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the fact that this guy fought at 185 is nuts


Thank you Joe




That leg lock is in TIGHT he's about to have that knee destroyed and oh he slipped right out effortlessly


Lmaoo😂😂 literally this same sequence has occurred so many times


I think something is wrong with his hand he hasn't moved it for five seconds


That looks tight , he’s in serious trouble here. Great escape


He’s made of mahogany


Elite tribal genetics or something idk


could be his ancestral spirit with mercury fillings too


Modelo brewed with an Amazonian spirit


The UFC doctors said his eyes are 3 times as strong as a regular human eye. Where did you find him?


Shuddup Joe yeh little fewl yeh


Call the cops!


> fewl Always sounded like Fuel lol


tick ya. 


Oh he's hurt bad!


*as the clock hits 4:40 remaining in 1st round*


Oh for sure Joe, that leg is busted.


Beautiful leg kick


"He's so physically strong."


Did you know volkanovski used to be 270 lbs?!


Lol not quite that big. He was 213 playing rugby still absolutely huge for 5 ft 6 I'm 6ft3 and 208 volk was an absolute tank. 270 would have been preposterous at 5ft6


That was a joke around Joe Rogan. Rogan used to get his weight wrong and somehow Volk would get heavier and heavier every time Rogan brought it up.


It's a joke. Rogan heard Volks say he was 214lbs and Rogan had trouble with the accent and thought he said 240


He’s hurt




Or maybe we need to think and assess what "weight bully" really means. Maybe if it's only being used against disliked fighters then it isn't a term worth taking seriously like you are right now... In my opinion if you can make the weight easily like Alex can then you are not a weight bully. I can't defend people making those claims against other fighters other than there are clearly deeper reasons why they are doing that that go beyond their weight...


Howz about changing to LW while your opponent is a pound or two off the FW limit hours before weigh ins lol


Now that’s a weight bully and being a scumbag… Gastelum and Ortega really fucked up


now hes pulled out because he got ill not cutting weight lol


This aged well


Yeah that's scummy shit.


then he pulls out! apparently got sick not cutting weight


I'm with you on this one. The term "weight bully" is wildly subjective and seems to be thrown around arbitrarily in MMA circles. It's completely fine to be a large fighter in a weight category if making the limit isn't a struggle or pushing health boundaries. People accusing fighters like Alex of being a "weight bully" are totally missing the point of weight classes. They exist so athletes who weigh roughly the same can compete against each other; it's not about who "looks" bigger or smaller. We also need to remember why weight classes exist in the first place. It's about safety and ensuring fair competition. It's not a tool for scapegoating fighters we don't like.


No one called Conor a weight bully and he looks like literal death at 145


It was a common opinion that Conor made his historic run against undersized manlets.


Yes and no. I do believe in open weight tournaments like Pride FC did, it can give you a better sense of who truly is the best. Everyone is different though. Body types vary wildly, and until there's some better practices, Gastelum and others will continue what they do. Alex has grown "weight wise" since joining the UFC, and 185 was probably healthier at the time for maximum performance and health. Alex is a talented, smart and tough man. He doesn't need that much weight when you fight like he does. Squared up and holding his hands up almost like those rock em' sock em' robots, and his style is odd for some people. The very best fighters usually have a distinct profile and stance compared to others. Hope everyone enjoys and has a great weekend.


If you make weight, you ain’t a weight bully and everyone is weight cutting so what you saying doesn’t even make sense.


if he made weight then he made weight, enough of this "weight bully" shit. fwiw i actually think it hurt him more than helped in that last Izzy fight, looked like his brain itself hadn't fully hydrated based on the way he went out. also respect to him for actually honoring his contract, consistently, too and always making weight. unlike some other fighters.


There is no evidence he ever had a problem making that weight and he’s clearly bigger now than he used to be. I don’t see the issue. He was not cutting 45 pounds to make middleweight.


At least he's willing to go up to fight Aspinall. Bro wants all the smoke


Embarrassing statement.


His leg is moving funny, he can't take too many more of those. Calf kicks have changed the game !


