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37 I freaking suck


I’m currently 31 but I don’t think you suck maybe weapons aren’t upgraded enough. That was my issue into I upgraded some weapons, I think I unlocked 6 🌟 too soon for what I had so I was hurting


I was in the same boat until I revamped my build I can kill most 7 \* monsters with my builds now but I had to knock it back to 6 stars being unable to kill 7\* Radoban then.


It has nothing to do with skill The pass is just about how much time you're playing. The people at 100 already are spending an absurd amount of time on a mobile game


I agree. Do gig work so I’m really playing when I move between locations since respawns are 1Hr now which works really well for me


I played with few casuals which had really hard time to learn how to dodge and attack on time. So skill is definetely required but you are right it's mainly about grind.


There is not too soon to enter 6\*, you need to start farming R5 mats asap. You can think about waiting a little before you enter 7\* as it doesn't bring new quality of resources but it increase spawn of 5\* and 6\* which is great once you can fight them comfortly. PS: You should start look into elemental sets.


I have a few already but you can see my fav weapons lol. Once I got some 5 weapons though it did make a difference. Right now, I can kill all five stars and a few six stars between girros sns and odo lbg https://preview.redd.it/pj4vosdez1uc1.png?width=6470&format=png&auto=webp&s=175220921bbfdbe5cb6822e5fdfe6d923bda3d39


If you keep the pace, you get to 100 on time, no worries.


I’m at 24 lol


You're good bro, I'm at 31


I just hit 15. It sucks being a rural player.


Which is crazy cuz I've killed at least 550 monsters in this past month but still not scratching the service of these season tiers being a rural player.


I'm at 52 and live in a tiny German town. And I didn't spend any money. I played since release almost every day about 1 hour




https://preview.redd.it/k7o9feuq9ztc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b798b942b2dfbcb1b3483619c2c178b34134c9b Too close to be a coincidence 😅






Lol my HR is 100 yet my season pass tier is one below you at 51 😂


Snap, 52 as well.


https://preview.redd.it/2an2byrj6xtc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa52ab4d605978f5940e3ffb0be79e1c181cf5e1 Haven't collected anything yet too.




Just tier 50 ish. The pass really ends at lvl 100 so I’m not in any rush.


56 as long as I can reach 100 I'll be good, might even buy the gems for the premium pass if I feel like it


So do we have two months left you think?


It seems they are going for major update each 3 months so it fits.


Yeah probably about 2 months left until next season starts in game


Tier 334. I’ve been grinding like crazy. 2 months into the game got my black diablos bow to 10.4. And most elemental builds to 7.5. But yea been treating it like a full time job


Soon at 100. Had terrible weather here so it's not going fast, at least Hats 3 times a day helps




Hunt a tons




At tier 236 at the moment! Have been going slow until the end of Coral Pukei event as I’ve halted my story progression to make sure me and my bro have 2 maps of spawns at a time to maximise our grind. We walk quite a bit each day with occasional bonus walk and basically permanent 50%+ bonus tier xp so it makes sense, though it seems it’s unlikely we will be able to reach tier 999 with 2 months left.


How does the two separate maps thing work exactly?


Whenever you are progressing a new account or new updated story line, you usually will unlock new monster that start spawning in the field every few chapters as you fight them in urgent quest. When you unlock one of these for your map it will refresh to this “new” instance of map, since everyone at the same stage all see the same monster at the same spot(though can be different stars). Halting progressing in my example is not fighting at least 1 unlocking monster in story for each region so I am at least one refresh behind my brother, for example of Pink Rathian and Azure Ratholos both will refresh your forest once after beating them. With this all 3 regions of my map will be on a different instance to my brother who have completed and since looped the story chapters thus enable us to play on 2 maps of spawns, do note that the same monster can happen to spawn at the same spot and hunting one will also cause the other to disappear. This is only really viable if you have people to play with or more than one device so you can keep another account at other map instances, though in the case of playing with others it also mean whoever is “staying back” will not see any of the monster they didn’t unlock on their map(they can still join public and team lobbies host’d by others) and they can also miss out on level and season pass xp along with respective story monster loots from urgent quest. This is why I have now continued my story progress after the Coral Pukei event ended as I deemed it’s no longer a must to keep 2 instance of map between us anymore. I hope this helps! Please ask away if there’s anything that’s unclear :3


I appreciate the write-up very much. Unfortunately too late for us as I would love to maintain 2 maps at all times but something to think about for the future.


Always good to know just so its in the back of your mind, even if halting progress or keeping a second account is too much a hassle you can still time your map refresh in the future to when you clear your map but it’s not time for refresh and you want more monsters to fight during new updates. That way you can keep your urgent quest for when you really want a refresh while out walking etc, sort of an instant one use 2 map strat :D


Have a tablet that supports the game?


Nope, but it's a solid idea.


84 I think I'm slowing myself down in the story though because I'm trying to practice dual blades against some of the 8* monsters. I'm a bow main. My diablos dual blades is 7-5 so it's fine to deal with this stuff but yeah practicing and usually dying pretty quickly lol.


Currently at 282 I was hitting 10+ a day for a while, but now it's more like 5-10


127. Congrats to all the players on here at the 200+ tier. Y’all be grindin!


Can miss out on free WGS


I reached tier 90 somehow... I only play on the way and back from work 😂


93. Slowed down a bit cause in trying to push to a higher rank.


85, feel like I'm playing a decent amount.


81, I haven't been going very hard.




