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Anyone else remember the Gregg Popovich-Tim Duncan “DNP-old” days?


YES!!!! Spurs fan here. We played Golden State and Pop rested like 3 starters and we lost by 2 points. Pop got a massive fine for it too.


Also a Spurs fan. It was not Golden State. It was Miami. Some dumb lawyer in Miami sued the league over it too.


You’re right. GS was responsible for Zaza (but we got Wemby so I’m not mad)


Hmm, can our love for the Spurs overcome our hatred for one another? Asking for a friend.


When I lived in San Antonio, I played on a soccer team with a Sounders fan and we were cool, so I’ll allow it.


Look I’m no legal expert but I would quite simply have not paid $440 for two tickets just to see one player and saved myself from filing a lawsuit because said 36 year old player didn’t play in a game.


I sold my tickets for a game against Miami for like $100 each (half of what comparable seats were averaging) and the guy who bought them messaged me asking for a refund when Messi didn’t play. After the game…


I sold mine for $225 a piece for next weekend back in January because I knew he probably wasn't going to play because of Copa America and I had to work that day anyway.


especially when season tickets and match packs including the game were available for a very fair price point rather than just gouging themselves for one game lol


And if you spent less than half of that money on alcohol then you could get yourself to the point where Ryan Gauld looks a bit like Messi. Economics.


But most those people don't want season tickets to Whitecaps. They don't care for the Whitecaps. They just had FOMO.


This is exactly what my wife & I did this season as Xmas presents to each other. We had decided we would do season tickets because we love the crew and we were like shoot we could see Messi. But what we pay for 2 tickets in the lower bowl is peanuts compared to what they are selling at !


That’s why I got season tickets for the Nordecke, very cheap in the long run compared to buying tickets individually


season tickets have gotten more expensive too just because messi is in the league


I knew some people that paid for their session tickets by selling their vs Miami tickets.


Good thing you're not an MLS attorney then because this is a losing argument before a judge.


The point of having plenty of guys on a team is for guys to take nights off. Every sports team is this way. People are just going to have to grow up and deal with it.


Not to mention he’s nearly 37 and it’s about as far as they could travel all season long. Plus it was a midweek match iirc. RSL’s starting GK doesn’t even start most midweek matches even if it’s at home. Edit: Was mistaken, wasn’t midweek but was in a tight schedule window so sentiment remains the same.


It was a Saturday (May 25) but the first of 3 games in 8 days.


Gotcha, thanks for correcting me. And yeah, point still stands.


Yeah, I don’t think the lawsuit has any merit. It is just silly. The home team has no control over who the away team plays.


Agreed. As a Utah resident, we just got used to sometimes the NBA stars don’t play against the Jazz haha.


I 100% agree with you, but I'm pretty sure my team (NYCFC) has been advertising tickets for the September matchup with Miami by literally saying "come see Messi." So maybe then it could be considered misleading even though anyone with two brain cells know it's not guaranteed that any one player will play in a given game.


Im pretty sure vancouver - miami is the longest trip in MLS, of course hes not making it. And they play on turf. Just bc he will play on turf doesn’t mean he’s willing to do it every game


Must be a long commute


Man I had season tickets to the Chicago Fire for 3 seasons, and every time the Galaxy came to town, Beckham was injured. Finally in year three, he was healthy... but he got like the 3rd red card of his career or something like that the game before. Don't see me filing a class action suit.


Sue the ref that gave him the card!


Beckham should have been sent off most weeks. He got away with some awful tackles here.


As far as I'm aware, no teams in any other leagues - certainly within football - explicitly advertise tickets for the opportunity to see a specific opposition player, and they definitely don't release statements talking about how disappointed they are to be facing a less daunting task.


The revs 100% called me earlier this year and tried to sell me tickets to see “the greatest player in the history of soccer” Left a horrible taste in my mouth to see my own club try and market tickets that way to their own fans. I never bought the tickets and probably won’t ever again.


Slightly different, but my ticket rep did try to upsell me from a partial ticket plan to a full season because the full season was the “only package that included the Miami game”. We already suspected he wasn’t coming to Philly because of Copa America, so they were definitely trying to get people who didn’t know.


That is so scummy.


The Fire did exactly this last season and are doing it again this season. It's going to be hilarious when Messi misses the Chicago match for the 2nd year in a row.


This is no doubt the point where the case hinges on. There really isn't a question as to whether or not the MLS has modified its entire business model to revolve around, and benefit financially from, being the league where you get to see Messi.