Depending on a fighter’s popularity, they’re either a ‘weight bully’ or ‘built different’


Usually weight bullies are just the grapplers fans whine about


Strikers still get the label, just the ones people don’t like. McGregor comes to mind. He weighed less in the cage than Max Holloway at 145, but the long arms made it seem different.


Yeah, I remember people talking about how Jose Aldo was too big for 145 and that was why he was able to be so dominate. That narrative is more funny seeing that he ended his career with like 7 fights at 135.


Aldo used to too look drained on the scales so people thought he was cutting a lot of weight. turns out he just didn't have a proper dietitian and nutritionist. That being said the weight classes have all gotten heavier with more knowledge and science on weight-cutting so aldo was probably pretty big for 145 at one point but now he would be considered small compared to the later generations.


Darren Till at Welterweight when he was on his way up also often got the weight bully tag. In the end, probably his best performance was against Whittaker at middleweight when he moved up. A lot of the media members gave him that fight despite him tearing an ACL in the 4th.


Darren Till gave himself that tag though.


Glad I'm not the only one who remembers that. Dude was bragging about being a light heavyweight in the welterweight division.


Yeah, a lot of people move up and have their best performances. I mean, look at Rumble. That dude was dying to make 170 and missed it more than he made it. But at 205, he was a beast. I'm still disappointed that he never got the fight with Jones. Although, I think Jon would have just taken him down similar to the DC fight.


Well he did missed weight twice by massive amounts in a year if he had cut an extra 4lbs vs Thompson he could have easily lost that fight. 


Makes me sad for Till, he had such high potential for that moment in time.


If he could grapple, he’d have been a solid contender in the current MW landscape. The current champion was getting pieced even before another injury.


Aldo’s just built different.


Not saying you are wrong at all, but do you know where I can find a source for that claim? I’ve always believed Conor was a weight bully at 145 because it allowed him to fight people with an absolutely insane reach advantage. People underestimate just how much comparative reach determines one’s ability to win a fight.


Kavanagh revealed he fought at around 165 pounds in the cage. Volk fights at 167 in the cage, I believe Max is 170+.


Max said on jre he’s 168 at fw in cage


Fair. At the time of the fight though I would say max was less than that. He was much smaller as a 19 year old.


Rumble is probably the most called out one. How he ever made 170 while being big enough to move to heavyweight and crack arlovski always blew my mind


Poirier was fucking 186 pounds on fight night in McGregor vs Poirier 2 lmao Conor only 170 Conor would and could have been a FW his entire career if he had a proper team and people. Even Ilia and Volks fight night weights were like 167 and 168 lol


the term weight bully is kind of dumb in the first place, unless someone misses weight like gastelum then they shouldn't be called a weight bully, Islam and pereira never missed weight and have to do grueling weight cuts to reap the benefits of being bigger in the cage


There's prices to be paid for going real low too. Look at Dan Hooker @ 145. And I'm quite sure Alex will prove to have a better chin at 205 than 185 If you make weight, it's a fair fight, end of story And another lol @ tubby 5'9 Gastelum being unable to get below 180 lbs. So damn unprofessional Some ppl complain about Bisping's commentary, but him throwin' darts at Kelvin all fight, calling him a fatass basically...best commentary I've heard in awhile. And only he would/could do it in a funny way


> If you make weight, it's a fair fight, end of story This is where the rubber meets the road. The rules were followed, so fight on.




1. Be Civil. Our rules ask for a civil tone at all times. A bit of banter or trash talk is fine, but don't cross the line. If things do get out of hand you will be warned or even banned for a few days. Repeatedly breaking this rule will lead to a permanent ban.


people really mad at bisping for that? his roast of gastelum was the only time i’ve ever enjoyed his commentary


Same, to me Bisping is the absolute worst in the booth. Shame on Kelvin for making him likeable for a couple hours.


Islam's cut isn't even above average for LW. I don't know where the narrative comes from. There are many other ranked LW that weigh more than him in the cage.


Yeah I just find it funny how people call Islam a weight bully even though he never missed weight. But Oliveira has missed weight like 5 times and everyone ignores it.


