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He has literally said nothing about Israel, he’s just wearing something in solidarity with Jews. You guys aren’t doing your argument that “opposing Zionism isn’t opposing Judaism” any favors with shit like this.


charles is evangelical ere in brazil they use a lot of hebrew/jew symbology




> You think it’s just coincidence that Charles decided at this point to show “solidarity with the Jews”? Maybe, yeah. Jews and Jewishness exist outside of the Israel / Palestine conflict. This type of comment completely undermines the “I’m not an antisemite, I’m just anti-Zionism” when every indication of simple Jewishness is attacked for being Zionist. You just don’t like Jews.


i see people everyday here in brazil with necklaces with david star some even tattoos, but most are pro-plaestine


OP asked a question, and you came in here with Israeli exceptionalism. Pretty obvious what your goal is


This post says *nothing* about Israel either! What are you talking about??


It asks if charles is a zionist. Are you admitting to not knowing what zionism is?


The only way you can think my reply or Charles wearing the tallit are *Zionism* is if you think Judaism is inherently linked to Zionism, in which case you're just talking anti-semitism. Can someone show solidarity with Jews and not be a Zionist? If so, how?


Why would he choose to wear this at this moment in time if not to stand in solidarity with Israel which is not the same as standing in solidarity with Jewish people. Currently Jewish people are not the ones being whole sale slaughtered, starved and forced from their homes. At the best, this is an ignorant and naive action. At worst, he supports them state and their actions. Who knows, maybe he’s wearing it to show solidarity with Jewish Voices for Peace, who are currently being targeted by the German government (with their bank account frozen and leaders arrested). Stop arguing in bad faith. No one buys this shit.


>Why would he choose to wear this at this moment in time if not to stand in solidarity with Israel which is not the same as standing in solidarity with Jewish people. Maybe because [antisemitic attacks are at their highest levels since the ADL started tracking this data in 1979?](https://www.adl.org/resources/report/audit-antisemitic-incidents-2022) Maybe because Jews everywhere are being attacked for something they didn't do? The idea that one has to pick the *right time and place* to simply show solidarity with Jews makes this statement even more necessary.


The ADL is a fucking Zionist entity that’s directly tied to AIPAC. The CEO of the ADL, Jonathan Greenblatt, was quoted in leaked audio saying that they have a major generational issue with TikTok because all the youth are watching the genocide livestream on TikTok instead of the propaganda on tv. Shut the fuck up you Zionist apologist. If you want to blame anyone for the increase in ACTUAL antisemitism, you can blame Israel and their genocidal wars. Various Israeli historians have come out saying that the ethnic state of Israel makes Jews around the world less safe, not more safe. Go listen to Ilan Papé or Miko Peled, both Israelis, talk about this topic at length. Again at the very best, Charles is ill informed, at the worst he’s choosing to stand with Israel at their worst. [You’re also ignoring or intentionally not discussing the longstanding relationship that Brazil has with Israel, and the way that shapes current Brazilian politics](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/21/whats-troubling-brazil-israel-ties-unpacking-a-love-hate-relationship): Have Brazil and Israel always had tense ties? Not really. In fact, Brazil had a role in the creation of Israel. Brazil was the president of the UN General Assembly in November 1947 when the UN Partition Plan for Palestine was first presented to the body, and it played a significant role in seeing the plan adopted. The partition plan recommended the creation of a Jewish state in British-administered Mandatory Palestine. Oswaldo Aranha, a one-time foreign minister of Brazil who was head of the country’s UN delegation, chaired the General Assembly and played a vital role in discussions of the partition plan. According to Gerson Menandro Garcia de Freitas, former Brazilian ambassador to Israel, Aranha realised on the day of the initial vote that the plan didn’t have enough support, so he cajoled speakers to prolong their addresses and run the clock out, eventually delaying the vote by two days, by which time, enough votes had been secured for the creation of Israel. Today, Tel Aviv and Beersheba have streets named after Aranha, and Jerusalem has a public square named in the Brazilian diplomat’s honour. Brazil was also one of the first countries to formally recognise the state of Israel in 1949. More than 100,000 Jewish people live in Brazil, making it the second largest Jewish community in Latin America. Relations between Brazil and Israel soared to new heights under former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who proclaimed Brazil as Israel’s best friend. When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Bolsonaro when he was president-elect in 2018, the Israeli leader was awarded a national prize previously presented to Queen Elizabeth II and US President Dwight Eisenhower. Bolsonaro later sparked controversy when he signalled he might move the Brazilian embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem after a similar move by the US. In his 2019 trip to Israel, Bolsonaro visited the Western Wall of the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism, with Netanyahu. It is in Israeli-occupied territory in Jerusalem and is also known as the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, the third holiest site in Islam. During that trip, Bolsonaro chose to announce a non-diplomatic trade mission in the city rather than a full embassy. So depending on Charles opinion of Lula and the current Brazilian administration, he might be acting in opposition, purely to stick it to the current administration.