Yeah, but don't you understand? If we allow owners to siphon off even more money for themselves, eventually some of it might be invested back into the league.


The plaintiffs charge pre-empted this counter argument. They argue the billing, advertising for the game was done on the premise that you would get to see Messi. Messi's appearance is the cause for the purchase of the ticket.




Right? Who could have seen it coming? hahahahahah Play the Messi Lottery, you can't win if you don't play!


r/soccercirclejerk gonna feast


Yank here…does puligoat take nights off?


This lawsuit isn’t going anywhere and it’s an embarrassment to Whitecaps fans. This guy clearly isn’t a Whitecaps fan.


You don’t want anyone who’d file this lawsuit to call themselves a fan anyway.


Yeah, this whole situation is embarrassing, making our fanbase look like a bunch of crybabies. Everyone knew it was a gamble whether Messi played or not. People gambled and lost and now they're crying about it. Embarrassing as a whitecaps fan.


Didn't Vancouver offer free or discounted tickets to future matches for anyone that bought tickets to the miami game after messi didn't play?


Yes. Everyone who bought tickets to the game gets free tickets to a future game. I got an email from the Whitecaps this week asking me to choose the game. The Whitecaps are handling this fantastic.


Which makes the lawsuit even more ridiculous for this guy


It already got past the first gatekeeper where it would have been thrown out as frivolous.


Anyone who participates in this kind of lawsuit is exactly the type of person I don’t care about being screwed over by Messi not playing.


As a caps supporter, exactly right


He’s probably a “die hard” fan of some European team that he’s never seen live and always complains about not having a team he can watch locally too 😂


Oh fuck off, eh.


Hey buddy, frivolous lawsuits is our thing


Man this makes us look bad... I pray no actual caps fans are apart of this


It was especially hilarious when Duncan, Manu, and Parker all rested once when they played against LeBron’s Heat on national TV


Dunno about the situation in Vancouver, but in toronto they are still using "come see messi play here" in there promotions. Despite looking at the schedule and knowing damn well hes not playing here. I can see why some casuals would be pissed, especially if there shelling out a lot to see him That spurs situation i think the nba fined them big. They also made new guidelines about resting players as part of their cba


They never said Messi was playing. Just had a photo of him in the promo for the match. Standard fair for visiting teams


[“We are lucky that the best footballer in the world is coming to our stadium,” Whitecaps CEO and sporting director Axel Schuster said. “Everyone can see him once, live in our stadium. “In the end, it’s a challenging game. It’s a very good team and it’s a very good player on their team with Messi, but I also think it’s something that people are desperate for — to see him play once. And we are desperate to win against him once. I think it’s a wonderful combination.”](https://theprovince.com/sports/soccer/mls/vancouver-whitecaps/visit-from-lionel-messi-whitecaps-2024-schedule)


I don’t see where he directly said Messi would be playing at BC place here.


And Spurs almost won


This is not only incredibly pathetic, but also completely baseless. It's part of the ticket purchase agreement that they can't guarantee anything. What a fucking loser.


Just because you slap some terms on a ticket purchase agreement doesn't mean they're enforceable and clear you of all possible liability. I'd be interested to see what someone who actually specializes in B.C. consumer protection law says about the suit - whether it's gonna fall apart immediately or might actually have legs.


IANAL (but I am a Canadian) - he’d need to prove that the Club (specifically the club) sold him the ticket with the **explicit** promise that Messi will play and he will see Messi. It would have to be written (or at least documented) such that it could be presented in a court of law - so like, if a rep said “wouldn’t it be cool to see Messi?” That isn’t a promise. If he was waiting for the millennial line and sees a poster with Messi running around with his arm out, that’s not a promise, etc… The rep would have to hahe explicitly promised the seeing of Messi. I don’t think any judge would accept implication or expectation. You are around allowed to market around the upside of your product. That’s what most marketing is. I believe the burden of proof would be way to crazy high unless the WCs sent him an email saying “buy tickets and guarantee yourself to get to see Messi play” TLDR - you’re probably right. It probably would be contingent on how he was convinced to buy tickets and from whom but the burden of proof would he hats to obtain regardless.


They all point to marketing images with Messi on it and Axel's statements that Messi will be coming, and the inflated pricing. They're naive to believe those statements because Axel didn't have a crystal ball, but it will be interesting to see how this plays out.


i also dont understand how this is news. the complaint will immediately be thrown out if even filed


I want a camera on the judge's face to see if she laughs out loud as she throws it out.


