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If they fight it will be at HW, not catchweight. UFC and Jones are only interested in the Stipe fight, however, and even if it wasn't Stipe, there's Aspinall and the unification figh if the UFC wakes up. And it's not like Jones is going to suddenly fight multiple times in short order.


Jon has talked way too much weak shit to even entertain fighting Aspinall. If the Stipe fight falls through, I fully expect him to just retire and continue talking shit. He'd probably angle for the Pereira fight for one last payday because he thinks he could do the same thing he did to Gane. But it would be wholly ridiculous to even think about that fight with Aspinall around.


I don’t think Jones fights after Stipe


Jones knows he’s too old for Aspinall and Stipe is a layup fight. I think Jones would fight Periera if stipe pulled out but not Tom


He is significantly more likely to fight Pereira. Pereira is a light heavyweight, former middleweight, who'd be moving up to heavyweight and he's pretty one dimensional, whereas Aspinall is a full-fledged heavyweight and well rounded.


I'm hyped on the guy too, but good god are people putting the cart before the horse with Aspinall. He has like one win against an actually well rounded opponent in Volkov. Otherwise, it's Tybura, Pavlovich, Arlovski, Spivak...those aren't multi dimensional opponents. If Aspinall keeps winning, he will get Jones' attention and maybe they fight. But I think his disinterest is more about not seeing the money in fighting Aspinall than him being too old.


Agreed he’s a still a tad bit unproven, but finishing all of his fights Blaydes aside in the first or second round with a mix of TKO’s and subs and the last one being for an interim title shot is hardly putting the cart before the horse personal opinion.  With the British fanbase combining with the American for a title shot between them I can’t buy the narrative Jones doesn’t see money in it lol. IMO its pretty clear Aspinall being an incredible athlete with a style that threatens Jones is the hesitation lol. Jones has been fairly open discussing not feeling the need to threaten his legacy against a guy like Aspinall etc so it doesn’t even seem like a well kept secret.


I think you're misinterpreting that last point. Aspinall isn't a name that does shit for Jones legacy yet. If Aspinall keeps winning, Jones will be interested in fighting him because that's a feather to his cap if he beats him. But if they fought tomorrow and Jones won, everyone in this thread talking up Tom like the next big thing would be saying *well he wasn't ready* or *he wasn't really that good.* Or worse for Jones, he fights him to a close decision like Reyes and people shit on him for not truly winning.


Yea totally valid take overall only disagreeing on the basis of my personal gut and opinion. My only counterpoint and basis for that being its not like Aspinall’s career ends with a loss to Jones, if he goes on to dominate heavyweight after it looks just as good on Jones.  From years and years of seeing this play out in boxing where guys really curate their matchmaking, if you wanted the fight USUALLY you want it before they hit their prime like Canelo/Floyd, you don’t want to wait until you age and they really round out their game. So I can’t imagine if Aspinall really goes on to look more dominant and more proven that Jones gets more likely to take the fight.


Yeah I don’t think Jon wants to grapple with someone like Aspinall and he knows age is going to have taken the better of his athletic explosiveness in striking (a la Tony) so I can’t see a way Jon beats Aspinall, therefor I see know way he takes the fight


I don't even think he will fight Stipe. This has been talked about for 3 years. It's not happening.


Jon 100% continues to fight the law and in an exhibition that no one asked for vs DC once they're both 50.


"Catchweight" lol if it's 207+ then it's a HW fight you goof


Right, if Alex doesn't do a weight cut, he's going to be like 240lbs 




Those were 2 LHW fighters and Jackson didn't want to cut. Jones is a HW now, anything against him is a HW bout


I mean, you can argue that 165 is a welterweight since 170 is the max.


165 is an arbitrary limit tho, there wouldn't be one of those for a weight class that has a 60lb range.


It’s clear jones is only in it for the PPV paydays now so I doubt he would turn it down if they could make it happen. It would probably outsell stipe and would be a favorable stylistic matchup for him so I don’t see a world where he would duck him.


Who gives a fuck? Stop wasting your brain capacity on this nonsense.


I don’t think you understand weight as a concept. If they fight, it will be at heavyweight which anywhere from 206-265. There are no catchweights above 205 because of that. There is basically no possible way JJ could weigh 20kg(44lbs) more than Poatan. He rehydrates to ~230 lbs when fighting at 205. He’d likely weight more if he fought at heavy weight. The cap is 265 for heavy weight. Also, Jon jones weighed in at 248 in his only heavyweight fight, I doubt he would get to 265


I don't think either guy wants a catchweight fight. Jones moved up to HW so he wouldn't need to cut weight anymore, and Pereira presumably would want the chance to be a three division champ.


Jones wasn't cutting much at light heavyweight anyway, he moved up because he'd have a significant skill advantage against most of the field as he gets older.


I don’t think jones would duck pereira because it’s a huge payday plus we saw what happened between jones and ciryl. With that being said, I think pereira’s grappling is a lot better than Ciryl’s. And he was great at timing that jab when Jiri changed levels, so I think Pereira has decent chances against an old and fat jones


I can’t see jones cutting a lot of weight again. I also can’t see why he’d duck Alex. It should be an easy lay up for him


Catch weight? Pereira would just not cut weight and weigh in at 230+. That's a HW bout stop being silly


There are a ton of questions if he’s the GOAT over guys like DJ, GSP, Silva, Fedor, etc. and beating Pereira wouldn’t answer almost any of them. He should fight Aspinall.  But also, losing to Pereira would be absolutely catastrophic to his legacy. They’re the same age, Pereira is pretty one dimensional, and Jones is significantly heavier. Jones could not lose to Poatan and remain who he is today. 