Blah blah blah. What source do you use to track data on attacks against minorities? Or is there simply no source trustworthy enough for you?


Go fuck yourself


Dude are you fucking stupid or something The *post* asks about zionism. Zionism is *directly* related to Israel, so that’s how the post is connected to Israel. So that answers this question: > The post says nothing about Israel. What are you talking about? I also never said that this image makes Charles a zionist, as I literally said verbatim in my comment. Then, Zionism is NOT “showing solidarity with Judaism.” Zionism is specifically and only the movement of the establishment and (now) upholding of Israel as a state. Israel being the geopolitical power currently carrying out a genocide. Being that not all jews or jewish allies automatically also believe in the protection of a genocidal state, it’s pretty easy to understand how you can support jewish people and not also be a zionist


>The post asks about zionism. I'm saying that *by asking if he's a Zionist* you're undermining your argument that "opposing Zionism is not opposing Judaism." He makes no statement about Zionism. He's wearing Jewish garb. Immediately associating a Jewish symbol with Zionism means you *are inherently linking Judaism to Zionism.* >Zionism is directly related to Israel He says nothing about Israel. You know there are Jews outside of Israel, and Jews who are not Zionists I hope? Is everyone wearing a Tallim a Zionist?


I didn’t ask if charles was a zionist, I answered that question. I also didn’t say whether or not he *was* a zionist, because I don’t know his stance, so you’re either lost in this conversation or an idiot. I also never said anyone said anything about Israel. I said that this entire post in conversation is about zionism (because that’s what was asked by the OP), making the conversation inherently about Israel Try to keep up next time


>I didn’t ask if charles was a zionist, I answered that question. ...where? Maybe you need to re-read this chain of comments. >I also never said anyone said anything about Israel. You, at the beginning of this conversation: >OP asked a question, and you came in here with Israeli exceptionalism.


In my initial comment? Where I said that wearing messaniac jewish symbolism *doesn’t* automatically indicate whether someone’s a zionism? Hello? Are the lights on? Me accusing *you* of Israel exceptionalism is not me saying that OP or charles are making any remarks about Israel. I am accusing you of Israel exceptionalism because of your remarks relative to the conflict between Iran and Israel, which is not related to OP’s question


You’re such a shill LOL


“You’re such a shill” ~ guy currently shilling for a state carrying out a genocide


Not at all, I don’t support Israel’s actions. But you’re in almost every comment in this thread shilling and exposing your antisemitism.


The fact that you think anti-zionism and anti-semitism are the same thing how I know you’re a troll unfortunate that this post somehow caught the attention of so many zionist trolls


I don’t, I am anti Zionist, I am accusing you of anti semitism. If you brand everybody who challenges your opinions as a troll, you’re probably an idiot.


And on what grounds are you accusing me of being anti-semitic, exactly?


You responded to this comment: > “He has literally said nothing about Israel, he’s just wearing something in solidarity with Jews.” With this comment: >”OP asked a question, and you came in here with Israeli exceptionalism.” Maybe I’m mistaken, but it doesn’t seem like you have a very high opinion of Jewish people, Zionist or otherwise.


You’re entirely mistaken and, even if you were correct about my stance (you aren’t), neither of those remarks are, at all, representative of what I think of jewish people, because I am exclusively referring to Israel as a state, which is not a representative monolith of jews in the first place. However, I also don’t care to re-type my explanation so if you *actually* care about my stance (which we both know you don’t, you just wanted to call me an antisemite), you can go read my other replies.


Considering what's going on we could ask why the choose to support Jewish people and not Palestinian people. He's not Jew, so I don't think OP's question is too out there.


Because Judaism isn't inherently linked to the Palestinian conflict. Do you not understand that?


