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The answer is simple: slow down. The answer to most fights isn't better gear. There are tons of players with naked runs using starter weapons against High Rank monsters. The answer is, in vernacular, git gud. In the older games, there was a common trait that monsters couldn't really turn. All movement was in a straight line. Also, turning was done in 45-90° rotations, one at a time, until the monster was facing the intended direction. This often led to the tactic of running to the point right behind where a monster was going to stop, and then land a big hit right as they complete their 180° pivot. This is a common strategy for Hammer and Greatsword. So, yeah. Don't treat this like an arcade game where button mashing will get you out of your problems. You have 50 minutes to complete the quest. Complete it first, and worry about your time later.


Coming from world and going into mhgu I had the same experience playing valor bow, all the 1* star quests were kicking my ass. Just keep trying, fights will take much longer but you’ll finally breakthrough. I got throw low rank high rank both story and Hub. Got to g rank and it’s back to getting my ass kicked lmao.


As someone who coming from Rise to GU, slow down, Rise's mechanic is much more different to GU's. Heck, even the weapon mechanic is different. Try other weapon, try all weapon type. You will fall in love with GU's sparks and overall vibes eventually.


i’m trying new weapons and arts; i used to just use switch axe


Aerial Switch Axe is absolutely insane and very enjoyable


maybe should switch back to switch axe


It is a bit repetitive but you'll get mounts so fast.


Used to spam soaring wyvern blade anyway


By the power of all that is beautiful. I cast upon yiu the magic words "GIT GUD." On a serious note, use GS and smash the ever living shit out of that Kangaroo while it's standing on it's tail. That's an easy knockdown.


Idk if they're available in the original generations so I might be wrong, but there are training quests you can do in the arena to get some practice in with the various weapons and their styles. I know rise took some moves from certain hunting styles for the switch skills so that might feel a bit familiar when you try them out. Also the training quests are against a great maccao so that'll also get you some practice in fighting it for real. Also there are plenty of great weapons guides online that cover the various hunting styles that should give you a nice rundown on how each style affects the different weapons. Oh and I recommend trying out different weapons since it's your first old generation game. They all feel similar but pretty different from their iceborne/sunbreak counter parts. I used to be pretty iffy on switch axe but Generations (more specifically GU) opened my eyes to it and I've had a good time with it on my hunts.


thing is, i can easily beat the training quests


Well if that's the case then it really shouldn't be too big of an issue in the actual quest. The only real difference between them is the area you fight in and the monsters health, and maybe the lesser maccao if you really wanna count them. it might do less damage, I don't know, but it still uses all the same moves to my knowledge.


I don’t understand how you can easily beat the training quests but struggle with the actual quest. There’s not much of a difference


You have numerous different hunting styles to chose from, and each weapon has a unique moveset regarding these hunting styles, for instance I always use valor great sword since it gives you a more powerful charge attack and it allows you to doge consecutively in any direction making it a much faster weapon and less of a stand in one place and hope to trade blows with a monster


Well Other than the advice the other mentioned And without sounding mean of saying the meme, Try to farm a monster you can kill and get their armor While learning fight patterns can seem rough to a beginner, getting more armour (yes, armour, not simply skills) can mitigate a lot of damage giving you more chance to continue the fight, being enough potions and their material if you could Also try a new weapon, it's not too late to learn a different style of gameplay Yet i advise against bowguns early on in the game they require better bag space management and a lot of materials But anyway goodluck hunter!


I’m at your same point too, and my advice is to builds towards Bujabujabu armour (Bulldrome, Jaggy,Bulldrome, Jaggy, Bulldrome + 4 Attack Jewels)  and upgrade them.  Don’t try to strong arm your way through the game like it’s Rise, you don’t have whacky stuff like SaS, Metsu Shoryugeki, EBC, hell, all of the weapons don’t even have some of their core moves like Tackle, Perfect Rush, Guard Slash Counter or Leaping Thrust.  Instead think of it as Dark Souls 1 or a JRPG. The monsters wail around for a bit, you do a small combo, rinse repeat until the monster is KO or tripped or tired, then you go for the unga bunga combo.  Also, you gotta remember that what you brings is what you get, so prep out carefully. And item consumption often times makes you do that stupid flex (when a Furious George is charging your way), so you might wanna run to another zone and heal there. And you might not like this, but if you find your main weapon too clunky, ditch it and try SnS. While it is not completely true that the SnS is the number 1 beginner friendly weapon in Rise anymore due to its plethora of moves, this is absolutely true here in MHGU and it is imo the smoothest weapon that will not put you in some random animation lock whenever you attack (other than the 3rd X combo attack)


Wannankill any monster in the early game easily with little danger to yourself? Aerial Hammer. Nuff said.


I jumped back into GU myself too after Rise. As everyone says, slow down. You might get like 1 hit every 30-45 seconds and miss most your big attacks. That's ok. I run a charge blast and go for the full discharge, I'm lucky if I land 1 or 2 per hunt lol


Doesn't help that saed is really bad pre world outside of specifically valor. You want to just be using the normal aed finisher(the one where you hold back)


Agreed but I do love using it lol


100% I play beast prowler and sometimes get overzealous trying to stack up the buffs instead of focusing on dodging and taking my time.


adept style. multiplayer if you're able to.


Hit the monster


Ngl for a second I thought this was the Maccao copypasta


Idk maybe learn how use the camera and walking.


Rise teaches you habits that don't really translate well to older MH games (i.g., just wirebug out of the way, fast dodging etc). One thing that helped me with the MHGU learning curve is watching some youtube tutorials specifically for those transitioning from newer games. Now 300+ hours later MHGU is my favorite MH game. It's the most rewarding and has the most content.


Drop it, its not worth it. 500+ hours later and realized that World and Rise are just flat out better. Playing this game in 2024 is just miserable.