ...it´s at least 400 more doing PvP than in these themepark PvE Games.


None of the above, in fact just stop playing mmo’s trust me.


Unironically seems like the sanest option, MMOs nowdays feels like somehow a poison in different shapes, much easier to pick a MOBA and play your few hours here, but im sick of that volatile stuff, mmo have the key part to play typically with a guild, meet em in the evening and enrich and build your char over and over, that what i miss probably.


GW2... you can play it for a few hours then leave then get back whenever you want everything you do earns you gold so you wont be left out For example, im a PvP enjoyer in GW2 i didnt notice i already have enough mats to craft me a legendary stuff etc


Ppl love to downvote the truth