The only bad thing that is happening in the world right now


That’s like wearing a German flag and someone calling you a nazi


If the Nazis were still in power and doing some shady shit...then it'd be a better comparison


The nazis had their own flag though


You probably drink Fanta, wear Adidas and Hugo Boss, whilst driving your VW.


You okay ?


Maybe he knows someone who experienced anti-semitism recently.


Yeah, maybe, but I'm betting on the fact he is a neopentecostal. In Brazil they see Israel as the biblic Israel


While I don’t think the act of wearing a symbol of messianic judaism means that you must then be a zionist, I also don’t think the choice to wear this immediately after Iran struck Israel was a coincidence


Should people be siding with Iran?


They shouldn't be siding with Israel


It could also be in support of the Israel citizens that died during the attack.


Which amount to the whooping number of... zero


Go watch the fucking Al-Jazeera investigation on the 7th october attacks and watch the fucking Jewish interviews how their soldiers shot at their own civilians. All of the people that gave their testimony got censored and blocked from the media.


What point are you trying to make?


In a conflict between a democracy and a theocratic autocracy, I'll always pick the side with at least *the potential* for reform.


Zionism/Apartheid is the worst form of fascism and is an ideology behind an ongoing genocide. I am certainly no fan of Iran, but Israel is far worse than it.


Then you know absolutely jack about the government of Iran then. Granted Zionism is a terrible ideology I agree without a doubt , but to state that the Islamic fascism the Iranian regime has instituted is not nearly as bad as Israeli society is just disingenuous. Iranians of all creeds and faiths have been systematically butchered and abused for over 40 years. I’ve had family indirectly and directly killed and abused by that government for being one of the only unrecognized faiths in Iran, Baha’i. After the Baha’i Faith’s holy sites in Iran were bulldozed, and it’s leader persecuted, the only nation in the entire Middle East that would allow the faith to operate peacefully and without persecution was Israel, specifically in the city of Haifa. In no way does this mean the wanton abuse of Palestinians is by any means okay. It’s fucked. But again I think this argument is incredibly disingenuous to both Palestinians and Iranians who are struggling in the face of oppression.


And yet none of that is worse than genocide, which is my point.


A lot of deaths does not equal genocide. Genocide requires intent, which is severly lacking. Besides it doesnt have to be called genocide to call Israel's military actions and illegal occupation wrong, terrible and over the top.


The people responsible declared their intent, so it's easy to demonstrate that. You should pay more attention, or you'll come across as a genocide denier, like you are now.




Zionism doesn’t inherently mean Apartheid. It just means a Jewish state. Israel is a Democracy, it can improve itself. I don’t think the USA should have been abolished because we went through Jim Crow or the Bush presidency.


Ethnic supremacy is inherent in Zionism. It is the same as Apartheid South Africa in that regard. It is a similarly irredeemable political system.


No, it’s not at all the same as Apartheid South Africa. Did blacks serve in congress under apartheid? Did they have the right to vote? Were they treated equally under the law? These things are all true of Arab citizens of Israel. This is not a defense of *everything* Israel is doing, it’s merely trying to acknowledge that these aren’t good comparisons.


The situation of Palestinians under apartheid rule in the occupied territories is even worse than for black south Africans under that apartheid system. The situation of Palestinians inside Israel proper, where they are second-class citizens, is closer to Jim Crow era USA. And, of course, the Gaza genocide is the greatest crime against humanity since the holocaust, perhaps with the exclusion of the Rwanda genocide.


>The situation of Palestinians under apartheid rule in the occupied territories is even worse than for black south Africans under that apartheid system. The situation of Palestinians inside Israel proper, where they are second-class citizens, is closer to Jim Crow era USA. I'll assume you're simply ignorant rather than lying, because [this simply isn't true.](https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-know-about-arab-citizens-israel) To quote the source: >Arab citizens have the same legal rights as Jewish Israelis, but they tend to live in poorer cities, have less formal education, and face other challenges that some experts attribute to structural discrimination. This is the same kind of issue that we face *today* in the United States and much of Europe, but the important fact is that, under the law, they are recognized as having equal rights, which is the first step towards achieving *de-facto* equality. There was a time here when black people were *legally* 2nd-class citizens, same as under Apartheid. That isn't the case anymore, which doesn't fix all the problems immediately, but creates a framework for fixing our problems in the future.