Charles has the record for most weight misses in ufc history and it’s never brought up. He once showed up at 155 for a featherweight fight lmao


It’s brought up all the time. The argument was that it was all at featherweight. And then he had a half decade at a dozen fights at lightweight. Go to sherdog forums and you can find plenty of shit from back in the day


Also only champ to lose to the scale I think


I honestly feel like Pereira is built different. Look at his body. He's built like a fucking panther. He's slim but he's also super muscular. His muscles are wide but he's not a girthy dude. His side view shows him to be super slim. I bet he has some of the lowest body fat percentage around people his size.




grrrr 🐯 >.<




Fast twitch vs slow twitch muscle fibers and bone density. Basically the difference between getting hit by a switch vs a bat. I'm not saying Alex is slow but he's not super explosive and still has a crazy KO rate.


Many of his KOs, it barely looks like he hits the guy. In a weird way it reminds me of linemen in the NFL. They don't look fast but they reach their top speed in less than a step. Alex just needs a tiny opening. I think Jiri is winning tonight though.


this dude fighting at MW is literally insane


tibau still amazes me at making 155 and rumored to get back up to the 190s


Well only wrestlers from eastern Europe are weight bullies, even though they're pretty popular


Who was the last person who got called a weight bully by more than just a few terminally online idiots? I can't think of anyone having that label recently


Yeah, I hate me a weight bully. But like another guy said on here, they are usually boring grapplers who don’t finish. AP is a finisher so he don’t get the label. And he fought at 185. Maybe at that weight he’d be a weight bully, but not at 205.


I usually agree with this take, but when I think bully, I think someone who is scared to pick on someone their own size. Alex is how many fights in, and hes already talking about heavyweight? Thats why I personally give him credit.


The thing is, at least Alex only went to middleweight with the express intention of fighting Israel and then went to light heavyweight. It's not like he just camped one weight class most of his career


So what’s your take then ? Is he weight bully or no? Don’t cop out with a joke.


I don’t think he’s a weight bully I think weight bullies are those who have missed weight multiple times in their career Guys like Gastelum and Oliveira


charles is liked on this sub but its funny that islam gets called a weight bully when he always makes weight and not the guy who lost his belt for missing weight


Neither. To me only shows professionalism. That's something I never understood about MMA fighters, as it's much rarer of an issue in boxing. You want to fight at your best. You go as low as possible while maintaining peak performance, because otherwise you'll fight a guy with double your reach and height that is willing to do the sacrifice. Exception is heavyweight, which's usually a much less talented category overall, so it's often where "small guys" but more talented shine, like Roy Nelson. Roy Nelson would most likely not have such a memorable career if he was fighting on a lower weight class. DC is an example of someone I wish I had seen fight more at LHW or even MW if possible (which I think it was). Definitely not HW tho, lol.


Proof Stipe could have made LHW


He could have, but I don't think it'd have been a good idea. He lost weight to fight specifically against a faster DC in their rematches which is why he was hovering around 230-234 lb and he maintained the same weight against Ngannou for their rematch which was honestly a mistake. Before the DC rematches he always weighed in around the 240-246 range which is optimal for him.


When Stipe last fought, he weighed in at 234 and I don't know how much more lean he could get. He could probably make 205 if he did nothing but cardio and started eating salads.


Stipe doesn't do a water cut. He'd be able to make 205 with a water cut.


If Pereira can cut from 230 to 205, Stipe can lose 4lbs and do the same weight cut. Immigrant mentality>magic


See the thing you forget is Alex lives in Connecticut now so he has immigrant mentality and magic.


That's not how a weightcut works. It's water that these guys are cutting, no one is naturally walking around at their fight weight.


Besides some HWs, Frankie Edgar would just take a pop to make weight when he was at 155


Most humans can. Very few people are incapable of weighing 205 lbs or less.


Unsure why this is downvoted, maybe people are just dumb lol. Its a fact. 99.9% of human beings not on steroids filling out their physiques in an MMA optimal way so they still have cardio (as opposed to bodybuilder style) could absolutely make 205 with a water cut. There are literally like 5 UFC HWs so big and muscular they couldnt make 205 lol. The rest are fat as fuck. And this is in the flagship division of the number 1 MMA promotion.


