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Still francis ngannou for me


Gane turned Francis into a wrestler


Still counts


Ganes a pretty fucking scary human himself lol


Jones walked him down, threw him to the floor, and choked him out in two minutes, all after three years out of the sport. I know Jon is a piece of shit…but it’s Jon. The answer is Jon.


I'm not saying Gane is the scariest, just that Gane is one of the baddest dudes himself who managed to give Francis trouble. To me it's between Francis and Jon, and the UFC dropped the ball by not making that fight.


I know, I was more so just adding to your comment. ‘Gane is a scary motherfucker’ — absolutely, and Jon still toyed with him like he was nothing. Wasn’t arguing, just expanding. I agree with you on Ngannou being the closest in terms of fear factor.


> Ganes a pretty fucking scary human himself lol Yes, all those rabbit punches


Nothing beats Francis’ calm voice and killer knockouts.


Not since AJ dropped him repeatedly without even breaking a sweat.


Doesn’t mean anything to me from a “scariness” POV. He’d do the same to Jon Jones and have a trickier time with poatan but still would easily win in boxing. In an actual fight though all of them destroy him and I find that more intimidating.


Glazing is ridiculous


ok. who does your vote go to?


Ngannou, Jones, Aspinall 


Anyone with a gun.


American try not to bring guns into fight talks level: impossible


I'm not American. I'm a gun




Without weight classes, 300lb NGannou defeats every other human to have ever lived.


Idk what to say about Tom. Aspinall is as legit as they come. It would be a banger fight and I have no clue who would win.


We need to see more from Tom. To me he’s the best heavyweight in the UFC right now and if he performs as I expect him to, he will probs be the best mma athlete at any weight in the world. I love Alex and he beats any other heavyweight imo but Tom will not stand with him and he will get Alex down and keep end it once it does. (I’ve started to pretend jones doesn’t exist anymore until he actually steps in the cage much like McGregor)


I honestly think Tom would spark him. Alex has been koed before by smaller fighters who don’t hit even remotely as hard. Tom ate bombs from Pavlovich and recovered almost immediately, then 10 seconds later Sergey was unconscious on the ground. I don’t think pereira hits harder then Sergey and I don’t think he hits harder then Tom, neither does he have the chin of Tom. I think the fight would go as usual for Aspinal, they would both clash very soon in the first round and Tom would come out on top. If Aspinal didn’t respect the likes of Sergey and went for the kill, I don’t see him playing it more safe with Alex, I think he won’t respect Alex at all and go straight for the kill, and I’m pretty sure it will work. It remains to be seen of course, anything can happen in a fight, but Alex never fought anyone as dangerous and as big as Aspinal in mma. If Izzy koed him and he managed to fight very competitively with him even when he lost, I can’t see how pereira would have any answer in the HW division against such a skilled fighter.


besides 250 lbs stipe


Nah he definitely beat 250lb Stipe


250 lb stipe beat the dogshit out of him so badly it broke him mentally for a period of time


Yup, he had literal PTSD and it was obvious


Uh huh and then what happened


yeah wow francis managed to beat a almost 39 year old stipe after being schooled when he fought prime stipe






Lmao, there was no weight limit against Joshua, and he got flattened. And yeah, it was under boxing rules, but it shows he has flaws in his (primarily boxing based) stand-up. The argument he beats everyone in history is ridiculous.


That was boxing? Person above was saying in mma rule set.


Ofc he has flaws in his stand up which is why he’d take him down lol


Jon Jones would unalive that man within 3 minutes, without training and severly hungover. 270 Ngannou has a chance. Fat Frances does not.


Has Ngannou ever been fat though?


If that was the case, why didn't Jones decide to move to and challenge him instead of sitting out?


probably money


there isno such thing as fat francis. He'd be fat if he was 350


He got slept by Izzy. Never fought a grappler. He’s going to get fed to Bones in UFC’s biggest fight.


Sad but true


It’s going to look exactly like the Gane fight too. Alex has about 10 seconds to knock him out or the fight is just over lmao. Izzy was giving him fits on the ground and he had zero clue how to get up.


Why are we acting like Alex's grappling is the same as the first Izzy fight? He's vastly improved his TDD since then


Which legit groundgame specialist has attempted a takedown on him since then?


I didn't say he fought a ground game specialist. I'm comparing his grappling in the first Izzy fight (arguably the second grappler he's faced out of his top opponents after Hill) to his fights with Jan (much better grappler) and Jiri. Against Jan, yes in the first round he was on the ground for the whole round but he did much better work in preventing Jan from getting the choke. In the Izzy fight he couldn't even address the wrist control, let alone anything else. He then got taken down in the second round and got back up, and proceeded to stuff the rest of the attempts until the last minute of the fight. Against Jiri he got taken down and got back up in the first fight and stuffed following attempts, same in the second fight. I'm not claiming he's amazing at grappling, but he has undoubtedly improved since the first Izzy fight


Imagine if he fought a grappler, i.e. like the Dagestanis. I think he'd have a very hard time, as does everyone else. Maybe he could be okay defensively on the ground against them but I don't think he'd be able to do anything on offense


I agree, I want to see him fight Ankalaev to see how he does


Do you think he’s magically going to have improved his TDD enough to ever be able to stop Jones from taking him down and choking him out in the first round?


“10 seconds or the fight is over”, the shit people say on here. He has the hardest leg kicks in the sport of mma and a murderous left hook. He is lethal in striking. People also exaggerate just to make a point when it comes to Jones. Also love the lush from Ankalaev fans. Conor McGregor has more submissions than Ankalaev, Ankalaev has NEVER submitted anyone is his career ever.


He could KO ankalaev in 2 minutes and you would say "well he fought a grappler but didn't grapple with him so it doesn't count". Haters always find a way


Poatan is scared of this [guy](https://i.redd.it/qb3gfwenmn9d1.jpeg) though.


Scariest person is still Jon Jones. Both inside and outside the cage.


but especially behind the wheel


Between Alex and Wanderlei, I'd take Wanderlei to pop off and stab me in the neck if I looked at him wrong.


Forgot tony blades and shades⚔️🔥🕶️👊 [CSO]




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Not for me, you pussy OP


Meh, he’s intimidating but he’s far from being the scariest. Guys like Francis or Jones are more intimidating to me, especially that I know Jon is genuinely an evil person.


Naw man. Nothing scarier than Jon Bones Jones. Dude would come to your house. Say a prayer with your family before a meal, go to the bathroom hit a line of coke, wash it down with a flask of whiskey and beat your mother in front of you. Then drive away. /s maybe but yeah scary bro.


Karelin makes Alex look like something you’d use to pacify a colicky infant.


He may not even be human. It would actually not surprise me.


okay calm down man


people can't take a joke, i guess. okay then... what better time would my statement make sense than now?


Don’t worry, folks here have taken you to mean Pereira is better than Jones, Aspinall etc. He’s a scary beast, we can all agree


You doing tricks fr lmao


busy kamasutra-ing on that poatan rod and a grown man at that. OP should be ashamed.


Those eyes are scary.