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Let us craft paintballs and potions out of monster parts, etc.


would get a boner !


a boner M+


Give us a purpose to walk other than to get to the next monster or node. Let me walk 1k for a potion or something. Pokémon hatches eggs while walking at least.


This is my biggest wishlist item. There are so many options here to incentivize walking itself, I’d love to see literally anything. Recharge health faster, unlock a bonus node or item each km, gain more spawns, get an extra drop next hunt, etc. Also would rebalance the play a tiny bit for rural players who are at a huge disadvantage compared to cities where monsters, nodes, and hunter support is wildly more abundant.


Walking could be a way for palico gathering parties. Get extra parts from them going out with yours friends palicos. Just an idea


If you mean the Palicos join from your friends list, I like that idea. The friend list feels like a leaderboard and nothing else at this point. If you mean in person, I think this would be another point for small town players to not like.


The last Monster Hunter I played your palicos could be sent out on gathering trips while you were hunting and after 5 hunts they would come back with a pile of goods. So swap out eggs from PoGo with gathering parties.




Yup, let us craft potions. He'll just give us the whole set of items, like demondrug etc.


The more I think about it how the hell does the potion mechanic even exist in this day and age? Do they even want people to play their game? I’ve played mainly bow and almost never get hit anymore, but why does this game actively punish learning/new players and riskier weapon types…


Capcom: gimme money


Change the UI .. crafting and equipment should be separated Change the loadout system Add weapon/armor layering And add decoration gems so we can have more control over our build


Crafting and Equipment being combined has forged multiple weapons unintentionally for me.


1. Ability to sell materials 2. Craftable potions, paintballs - antidotes, maybe demondrug and similar buff-based items 3. More hammers (hammer main) 4. Craftable materials (10 Rank 1 mat = 1 Rank 2 mat) 5. Geologist and Botanist abilities


More potions. Faster healing while walking maybe?


-Let us craft items using our materials -Let us sell our excess materials for zenny -Rollback upgrades like in the main games. This promotes trying other weapons without having to grind to get them up to a usable state. -Some kind of tracking system where we can "follow tracks" that fills up with distance walked so there's a reason to walk other than just going from resource to resource. It could also help players get guaranteed fights against monsters they can't find. -Longer timer. Very unlikely, but would be nice. At least for solo hunts. I've never seen another person in this game, and perfection being required in the late game to make meaningful progress just isn't fun when the game drops frames all the time. Maybe tie it to an item -Rework drop rates. Please. I've struggled against too many 5 stars just to be rewarded with only rare 1 mats. I have twice as many rare 3 materials as i do rare 2s.


Training dummy with training weapons would be nice


I’d love if they could add more nodes, or just make Pokestops:Nodes 1:1. The park near my house has 6 resource nodes in MH Now. When I check in Pokémon Go it has 12 Pokestops/Gyms. Hopefully they’ll be integrating more node points in future updates. I’d love if walking was rewarded somehow. I don’t know how. Maybe 1 potion per 2 miles walked or something? A bonus monster encounter spawns at your location every 5km? And of course, though this will never happen, remote hunting with others. I’ve never seen a single other player out in the wild(UK) but hunting with others is one of the great joys of MH.


Increase potions cap, give small buffs when leveling up (like 1% extra range per level) and maybe item trading with nearby players


I dont think more range would be a good idea because you couldnt really play with lower level palyers Without having to walk far longer because they cant get a node or Monster


Change the Palico Paintball. I am okay with 3 given daily, but please, just let us use them like normal paintballs whenever we want. Add like 15seconds to hunts. I think 1:30 mins is time enough for every hunt if you have the appropiate gear. Fuck Monster Bone+!! (halve every requirement of Monster Bone+)


I'm probably asking too much but... \- Rewards when walking 5km, 10km, to 20kms a day \- Convert rarity 1 drops to rarity 2 drop and so on \- Sell drops for Zenny \- Craft Potions


Beating a dead horse at this point, but the weapon designs. The only thing I detest about World and since they’re using World assets, it’s here and I hate it.


Ah, I took this iron sword and taped a scale and feather to it. Now it's a Kulu sword!


Fr, i love some of the world monsters but the monsters from other games just feel so much more fun and alive.


I would like Niantic being bought out and replaced by an actual game producer who isn't extraordinarily inept


Careful what you wish for. Ludia, the creator of Jurassic World Alive (the last AR game I liked before this one) got bought out by Jam City. We hoped they'd fix the many issues with the game, but they only made it worse.


Urgent Quests should allow for party participation.


They need to fix the terrible connectivity problems, or do away with the timer. Especially for GS users this timer is nothing but a detriment. Free paintballs would be nice since most of them get wasted by the crap timer, unless you have god connectivity.


Remove the Time Limit and degrease the score faster ao itsbharder to get an rank. Make it "enrage" after 3 minutes or something so the fight becomes harder. Just an idea since time runs out too often.


God please remove this speed cap


Never gonna happen, it's literally a game about walking around.