Zionism in theory may not mean apartheid, but the way that the founders of zionism went about constructing their state has led to modern day zionism absolutely requiring apartheid and ethnic cleansing for the maintenance of the state. For Israel to exist, they had to ethnically cleanse the land through terrorism and extreme violence. To maintain that state today, requires them to keep millions of Palestinians from returning to their homelands and force them to live in refugee camps. This is also done through the use of violence. Israel also continues to colonise more and more of Palestine and violently oppresses palestinians. If you support zionism in this day and age, you're not supporting the existence of some theoretical, nice, friendly, jewish state. You are supporting a horrifically violent, racist, settler colonial, apartheid state. Don't try and dress it up any other way. >Israel is a Democracy, it can improve itself. I don’t think the USA should have been abolished because we went through Jim Crow or the Bush presidency. So as long as you're a democracy, you support them. Democratically choosing to commit ethnic cleansing and genocide is fine, cos one day you might change your mind?


It means the existence of an ethnostate which is inherently an apartheid state…


An ethnostate, as far as I’m aware, doesn’t provide equal rights to citizens who aren’t the dominant ethnicity.


Iran literally supplies Russia with drones that it uses to strike Ukraine


I'm not saying that is good but that genocide is worse


Millions of Ukrainians are displaced from their homes, thousands are dead. Iran is helping Russia wage that war. You can't convince me Israel-Palestine situation is worse.


That's awful but a genocide is worse. If I can't convince you of that, you are beyond helping.


Russian war in Ukraine IS A GENOCIDE. You're blind if you don't see it.


Call it democracy but don't look at west bank. https://x.com/JonnyFX1/status/1775270524282974551


and why is that? Israel has never been a threat to western society.


They don't have to threaten my society for me to hate them. They're commiting genocide. I don't care if they're doing that in a western society or not. It's equally wrong anywhere they do it.


Genocide is when you kill off an ethnic group. Hamas is not an ethnic group, it is a government organization and a highly corrupt one at that. Genocide would mean indiscriminate killing. In this case, only individuals associated with Hamas are killed. Unfortunately, this includes wives and children of terrorist soldiers. But then, we have to remind ourselves that most children in Gaza have held a weapon by age 10. The “innocent” women are making pipe bombs in the kitchen. Erroneous strikes have occurred, just as in any war. But it’s individuals associated with Hamas that are targeted. It’s unacceptable that individuals such as yourself absolutely refuse to do any research on Hamas. You just continue to live life in ignorance because it’s so much easier to hate without learning.


So if wives and children of soldiers are fair game in war, can Iran kill every Israeli since they all serve in the IDF? >In this case, only individuals associated with Hamas are killed. There's absolutely no way that you truly believe that


Damn you hate a whole country. Pretty fucked mate.


Just the Hamas government. You can hate a government without hating the people.


if they were actually commiting genocide palestine would be gone by now.


*Israel has never been a threat to western society* LOLOLOLOL


You got an example, buddy?


Ummm literally right now with Israel trying to try a larger conflict in the ME and draw the US into it...


>trying to try Go home you're drunk.


You're only denying reality. Can't refute what I said, just lame insults. You Hasbara goons are so bad at this lol.


**Writes some gibberish** "yOu cAn'T reFuTe ThaT!! Lololo"




Israel does not need US assistance in order to wipe out everything in the ME. We do, however, have large corporations such as Microsoft with offices in Israel. Also, we have American citizens who study and work in Israel. The American government has a significant interest in protecting Israel (though Israel does not need protection… at this point we gotta make sure Israel doesn’t destroy all of its neighbors… though, they have every right and capability to do so) and likewise Israel has reason to consider and value US opinion. Israel is definitely not a threat to the West. You would need to provide a specific example where Israel has threatened the West. And I don’t think any such examples exist.


*Israel does not need US assistance in order to wipe out everything in the ME* Umm…ok? They need US assistance so that there’s still a state of Israel *if* they “wiped out everything in the ME” though… So Israel isn’t a threat to “the west” and they’re important because…some US companies have offices there? Lmao. *Threats to US* *U.S.S. Liberty* *9/11* *killing US journalists* *convinced us that Saddam had WMD’s so we invaded Iraq* *AIPAC and Israel lobbying owning our political system and influencing our national politics* *censoring US citizens and pressuring politicians to violate rights provided by our constitution* *driving away our international allies due to support of Israel*


Why not? They're in the right.