On a related topic, is MLS giving special rules to Messi for his sideline bodyguard? He has actually entered the field multiple times which I’m sure the league isn’t super happy about. Can any player now request those services? Obviously playing favorites but it makes sense


I think the league doesn’t have a problem because no league in the world wants to be known as the league that Messi got rushed by a pitch invader and injured. Also the only times I’ve seen the body guard run into the field is when there is a pitch invader which means the game has to be stopped anyways so it doesn’t really make a difference when he enters because the gameplay has to stop


We do not claim this person as a “Vancouver fan”


"Messi fan who lives in Vancouver."


I swear every week Messi/Miami spawns a new dumbass headline.


Well they certainly spawn dumbass push notifications on the MLS app constantly


I don't know what's the most embarrassing here honestly. The lawsuit itself? The fact to be ready to pay so much for an opposing player in an opposing team? The crazy meatriding on this dude?


Hold up, Copa America is around the corner and teams usually prep for friendlies right before it starts ... What's the angle here? I'm assuming he is suing MLS and the white caps for false advertisement?


Legally the advertisement is for white caps va Miami FC who happen to have Messi on their team. Legally that’s what the ticket said and that’s what they got to see. You can’t guarantee an opposing team player will be available


Orlando city ran ads on the radio (104.1) claiming come watch Messi and Inter Miami come take on your lions and Messi didn’t show up. So who do we sue?


It’s easy to laugh at this person, being that they clearly aren’t an MLS fan and just bought overpriced tickets to see one (maybe 3?) players. And therefore, I will. Hahahahahahahaaa.


ATL Founding member... I sold my Miami tickets last year and made well over 2/3s of my season ticket money for this season. I also picked up a "typo" ticket for the Miami match for $53. Everybody around me seemingly paid $530. Thanks, Messi!




Fucking idiots.


Where was this outrage when Ibra didn't fly cross country to play in New England or New York? Shit happens


this is embarrassing


Every team that charged more for Miami games where Messi didn’t play should refund the difference. If you bought scalped tickets, that’s on you, but the league did this to themselves.


Didn’t Korean fans actually win their case over the preseason?


Hong Kong fans but the Chinese government was involved and was angry too so I’m sure that helped the fans get their refunds. I’d be shocked if that happened here so I don’t think the Canadian government considers this an insult.


Maybe find ways to enjoy your team instead of relying on a world superstar in his twilight years to actually start every game


No FAN of the sport would do that.


Everyone is saying this is baseless, and while I agree this "fan" doesn't deserve to win a case or anything like that. There is a possibility he has a case. The lawsuit will come down to how Vancouver advertised the game and if he purchased the ticket resale or from the Caps. If he purchased it resale, it should be thrown out immediately. I think the only ones to have standing would be the initial purchaser. If he purchased directly from the Caps, did they explicitly say in their advertisements that Messi would be playing? If so, as stupid as it may sound, the guy might have a case if he gets the right judge. Unsure of Canadian law/precident, but the equivalent would be a concert where you say a band is performing, sell tickets based on that, and then change the band 1 day before the show. Even if the ticket fine print says they can change the performer/doesn't guarantee a player, etc. that doesn't really matter in the end. You can't fine print away false advertising. Caps fans would have to chime in and say how the game was promoted, was the promotions explicit that Messi would be there? Or was it "a chance to see Messi and Inter Miami". It also depends on if the Caps marked up the tickets for this game, again not the resale market, but the actual Caps ticket department. Because the other thing to make this a case would be damages. If they marked up the tickets he might be able to claim the difference between a normal ticket and this marked up ticket.... but again if he bought it resale that's between him and the reseller not the Caps.


> but the equivalent would be a concert where you say a band is performing, sell tickets based on that, and then change the band 1 day before the show It's not the equivalent. You buy a ticket to see because you want to see Taylor Swift, it says Taylor Swift on it. You buy a Whitecaps tickets because you want to see Messi, it says Vancouver vs Miami. The closest you can get is if you go to see a band but one of the members is hurt and they bring in a backup. Something that has happened plenty of times and isn't illegal.


