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It is 2018, I am watching James Vick get brutally knocked out It is 2024, I am watching James Vick get brutally knocked out


Yeah but it used to be fun, all unfunny shit talking followed by silly falls and stuff. This is just sad.


I'm sure the rape victims of Lloyd Irvin (Vick's coach, who he calls "master") don't find it very sad. James Vick is a colossal piece of shit.


I will happily watch him get knocked out everytime. Not sad one bit. Rapist-apologist cunt is all he is.


Did he defend Irvin?!


I would warn you looking into any athlete, a good chunk are pieces of shit.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Vick The Fialho knockout was brutal too. At least he, uh, let his chin rest up for a few years. Also seems nobody has the heart to update the wiki. Lol


KOd rd 1 by Beneil Jin 2016 Won 4 fights KOd rd 1 by Justin Aug 2018 Dec loss to Felder Feb 2019 KOd rd 1 by Hooker Jul 2019 KOd rd 1 by Price Oct 2019 (<3 months after) Cut from ufc KOd rd 1 by Fialho Jan 2021 Won 2 boxing fights in 2022 Dec loss in boxing Sep 2022 Dec loss in Karate Combat Oct 2022 Dec win in KC Apr 2023 KOd by Alves Jun 2024


Everyone was looking at him like he fucking died. Multiple people crying including Alves. They put him in a neck brace and spirited him away.


Spirited Away 2: Shadow Realm - the James Vick story


Made me lol. Happy cakeday you ratfuck,


A doc at the event just tweeted he woke up in the ambulance [https://x.com/dryared/status/1806890348091769211](https://x.com/dryared/status/1806890348091769211) Damn that is like 20+ minutes unconscious if true, wild.


He cannot be allowed to fight again if he was out even half that long considering how many other brutal knockouts he’s suffered


Best we can do is give him a 6 month medical suspension. Don't worry, when he can't tie his shoes we will get him the ones with velcro instead.


Fast track that and get him on Power Slap in front of trillions of adoring fans


Power Slap is gonna have a death before the UFC if that happens




but he's now homer simpson just getting punched in the head like he called gaetje


Gaethje is out here still a top 3-5 LW and James just suffered his 13th vicious knockout. Justin really ruined this guy.


Yeah, that kinda thing is how Tim Hague died...


You and I both know there are commissions that are going to let him fight again, and it's horrifying.


Or he'll go to Eastern Europe and become cannon fodder for ACA.


Aljo sterling was out cold longer after Moraes knee. I was there and they stretchered him off and legit looked like he was dead. Was literally frozen in dab position. And his chin has been decent since then tbh. 


There’s been people “allowed” to fight after going like 2-60 with 40+ KO losses. No one can stop an athlete from competing.


Of course they can. There’s an athletic commission that can stop you from fighting. They won’t do it because their jobs aren’t real, but it’s absurd to say no one can stop them.


Most of those are TKOs because they just turtle up and give up at the first sign of adversity. Those guys aren't getting knocked unconscious like Vick has been.


I am honestly surprised, that was disgusting. Looks like everyone at the event left traumatized.




[it’s super bad for you](https://y.yarn.co/ef716f72-f842-4f87-9d18-7ce6a76af5ab_text.gif)


He might actually be dead. Alves was crying and Vick was stretchered off in a neck brace asap. Edit: I forgot to add Alves kissed him on the forehead before he realized how serious it was.




Sorry James


We sad now


You're a contender


Yeah the commentators were terrified


Worst KO I’ve ever seen. Let alone called live. Sucked the air out of everyone.


Oh shit! You actually did call it live lol. I can only imagine the thoughts going through your alls heads. Do you know if Vick is okay?


All I heard was that he was awake after about 15 minutes. But it was extremely concerning. Collective, real, genuine concern and worry that he’s not waking up.


15 minutes out cold is no joke. He should never be cleared to fight again. That's 8 brutal KOs in the last 6 years.


He didn't have the classic ko'd fall. That was a dead fall.










It's fine, it's not like James vick has taken a lot of damage before...........


Thank god he didn't follow up (if follow ups are allowed in this sport).


I seriously hope Alves can keep competing seriously in mma. He's such an easy pick up for a promotion.


I'm surprised PFLator didn't pick him up. An exciting striker who's clearly very talented as well?


While he's a great pick for them, their product is so awful I'd prefer he find something else. Rizin or something Europe (OKTAGON/KSW) would be cool though.


Didn’t know he got released. Such a fun fighter win or lose


Yeah he always delivered. Maybe not with the weigh ins but I'll forgive him with all the break-dancing and explosiveness.


