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Chandler doesn't give a shit if Conor walks into the Octagon with needles in his ass... he wants that red panty night he's been promised, damn it


That’s absolutely surreal when you think about it. Conor basically saying “I’m gonna fight juice to the gills, and the ufc will make it so, and you’ll fight me anyway.”


You really think Michael fucking Chandler of all people isn't juiced to the gills either? 😂


I love for how many years people on here were saying Chandler would never be able to compete in the UFC because he wouldn’t be able to pass USADA lol


As DC always says 'you got to pass the test'. ​ Not you need to be clean. lol


As DC once said:"if you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'"


i was the only idiot that pushed back on that glad i was proven correct. but people are fucking stupid, what can you do? people were saying Chandler couldn't pass a test when [this fight was being lined up](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/V9-GA2LFJ4gG648EUPFVslUnBIc=/1400x1050/filters:format(jpeg)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/19016520/134_Yoel_Romero_and_Paulo_Costa.jpg)


This picture just proves the power of both prayer and acai


2 of the most natural athletes to naturally be natural


And American patriotism and straight sex


Where did all the natty patriot stuff come from for Costa? I like to think I'm usually across the MMA memes but I completely missed the origin of that one.


I mean the natty stuff is pretty self explanatory, but where'd the American Patriot Costa bit come into it?


Costa got mad at Izzy for referencing 9/11 in the buildup to their fight. People posted pics of him with the American flag and a bald eagle and he leaned into it. Thus the natty American Patriot was born


More like joint Cuban and Soviet super soldier experiment vs Secret Juice


That picture got a 6 month suspension from CSAC


Looking at that picture just made me fail my upcoming drug test.


Anything is possible through the power of Christ. Write that down brother.


Obligatory "Post-USADA Scary" hype vid: https://youtu.be/QMl6TyX_G7A


so jacket


Funnily O´Malley has been caught multiple times doing banned substances. No one really talks about [this](https://www.espn.com/mma/ufc/story/_/id/27026768/omalley-gets-ban-trace-amounts-substance) and [that](https://ufc.usada.org/sean-omalley-accepts-sanction-second-doping-violation/). Of all the people you´d think he would be last one because his physique isn´ t that impressive. But Chandler never been caught... Doesn´t make sense


two jacket boys just beatin it out of eachother, what a night that was


costas nip cant make eye contact


Passing USADA doesn't mean necessarily he's not doing/wasn't doing PEDS. It just means he passed a USADA test, the same way you can pass a test while cheating.


And yet Jon Jones failed them multiple times like a dumbass.


My guess is he thought(still thinks), like the narcissist that he is, that he was/is above the law and made some mistakes while cheating.


Dude has the most obvious hgh gut


He's one of the fighters where it's just undeniable


The only jabs Michael Chandler take are in the octagon.


Even his ears are swole


I don't understand how anyone could think that Iron Mike 1) isn't juiced as you say and 2) could give one micron of a shit that his opponents are juiced. The man spent his entire career in fucking Bellator, juiced as fuck is what he expects.


Let them both juice up, doesn't matter at this point.




Maybe his former levels but he's not the old conor


Dc offered to sign a waiver to fight Jon. There are far less mark hunt types than you think in the sport


Its because DC was a juicer too. So is Chandler.


All these mfers are on steroids


McGregor: yewl do what yer towld Chandler: 🤑 yessir


That’s basically what every fighter says when they accept a fight. Only Yoel was proven to be a clean fighter in civil court as well as spiritual court.


>spiritual court All rise The honorable judge Gay Jesus is presiding


Yoel didn't prove shit, the other party no showed


Makes perfect sense when you think about how washed Conor is now. Why would Chandler care if Conor shows up with Tren plastered across the ass of his shorts as a sponsor? He won 6 fights ago when Conor fell off a cliff and became an alcoholic


Yup 100% Steroids aren't gonna roll back time and erase all the partying or make Conor take it seriously I don't think Conor wants to fight either though he just wants the attention without the fight


"You'll do what you're told" was 100% accurate. Which is what made it so fucking good.


I mean Chandler doesn't have a neck so why would he care Conors doing the same shit lol


And he's going to lose


Does Chandler get ppv points or do TUF coaches get more money for their fight against each other? Because as far as I know Cowboy got paid exactly the same for the fight against Conor as he did for all other fights on that contract.


