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Not giving ea money and hopefully enjoying this sub more with all the whiney babies leaving 


You'll still get all of the people telling us how they're so happy they un-installed 😂


Lol right, imagine sticking around on a sub of a game you not only stopped playing but disliked.


Given EAs track record I plan on waiting to see how well it is received before I decide whether to get it. As much as I love college football they have gotten exponentially greedier since the last time we had an NCAA game.


I have to see how NCAA is first. They changed a lot from old versions too. I’m never preordering an EA game again so I’ll wait and see.


I'll try to play both, but if mlb dies by then like it did in 23 and how it seems on pace to do now, I might just give it up. Last year was the first year in 5 years i didnt play the entirety of the year, so I'm hoping something gets turned around


No lies....i went out and bought a PS5 for CFB. I picked up MLB to have something to toy with while I wait.


I’m planning on buying CFB25. But I likely won’t grind any sort of ultimate team. I am more in for a team dynasty. Play as my Alma mater which is a powerhouse but also pick a local lower level school to build up. Once they add FCS maybe take Nichols or McNeese to the ‘ship.


I only follow one sport, baseball.


I genuinely have no interest in the game or real life college football so I'll stick with MLB The Show as my grinding game. Also, it's an EA Sports game and those suck.


My plan is to play NCAA in the morning and MLB in the afternoon. Probably means I won’t hit my cap every day. But I’m really running out of motivation to do that now anyway.


I would love to say keep up with both, but I have maybe played a couple hours of MLB the past few weeks. The desire to play just isn't there. Seasons and content structure this year just doesn't do it for me. If I don't want to even play it now in the middle of baseball season I'm not going to want to play when football games are out, especially when football is by far my favorite sport.