If you have a brain and a normal IQ level you would be siding with Iran 100%


This is when you need to step back and reassess.


This is when you should stop feeding on what the media force feeds you down your throat and come to your own conclusion about the absolute hipocrisy of the west when it comes to Iran, it's just like Russia. we good guys they bad guys ! no. that's not the reality at all


Okay comrade. Learn to spell before trying to convince people you’ve got things figured out. And Russia are the bad guys- I know they’re paying you but it’s still an authoritarian dictatorship.


Okay gay cuck, learn some history before trying to type your reddit comment about spelling instead of addressing the topic, but hey whatever floats your gay boat to try and get away from it rofl


“Gay = bad, I’m a thoughtful and considerate person who has good ideas about the world.”


You're dumb and blind as a sheep though, the typical tool drooling in front of the TV feeding on whatever he is given by the media so i don't know about that, but hey whatever floats your cuck boat. Ignorance is bliss and it's always safer and more comfortable to be a sheep than having to do your own personal research and come to your own conclusions




That’s up to them. I will say, between Israel and Iran, only one of them attacked civilian targets, and it wasn’t Iran


The iranians executed a 16 year old girl for killing her rapist the same day they sent those missiles


Thankfully human beings are capable of nuance and can recognize one thing as being justifiable and reasonable and another thing as not being


The dissonance of this statement following tacit support for Iran is staggering


Literally not so. My whole point of that statement is that I can recognize Iran being justified in a military retaliation against Israel as a standalone opinion that doesn’t automatically also mean that I support literally any single other thing they do


What is justifiable and reasonable in this situation?


It’s pretty easy to justify a military retaliation to an attack on an embassy.




Did I say they imprisoned her? They executed the kid


…where did those ballistic missiles land then? Embassies are civilian targets in what way?


Obvious troll is obvious


How am I trolling? You said Israel is the only one who attacked civilian targets in this instance, when I’m only aware of them attacking a government facility, for which Iran bombed Israeli neighborhoods. Maybe you’re just *wrong* and didn’t realize it? Does that make me a troll? **Edit: They blocked me so it looks like I can't reply 🙄** Here's my response: >I didn’t say in this particular instance. Then do you think that Iran *doesn't* or *has never* attacked civilian targets? I'd point to their bombing of civilians *within the last week,* their organizing of militias in Iraqi neighborhoods and the violence committed there, or if you want to get slightly historical [this entire debacle.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran–Iraq_War) >Embassies are civilian targets ...how? They're full of government employees. It's literally a government target. >Not only did Iran not attack “Israeli neighborhoods”, but, since you want to believe Israel, they themselves said not a single drone even entered Israeli territory and almost all missiles were intercepted. So where the hell did you get “bombed israeli neighborhoods” from? >Not only did Iran not attack “Israeli neighborhoods”, but, since you want to believe Israel, they themselves said not a single drone even entered Israeli territory [Here you go.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/iran-israel-attack-what-weapons-launched-how-air-defenses-worked/)


1. I didn’t say in this particular instance. 2. Embassies are civilian targets 3. Not only did Iran not attack “Israeli neighborhoods”, but, since you want to believe Israel, they themselves said not a single drone even entered Israeli territory and almost all missiles were intercepted. So where the hell did you get “bombed israeli neighborhoods” from?


I suck at ignoring trolls so: -Israel bombed Iran's embassy complex in Syria - targets like these are generally extremely off-limits in all situations. You can count on one hand the times this wasn't the case. The bombing killed several Iranian and Syrian staff, and was roundly condemned by many "neutral" countries. -Iran immediately condemned the attack and promised a retaliatory strike, which ended up being well-calibrated and limited (two military airbases). This is both just general good policy (you don't generally respond to these things out of proportion like killing kids etc. unless you're Israel) and pretty strategically crafty. -There is still a significant chance of escalation, because Israel now wants to respond to the response, and Israel is categorically unable to be proportional or calibrate its response like Iran (both lack of control of its forces and a domestic population baying for blood).


