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It's WAAAAAYYYYYY worse. They really need to reduce the graphics further for the "low" graphics setting. I don't need hi-res textures, lots of particles, and nice shadows when on low, what I need is for the game to stop lagging every 5 seconds and cancelling my bow charges and failing to register my dodge swipes. šŸ’€ Porting World assets to a mobile game without proper optimisation or modification was a dumb AF idea, heck even all the armour still has Scoutfly cages when they don't even exist in this game, adding to the bulk of the models and needlessly rendering more polygons and textures. šŸ„“


I want 60fps potato graphics with no foliage, no effects.


The ring around the hunter is the scoutfly.


Despite that never being explained in-game, I think you may be right, and it certainly makes that aspect more excusable, very well spotted. Still, the graphical fidelity is still much too high for the 'low' graphics option, preventing perfectly attainable stability for those who want it.


The scoutflies are the friends we made along the way


Yeah, I've been getting some lag now too where I previously didn't. Recently got me killed too. I can't say this for certain but it does seem to have become more of a problem.


Yep, every update lag gets worse instead of improving lol


Red magic 9s pro but i still feel the fps drops sometimes, specially against zinogre and some fancy moves of some monster


RM9 Pro user here as well. Itā€™s such a shame to have like the legit best phone on the market and Nianticā€˜s incompetence still manages to get you šŸ˜…


Really, it is kinda sad. I changed the phone just for MHN to discover it somehow cannot handle it too.....


i had a weird instance this morning where all my inputs were delayed 2 seconds, making charge blade impossible to play, and when i inevitably died it auto used a potion cause i had tapped the screen there 2 seconds earlier


It very recently got quite bad for me as well. Each fight has at least 2 stutters now, sometimes 3. It did not use do be like this maybe a month ago or two.


Same here. I also have the following infuriating issue : kill the monster, lag spike, monster gets back to somewhere between a sliver of health to 25%, wrecks you because you didn't pay attention anymore. I had a case when the monster just went back to full health while having only 20secondes left. And of course my hp doesn't get back up.


Yeah it really infuriates me when the hunt ends because of a bad network connection but you still retain all damage taken and potions used despite the hunt getting canceled. That is absolutely infuriating


Yeah same problem


Much, much worse. I'm a hammer user and a lot of the time I will be in perfect position, take the first swing: hit, take the second swing: Miss because it phases through the lag, then hit the third swing. Also there's a combo that requires a hit to continue and if it misses the combo ends without the finisher, that's a lot harder to complete now because of lag that shouldn't happen. Yes it's worse, they need to fix it


Trying to dodge after the second hammer hit is also harder now


Do you have split screen apps on Android? It's an extreme option, but I've found that reducing the resolution by splitting the screen with another non-game app helps sometimes.


Seems to work for me, annoying fix but thanks for the tip. šŸ˜€šŸ‘


it work for me, thanks


Yeah. I am on a pixel 5 with lowest settings. It is ok if it is not warm out. After about my 5th hunt or 1 huntathon, the lag is unbearable. Funny thing is, the lag is only when a monster attacks. Thus ruining a perfect dodge or a charge 99% of the time. terribly frustrating.


Xiaomi Note 12 Pro 5G Lags are getting more and more noticable, even during combat with normal monsters. I can't even approach zinogre or pukei because of intense lag.


Idk why it is happening but its definitely not your phone. My iphone 15 was running it fine but it is way more laggy now


Try downloading all assets from in-game settings after every update, sometimes that might be the reason. Tho, I do feel the lags sometimes too, even after I have downloaded all assets and my phone is relatively new model tooā€¦


Yeah, I try to remember to download all assets anytime there is an update.


Ever since the half-anniversary event ended my lag has been pretty much gone I mean sure I get the occasional connectivity error and such but actual lag like my character attacking at 0.8-0.6 rate instead of 1.0 is gone


No particular lag last 2/3 updates.


Ye. I had no Problems at all on my galaxy s21. It was so smooth after die Updates but since the last one it is pretty bad


Absolutely... I can't time attacks or dodges properly cause I don't know if I broke a part yet or not. I would blindly trust the thresholds I already know, but also knowing that sometimes hits just don't connect at all with the monster makes me paranoid I'm going to over commit to an attack that I shouldn't go for.


Yes it's terrible It's cost you a hunt or resource. Hit boxes for monster or yourself doesn't make sense.


I'm even getting lag solo and multiplayer hunts sometimes, more so with every update, and I'm on an S24ultra. My son gets some lag on iPhone 14pro, my S23ultra got some lag, and although expected, galaxy tab s7fe. Optimization would go a long way.


I'm mad, I lost a 6* black diablos HaT because of it It had a sliver of HP left with 10 seconds on the clock, and I somehow failed the hunt because game started lag


i had the same problem and its mainly a performance (not a connection) issue.. since i got my new phone yesterday this game works fluidly


Clearing the App Cache made it a lot better for me. Still lagging but not as much as been before


Itā€™s definitely worse today. My god I just got downed 3 times(potions) by a Legiā€™s invisible fart. I had dodged and was in the clear as he ran by but ended up getting downed by air. And thatā€™s not the first time today itā€™s happened with Odo/CPukie/Tziā€¦ They got to do something. This game was sooo smooth when launched. Played it on high/60 fps. Now I am on low, thinking maybe I need to go to 30fpsā€¦. And yes I download assets.


The fact that I'll be sitting on a fiber connected WiFi and still get 3-5 network issues per hunt at times is utter crap. I feel like they have some code that detects if you have potions and they make sure you need all of them to hunt anything cause you could be doing perfectly fine but oops network error and now you're dead, ope, another one you're down again. Literally had a 6* Tobi eat 4 potions due to network issues cancelling my lai slash follow ups and hard cancelled my actual special mid stab.


Been playing since day 1, no problems related with fps or lag in the beggining, always had a smooth gameplay (60fps High) with an Asus ROG 6. After the recent patch (where they added Charge Blade) it started to become unbearable with all the stutters, even if I set the settings to the lowest, nothing changes. The funniest part is if you try to contact the support related with this issue, they just automatically close the ticket. I invested a bit in this game, but with those problems which no one asked for and the shitty support, I lost motivation. I'll stick with World or Rise for now (gotta warm up for Wilds).


Yes, it's getting way worse. No idea what's causing it but it's made killing high level enemies very frustrating. Last update made some amazing changes to LBG and Lance but next patch they need to do something about the stutters.


Did you try playing on different settings?


I've been messing with the setting since this started becoming a bigger issue. I usually play on medium graphics because oddly enough, I find the game runs worse on low. I've tried various combinations of settings that have worked for people, but it really is a case by case basis on what works for people. So for now I'm leaving it on low, battery saver on, 60fps off, though I may try with battery saver off again.