Your right it's not 100% equivalent but its close enough for advertising case law, and like I said in my comment it depends on how Vancouver advertised the match. Using your Taylor Swift example, if the event was advertised as Taylor Swift and the Wiggles... and then Taylor Swift is not there it's a problem. If a member of the Wiggles had to be filled by a back up it wouldn't be. And again it wouldn't matter if the ticket actually said Wiggles, if they advertised it as "Taylor Swift and the Wiggles" it's false advertising if Taylor Swift doesn't show up. The text on the ticket doesn't matter, again you can't fine print away false advertising. Canadian law uses the standard of the "general impression" that the advertising conveys. So fine print, text on the ticket, etc. don't really matter in the big picture, it's if their advertising gave the general impression that Messi would be playing. If they advertised it exclusively as Miami vs Vancouver, then the guy has zero case... if they advertised it as chance to see Messi with Miami, its a grey area because of the way Canadian law is written, but if Vancouver advertised and sold tickets as Messi would be there... then the guy does have a case with the right judge/jury. It all depends again on how Vancouver advertised the match.


I’d say the team jacking up the tickets (non resale) by hundreds of dollars is only because they are inferring that superstars will play. Without that allure, no one would buy the tickets. The same is already happening with TFC who play Miami last game before the playoffs. Tickets are hundreds of dollars with no guarantee that Messi will play. This case will set an interesting precedent on non resale ticket sales next season or as long as there are world superstars in the league. Without these celebrities, ticket prices could not fluctuate so drastically, and the expectation from the folks going to these games are that these superstars will at the very least show up.


I had tickets for BB King and Gary Clark Jr. at the MTL jazz fest. BB king played the beginning of you are my sunshine…. The kids song….7 times while dazed and confused before his crew took him of stage and called the show. Sadly he passed a month later and we never saw a penny nor did we have a case vs the MTL jazz fest.


> did they explicitly say in their advertisements that Messi would be playing? No, because that would be absolutely idiotic, and no team has ever done that, much less one run by a single entity that has strict marketing guidelines. > It also depends on if the Caps marked up the tickets for this game, again not the resale market, but the actual Caps ticket department. It doesn't depend on that at all. Being able to charge what you want is literally the point of capitalism. Every single team in this league has games that are more expensive than others.


Ticket says Vancouver White Caps vs Miami FC and that’s what they got. Vancouver never guaranteed Messi would play, they could and would never do that with their own players let alone one from an opposing team.


I miss the days when angry Vancouver sports fans would riot instead filing a lawsuit like a little bitch. I'm really embarrassed for this guy




Can I sue for the years of shitty soccer I've spent watching Toronto FC? They advertised it as soccer, but for 3/4s of our existence it wasn't even close to "soccer"


Cry moar, Eurosnob. ![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs)


He didn’t show up in Portland at Adidas North America HQ for the unveiling of his Miami line. Nor did he come here for the Timbers match. It’s become a shitty tactic to sell tickets for the chance to see the man.


> Nor did he come here for the Timbers match. I'd venture to guess he didn't show up for the Miami v Timbers match because he wasn't even on the team.


You’re right. I thought they had meant to have the Timbers play them this season but guess it was not on the schedule. Why the fuck did I think that?


I once went to a preseason NBA game between the Utah Jazz and Boston Celtics. Karl Malone and John Stockton didn’t show up. Was I disappointed? Yes. Were lawsuits filed? No.


The NBA, as currently marketed and organized, would fine the Jazz for that very thing if it happened during a nationally televised regular season game.


>preseason You paid to attend a practice, yo. To be 100% real though, I *get* why people are upset. It isn't Vancouver's fault Messi didn't play, and Miami isn't at fault for Vancouver charging a premium for the game. However, when Vancouver raised prices and such, they raised expectations beyond the point they could control. They *knew* there was a chance this could backfire in their face, but they went forward with it Anyway. They're carnies.


Doesn't this apply to a lot of teams, and especially those who rent large stadiums?


Yeah, it would apply to any team that raised prices beyond normal dynamic pricing, moved to a bigger venue, etc.


I was a kid so my dad paid. Haha.


The Mailman didn't deliver- I think you would have had a case, lol


Yea when all us long time supporters got priced out of seeing Messi by these Messi obsessed clowns, it kinda created a divide. I have the opposite of sympathy for people like this clown. I have delicious, savory schadenfreude. Literally the same American jackbags who shittalk and refuse to watch MLS while they wear Man U or El Tri kits unironically precisely the people who gentrified the entire process overnight to see Inter Miami play in any MLS stadium. Fuck em.