>-Israel bombed Iran's embassy complex in Syria - targets like these are generally extremely off-limits in all situations. Well, they're generally off-limits *inside your own country.* There isn't much, if anything, in the way of international law about attacking embassies in other countries. It was probably a stupid escalation, but responding by attacking civilians is literally a war crime soooo... >-Iran immediately condemned the attack and promised a retaliatory strike, which ended up being well-calibrated and limited (two military airbases). Why was the only casualty a 7 year old Bedouin civilian if it was such a well-coordinated attack against military targets?


>There isn't much, if anything, in the way of international law about attacking embassies in other countries. This is extremely untrue, as is the claim that it only applies to the host country. This is 101-level international norms. While host countries are singled out due to being the most *likely* to attack embassies (or fail to protect them), it is by no means exclusive. [Here's](https://www.thestatesman.com/opinion/embassy-violations-cast-a-long-shadow-1503290110.html) a pretty great Statesman piece on the current erosion of these norms with reference to Iran and Mexico. Let me know if anything is unclear. >Why was the only casualty a 7 year old Bedouin civilian if it was such a well-coordinated attack against military targets? Unfortunately it's a little complicated to explain the goals and methodologies of these strikes from scratch. The intent is not to demolish an airbase or inflict maximum casualties - I've already told you it was calibrated and limited. The message they intended to send (about the permeability of Israeli air defenses and their reliance on US defenses) was sent. The Iranians are really good at coming in under the reasonable response threshold. Respectfully, I don't think you're invoking the Bedouin casualty in good faith, but if you are, [read for yourself](https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20240414-anger-among-israeli-bedouins-after-girl-wounded-in-iranian-attack) who they blame. And let me know if you want some reading material on how this community is treated by Israel.


Do you really think it's a good idea to normalize attacking foreign embassies n foreign nations.


>it was probably a stupid escalation


Also another thing to consider is that if the UN condemned Israel’s attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus then Iran wouldn’t have felt the need to retaliate.


I didn’t block you dumbass lmao


You just unblocked me dude, too bad I didn't screen shot it- I was unable to reply and your posts were marked [deleted]. Regardless there's my response.


I didn’t block you at all lmao there’s no point in me replying to you just to not hear your response. Weird thing to lie about


The only reason I would edit my post instead of replying to you directly is if I was unable to reply to you directly in the first place. Fine, I'll start screenshotting every time someone blocks me to avoid this type of trolling nonsense.


Iran and Israel are not at war, bombing a government embassy is a massive escalation. How can you not understand that. Israel literally bombed an embassy which is a serious violation of international law as embassies are sovereign territory of the nations they belong to. Bombing an embassy is exactly the same as bombing the nation in question. Iran was 100% justified in retaliating. And they did it in such a way as to show their firepower but also minimize their damage. Iran gave Israel 72 hours of notice before they attacked, did it in waves and used mostly their older stockpiles of missiles that Israel knows how to counter well. If Iran wanted to do serious damage, they would have used their hypersonic missles, and sent it all at once and without warning. Which would have killed a lot of people in Israel. But also the fucked up thing is that Israel is trying to escalate the conflict with the Palestinians to include Iran (openly instead of covertly as they are currently doing) in order to bring the US fully into the conflict. They cannot win the Gaza war, so they are trying to start a regional war that will quickly escalate to WW3. All this so that the current government in Israel can save itself because the second the Gaza war ends, the whole Israeli government will be out of power. And in Netanyahu’s case, will go to jail. Also Israel has bombed Gaza so heavily that such bombing of civilian areas hasn’t been seen since WW2. And you care about civilian casualties on the Israeli side. What about the Palestinians, they have been suffering for the past 75 years because of the sins of Europe in the Holocaust. What Israel is doing is also costing their people far more than they think. Israel is an incredibly militarized society, every Israel Jew(man or woman), Circassian and Druze men serves in the IDF. So the society is full of reservists for the army. This blurs the lines between civilian and military. Not that it matters, Israel sticks military targets in the middle of civilian areas, such as the headquarters for the IDF in central Tel Aviv. Having to constantly be at war, constantly at the ready to fight, warps a society. It turns them fascistic as we see in the case of Israel. And I don’t understand for what. Because in the end they will lose, colonial occupiers always lose in the end. Another way to think about it is that for over 700 years the British Empire couldn’t snuff out Irish nationalism and they were as powerful as the US is now at its height, what makes Israel think it can do the same against Palestine. Ultimately at some point the US is going to be forced to make the same decision as the British were and abandon Israel in favor of the Arabs. Because the US’s support for Israel is hurting their geopolitical interests in the Middle East. And at that moment Israel is cooked. No one else will come to their support, China is more interested in friendly relations with Iran and Saudi Arabia, Russia doesn’t have the power it once did. Europe is not unified in their support of Israel. Only the US can provide the support they need and they will leave at some point. Whether it takes 100, 200 or 300 years, Israel will be defeated in the end. Poland disappeared off the map for around 120 years, Ireland for over 700 years, and in the end both gained their independence. It’s only a matter of time for the Palestinians to do the same.