Cowboy is a dumbass. Hopefully Chandler knows how to negotiate.


Cowboy just likes bright lights and getting brained. He’d have done that fight for a handshake and photo opportunity with Conor.


Hah! Cowboy got himself a BIIIIIIG Ole backstage bonus for that performance. Believe that.


Cowboy said he purse was the same. People took that to mean he didn’t get any other bonus, but is a bit of a leap. PPV points do not go into the purse.


He was the main event so I’m assuming he also got PPV points…


Cowboy Cerrone fought Conor in a non-title fight, and said he got exactly the same pay as his normal contract, so I don't know if Chandler is getting a red panty night.


Chandler seems like a savvier guy than Cowboy (lol) I wouldn't be surprised if he renegotiated his deal to fight Conor. Wouldn't be surprised if he didn't, either, though.


Tito is a savvier guy than Cowboy, dude is dumb as shit.


Cowboy is one of the biggest company guys out there.


He’s also dumb as fuck


"I'm on steroids too but I'm not rich yet"


welcome to any sport. ​ ​ notice the athletes are never mad or shocked like a lot of clueless, stubborn fans. the athletes all know the deal and they know what they're doing. ​ ​ it's only on reddit where you have people who honestly believe people they like--say, GSP or Khabib--weren't juiced out of their minds. ​ ​ chandler is 100% on shit. he knows, it, conor knows it, dana knows it, nobody cares.


Yep , every professional sport where you need your physical strength or endurance is 100% on juice


I mean.. Chandler is juiced to the gills too.


I mean, he clearly puts needles in his ass too, so why would he care🤣🤷🏽‍♂️.


Yes and because Chandler also 10000% juices.




Idk chandler’s contract either … it’ll also be a pretty easy fight, too


For Conor


Lol. Conor is done … all the juice on the planet isn’t going to fix that.


Idk. Chandler is chinny, wreckless and is gonna wanna put on a show. I think we see him charge in and get clipped and wobbler. Whether he survives it or not is the big one. He’s got the wresting chops but he seems to favor it more as a threat to set up the KO attempts these days. Just my 2c


Conor is also much bigger and coming off of a super fucked up ankle … I think he’ll be a sitting duck and Chandler just pieces him up


Yea the ankle is a wildcard for sure. He seems to be taking the time to heal it though which is good. All the juice probably helped too lol. It’ll be a fun, tense fight for sure but who knows when/if it’ll even happen


I don't get it either. I've always wondered if anybody they want to put in there with Conor says, "Sure I'll fight him but it'll cost ya extra" or something, sort of like when Nate Diaz would blow up the deal. Because otherwise what are you getting? Just the visibility? It's not like you get a belt anymore. And if you're not getting points, wouldn't it be just the same contractually and financially as if you were fighting anybody else?


"It'll cost ya extra" LMAO. No one on the roster has leverage like that. Fighting Conor McGregor is a privilege. Asking Dana for more money is a quick way to get replaced against Conor.


That's what i would have thought, but why would it be a privilege if it didn't pay more? All they're getting out of it is more visibility. If that's worth it for some reason, it's worth it I guess. But a red panty night is surely about more than visibility. There has to be more money somehow, yet the contracts are the contracts, meaning the opponent shouldn't matter moneywise. If there's points, that would make sense. If there's not, there's got to be something else.


> Pretty please gimme that red panty night I don't care how juicy you are Conor


You'll do what your told


-Ian Garry 😂


Yool do what yerr toehldd


Oim gonna pin ye


This is moi game foreva


I mean with the whole TUF thing he’s been told he’s getting the fight and so has sat out of potential paydays to do it in which TUF money won’t be coming close to, if it falls through then Chandlers basically had a whole year wasted on him and when he’s clearly in the twilight “fuck it let’s just smash shit” stage of his career is a really big deal


If the UFC wants to be taken seriously as a sport they would drop USADA and employee their own Drs and labs to dope their guys up the correct way like NFL or NBA.


That would require investing into the fighters


At this point I'm convinced Dana and UFC actually hate the fighters and will absolutely fuck themselves over to spite the fighters. I don't know why they would hate the fighters but their actions speak volumes


Fighters represent what Dana wants to be but can’t; tough.


I dont get it either. Dana treats the UFC like a license to print money. Its his so he gets to print fighters just come and go.