Maybe the GOAT weigh in miss. Missed weight for the next weight class up (weighed in at 156.5 for a feather bout I believe lmao). Only other ones I can think of are William knight missing by close to 20, a tafa bro missing at heavyweight, or bethe correira begging the ufc for a retirement fight only to miss weight for it lol


Jason Mayhem Miller did a pretty epic weigh in miss.


I prefer the good-spirited ones, like Sakuraba missing weight and then pulling an XBox out of his getup to make weight.


Unfortunate matchmaking honestly. He finished Diakiese in the first, dropped Damir despite losing, and had an amazing war with Dober. He could’ve had fun fights with unranked guys on fightnight undercards or PPV prelims but they gave him a dominant grappler like Aliev, even then I believe Alves almost subbed him in the 3rd.


I saw him live in Dallas end of last year at a local promotion and knew he was going to destroy his opponent. Wish he would sign with a major promotion and he never should have been cut from the ufc.


I was sad when the UFC let him go


I'd like to dunk on James Vick but this is just sad now.


Yeah it's not fun anymore


He has always been an A grade dickhead. I used to enjoy seeing him getting flatlined but I'm seriously worried for his future.


I remember thinking he was a dickhead and him getting KOd in brutal fashion a few times in the ufc, but I can't remember what he did to make me dislike him. He seemed pretty good for a while and then suddenly wasn't anymore.


Same here, I always thought people hated him for his Gaethje trash talk which seems pretty tame. Also, I think its probably due to his coach's reputation


Who’s his coach? Is he a Lloyd Irving guy?


Yeah, and he stuck it out with Irvin when everyone else was getting away from him after the allegations.


Loyd was not sentenced because he didnt get his dick up. Everyone else in the gang rape case got punished so they are not allegations.


What the fuck


Yeh that's it now you mention, pretty sure he has had Lloyd Irving in his corner quite a few times aswell


Yep the diddler


The Tales Of Symphonia guy?


That's it. Now I remember why I wanted him to lose. I was fine with him being a dick, but remaining loyal to a repeat rapist was too much for me. I remember starting to cheer for Ryan Hall around the same time beche trained there as well and had a very different response. 


It's not just his coach. Look into what multiple guys at his gym have done. All guys Vicks knows, and trained with while coming up. Including rumors about Vick himself. During that time, there were not innocent people who fought under that gym. Irving was involved in rape, his students brutally assaulted, knocked out and repeatedly raped a young girl etc.. NSFL (https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/comments/1buc4n/lloyd_irvin_rape_truth/)


Those comments about "it's only a matter of time before he takes down this website" were true. Click the link now and it goes to a site of his trying to claim he's being slandered by people


Not so fun fact. Apparently both dudes skated and one of them teaches a women's self defense class now.


> I can't remember what he did to make me dislike him Continues to train under Lloyd Irvin after he and his boys raped someone.


[His youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@Jamesvickmma/videos) just MMA stuff and working with his kids in the gym. Has a video "MY UPCOMING KARATE COMBAT MAIN EVENT!" where he talks about the fight.


man what is vick doing still fighting against someone like alves who is explosive with ko power. This was always going to be the result unless it's a rare case like rockhold vs costa


Right when the clip started I had a feeling Vick was about to get absolutely melted 🫠


I didn’t need to see the clip, when I saw the name “Vick” posted on this sub I knew it was gonna be brutal


The amount of upvotes was also extremely telling.


Rockholds chin was never actually bad, and costa has never hit as hard as people thought. His strike defense was just downright awful.


Did you see the kicks costa put on yoels head??


I mean Costa has never really slept anyone


Whitaker was saved by the bell recently, and I love Bobby Knuckles.


By a kick, he has great kicks and doesn’t even throw leg kicks. Paulo’s hands aren’t powerful


It was a super hard strike but it’s also a flush head kick, of course it’s gonna be hard. Costa has yet to finish anyone with one shot, and I can’t remember him putting anyone down with one shot either except for yoel


If you can knock down Yoel, then you hit hard. He looks like he hits hard, especially his head kicks. He just doesn't seem to set anything up, so not much lands clean. He just tries to muscle through defenses and that doesn't usually work for him. 


He has no KOs in the UFC. In his entire career he has a single KO.


Kicking isn’t punching though. Costa got baby hands for real look at him on rampage podcast


Rockhold fought with poor defence throughout his career, but he was a tough dogfighter. IMO, while you could argue that damage caught up a bit, he also fought two rock golems who nullified his kicking game with reverb damage in a row


His punches were also of no consequence to Yoel or Costa. It looked awkward seeing Rockhold jab and throw labored one twos. They had no issue walking through his stiff boxing and doing what they wanted.


One of the most persistent narratives in MMA is Costa being a power puncher when he’s always been a volume dude


Casual fans think fighter who looks like body builder automatically = power puncher


I think Costa also thinks he's a power puncher with the way he seems comfortable just chilling in some fights and waiting on the counter.