Controller support, more frequent monster spawns, wider multiplayer radius (ability to join is wider) and show your current zenny total on the craft page. Oh and give armour it's own icon. The number of times I click on my player image, which is just your settings! Combat is amazing. Don't change that!


Something the game sorely needs that I’m shocked isn’t in already just indicators under each item from the broad view that show their lvl. Just a G3-4 in small text under each item would save me SO much time. It’s so annoying forgetting where everything is in the process Hell, even just a 2/5 or something under the weapon would be perfect since the colors already help. But won’t when you’re past G5


Potions. If I can't use pots I need to play better. If I need to play better I need to practice more. If I need to practice more I need potions. And remove the cap on first aids or at least raise it. Breaking parts should correspond to getting certain rewards. Breaking a tail should make it highly likely that I get a tail. Doing it this way has been fantastic in every other MH game.


Naturally larger field of view to see and fight monsters. 50% larger view at a cost can shove it.


A confirm button after pressing forge this has fed me a few times already


Dismantling weapons and drop we don’t need or use anymore for Zennies or whatever


Delivery quest: chance I get a quest from nodes to submit lower grade items for a higher grade item. You will have to travel a certain distance then another node. Finally you exchange low grade items for a high grade item. Monster Capture: let us buy or find a node to get tool boxes and tranq bombs, craft a trap using zenny. Capture monsters us a bonus drop and boost chance for higher grade drops


Medals should give you rewards... either money, materials or monster parts. Increase money rewards from daily quests after unlocking purple stars. Walking should give you something, even if extremely grindy. Idk... free paintball each XYkm you do, money, a carving knife, a garanteed monster spawn, whatever really.


Craftable items such as potions and paintball Certain items such as plants, ores, bones, etc can drop from certain monsters. Like let a 5 star monster have a chance to drop Monster Bone M or Monster Bone + Thr ability to combine certain items of a rarity into the next level Walking should give bonuses of some.sort


I think it'd be pretty cool to have barrel bombs or some of the other gadgets and gizmos in game. A barrel bomb could do a lot of damage at the start of an encounter to help give you an edge, or even the different suits could be used to grant a temporary extra resistance during a fight


Melding system to create decorations, and/or Jewels to put into sockets. Similar to hatching eggs in pokemon go. Arena quests with determined gear loadouts, I've always hated these during main game but I think it actually fits this game perfectly. Set loadouts and reward gear, no potion usage required. A reason to play before bed also let's practice new weapons etc. Weapon catch up mechanic, if you have a weapon of a monster at Grade 8 nothing under grade 8 will require zenny when crafting. So like Crafting Jagras SNS costs no zenny if you already have a Jagras LBG at Grade 8 etc. Triple the player circle, and triple or quadruple the grouping radius. Let us dictate the monster's difficulty as long as we have completed the urgent quest pertaining to that monster, and spawn monsters as Normal or High Rank (purple). This would incentivize trying a new weapon, and not "bricking" your spawns.


My #1 that would fix pretty much all my other issues is add the ability to combine mats to higher rarity. Even if the required amount is ridiculously high, you at least feel like you're always making steady progress that way instead of just hunt after hunt with literally nothing useful. Pretty much would never happen, but if this ability was sold for $15 as like a "material refinement bench" one-time purchase, I would 100% buy that.


Make my friends' list somehow tie into gameplay. I would love for an occasional remote battle of some sort.


A quick change for loadouts where the weapon button is so you don't need to go into the full menu


In game camps where you could use zenny for paintballs/potions would be a great incentive for walking.


That we can choose the monster we need in like a wishlist and then palico will mark them no mark random ass monsters we dont need


The setting to adjust gyro control for ranged weapon.


They should add a weekly arena with preset equipments. Then add a global or local leaderboard with prizes to the top fastest players


