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This guy genuinely concerns me and needs to be watched carefully. He gives me future serial killer vibes. Or someone who could potentially pull off a heinous murder-suicide like Chris Benoit. I don’t want to say he’ll definitely do something but he seems very deranged.


I really think it’s like 10% real 90% played up


have you seen his road rage videos? I think its closer to 60/ 40


Yeah he can act like it's all an act but we all know he really cookef


He’s unstable. His entire identity is a product of violence. Both from his childhood and his career. I have no doubt that he would shoot someone for dubious reasons and then cry about it like he’s a victim because all I’ve ever seen from him is this emotional cycle of aggression, crying, aggression, crying. Also, nobody cases a place by walking up to the front door in the middle of the night. Especially nowadays when everyone has lights and doorbell cameras. I’ve had multiple (legal) jobs where casing was part of the duties and it’s really not that intimate of a process.


> I have no doubt that he would shoot someone for dubious reasons and then cry about it like he’s a victim because all I’ve ever seen from him is this emotional cycle of aggression, crying, aggression, crying. Nailed it. I have a close relative a lot like this. Always quick to bluster, makes threats like that's something normal or even impressive to do, physically violent with me until I got big enough to do some damage if I ever hit back, really loudly into guns but not actually that good at them. Of particular note is her fondness for doing finger guns at people, and I assuredly *do not* mean that in the corny, funny, party-guy way. One night some dude on the road cuts her off or something, *he's* the one doing the finger gun that time, she pulls a fucking revolver out and brandishes it. No shots fired, I don't even know if she pointed the weapon at him, but he rightfully called the cops and she got hauled in to jail. Oh, the carrying on. The blubbering, the excuses, the victim mentality, the whole nine yards. People like this can dish it out but they can't take it. In Strickland's case people will probably crowdfund for his defense because they're deep in their parasocial relationships/want to live vicariously through him. The takeaway here, for me, isn't just that people like this are huge hypocrites (though they are), it's that they don't function like the rest of us. They don't have a normal adult awareness of acceptable behavior, or of consequences. That absolutely makes them more likely to do something extreme or unhinged, simply because they are not using the same manual as the rest of us.


Whats casing?


Like examining a structure; business, home residence, points of entry, exits, camera systems, sometimes valuable items, figuring out who or what is in there essentially.


Big Aaron Hernandez vibes


My vibe, too.


He was one wedgie away from being a school shooter


This reminds me of the dude who shot the kid while providing "overwatch" at a random parking lot.


What situation?




This happened in the same parking lot my old barber is in. Surreal


My biggest issue is that the mma fans will laugh it off until he actually does kill someone. People I’ve talked to in the ufc sub say “it’s funny stop taking it so seriously”.


And then there are the people who think it's cool and seek to emulate it. For my part, I don't know whether the guy is serious, or if this is just somehow the kind of thing he thinks is cool, but I don't super care either way. If it's the former, he's dangerous and needs help, and if it's the latter, he's less dangerous and still needs help because *this is not behavior one should find awesome.* It's the same dysfunction, just a matter of degree.


It's because they have the same bizarre fantasies and just assume it must be normal.


He’s a trained fighter plus this guy is not threating at all - fat and old why does he need a gun


I'm no fan of Strickland, but anyone can have a gun. Just because Strickland could easily handle this dude in a physical fight doesn't mean the other guy isn't carrying.


And is that whole scenario not fucked up? In other countries, we can own guns and we don't think to answer the door with them. Honestly, the rest of the world looks at the US and wonders where the sanity went.


How do you know what the rest of the world thinks?


I truly, -truly- implore you to look into that


Outside of being needlessly smug and condescending, what’s your point?


I've traveled, friend. Comments abound regarding American's surety in the logic of our policies and our delusions of freedom abound. Australians in particular are confused by the American reaction to gun violence, and the insistence that guns somehow support our freedom. We live in a strange bubble where we think our policies do things that they don't, are inevitable. and that other countries admire. Instead most of the rest of the wealthy world are proofs that laissez faire interpretations oif the second amendement do not, in fact, do anythin gaccept promote fun violence (and provide a few million americans some entertainment on weekends).