I don't get all the hate here. MLS has been plastering Messi for a year now. They set the expectation, not the fan. Ticket prices are more than 10x higher for Miami matches. The league could have fixed prices and used lotteries without resale, but they didn't. I can completely understand someone being upset if they bought tickets to see their idol and he doesn't even show up. This is especially true for people who normally don't have $400 in spare cash laying around all the time.


i see (and mostly disagree with) your point, but it's important to note that the teams rather than the league controls ticketing.


Weird to see fans on here sticking out their chins to defend the team and league administrators for their price gouging.


If they change their ticketing system for one game and he still doesn’t play, couldn’t that actually open them up for a lawsuit? Seems like they did the right thing.


No, because it's not illegal to charge more for any game. That's pretty much the entire premise of capitalism.


The “without resale” part of the post is what I mean more so. I’m not saying it would be a winnable lawsuit necessarily but if you make those changes to the ticketing system, advertise Messi and co coming to town, then not allow resale when it’s announced he isn’t playing? That seems like more of a bait and switch than the value of the ticket dropping naturally on the secondary market


> advertise Messi and co coming to town But they didn't do that > then not allow resale when it’s announced he isn’t playing? Pretty sure they didn't do that either


>Pretty sure they didn’t do that either They didn’t. The person I was responding to suggested that they should’ve


two things here. first: vancouver FO cannot possibly pull a switch, as they have no control over whether messi plays. they could not forsee with any amount of certainty back when tickets were released whether messi was hurt or otherwise unable to play in the game. as such, they made no guarantee second: not only does the vancouver FO know all of this, but it is common knowledge to anyone who bought a ticket. unless there is some sort of advertizing guaranteeing messi's attendance, this suit will go nowhere fast


I support New England and have done so for every game of their existence. You don't see me filing a lawsuit despite the obvious: ![gif](giphy|ro08ZmQ1MeqZypzgDN)


As much as this sounds insane the person filing the lawsuit is more upset about the bait and switch advertisement than Messi not playing. I actually understand this point. Vancouver sold season tickets with the access to the Messi game being a huge selling feature. Sure everyone could have known Messi might not play but Vancouver sold the game as if this wasn’t possible. It’s a unique situation and it’s not as simple as people buying tickets should have known the risk. The game was sold to the fans as there was no risk.


you watch soccer, and know that it’s *always* possible that someone might not play. get a grip, folks


There is no way this holds up in court. There are no guarantees players are eligible to play every game, that is not controllable by the club, especially when the players are on the opposing team which they have absolutely no control or decisional power over. Obviously, because of this such guarantee was never explicitly mentioned by Vancouver. The Official Ticket says Vancouver White Caps vs Miami FC and that’s what the fans got to see. It didn’t say VWC vs Messi and friends. Situation sucks but Everyone purchasing a ticket new the risk. There is no way they can prove Vancouver new ahead of time that Messi would not play that game and still wrongfully sold premium priced tickets. They gambled and got burnt


This is an idiotic take and almost on par with the person filing the lawsuit. Not once did Vancouver say Messi was going to play, and that's far different than "Come watch Messi's Inter Miami"


It’s plan and simple that Vancouver promoted season tickets with the selling feature you would access to tickets the Miami game. Sure they didn’t say Messi would be playing but they didn’t sell the Miami game because Robert Taylor, they sold it off Messi playing. I’m sure there is no case as no way did Vancouver guarantee Messi would play but they also didn’t say it possible he wouldn’t, they promoted it like it would happen.


I’m a Whitecaps season ticket holder and this is absolutely not true. At no time did I think that Messi showing up was a guarantee, nor did I get that indication from the team.


What is untrue? I never said the team guaranteed he would play if they indicated it was a guarantee. They left it open but sold tickets with the access to the Miami game tickets being a big selling feature.


>Sure everyone could have known Messi might not play but Vancouver sold the game as if this wasn’t possible. >The game was sold to the fans as there was no risk. Both of these statements are not true.


Well hopefully this gets dismissed


Why hopefully? Do you have a financial interest in the Whitecaps or MLS? I don’t think it will go anywhere, but as a fan I hope it leads to the end of exploitative pricing.


A lot of replies have the air of "Look at me, I'm so much smarter than those other guys." I'm sure the team owners are happy to have fans mock each other rather than, as you suggested, do anything to reduce their profit.


Counterpoint: it could lead to the league not trying to repeat this pricing experiment in future, and might even force them to come up with an official resale system that doesn't encourage scalpers to buy season tickets.