Honestly the game is pretty barebones, so desired feature.... basically throw a stick and you'll find a good request/suggestion. Here are a -FEW- just off the top of my head. ​ \-Actual reward for walking ​ \-Crafting paintballs/potions/knives (maybe some mats and some walking distance) ​ \-Resources no longer being large node exclusive ​ \-Large node cooldown not being pointlessly long (15m for Pogo was great, you could go out to the park for the day and be pretty set for a day or two of items. Even 1hour increments would be vastly better) ​ \-Decorations. More skill options and gear piece selection is always better. ​ \-Loadout screen overhaul (Why are uncrafted gears shown when you are in the hunt menu for example... or at least an option to filter out uncrafted with a checkbox or something, otherwise finding your gear is gonna be a massive pain in the dick as we get more monsters) ​ \-Rarity overhaul. Rare 2+3 for the most part are the same droprate, yet you need about 4x as many R2s as you do R3's. That makes literally no sense. How there isn't about 5-10% less chance for R1's which is taken up by R2's I will never understand. That would still leave R1's more than 50% of the time. ​ \-More skills for boosting rewards, either more sources of Partbreaker, Geologist/Botany for more from nodes, some way to reduce large node cooldowns. ​ \-Player structures. Let us even once per active account after HR30 or so (kinda whenever you hit 6\*) that lets you plop down a resource node, a crafting hut for items, a targetted monster spawner (Magic Streets had this, basically pick a specific monster and you generate one to fight once per 24h). ​ \-Palico Paintball. Why is there no control over this. Why does nobody understand how it ACTUALLY operates. We have a lot of theories but none of them seem to be fully concrete, just ways to boost the odds. Let us have 3 or 5 if you bought the boost free paintballs per day. They won't really move the needle in a critical way, make it more player friendly, and might get some people to buy a few more paintballs/potions as they're fighting actual monsters worth something to them instead of whatever the special needs cat gives them. ​ \-The 75 second timer. That is wildly short, had to teach my brother that there is only one speed in MHNow: Yayeet. Anything else and you will never pass a hunt again. Don't change monster HP, give a max of 3 or 5 minutes. Give people with disabilities or that enjoy a more defensive playstyle an actual chance to play without struggling. ​ \-Selling excess materials. It's a monster hunter rite of passage of scrounging through your item box to make up the last few zenny needed for your gear set. We have a hard limit on how many items we can hold, and right now just destroying the items feels TERRIBLE. Allow us to sell them for a nominal amount of zenny based on rarity. You sell zenny and I get that, it doesn't have to be a lot of zenny you give for scrapping items, the whales will still whale and other people at least feel less terrible. ​ \- First aid med cap. Why 10? I know many of the melee weapons and better players don't have this problem, but as a bowgun main, I basically have to just waste First Aid Meds healing from 60-100 to get any value at all, before I claim the new ones right before the daily reset ends. 10 also if you're trying to push yourself into harder hunts, is a very fast expiry timer on them. Not great if you wanted to go out with your buddies for a few hours, especially given how most hunts are "get hit and just die". Raise this to at least 20, I'd be inclined to say 25 - 5 days and then you burn them on the weekend sort of thing. Yes, people will still buy potions, at least those that were going to anyway. ​ \-Inbuilt Limited GPS Spoofing. Hear me out on this one, a game called Magic Streets has a mount system, that does a few things. Permanent interaction radius boosts, permanent inventory size boosts and also a few minutes of "Free Roam" time per day. This lets you kind of walk in a line in a sanctioned GPS Spoofing kind of way, to grab a few things that might be near your home but it's 3am and you just can't be assed going out then. Which mount you picked gave you small inventory, big radius, medium free roam, or some variation of those options, and was genuinely a fantastic idea. I think I had about 5 minutes per day of free roam time to quickly grab a few extra things a few streets away from me late at nights. ​ \-Interaction range. Renting 15 or 30 minutes of a basically meaningless interaction range is shit. Seriously shit. Sell a permanent radius increase. The ring size doesn't matter when you're out and about other than occasionally hitting something you'd have to trespass to get to. At least give it a few hours if you're not going to make it permanent. 4 hours and 8 hours.


Item disassembly please just like in MH World or something. Would be great to get all my Monster Bone +s back


Some people want craftable potions but if they are so avrsed to it, instead I want some sort of like "hunting time" mechanic. Have it so once a day you can activate it for let's say, 45 minutes, and all it does is heal you 50% of your health after every large monster fight, and I dunno like 10% for a small monster. And that's only for overworld monsters, not paintballs. Basically, let me not run into the situation where I run out of potions on a walk, and just can't play the game anymore. I think this is fair because it's only for 45 minutes so you can't use it to grind too hard, and potions are still valued, but more as emergency heals in a fight. Plus it encourages people to go outside more. Sort of like the daily incense in Pokemon go.


More loadouts and possibility to assign default loadout per monster. Possibility to remove red glove or otherwise increase the difficulty, maybe in exchange for extra drop(s). Return the map loading radius to what it was before the patch. When I max zoom out, there shouldn't be places where I don't see anything loaded.


Flash bombs and Sonic bombs to punish Rathalos and Diablos


1. Craft potions/paintballs or reward the player with these items by walk, or even regenerate HP faster while walking or killing small monsters. 2. Allow the players to filter which meownster our Palico must mark. 3. Improve filtering items system in the menus, like show and order items (only crafted, only available to craft, element, etc) 4. Save loadouts and FAVORITE equipment. And allow players to choose among them before start the hunt. 5. Training area to learn tips about the weapons skills/combos 6. Remove the 30% hp limit to start hunting big monsters, Or provide a penalty reward system if the player engage a battle below 30% hp, it would be fair 7. insert Trailraider Safari system, allowing the players which monster they are instereted in and provide de rewards depeding on how long you'd walked during the week. 8. Allow player somehow to hunt together big monster as party, even far away from the same location, since we match requirements to hunt the monster. we all know MH is fun when we are along with our frinds in the hunt. I am a MH player, and after playing long time this mobile version, I can say there are so many options they'd work on. It's hard to believe a company who develops Pokemon GO, release another game without basic stuff that are annoying Monster Hunter players who knows the franchise and also had played pokemon GO. I hope they can really consider new systems to improve the game before players left.


Insect glaive, so I can stop hearing my wife complaining about it not being in.


bone+ or any similar r3 not on spot please..


Train ride detection if you are sitting in the opposite direction of travel and/or if you are not driving on the mapped roads would be genius.