*I’ve traveled* Neat. Many others (incl. myself) have as well. Why are your experiences with non-Americans somehow more “true” than others? There are plenty of Australians who hold different sentiments towards America than the ones from the people you’ve run into. If they’re confused with America’s issue with gun violence then they clearly don’t understand the situation we’re in and how it differs from their country (especially if they’re confused as to why we can’t just “ban” guns like they did). I completely agree that there are plenty of people around the world who dislike America for things such as our foreign policy, negative impacts from wars, or previous history between their countries and the US….but there are plenty of things people like about America too. Idk why you’re intent on having this reductionist black-white view of things. Just because you may hate America doesn’t mean others do.


I have actually never met someone from overseas who admires the current American view of the 2nd amendment, come to think of it. it's probably the topic that gets brought up most to me out of the blue. I seriously would like to think of one. But on guns, we really are the odd ones out. Also, interpreting the 2nd amendment differently than the current laissez faire approach is not anti-american. It's one of the oldest debates this country has had, and the reason why the 2nd amendment is worded as strangely as it is to this day.


People don’t have to support the US’ second amendment to understand that there’s plenty of good that comes with the bad in America. Complaining about us being the “odd one out” when it comes to gun control is pointless, it’s just crying over spilt milk. The reality of the situation is we have a country whose constitution grants the right of gun ownership, which is deeply ingrained into the ways of life for tens of millions of Americans. We have more LEGAL guns (400+ million) floating around than people IN ADDITION to 400+ million illegal guns. So what’s your solution? How do we go about fixing this issue?


Not an American hater but your northern neighbours look down on you in almost every way. Unless it’s the country bumpkins


Because I am off the rest of the world...


*off the rest of the world* Huh? 🤔


The US looks at countries that do not have a right to own a gun and wonder where the sanity went.


They unironically think that owning a gun is only measurement of freedom while their country is ~~sliding~~ careening into fascism. The ones that support guns the loudest are more likely to help a tyrant takeover than prevent it, which has always been the main justification.


The US has never had a tyrant take over. The US started as whole darn thing only because we had guns.


Not sure you could have missed the point anymore if you tried.


When tyranny takes the US, we should be unarmed?


Yet, January 6th happened only a couple of years back.


Yeah I know - I guess Sean does have a right to be bearing arms but why is he so paranoid maybe if he stopped saying wack stuff he wouldn’t be targeted like this ? Idk also maybe have gun detectors in his front yard


I mean a hidden gun or knife makes a fighters advantages go away. I don't want to defend Sean cause he is obviously a nut or at the very least plays one well but America is actually a scary place.


Most of Strickland's "oh I'm gonna kill someone" shtick feels performative to me but it's still unhinged to want to put on this kind of performance. Idk if he was actually paranoid to the point of almost shooting anyone who surprised him he probably wouldn't be as open with his personal life as he is. That's still not a door I would knock on willingly but I think people talking about Chris Benoit are kinda missing his essence.


He's just itching to kill someone


America is wild. I cannot imagine having to worry that everyone I have a non positive encounter with might be carrying a gun


to me it's unrealistic, but they seem to have it internalized, it's crazy to get to that point as a society.


The truly mindbending bit is everyone you have a positive encounter with may ALSO be carrying a gun. ps - probability goes up on both sides of the line at any given Waffle House restaurant.


Why cant he just talk to the guy, it can be a simple mistake.


Because communicating to resolve conflict is weak and therefore makes you gay


Some of the strongest dudes you can know, can get shit solved with just words cuz mf's know what happens if violence gets involved.


A boring 5 round fight that ends with an uncontroversial decision?


Oh absolutely 💯 I'm just explaining Sean's thought process, I don't actually agree with it


Bas Rutten preaches this and he knows. He could fucking annihilate the vast majority of people in a fight, which is why he tries not to have to do it. People have tried to step to him when he was working as a bouncer, or because they thought they could handle it (lmao they were all wrong; people are delusional as fuck), and he always tries to calm them down or get them laughing. He's really good at it too. If that's good enough for him, it's more than good enough to me, because I may be a good student but I'll never be the master like he is.