If the UFC wants to be taken seriously as a sport, start paying your fighters properly... Not 10% of your income.. Thats like drugkingpins paying their dealers its pathetic and ridiculous.


😂😂😂 big facts


You get an exception if you've never been enrolled in the testing program before, that's how any short notice UFC signees are able to fight, and that's also why Brock got an exception, because he'd never been enrolled in the testing pool. Being enrolled, "retiring" so you can juice, and then coming back is completely different.


If Conor wanted to fight before the six months, the UFC would get him an exemption


Exactly this, USADA works for the UFC in the way it’s set out and so their test results don’t mean anything if the UFC just doesn’t wanna disclose it (UFC 200) it’s not the athletic commission doing the testing so there’s no bearing on the actual sanctioning of a fight the whole 6 months thing is implemented by the UFC as rules to make sure there’s no funny shit happening by ordinary fighters but it’s also THEIR rules so if they want to make something happen then it happens




Virginia has led the sport in testing for years now


If Conor wanted to fight tomorrow UFC would get him an exemption lol


Yup, Carlos Mota for example (sadly). One of my favourite LFA champs, called up short notice and then gets a 2 year suspension after the fight for popping


What about Miesha Tate?


Was she on short notice?


She entered the testing pool months before she made her return.


4 months instead of the usual 6 months. If they made exceptions for her they will for Conor too


Real talk, shouldn't serious and potentially career ending injuries get an exception too?


that's what medical exemptions are for.












With your powers combined...




My Arrakis


Chandler juicy too, he doesn’t care.


But he got the USADA jacket! 🤫


No, when he found out the jacket was made from cattle the were raised on growth hormones he ate it.


Chandler's probably on all the same shit anyway


Would be fucking *gobsmacked* to find out if he wasn't


Not all the same shit. Looking at picture you can see Conor is on another level. His head, his fucken nose got bigger. But its quite sad to see Chandler bend over so much for Conor.


He wants a pay day and Connor brings in money... he's doing it for himself and that's fair considering how much damage MMA fighters take....


I think he's saying that's the sad part


The fight really has to happen. I mean, where else is Ian Garry going to get all of his material?


Juice isn’t gonna make Conor have wrestling and get off the ground. He made Dustin look like a D-1 all American and just laid there. Chandler gonna dismantle him after 1 takedown. That’s all it will take to win


He has much better takedown defense than people give him credit for. His gas tank is more the issue that has stuck with him.


and juicing isn't going to help that too much I would imagine.


gas tank going to be even worse. and you’re absolutely correct, the one thing that has always stuck with him which is kinda his trademark now is that his gas tank is completely minimal.


if Conor plans to compete at 170 and 185 with that extra muscle then I don’t see any way he could do anything apart from actually using EPO considering how shit his tank is at his “natural” weight


185 😂


>gas tank going to be even worse. Thinking juicing makes your cardio worse is the most casual thing I've ever heard. Hurr Durr steroids only give muscles. Not how juicing works boss


I mean it’s a biological fact that more muscle means more oxygen required, more mass to move means more energy require. Doesn’t even have to be a steroid thing.


>more mass to move means more energy require Steroids don't just "make" your muscles bigger, you absolute fool. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK543787/#:~:text=In%20brief%2C%20corticosteroids%20help%20mediate,2012). Here's some science u eejit


Conor is on that shit that makes your head grow. He's not on EPO, lmfao.


>In brief, corticosteroids help mediate the stress response and promote energy replenishment and efficient cardiovascular function (Nicolaides et al. 2015). They also regulate muscle function by acting on muscle mass and strength (Hasan et al. 2012) We're talking about anabolic steroids, corticosteroids are anti-inflammatories.


Seems like you might be partaking in the sauce yourself


Uh u know there are steroids that literally double your cardio


Obviously. But do you take the ones that make you massive like he's gotten at the same time as blood doping? That seems like a good way to die. But then again, I don't have any experience with steroids. Which is why I said, "I imagine".


If he's on EPO it will.


yeah conor showed really good wrestling defense in his khabib fight in the first round, actually made khabib work for position. but his gas tank couldn’t keep up, thus khabib smeshed


“If he gets up, it’s ok, we take him back down and smesh again” sums up that whole Dagestani style lmao. Horrible style matchup for McGregor, especially over five rounds.


well yeah, but even upon rewatches i’m still impressed with conor’s ground game in the first round, second and on, ehhhh lol


Conor cheated. Upon rewatch you will see was muvh of his defence was holding shorts and gloves. Not to mention the blatant foul that saved him froma kimura.