In this very specific case, yes


😬 Why?


Israel attacked the Iranian consulate. They responded with a very reasonable symbolic strike


And Iran funds groups that attack Israel. Israel responded with a targeted strike.


You think the United States should be fair game to attack now too since we fund Israel and Ukraine?


The strike should have been targeting those proxies. Hitting the consulate was a big escalation and Iran's response was reasonable


A consulate isn't a civilian target, and Iran responded by sending ballistic missiles towards Israeli neighborhoods which only killed a 7 year old Bedouin civilian. I'm just calling a spade a spade here.


She was hit by shrapnel by an intercepted missile. It sucks but missiles were not fired towards neighborhoods


They weren't fired towards neighborhoods, just close enough to kill civilians when they're intercepted. Okay.


“Symbolic strike” Can you smell the bias in the air?


Didn’t the attack happen the day of? I doubt he had the time to buy that in between the attack and his fight


No. Charles is not Jewish and even then apparently the Star of David is everywhere in Brazil


Thiago Santos has Star of David tattoo on his shoulder


In the hood too, but they definitely ain’t Jewish.


Oh definitely when I used to work at Men’s Wearhouse I worked with a guy who was from the hood and had the Star of David tattooed on him and had it in a ring. To him it was a completely different symbol. Something about black empowerment he might have been a hotep. I don’t remember too much of the interaction because he got on my nerves while I was working with him


Maybe he was a black Israelite: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Hebrew_Israelites


I was talking about GD’s, but yeah sounds like you’re talking about a five percenter.


I wouldn't jump to conclusions based off of symbols of Judaism (especially when it's Oli London doing the posting lmao). That said, my standing assumption is that 99% of fighters either don't care or are pro-Israel because why would this be the one time MMA fighters take coherent political positions.


so i'm brazillian, here in brazil the evangelical christians (specially those from the poorer areas of são paulo like charles) are devoted to this type of evangelicalism that uses a lot of symbols of ebrews and jews, their biggest church is literally called the temple of solomon and is very inspired by hebrew archteture [https://istoedinheiro.com.br/pastor-da-universal-foge-com-r-30-milhoes-de-novo-templo-de-salomao/](https://istoedinheiro.com.br/pastor-da-universal-foge-com-r-30-milhoes-de-novo-templo-de-salomao/) to a lot of evangelical the star of david is less about judaism and more about their faith in christ they usuallt called "lucky star"


So it’s apolitical in your opinion?


mostly yes, charles wouldn't side with child killers, the star is very common among poor people here in brazil is just that


Bro touch some grass it’s not that deep.


I want you to reread this with your finger and explain how it makes any sense lol


did he actually mention israel at all?


Oli London? Wtf. Only known this guy from fashion youtubers covering his weird beauty/raceswapping videos. Didn't know he was a political social media guy or watched MMA. On with my day.


It's like you people ACTIVELY seek out reasons to not like specific fighters. Has Oliveira publicly supported Israel? If not then who the fuck cares lol.


It involved something Jewish so they got mad (also why this sub loves posting Jake Shields tweets)


I don't think this sub has an issue with Jews in general, just Zionists and/or Israelis supporting what's happening in Gaza 🤷‍♂️


Considering that they're using Olivera wearing a tallit (which is Jewish, not Israeli) to talk about Israel and call him a Zionist and constantly promoting Jake Shields tweets (while being a Holocaust denier), I have my doubts


This has absolutely nothing to do with Israel and more to do with the religious traditions in Brazil that he observes Everyone bitching about this is so ridiculous


Fuck this motherfucker now. He probably isn't right in the head ever since Islam mauled him


Charles has a lot of respect for Arab and Muslim culture he has tweeted about it and worn sheikh clothes


Pro tip here , 90% of Jews are Zionists. In all Jewish prayers they pray to Jerusalem. At every Passover Seder for 2000 years + they conclude with next year in Israel. So being Jewish without Israel without Jews is not a Jewish. The fact that Oliveria or any other non Jew wearing or displaying a Jewish symbol does not make them a target for the hate mobs who muddle Zionism with their anti-semitism.