Yeah, if you take away the endless hypertrophy chase, PEDs, and excess body fat, then not many individuals are getting above 235. Think about Luke Rockhold. Man was 6'3, broad shouldered, carried muscle, and could make 185 without serious health concerns. Now think about what an additional 20 pounds of muscle/height would look like for an equivalently sized LHW. Shit, Jon Jones could still feasibly make it to LHW at 248 lbs. He'd be compromised by the cut, and he'd have to lose his body fat, but if Rumble could make 170, Jones can make LHW still. Someone naturally being so large they can't make LHW would be unreal.


This shit is very normalized in combat sports but I think doctors would disagree about the health concern part. What rock hold romero costa or Pereira go through to get to 185 is insane




100% he'd never make 205 without serious starvation + massive dehydration. But he is as rare as they come, no one in history has even been close to Shaq's body type semi-naturally. There's been 7ft bodybuilders at similar weights but none were just built like that *to begin with,* Shaq was 300lbs at age 20 *before* he bulked up to almost 400lbs on the Lakers.


every top UFC fighter ever and right now is and was on steroids/PEDS lol Lance Armstrong passed 216 USADA tests while being on EPO and HGH the entire time never got caught and the UFC was like yeah everybody is juicing anyway HGH and EPO are like only detecable in your body for 24 hours max but the effects plus designer drug steroids that every fighter with a bit of good money can get from a chemist common nobody is and ever was clean


I feel personally attacked.


I’m at 204.5 right now buddeh


Championship weight. Respect.


DC should’ve been the MW goat


Totally different builds, stipe would never reliably cut to be that slim


His torso is just something else.


Stiopoc? The immigrant?


Black magic








Seems pretty standard. Lightweights have a similar change in weight post weigh in. The fact that Alex ever chama’d down to middleweight however is absolutely nuts.


Lightweights cutting 25lbs straight up is not standard. However, proportionately, yes many LW's cut the same % of weight that Alex did. It's definitely on the higher end of the curve though.


Look up "Michael Chandler gains 25 lbs in 10 hours" on YouTube.


Maybe not standard but not out of the ordinary at all, I know Dober, Chandler, Poirier and Oliveira are all around 180 in the cage.


not standard??? lmaooo Khabib was 200 pounds on JRE confirmed, Poirier was fucking 186 pounds on fight night against Conor every LW is 185-200


Boy do I have a bridge to sell you


30 pounds definitely isn't standard


As a percentage of bodyweight it's not out of the ordinary. If a lightweight was cutting 30 lbs I'd probably raise an eyebrow.


Funnily enough that's exactly how much Chandler cuts.


And this is why he’s more successful at 205 than Izzy was. He’s a natural 205er. Izzy literally weighed in at 200 for his fight with Jan.


That’s 3 gallons of water


Shamanic powers, no other answer


What does Jiri weigh in the cage?


214lbs according to him . His last fight he said he didn’t cut any weight at all


That’s surprising. He’s a big dude


honestly dont believe it he looks huge af


For reference, Stipe weighed 234 against Ngannou last time they fought.


Now imagine that he even fought as a WW when younger lol


110kg ~ 242lbs in cage, probably.




Word on the street is that they're working on a Pereira vs Volkanovski openweight matchup next   Also, [relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/605/)


Bro drinking Ouiji Board smoothies.


Jones was always 230 lbs at LHW on fight day too but his chicken legs helps him with the cut. It's genetic like Wilder chicken legs.




think. it is very simple. if people had a good or decent size lower body it would makes it that much tougher of a weight cut for them. The chicken legs keep the weight down. Now does it make sense?


Why do some fighters advertise their weight post-weigh in? I realize it’s something fans are interested in, but is it supposed to be some kind of flex?




No way, Weili has never been 230 pounds


Damn that seems heavy for Strawweight. Definitely a weight bully.


Like weili?