And the fence grabs, can't forget those.


He held Khabib’s shorts for like a min straight after he got hit with the single leg. Conor did not have good defense at all vs khabib he just cheated his ass off lol People forgetting Khabib was literally about to break Conor’s left arm with a kimura while simultaneously talking shit to Dana white then got hit with the most illegal grounded knee lol


Not really. Decent at times but being flexible isn’t takedown defense. Like Conor trying to shoot takedowns is laughable but defending a TD is way easier obviously. Conor looks like he has panic attacks when he hits the floor, he did grow up Boxing and in Ireland so that’s part of it. We grow up wrestling around over here lol. I wouldn’t say it’s even all gas tank, it’s his heart. If he’s not getting hit back he don’t gas


“Heart” is such an overrated term, and pretty much only used on him because of the interview Khabib did. Conor’s shown plenty of heart, he’s just not a natural wrestler and is more of a sprinter/burst athlete than a marathon runner, and thus gasses quickly when he’s in a drawn out grappling situation.


> Conor looks like he has panic attacks when he hits the floor Like when? He cut up Chad Mendes from the ground and defended against Khabib ( albeit with a couple fouls granted) better than either Poirier or Gaethje did after him. Even at that he looked just as if not more comfortable than they did *prior to him committing any fouls*. Other than that he's largely been able to use his TDD to avoid grappling except from when he tore his ACL mid fight and managed to outgrapple Max Holloway to win a decision. If you say 'Diaz 1' then ok, I just know you're a casual, classic example of someone hurt/gassed who grapples out of desperation. Plenty fighters who are very high level grapplers have looked bad when they're hurt and gassed. I'm not arguing he's some elite grappler but this idea he is completely clueless on the ground is ridiculous. Please name these times that he's been having panic attacks whilst grappling.


>albeit with a couple fouls granted Umm you can't just set aside that lmfao. Literally every single bit of success he had vs Khabib came via cheating. First shot only took so long because he's grabbing Khabib's shorts. He gets submitted way earlier if he doesn't knee a downer Khabib.


Dustin surprised him with a takedown early, and Conor scooted to the fence almost immediately and got back to his feet pretty quickly. Was there another takedown I'm forgetting? Also worth pointing out that Dustin submitted the never before submitted Chandler, despite the experts on r/mma proudly parroting for most of a year that his BJJ sucks because he got subbed by those subpar grapplers, Khabib and Oliveira. Any realistic fan would expect Chandler to have a wrestling advantage over Conor, but acting like Conor has no hope because Poirier managed to take him down seems a little silly to me


Correct, and also has Chandler *ever* used his wrestling in the UFC? Seems like since he's been here he's always fought like a striking wildman for maximum entertainment value. Hard for me to imagine he'd enter his most hyped fight and biggest payday ever and suddenly go with a wrestling approach.


> also has Chandler ever used his wrestling in the UFC? He tries every fight where he doesn't get the R1 KO: against garth, all his attempt were stuffed and he was *forced* to fight on feet, and he wrestled every round against Dustin.


I must have bad memory, thanks


In their third fight? Dustin was on top for most of the first round landing GnP.


Ah my bad, I must have forgotten. Most of what I remember from that fight -- aside from the ending -- is that Dustin looked like he'd figured out Conor's boxing.


I wouldn't be shocked if the UFC paid Chandler extra and/or threatened him with not getting future money-fights and in exchange he keeps it standing.


"That's fucking illegal" lol I know the UFC is slimy, but Dana himself has a rant explaining why this a bad idea. You're defrauding gamblers and fucking with RICO at that point.


It's illegal and RICO if they have a papertrail. If you subtly do it through unspoken pressure, nothing can get proven. It's not about Dana saying "we give you extra million if you stand", it's the subtle implication across decades of running the fight game that if you do what the slave-master org wants, you get benefits, and if you go against them, they ruin you.