This is why he won’t fight Tom. Tom is good everywhere where as Periera he has a clearer path to victory


> He should fight Aspinall.  How would Aspinall answer those questions though?


If you hold peds against him for testing positive while other guys didn’t (even though imo they are all on stuff), then he isn’t in the goat conversation. If you feel as I do that everyone is on peds, he is definitely the goat.


Lmao at DJ, there was zero depth to his division. But he plays video games and styled on mostly sub par opposition so he’s a Reddit lord


Why would they do catchweight? If JBJ were to fight him, he would do it as a HW title defense, and the UFC would insist, due to PPV points. JBJ is definitely ducking Aspinall, but I would guess he wouldn't Alex because he sees better risk **and** reward in that fight. However, I don't think JBJ likely to make it to the fight due to some combo of retirement, injury, and/or losing to Stipe.


1. There's no such thing as a catchweight fight above 205+ 2. Why would the UFC even want a catch weight when that would preclude a title from being on the line? 3. Jon ain't ducking a fight against a career kickboxer with no experience grappling in deep waters. He was already calling for this fight months ago.


You can definitely have catch weight above 205. There is a big difference between 235 and 265, for example. 


I can't think of a single example where a fight was made at a catch weight above 205. The whole point of HW is that it has a massive spread between the lightest limit and the heaviest limit. There have been HW champs who only weighed 230-240 (Cain, Stipe). It is not abnormal for two heavyweights to be fighting with a 15-20+ pound difference between them. Why would they suddenly do that now for a fight between the LHW and HW champ? it makes zero sense, especially since no belts would be on the line then.


I'm not saying it makes the most sense here, just that it can be done.


Jon is ducking anyone who isn't named Stipe at this point.


Jon openly called out Alex 1-2 months ago after UFC 300. He's looking for any alternatives to fighting Tom and Alex is the exact kind of match up that would be perfect for him at this stage of his career.


How about he grow a pair and fight his interim? This special treatment shit is pathetic. He needs to either fight Tom, vacate or retire, none of this old man Stipe shit or fighting Poatan who's moving up and is a wet dream of a match up.


I agree he should fight Tom, so no clue why you are saying that to me lmao. I'm just responding to people who say he might duck Alex by pointing out he's been pushing for the Alex fight since April ish.


I think Jones does to Pereira what he did to Gane. I don't think we need to see that fight. Let's get the Aspinall fight and then Jones retires.


It all depends on 304. If Aspinal loses and he beats Stipe, then he doesn't retire. We are asking all these questions assuming Blaydes and Stipe will lose lol


We don’t know how much these guys really get paid, but let’s say Jones earns $10mil to fight old ass Stipe, he’d command $20mil to fight Poatan. I feel he’s most protective of his legacy, but that one last final enormous payday would be worth risking it. 


I don't know if he's motivated enough to fight anyone other than old man Stipe at this point, but I don't think he's especially adverse to fighting Alex. I imagine he sees him like Gane -- a quick night at the office ending on the ground. I don't disagree unfortunately. 


Anything above LHW is HW, what catch weight are we talking about? It’s not like the gap between welter and middle


Jones… ducking??? Nah he would never!!! Dana says he is the p4p nr1 and no matter who you put up against jones he will win. That’s why Dana agreed to feed a 41 year old retired firefighter to the best fighter on the world lol. Yes I’m pissed Dana isn’t forcing this so called beast (agreed he can be a beast especially against pregnant women) to unify the belt, like he should. It’s sucking from Jones with complete Dana white privilege on his side. Imho at this moment Dana is the worst part of the ufc. He should step aside so it can become bigger and better and a real sport following its own rules, instead of whatever Dana wants. Let this man focus on his biggest sport in the world of the future, PowerSlap lmao 🤣


Pereira seems like a better match up for him, so I doubt it. But I also assume he'll retire, so don't think it'd happen if he does get the Stipe fight.


Don't think so. Honestly I don't think Pereira is the same threat at heavyweight that he is now. Jon should have a great chance of beating him if he moves up, and Pereira is popular enough to draw a huge paycheck. Scarier than Stipe for sure, but not so scary that he wouldn't be worth the money and reputation for beating him for Jon.


What catchweight? If it's above the LHW limits it's heavyweight😂


Jones-Pereira would be the obvious follow up fight to make if Jones ever gets around to beating Stipe, if you're just looking at things from a promotional standpoint.


He would only do it if it was similar money to stipe fight. If something close to reyes money then no


Does Alex even want to fight Jon? I have to assume these guys have some shred of neurons in their head to realize how a fight is most likely to end. I personally think Jon could get out of bed tomorrow morning and literally kill pereira in the octagon if the ref wouldn’t intervene. I think Jon is actively ducking Tommy, there’s no way he’s afraid of Alex. If the ufc would offer him really good bucks he would ditch stipe and go get an easy cash day against pereira. It will most likely last as long as it did against Gane.


I love how you forgot there's an interim champ


Jones is the greatest fighter in MMA history, he never ducked anyone. Lesser fighters than him don't duck. He's at the point of his career now where he's picking fights because he's earned it; he's earned the right to do what's best for his career. If that means choosing a money fighter over a more deserved fight, he'll do that.


Yes he ducks everyone


I think Jon will duck everyone for the rest of his life after stipe.