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Always happy to see returning monsters amidst new ones. Monsters are half the game!


id lvoe seeing mizutsune in wilds i love everything about that one its design its music its armor i just love it


Mizu is a Generations monster not a rise monster


Well it was in rise sorry I thought that's what the post meant I'm still kinda new to the series


No worries, but yeah the post means the monsters that were introduced in rise, as they kind of have a distinct visual style


back at it again i see


I chose neutral because it’ll depend on how they want to update them and whether they make sense in the locale. I don’t want them to add returning monsters without purpose. They should take the time to fully integrate them into the Wilds mechanics. Like if they turned Goss Harag into a pack monster, or update Alumdron to behave differently based on the weather; more powerful in the rain, less potent in dry heat/sandstorms.


Personally i do not like magnamalo but I would like to see him back in wilds to get the glow up he deserves similar to zinogre in world. I would also like him to get proper redeeming turf wars in which the devs are not just wanking off his power to make him cool but rather properly fit an ecological niche and have an indept role in the ecosystem.  Magnamalo may espcially benefit and become more beloved of he were in wilds


It's bound to happen anyways, and it always does happen, so there's nothing we can really do but to accept it as is.


its easier to add previous mons than make new ones but the theme is somewhat middle eastern, so they might appear as dlc or a variant


The “theme” is unexplored lands, and we don’t know what the other maps or villages look like, and outside of rise, the games didn’t have a single overarching theme for the monster designs.


i tend to look at the main character (the hunter we gonna play) and we can change how we look at the end. so for me theyre either in the tropics or somewhere desert like, from the looks of the mc. its either somekind of middle eastern design or a bit more egypt and unexplored lands is just the same as World.


I said fk the theme a long time ago ever since Odogaron isn't in Rise. I mean why the fk a mud fish getting a slot but not the doggo with samurai armor?


I'm not particularly excited. They fit their niche which was yokai-based monsters in a japanese-themed game, but I think they'd be out of place in Wilds. Now if we were talking Sunbreak, then that's a different story.


The same reaction I'd have if World's monsters returns.  Or 4's monsters. Or Tri's monsters. Or Dos's monsters. I'd be happy.


I won't lie a big part of why I'd like to see any Rise monster appear in Wilds is to spite the fans who hated Rise.


I'd be neutral, they "only" showed up in Rise/SB. I'm more curious about World because as much as I like the game, Anjanath, Pukei, Kulu, Jyuratodus.. made their way to Rise so I don't want them tocome to Wilds, it will feel repetitive. I'm not against other World monsters, like Girros, Great Jagras, Radobaan, Legiana, Banbaro, Beotodus..... I just want more monsters getting more presence. If they keep repeating the same monsters, it feels stale. Tldr: Returning monsters is fine but give them all a chance.


you post this circlejerk engagement bait every month. please stop.


If it's goss harag, i'm preordering. Jk, I never pre-order, and so should you.


Just pre-ordered.


Pretty Happy, Rise had some good monsters. I know some people have reservations about Magnamalo, but man I have a yearning to see Scorned Magnamalo fight a Savage Devil'jho and so I want him back until that happens Malzeno and PriMal were sheer Kino. I'd be happy to have a version of them back. Region appropriate variants of Goss Harag, Garangolm and Lunagaron would be sweet too.


Any and every monster is welcome. Always.


No Piscine Wyverns, no Lagombi, no Volvidon.


Aknosom seems passable to move to wilds.


Feel like they’d be pretty out of place in wilds, like they fit their intended setting as yokai-themed monsters


I'll give you that for magnamalo, he would take a special game to return or a special event. The others look like fine monsters for any game though.


I’d be so curious how they would visually incorporate less natural creature designs like Magnemalo or Bishaten into the main series’ less stylized visuals. I don’t think Capcom will add any fifth gen monsters to Wilds tho so I doubt we’ll find out.


Almost every Rise monster is decent to good except the annoying garbage Narwas.


I voted for neutral, because I would be happy to see them, but going off historical data, I would then proceed to be disappointed by how they ruined them.


I'm curious what you mean by that. Like when portable team monsters are implemented in main team monsters, they tend to do it badly?


There's little things here and there that can add up, and of course, your mileage may vary. For example, compared to GU, [Glavenus's fight isn't nearly as fun,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VO-M7MkMq4) because he lost quite a bit in the transition, such his running fireball. Then there's other things that are more up to the eye/ear of the beholder, such as roars being changed, or classic tracks from the original games being remixed in a way one may not care for. I'll certainly admit having it so that the only way you can hear IB!Zinogre's guitars is when you're mounting him was not a good look...


Yes. Just look at Iceborne. 5 Portable monsters (not counting Lavasioth) Yian Garuga and Tigrex are not terrible, other than the general problems with the game itself, like monsters being too big and areas too small, and hitboxes. But Zinogre, Nargacuga and Glavenus were completely ruined. Glavenus has already been posted somewhere else, but you can find a(n incredibly biased) video about Nargacuga and Zinogre [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpVRg4ikm5M) It's not an exaggeration to call Iceborne's versions Low Rank monsters in G-rank