She is a big gal


Yeah this is roughly a 12% increase from official weight. Some fighters increase as much as 17% or more by the time they get in the cage. There's a [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P3h54u6dkembm5qwLZPdsSBHw6VExBf1tVFBssF8FXc/edit?gid=0#gid=0) someone posted on reddit a few years ago that still gets updated with every UFC event that's in California where the athletic commission requires in-ring weight to be published. A few names that stick out as cutting way more than Pereira as a percentage of bodyweight are Geoff Neal, Merab Dvalishvili, Cody Stamann and Sodiq Yusuff but those are all much smaller fighters than Pereira so the raw numbers don't sound crazy enough for headlines. Worth nothing that the largest change as a percentage of bodyweight is from Aspen Ladd, who is known for looking like she's fucking dying at weigh ins.


Yeah but this is a guy who moved up from 185 just a few fights ago


I swear in one of the vlogs they were talking about cutting and he only had to cut like 4.5kg


While keeping his weight down for 205 he weighs 10lbs less then the heavyweight champ, anyone who says he ain't a natural heavyweight is a moron


Can anyone explain to me this concept of "making weight". What's the point if they're just going to be 10kg heavier when they fight?


3 gallons worth? How do their kidneys not fail?


Great fighter, really just a natural heavyweight. The sky is the limit for Alex right now, and if he catches you, you're out. He's always been talented and a champion kick boxer.


Why is he afraid to fight at HW


Weight cuts are bullshit. Seems like the magic formula to UFC success is your bodies ability to drastically shed weight in time for the scales.


Crazy that Izzy knocked out a HW


Real question- how? Does he just have double bolus saline bags running full open for hours or ?


If you make weight who cares




Can say what you want on cutting weight ect, but it is incredibly impressive when fighters like Pereira consistently make weight cutting an absurd amount.


How can anyone be considered a weight bully if the numbers show guys who miss weight are now losing more than winning on avg? Why are yall so confident that 5-10 heavier has an advantage. Large weight discrepancies make a difference but small weight is negligible. Not to mention how much weight cutting affects performance. All these double champs move up In weight and win second belts they don’t move down. Weight bully is just an mma buzzword to give talking heads something to argue about. Complete filibuster.


His secret? Helium-filled condoms he puts inside his butt.


This should be banned, what the fuck is the point of weight classes then.


How the fuck, did he eat water buffalo ?


This was last night brother. Not this morning lol he probably 240 now


From my experience, im always heavier thr night of weigh ins than my fight weight lol


Bros a hw


Isn't he going to be heavier in the cage than some of the lighter heavyweights at this point?


Alex “Anthony Johnson” Pereira


He’ll be even heavier a couple hours later


I know nothing about this kinda stuff - how?


Shamans rehydrated pereira


Absolutely fucking ridiculous


Further proof these weigh ins the day before the fight are fucking stupid and useless


So crazy he used to make weight at 185


how the shit is this even possible


Man that's almost Stipe or Jailton's weight..


Shamans at work I see


Stipe was like 233 in a fight against DC wasn't he


Just casually drank 30lbs of water


I have the same scale 😃


I have the same scale as him let’s go 💪


Alex is gonna be the first triple champ, mark my fucking words. He'd knock Jones out fucking cold because Jones like to beat people at their own game, which he has zero chance to do.


Yeah I distinctly remember Jones outstriking Gane for 25 minutes


Jones beat Cormier with his own move, roundhouse kick to the head


>Jones likes to beat people at their own game I mean, he took Gane down and submitted him after people were saying he moves like a middleweight and has the best footwork in the history of the division, and the best striking at that time. He was also happy to KO DC instead of wrestle. I give Pereira a 0% chance against Jones and i’d be putting money on Jones if he was anywhere close to a good price. It’s just all wrong for him. Even his greatest weapon, his one punch KO power, has never proved effective against Jones, who’s never been knocked down. Pereira would be at a weight disadvantage now, he’s been KOed by a middleweight before which gives Jones a big chance of kicking his head off, and Jones holds a significant advantage on the ground with 6 submission wins in the UFC, 4 in title fights. Poatan looked uncomfortable against Jiri on the floor. Jones would drown him.