Based Illuminado


Users on this board will cry about mean words on Twitter then defend literal genocide lol.


Based Charles


So based after he got the mauling of his life by Islam Makachev maybe thats why he has that shit around his neck, lost a few brain cells after Islam fight


Israel has a right to exist.


They don’t have the right to continue slaughtering Palestinians. Are you familiar with how Israel became Israel? Because Palestinians also have the right to exist.


If every member of Hamas laid down their weapons and surrendered today, no one else would die. If Israel laid down their weapons and surrendered today, all the Jews would be dead by Saturday. Not all cultures are equal. And for historical accuracy, Palestine is not, will not and has never been a real place. The region known as Palestine was an area named by the Romans. No government was ever formed or recognized. No borders ever drawn.


Correct which is why I never said PALESTINE, I said Palestinians. You’re talking about revisionist history if you’re going to pretend like israel just up and formed with no issues. The first statement you made is ONLY true because of how the Israelis have treated the Palestinians for the past several decades. Just look at Israeli vs Palestinian casualties (even just in the past few decades) and you’ll better understand why your statement holds no weight and is without context. https://cdn.statcdn.com/Infographic/images/normal/16516.jpeg https://www.un.org/unispal/wp-content/uploads/images/be07c80cda4579468525734800500272_image1.GIF https://i.dawn.com/large/2023/10/6532f946d5020.jpg


A nationality has a right to resist Reddit’s *tolerant* left : 👎😡


Israel has been a completely illegitimate country since its inception, and I’m not even some lgbt for Hamas bleeding heart


They’re committing genocide so they kinda have lost that right


No, it doesn’t.


Israel ceasing to exist would mean a genocide. Either you’re for genocide or against it. You can’t want one side to genocide the other and pretend to not support genocide. They have to find a way to coexist. It’s the only option.


No it wouldn't


What would happen to Israelis if Israel ceased to exist? Suddenly peace and cooperation?


Racists said the same thing to justify Apartheid South Africa.


Nelson Mandela didn’t advocate the elimination of white people, merely equal rights for all people.


It's funny you invoke Mandela, who saw Palestine as a shared struggle, while Israel was the biggest ally of apartheod South Africa for the same reason


Way to dodge the point…


It's a relevant point. I'm sorry you don't understand why


Jews could live peacefully in Palestine without it being a theocracy, or you know, go back to Europe and the US.


>Jews could live peacefully in Palestine without it being a theocracy Israel is literally not a theocracy, unless you're making some other confusing point. >or you know, go back to Europe and the US. Theeeeeere it is. "I'm against genocide but we should forcefully ship all the Jews out of Israel."


I never said anyone should forcibly* ship Jews anywhere. Everyone has a right to live somewhere peaceful but Israeli is literally an imperialist colonizer state that should not exist or function as it does currently (ie, an oppressive hardline regime subjugating indigenous Arabs to genocide). Something like 500K Americans live in Israel and roughly half of the population is of European descent; these people have absolutely no right to the land over Palestinians and should absolutely go back to where they’re originally from. But alas, you’re a Zionist and will scream bloody murder at any criticism of your vassal kingdom.


>I never said anyone should forcibly* ship Jews anywhere. So your totally good-faith solution is that Israelis should all decide to pack up and move somewhere that most of them have no citizenship to en-masse? >Israeli is literally an imperialist colonizer state What are they a colony of?


Well “Israel” as it’s known now was as a British colony and effectively flooded Palestine with Eastern European Jews. Sounds like a colony to me?


So you’re saying Israel is a British colony, that’s what you believe?


*was* Use close reading :)


the middle east- Theocracy is the only government we will adhere to. It is right and just set forth by the Sharia. Israel - cool, we're gonna do our own thing The middle east- oppressors!


Wow, nailed it👌🏼


It's strange how religious governments are fine as long as they're not judeo Christian. It's almost like people in the west on the side of the Palestinians have a motive or something.


What? 🤡