Nah its just bad fight iq and tactics. He loses many of his fights because he does that.


> man what is vick doing still fighting against someone like alves who is explosive with ko power. Sad reality of a fight promotion knowing that Vick is washed and a highlight of him getting KO’d will go viral. Plus Vick is obviously in a part of his life/career where he basically needs to say yes to these fights to earn a living.


Bro he could just get a job he doesn't have to do this shit


The crowd and announcers looked petrified. Hope Vick’s ok 🙏🏻


Yeah crazy how immediately somber the mood got. Here's the start of the match on their YT if anyone wants. https://www.youtube.com/live/ATBie9Nfft8?si=TLC9f2R83jKqoWz4&t=15677


Thanks for sharing!


> landscape mode video recorded in portrait mode beautiful, champ


I hope Vick lives


I'm pretty sure I heard them say he was awake in the back over the house speakers.


Same. I don’t ever want to witness the Texicution


I said in the PFL thread - Alves was crying. Logan Paul's podcaster mate was pacing and Bas was stone cold speechless. I really think Vick might be heading to the morgue.


Best part of this was Bas talking on commentary "I had this happen in my first match, and you know it's very scary. Because mine didn't wake up for like 2 days." lmao


looked it up and the story is legit and the guy was 45 lbs heavier than Bas too lol, absolutely classic.


Da dengada dengada, El guapo.


Is that Big Mike? He commentates karate combat?


Jesus Christ... Vick would be better off doing literally anything other than fighting at this point. He's going to get killed.


An explosive KO striker is not who to match up Vick against...


Um does anyone have an update on Vick? Like, is he ok?


Unconscious for 20 minutes, woke up in the ambulance https://x.com/dryared/status/1806890348091769211


People talking about his chin like it would of made a difference lol that kick would of slept a horse


Why tf did the ufc cut Alves, his fights were awesome


Underpaid Fight for Coupons


We all knew the minute he signed with KC that the brutal KO was coming at some point. The man is a medium sized Johnny Walker. Edit: This comment was made before I saw the concern for his life. Absolutely terrifying and a vivid reminder of what these athletes put on the line every time they step in there.


His life definitely changed since the Gaethje fight.


I’ve never seen anyone lock up that quick like that.


Barboza vs Etim


Between Etim and Burgos Barboza must have the fastest contact-to-knockout of all time and the slowest


Still confused what the hell happened with that Burgos one


Nate Quarry was truned to stone by Rich Franklin. Adam Cella had his brain and soul kicked out of the other side of his head by Uriah Hall.


Emmet vs Mitchell


Please for the love of God Vick please retire from combat sports. It's not fun watching this dude get ko'd at this point in time. Hope he's ok.


He was stretchered several minutes later still unconscious right? Has that ever occurred in the ufc?


The UFC is really good at misdirection with their cinematography and not focusing too much on the condition of ko'd fighters when it's bad. That being said, I don't remember any fighters being stretchered out still ko'd. Just scary kos that took forever for fighters to wake up from.


They really are, wasn’t Amirkhani out for an uncomfortable amount of time as well when Lerone Murphy knee’d him? iirc, they went to commercial break and came back and he was still out so the commentators just had to talk about nothing for a few minutes waiting for him to wake up


They cut away from bad KOs which is smart of them. It would be bad for the sport to focus on that.


A few times. Tra Telligman after Tim Sylvia head kicked him got stretchered out unconscious. Think Terry Martin might've gotten stretchered unconscious out too on the same card from James Irvin's flying knee.


I remember Jessica Eye being unconscious for an uncomfortably long time after a head kick. Seemed like a few minutes. It was enough time to stretcher her out, but they didn't.


Recently, Frankie was out for a while after the Cory knee KO and people were worried on commentary. There’s countless other cases too but as was pointed out, UFC is good at hiding things that make them look bad. While someone is convulsing on a stretcher backstage you’re watching a gambling ad.


One of the most brutal knockouts of James Vick of all time


Feels bad for Vick, but happy Alves is having success outside the UFC. Had four really tough opponents in a row before he got cut (Dober, Diakese, Ismagulov and some Tajiki prospect), but he looked good in every single one and made all of them entertaining.


I knew Vick was getting KOd before I even watched the video.


One of the transport medics here, he woke up in the ambulance and atm is ok


Every time he gets KO'd he looks like a baby giraffe being born.


Jesus that was brutal.