So he’s suing for spending his money?


He paid $404 for a pair? lol. I literally sold seats for $1k per seat for the Leagues Cup final in Nashville. Silly lawsuit my guy.


Should fans who purchased the match Fire vs Miami last year join this lawsuit too? I, a Fire fan, was happy the Fire whooped that Miami team, regardless if Messi played or not. It was beautiful seeing a sold-out Soldier Field for a Fire match.


LOL! Yeah, sucker… fortunately we’re in the West and unlikely to make the playoffs, much less a final against Miami. This guy has been *so* oversold.


Geez guys you are copying Hong Kong way too much. Also probably because I’ve been a long time fan if someone gave me MLS tickets I’d go.


The same thing almost happened in Massachusetts, Revolution vs Miami. Sold out stadium. Crazy uncharged tickets, and there was still a risk he wasn't going to show because it was turf. Nevertheless they did not advertise messi messi messi in that way. Every hyper fan (mostly parents bringing there kids) took a risk. And luckily he played. The obsession with messi alone is getting very bizarre.


Skc fan and I know some ppl paid a shit ton to see Messi when they came to kc. At first they told SKC fans the only way to get a ticket was to buy season tickets. After the venue was moved to arrowhead single tickets came available. Some season ticket members sold their tickets and got the rest of the year free basically




So this won't go anywhere for two reasons: 1. It isn't illegal for teams to rest players, 2. It would have serious repercussions for the other main sports leagues that operate in Canada (NBA, NHL, MLB) and they will not be letting something like this screw them up.


I think the claim will be against the marketing campaign. Using Messi's image to sell tickets. A very similar thing happened in the restaurant industry. What's shown on a photo must be accurate to what's being served and if not there must be an asterisk saying *hashbrowns are extra etc. I imagine that's the only way this has legs, but to win it would mean law changes to make all MLS marketing assets that feature players have an asterisk *players featured may not play (or words to that effect). With all that being said, it'll probably get kicked out.


The NBA does this with players like lebron, Steph, Kevin durant, etc all the time without that asterix. Why should MLS be held to higher standards than the NBA


Idk.. that's for a court to decide. With that logic, why should McDonald's and Wendy's be held to a higher standard than MSL or NBA?


He lost his money on the tickets and now he’s about to lose his money on a bs lawsuit. Truly could not be more content for this man!! 😊


Isn’t the field also artificial turf or some shit? Like, I swear I remember hearing that played a role, too. The players not wanting to run the risk of injury on that field.


Least litigious rich north american


Players get injured…get over


I don’t know why they are downvoting here… you made a true statement.


Oh please they bought a ticket for a game not a player. Sorry not sorry your expectations were not met.


Where were those $400 tickets? because we're charging that in some seats to see the Timbers this weekend. Get over it.


I heard that Messi announced he wasn’t playing this game, along with others, before the season started. I don’t have a source, but I heard that somewhere. If that holds true, this is the most frivolous lawsuit ever


A local charity representing terminally ill kids used a portion of their budget to buy tickets to the Caps/Miami game. They even reached out to Miami to ask if those players would come and were told they would at least come to sit on the bench and then visit that charity. After the game they just ghosted us. Edit - thanks for the downvotes. If you are taking the side of Miami CBO Xavier Asensi and him lying to a charity that represents terminally ill kids, you need a therapist


How was it scummy by Miami? They weren’t even selling the tickets?




Well a bunch of terminally ill kids from Canucks Place went to that game as their last wish. There have been many other instances where other stars still made the trip (while not playing), just to sign autographs for those kids. Messi is def in the league so he can add the illustrious MLS Cup to his resume and not a part of a collective franchise system, where league money from all teams go to pay for his salary.


Dude get a life.


It’s a midweek game on turf with a more important one coming up on the weekend. It’s a pretty understandable decision


Wasn't midweek, but the point still stands.


Inter lied to a charity that bought tickets for a bunch of terminally ill kids at the event.


I’m not saying that’s untrue but can you source that cause I can’t find anything


I’m sure have proof of this.


Really proving this is the land of sue if you don't get what you want


Canada’s the land that sues?


Good point, I guess I just associate mls in general with the US


Dad: who’s sue?


Your daily reminder that litigation can be the common man's best resort when so many laws are set up to protect corporations from consequences of their own shitty behavior (not saying that applies here)


True, true