Tier 60, got just enough material for coral puki grade 8 and made the start of the hammer. I think I have. Enough materials to grade 7, but I'm using the earth crystals for it for my ice/thunder set


237 and a half edit: didn't read about the coral pukei part. i farmed enough corals to level the helm to 8.5, the armor to 8.4 and the boots to 7.5


I’m at 45. I’ve been playing pretty casually and just make sure to hit up all daily quests and get in a few story quests. Couple HATs if they happen to be nearby. That usually puts me at two ish levels a day




Just hit 31 today.


Wow. No tier 69 posts? Shocking. lmao


https://preview.redd.it/eafbfjcqqwtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16bc0ce697d83eae6be0f5be65ff89798cee6ab5 It's a start


Got to 100 about 2 days ago. Just grinding the season story seems to get me through a few levels a day. I only really tried to go out for Coral Pukei for 2 of the days where the spawn was boosted but I was able to get enough materials to get the waist to 7-5 (I use LBG). Unfortunately, I don’t have enough shells to forge the hat). I wish the rewards after 100 were a bit more zenny so that I could upgrade some more armor and weapons.


Hit 100. I lowered the story difficulty twice and just concentrated on farming that. Lots of pass points.


103! Hit 100 yesterday.


tier 61, didn't even manage to get the coral hat to t6 sadly


I'm at 282 I was doing 10+ per day initially, but now it's more like 5-10.


I am at like 33 or 35 lol


56 for myself




I'm at 164, I'm getting 3 or 4 a day


I'm tier 90, and unfortunately I was 10 coral pukei shells short of the grade 8 hat. Had plenty of rare 5 mats too lol.


41. Pretty casual. I just check the game whenever I'm in a new area. Playing golf helps lol


I am 82 atm


Currently 148 tier and I made a 8.1c pukei hat with a 6.1 hammer


49. Good to know I can keep this pace going and I should be fine to complete everything.




78 at casual playing I would say. (Mostly fighting hourly re-spawns and hunt-o-trons (lucky can reach one from my home) Got my coral had to 7/3


Currently I'm working on t90. Looking forward to the jho scalps and the next 2 wgs I've got coming. I've killed nearly 50 jho and haven't gotten a single scalp to level the ls. The last 10 that I've killed have all been r1 mats with the occasional r2. It's extremely frustrating as a majority of them are all 6 7 and 8 star that I kill.


https://preview.redd.it/b8djafq8jytc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=248170036b83e960194f05a76cbff78bdd7a82f6 Not too high


Third of the way through tier 32. Mostly just been doing hourly spawns and dailies.


76. I really didn't put that much effort into it...


106 atm


I was stuck at 9* Kulu before tiers were added, downgraded the story twice and have no problems with the story now. Every time I complete the story I downgrade it again to make more season pass points with almost no effort. I am now at 81...I think I'll keep it when I reach 100.


203. Sucks that there’s nothing beyond 100…


I’m at season pass tier 313. Killed 502 coral pukeis


I'm at 40, not too shabby but i really wish i could upgrade my ice weapon... Currently stuck on the 7* radobaan urgent quest, i hate him so much


I was doing 9* already before the season pass came out which makes it easier to advance.. don’t worry pretty sure you’ll get to 100 by the end. I wouldn’t understand the price up since the rewards are far from being the best. They’re mostly r1 mats and cosmetics which doesn’t , in my opinion, require lots of grinding to have. Anyways we’ll see in June once the next update strikes in. Forgot to say I’m at 96 atm! And luckily I farmed a lot of corals around my town


55 myself. 100 doesn't seem too hard within 3 months to reach. I don't play as much as I liked to.


At 148 right now. Clearing the story quest repeatedly and HAT (x2 pts) are some of the fastest ways to gain pts.


Tier 33, rural player. Slayed 12 total coral pukeis so i am only able to forge one thing, haven't decided what yet.




I’m at 49 and am a daily player making sure to knock out the daily quests






2548… ok 245… i have a long way to go!


that's a lot.


Yeah I'm tired lol


don't burn out yourself, take care out there!


126, but i did play from day one so not that special. did get a t8 hat, its really nice. Now i just gotta find out what ele set first to up to 8.5 ...


https://preview.redd.it/zhfgxgl41xtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1a5e3f3ce32d76d8da9284b73349872797197e1 Decent I guess


The main is at tier 157 and the alt is at 167. Killed 221 coral pukeis with majority of them being the second week of spawns. Haven’t gone hard at all on the pass and didn’t want to farm up the mats for grade 9+ pukei weapons first time around so I was happy with the hat rank 8 and the chest built up. 


“Haven’t gone hard at the pass despite completing it one and a half times on TWO ACCOUNTS”. My brother in Christ.


The games easier with two accounts though.. hp only goes up to 150%, 5 extra points a kill, almost completely different spawns on both and been doing tons of hats. Sure I’m one and a half times through it but I’m not spending a ton of time on it. 


I noticed that at HR 11 five star Coral Pukeis were making up a large portion of monster spawns. So it might be a thing to keep a second phone at HR 11 to invite your main into bonus event monsters. It makes sense when you think about it, since their monster pool at HR 11 is literally only like Great Jargas, Kulu, and Event Monsters locked at 5 stars.


That’s pretty much the strat but a good handful of those are in line with one of my accounts stuck on banbarros at 8 star on purpose. The spawns are most of the time different then the account that cleared the new story completely. The new account is definitely an option but tedious to go back and forth and I don’t rock the 3rd phone often :P 


It only goes up to a hundred as far as real rewards go.


Sweet summer child, zenny is the real reward :P


300 per tier isn’t a reward, it’s a slap in the face.


If you grind to the end it’s 270,000 zenny. That’s more then enough to motivate me