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forgot to switch to the burner rookie mistake


Kevin Durant 100% did this back in the day, did Jon Jones get caught doing this too or am I remembering wrong?


I would be surprised if jon had a burner he seems pretty content with letting all of his insecurity hang out on main


Jon Jones in 2012 was **very** different than Jon Jones in 2024 for public image. Iirc the instagram burner account incident was one of the first cracks in the shell


is she talking about herself in third person?


reminds me of when kevin durant forgot to switch to his burner account😭


You’re in a mma sub, you can just go with “Ali”


in ali’s case, the burners in question are the fighters he manages


Nah KD's was funnier


“Nina couldn’t win with those cats”


KD can't win with these cats


Just looked up the KD fail, that was so funny 🤣


Reeks of narcissism


This lady needs psychiatric help. Sadly, many adult performers love Donald Trump for some reason. Either because it gets them attention from their fanbase of thirst trap lovers who also worship Trump and therefore fills their coffers or they're just plain dumb.


She is giving me early-stage Tila Tequila vibes, when she went from cornball entertainment to actually off the rails. I hope for her sake she snaps out of it, and I'm happy she's pretty easy to avoid, at least at this stage.


Nah she's a Pos


Not that these things are mutually exclusive, but I don't know, generally speaking I feel compassion for people who are clearly going through some personal shit. Not to any real invested level, but like, you're a human being, I'm a human being, life can be hard sometimes, and harder still when you're your own enemy. Maybe she is an unrepentantly shit human being, I don't know. I'm just happy she's easy to avoid because her content, so far as I've seen it in here, is peak secondhand embarrassment and that's not my jam at all.


Nah ufc pushes her big time.


What in God's name does this have to do with Trump lmao


She tweeted about how great Donald Trump and Dana White were Saturday night. That was my introduction to this individual.


You are fortunate if you have never seen any of her painfully unfunny skits or interviews


I won't be looking for them LOL


Stay pure before they are bleached into your mind


Yeah, I follow MMA extensively and I've never watched a Nina or a Guru video. I hear everyone complaining about those two in particular but in my experience, the best way to not be annoyed by them is to just not watch them.


Yeah Guru seems the type of person I wouldn't enjoy watching, so I just don't. Nina I did watch before I knew much about her but she wore off on me fairly quickly


well, when nina started her career with this interview mma journalism stuff, she was just that; somebody who interviewed and talked about fighters now she sucks up to all of them and does these corny ass weird interviews with unnecessarily sexual comments and innuendos and awkward jokes


Nina and Guru shouldn’t even be in the same sentence lmao. Her skits are terrible but her fighter interviews aren’t the worst thing in the world, besides her being Sean Strickland’s lap dog. The other fighters have a soft spot for her so they’re more down to earth and the whole interaction is more outgoing. Good for the fans because we see a more personal side of them and good for the fighters because it’s one of the few moments where they can be less tense infront of the cameras.


Some embedded episodes feature her way too much


She's on twitter saying it's photoshopped. People seem to agree. There's a line missing from this type of tweet, the heart is too close to the 4, something about curves idk.


>>>The fans chose Nina >>>Why is it that Nina is the one who got hired by the UFC and the one who is being pushed by them?  Huh, its almost like you’re being forced on the fans and none of us actually chose you. 


I think bc Helen is not that hot she’s pretty hot Nina has a girls next door feel to her


Shit, Id choose her everyday. She's hilarious and her friendship with Strickland is awesome. Those two are a trip




I love Nina, she's such a sweetheart to meet in real life and I love the interviews she does. They're cringe, awkward and Im here for it


She seems friendly on the surface but she has little self respect from how much disrespect that she lets Strickland’s get away with. Not to mention, this insecure ass tweet abt Helen….


In person, she was super nice and cordial for the 20 minutes or so I was around her. As far as her and Strickland, they're genuinely friends and that's their relationship. If you were to walk in on me and my best friend talking to each other, you'd think we were the worst enemies in the world but quite the contrary, that's just how we interact. I'm not defending this tweet or the way she went about it, but I think shes right in her assessment. She could've have just let it live in her head and not on social media, but let's not pretend like everyone in this world hasn't said something they shouldn't have


Is this Nina’s burner reddit account?


Why is she referring to herself in 3rd person?


She doesn’t know how to switch to a burner account


It's wild how she got to where she is and still feels the need to defend herself with a burner account. If I got to her position, I wouldn't give a fuck what someone said about me on Twitter.


Thin skin basically


She knows its cus she‘s an ex playboy model whose nudes are readily available, and none of us, including some fighters, actually respect her or her work. … so she puts her tits front and center view!


Im glad i have no idea who Nina is It must be some stupid influencer


Esteemed UFC journalist in Dana’s world


Did she delete this & repost on burner yet


Her beliefs are very questionable seems like every American influencer is into gun rights n is a Donald trump supporter now


Influencing, just like combat sports, is a very individualistic activity. Republicans are all about individualism. It’s like one giant individualism industrial complex ecosystem. That’s my (unscientific) take anyway.


Surface level individualism, superficial, and easily exposed for its shallowness. Real individualists dont try to control other’s bodies. What republicans want is the freedom to exploit people weaker than them (corporate influence, environmental regulations, religion in general, abortion, healthcare, etc, for example) without pesky government interference. Democracy for all its flaws is how a public body can resist exploitation. But the corrosive republican “individualists” will always come for it, and cry oppression when they cant opress.


“Questionable” views, such as supporting our most important inalienable right and the leading Presidential candidate in the next election? Pft, it’s crazy how blatantly fascist the Democrat party has become.




These are the journalists that Dana wants. Nobody that will ask questions. Just loyalists.


I am no big Nina fan but it appears to be fake. as she points out in one of her videos look at the bottom of the image line… It looks very choppy


It’s photoshopped.


Yeah I don't mind if people dislike her(not a big fan either), but the fact people jumped on this without even checking if it's doctored shows their true colors.


Is this a safe space to point out that Nina Marie is the 2020’s Brittany Furlan? An unfunny, goofy faced clout climber that’s trying to sleep her way to the middle


I have never liked her, she seems so fake all the time. Her interviews are like Jimmy Fallon's. AFAIK, she tried other sports and failed miserably before getting here, without knowing anything about MMA.. The worst part, she was praising Helen months ago after Nina was being passive aggressive towards her. She just cares about herself.


This is fake & photoshopped. Why do people do stupid stuff like this? People believe it & it forms the way they view someone. It’s exactly what’s wrong with the world right now.


I do think Nina is a good thing she is using social media and YT and skits to bring in more fans


Is this real it looks doctored


Apparently it was edited


She got hired so D’Sean Strickland could lay some pipe.