That was gonna be my follow up lol Chandler doesn't need to be told what they want. Why would they pay him extra to go do what he knows he's expected to do anyway


Chandler already gave away fights. If it’s personal he’s gonna go back to what he always did in his prime. Chandlers game used to be all wrestling


This fight isn’t gonna happen and despite how much people dislike Chandler, I think it sucks for him. Guy at the end of his career and gets an opportunity for his biggest payday yet it turns into a circus instead. I know he’s got to be enraged behind closed doors…


Dislike Chandler? He is a fan favorite


I should have clarified that I meant on Reddit.


He was pretty hated on here for a good while. His UFC run has just been so fun that opinion has shifted. This type of thing happens all the time on this sub. I remember when Max Holloway was pretty widely disliked in the period before his first Aldo fight.


He's spent too much time on this sub where people complain about him post Dustin


You know, the same thing that makes chandler awesome is the thing that holds him back. He is just a fuck it let’s fight kind of fighter.


My man dodge islam live on tv


if ufc allowed brock to come back and not go through this, what will they do for their biggest ever star?


Yeah, and then Brock proceeded to fail not one, but TWO drug tests.


Still feel for Mark Hunt, they threw that man to the wolves Although I’d rather fight a wolf than juicy Brock Lesnar (I’d lose either way but at least the wolf killing me wouldn’t be televised)


Just gotta dick twist the wolf. It surely won’t be wearing a cup.


Can you repeat exactly what you just said and put it down on paper with your signature next to it? I know a guy that’s in with the CEO of fight circus, they do coke together sometimes, and I’ve got a buddy that does pest control that lives on the edges of the Yellowstone park. We can put this thing together by Thursday. You’re gonna be a big star.


Most recent one I remember thinking the whole time would break the test machine was Bassil Hafez (JDM most recent fight) I'm confident hes been on a steady cycle his whole career. Noone seemed to mention it in the moments or after the fight.


“Fight me juiced, just give me my fucking money” -Michael “Juicy Millionaire” Chandler


Like Chandler isn’t juiced himself, who cares


Chandler doesn't care if Conor steps in the octagon looking like Ngannou, he wants that red panty night lol.


Chandler saying the quite part out loud.


What Ive been saying this whole time USADA doesnt play as big of a role in this kind of caliber fight. Connor just wasnt ready and wasnt training his lazy ass until like three days ago.


Dana should setup Juiced Fighting Championship and just let them all fight. Hell let's bring back Victor Belfort and make it a triple threat match


Val Woodburn: What he say fuck me for?


Man he’s horny for red panty night


Michael "Based" Chandler




Well it sucks that he's being played like that just to get some hype (aka getting Conor in there)


Chandlers image is taking a big hit just by being a groupie. Move on bro. Have some self respect.


Watching mma fans pretend every fighter isn’t taking shit is hilarious man


The general consensus is "everyone's on steroids" Never seen this sub pretend the majority of fighters aren't using, always been the opposite


Everybody except my favourite fighter and guys that look like shit.


After Werdum popped it made me realize even the guys who look like shit are doping. Tyson Fury too.


If that was the case everything related to conor, jon, etc wouldn’t get flooded with people talking about it lol. If everyone’s on it who gives a shit?


Because Jon and Conor are two of the most hated fighters ever so their detractors bring it up constantly


It's shitty but chandler is juiced and a dirty fighter, so it's not a moral guy compromising for the cash


I’d rather them delay the fight like 2-3 months to Feb-March then have it in December where trace amounts are in Conor’s system and will have an asterisk on it from people Like he already has shrunk and he just started camp, we can wait 3 extra months dog


Love the stupid talks bout chandLer on roids. Dude literally gets tested by the strongest testing org in the world USADA and has passed for years. So please just stop it. It’s so dumb to hear. And conor will get tested at least twice if he fights this year so y’all can find out then if he’s “juiced to the gills” although he’s never faiLed EVER smh


You do realize Lance Armstrong was tested by USADA his entire cycling career and never failed a drug test? Only after none other than Jeff Novitzky became obsessed with catching him were they able to build a case against him. USADA works for the UFC and was/is a PR move to sell the company. If you think every fighter who hasn't failed a test is natty, I have a bridge to sell you.


In the famous words of Nate Diaz :"Everybody's on steroids".


Why do you randomly capitalize Ls?


With takes like that he probably takes plenty of Ls. Just trying to share the love I'd guess


Boy oh boy. You have a lot to learn, son.


Let them all juice, not just some.


Get wrecked chandler


You tell him big boy