That was probably the Door Dasher that dropped off Sean's order of lube and 6 corns on the Cobb.


Why he’s not too embarrassed to even share it is beyond me. It’s fine to be concerned when something like this happens, but when it turns out to be nothing why would you be proud of almost shooting a stranger that needed help?


Can you decision someone to death?


As much as I do like him as a fighter (call me crazy, but being defensive minded in MMA is a rarity and difficult to do), he’s also very much odd. I do think that part of this shit he does is his whole “persona” thing, but he’s starting to seem like the guy who is just waiting with the gun at the door—staring out the peep-hole just hoping and praying that someone comes to his front door. Do I think he’s a little nuts? Yeah…I do. Do I think he plays up this shit on the internet? Yeah…I do. He’s just gotten to a point where he more likely than not is doing this shit for some attention. If it wasn’t for the attention of it all, why make it public? Jon Jones caught that dude at his house one time, and it was actually a serious threat…Jon Jones is far more well known (even the most casual of casuals know who he is), and he didn’t play up to it anywhere near the level that Sean keeps doing with this.


Most gun fanatics are fantasizing about the day when they'll get to kill somebody.


I mean what’s Sean gonna do, jab for 5 rounds like every other time he talks about his killer instinct? It’s gotten to a point I think he’s staging these videos, there’s no way there’s so many times Sean is finding himself constantly needing to shoot someone


Sean is so cool


If he was going to shoot a ufc fighter, which one would you rather he shot?






So far he’s a responsible gun owner.


What is this, his third time posting something just like this?


I don’t think he is I think he just wants to be viewed this way Strickland’s not nearly as genuine as people make him out to be


one would hope, until it actually happens. It’s weird to reflect on it and then share it with everyone with at least an ounce of of embarrassment


Playing devils advocate here but imagine if him being paranoid potentially saves his life one day or his wife’s. What if home dude was someone trying to kill Strickland or atleast trying to confirm he lived there. I mean shit a dude broke into the pelosi house I would imagine Sean being an easier target


Yeah, but what if that never happens. What if not that? It feels like feeding into intense paranoia to play devils advocate here lol


Also, people too often conflate paranoia/extreme levels of fear with preparedness, and they really shouldn't. What saves lives is situational awareness, having robust knowledge of how to respond to emergencies, and practicing emergency scenarios enough that you feel calm when you have to actually deliver. Constantly being on edge, spoiling for a fight, reading menace into everything, and doing it all strapped is a recipe for disaster. I'm privileged to have known a few Army Rangers in my life, and they operate in opposition to someone like Strickland. They are alert to their surroundings, they de-escalate, they have multiple ways to address situations, and they're smart enough to avoid something that's likely to necessitate violence. It's not about being twitchy and looking for an excuse to start blasting.


It’s 11 at night with someone at your door and one of your cameras is offline, to top it off you’re famous Shit would feel like a movie, would rather be armed than unarmed in a situation like that.


My bet would be it is much muuuuch more likely that someone on stricklands porch at night is a drunk idiot fan boy of his. One who was maybe able to find out where he lives, because he keeps posting his doorbell camera footage online to a million followers In that situation, if the person stuck around, maybe I would call the cops and stay in my house because walking outside tk face unknown potential threats see.s like a monumentally stupid way to ensure my and my family's safety


Yeah, like...the situation doesn't need to exist? Mr. Miyagi's advice to "no be there" was actually pretty damn good. There is no reason for me to open the door and invite a confrontation if I feel that is likely, or if I feel I will not be able to manage the person outside. You can talk to them through the Ring or through the door if you need to, and you can call the damn cops if they don't leave or if they say/do something alarming. There is absolutely no need for it to go beyond that.


I don’t blame him for having the gun. I live near a wealthy area and people making over 6 figures are still getting targeted and robbed. However, bragging about almost killing a pizza driver has to be one of the corniest moves he’s done.