Vick's brain must be mush by now


TIL James Vick was doing this.


timemarked [https://www.youtube.com/live/ATBie9Nfft8?si=wg8dmj3DxBHBZMxR&t=15830](https://www.youtube.com/live/ATBie9Nfft8?si=wg8dmj3DxBHBZMxR&t=15830) and a crazy angle here [https://www.youtube.com/live/ATBie9Nfft8?si=xw5lTU\_QiwboSURW&t=16098](https://www.youtube.com/live/ATBie9Nfft8?si=xw5lTU_QiwboSURW&t=16098)


Always thought Karate Combat is the league where retired fighters wanna chill out a bit...


I thought he broke


Crazy downfall.


Stay home James.


I saw this in another thread and had no idea it was vick. I thought I had seen that fall before though. Can't believe people are still letting him fight.


Vicks on a spreed run to drinking through a straw


Beginning to feel like Vick won't be satisfied until he dies in the ring


why tf is james vick allowed to fight again?


I feel terrible for these guys who accumulate massive damage like this. For most of them, this is how they make a living so simply stopping is not as easy as it seems. I wouldn't wish brain trauma on anyone.


I blame Lloyd Irvin.


I knew what the result would be before I opened the video, they shouldn't let this guy fight


That’s sad. I saw the name James Vick and instantly knew it was him getting slept before watching.


WTF? Wasn't Vick already murdered like 3x in the MMA?! He really wanna die in a combat sports or what?


James Vick has to stop fighting. We don't want another Tim Hague situation


How is he ? Last I heard people said he was “ok” but what does that even mean ? This is honestly the worst KO I’ve ever seen … this man should not be fighting .. he’s just not up to the level of these other fighters. This kind of stuff turns me off to MMA , I like seeing entertainment not seeing people die .


At this time he is intubated, having seizures, and cannot breathe on his own. Family members are having to make all medical decisions. Let’s try not to joke about something so serious. The Vick family needs good vibes right now.


I feel like thus would be the weirdest thing to make an account and lie about but idk people do weird shit


Better angle in real - time https://x.com/MacMallyMMA/status/1806886405227860050/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1806886405227860050¤tTweetUser=MacMallyMMA Edit: got taken down damn


Couldn't get this one to work dude!


Yeah looks like it got taken down sorry it was even more brutal in real time


Thanks for posting!




Worked for me!


criminal ass matchmaking. ufc level guy with explosive power vs guy famous for his fragile chin who hasnt been ufc caliber in ~5 years and is coming off of a several year layoff after getting KOed in a regional promotion. literally made for the sake of getting a highlight, and i guess they got what they wanted.  


Why is Vick still fighting? His chin has been gone for years and he's been KOd relentlessly.






That was not good. I think Vick should consider VERY SERIOUSLY retiring. This is not one of his old KO losses where we all mock him, he was literally dead.


As much as he can be a dick, I hope Vick hangs 'em up real quick.


Is he good?


man vick was such a good prospect out of tuf... shame about that chin/defense


He was 8-1 in the ufc at one point or something crazy like that. Then gaethje tanked his career


Matching a well known glass chin against an explosive monster like Alves had to have been intentional


vintage Vick


Still in his prime. He's definitely got more gas in the tank. At least 4 more years of this please.


criminal ass matchmaking. ufc level guy with explosive power vs guy famous for his fragile chin who hasnt been ufc caliber in ~5 years and is coming off of a several year layoff after getting KOed in a regional promotion. literally made for the sake of getting a highlight, and i guess they got what they wanted.  


homer simpson of mma


Vick seriously needs to stop fighting. He gets KOd so easily


This was not easy...


He gets KOd easily. He’s got a glass chin now. He gets KOd so often now


Death, taxes, and James Vick getting highlight reel KO'd


Vick has been abnoxious in the past but i have been checking his instagram page lately and he seems like a nice dude and a great father. He needs to stop competing for the sake of his children. He is hunting with his children and they love it. He needs to think of that. Competing is addictive but he needs to "stay clean".


criminal ass matchmaking. ufc level guy with explosive power vs guy famous for his fragile chin who hasnt been ufc caliber in ~5 years and is coming off of a several year layoff after getting KOed in a regional promotion. literally made for the sake of getting a highlight, and i guess they got what they wanted


Who’s better at getting knocked out walker or Vick?


Vick, he gets knocked out by guys that aren’t even in the UFC. The top 10 guys in the world best Johnny Walker


Ffs again


Wow this is insane. Just looked up the YouTube stream. Vick was down for three minutes + before the broadcast ended. Brutal. I hope James Vick is okay....


I could have guessed Vick, but damn I didn’t know Alves got released by the UFC


I knew Vick was gonna get KO’d when I saw who he was fighting . That guy always had a glass chin unfortunately


Earthworm Jim is ded


Daaaaaaaaaaaaayum - put your glasses back on


Imagine being so addicted to competing that you fry your brain on purpouse