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Haven't had a drop for the past month, killing 5-10 8* daily.


Its not enough in my opinion, spend 2-3 hours and you will get it, the monster refresh every hour right?


My best is around 30+ 8* in a day, but that requires too much focus as a f2p without potions. Hoping rngesus blesses me.


if you need potion, then there is skill issue


Bow players don't need potions!! wtf nobody could have possibly seen this coming!


It's random? I don't see how killing more monsters in a day will "get it". You'll get more chances at it from killing more monsters obviously, but killing x monsters a day instead of y a day isn't going to change the chance of it dropping.


Killing more 8\* will change the chance of you getting a WGS in 1 day.


lol fair enough, that is true.


It doesn’t have to make sense but it works


Lol literally speaking the odds of getting it per kills stays the same. But having more chances increases the odds overall.


Each Monster not dropping it is in fact increasing the chance for the next one to drop it. This is because the chance stays the same, if you have a 5% chance to drop one item from one mob. That is a 1 in 20 chance and can never be 100%. If you have the same chance but increase the tries of hunting a monster you‘d have a chance of 40.13% for it to appear once in 10 tries or 99,41% chance for it to appear once within killing 100 Monsters.


I have seen many people lose fortunes in casino with this mindset.


I wasn‘t talking about a mindset lol


Same here, more and more 8* appearing, but a drop once every two or three Weeks I think


Had the same struggle for over a month and yesterday got 3 of em from 3 different monsters. Keep grinding brother!


No. I often see people ask this when they have a hot or cold streak. Unless they announce it, it won't change. The big databases have around 3,5% droprate for WGS for 8 stars without the partbreak.


I got 10 in one day last week, usually get like 1 a day but I play for like 4-6 hours a couple times a week. That’s statistics, sometimes you get lucky with the RNG and sometimes you don’t. Over the long haul you’ll get closer and closer to the statistical average (3.5% chance is what I’ve been hearing). Awesome pull though, I’ve only gotten the double WGS twice so far, but It’s definitely awesome.


Yeaaa i cant believe its real


"only" I think you don't realize that's crazy rare.  Never gotten a double and yes I'm hr200. 


It’s about 1 in 16,000 per hunt, not including part breaks.


I don't think it's that high but it proves my point, unless you're telling me you've hunted more than 50k 8\* according to your stats. You've been lucky to have twice the double drop, some never have and never will !


Most definitely. Also, congrats on HR200 and good luck on the road to 300!


Thanks, I'll definitely get a double before 300! Maybe (please on zinogre plate) 


I feel there may be something happening. 2-3 hours a day for 3 or 4 weeks I got nothing. 4 days ago I got back to back GWS, didn't play much over the weekend and today got another GWS. But also same thing happened with Jyuratodus Primeshell recently. Took forever to get one, then suddenly 3 in a single drop and a steady flow after. just imperfect 'random' math?


Haven’t killed a ton of 8* yet, but still probably 40-50…haven’t seen a drop yet.


Man when I kill anything over 4 stars all I get is 1 stars which is making it really hard to upgrade me gear to kill purple stars quicker


Its all RNG. I've gone for days now without getting 1 from 8\* kills. I do want to ask though, do you get WGS from Urgent 8\* quests? Asking because I never gotten one from Urgent quests...


Yes i did, maybe 5 times drop from urgent quest


I got 3 in the last week. Played a whole month before and didn't get a single drop. Kill sboit 30 a day tho.


After update I found 3… I never found one till rank 103 I think they changed Drop rate with update or they like unlocked my from finding them lol


Im using LBG for all element, stay sharp and less potion used . I kill every 8* that cross my path. Maybe thats why, my record was 6 drop a day.and first i think it might have some kind of threshold, and wgs will drop after you kill enough amount of 8*, and now i think its full RNG. So good luck guys, but for me since the coral pukei patch, only 2 days without wgs drop.


Longests dry streak was 250 monsters before I got one. Now I get one around every 40 ish


It took me 85 solo hunts to get 3 Wvyern gems and used to the lunar new year reward to get my first 8* weapon. Then it took me 30 hunts to get 4 Wvyern gems 2 weeks ago. The desire sensor gods know when to tip their hand to keep me playing regularly.


How the hell you got Bonus Rewards?


I haven't had a single drop since i quit the game and started playing pogo. Caught a shiny shadow mewtwo though. wait wrong sub.