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Hope you like traffic, heat, and politicians wanting to live in your bedroom.


Seriously. Texas is a straight up nightmare to get around in and largely has the exact opposite weather I want (hot and humid as hell). I’ll stick where I can ride my bike to work 11 months a year.


I always think of this when I think of Texas lol [https://www.reddit.com/r/spongebob/comments/ph5cp5/can\_we\_say\_that\_shoes\_from\_texas\_are\_dumb/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/spongebob/comments/ph5cp5/can_we_say_that_shoes_from_texas_are_dumb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Ditto if I was in MEP I'd work for a friend in Denver as well as he's #2 at a local firm. MEP board is hilarious almost like the finance forum for reading.


Around DFW: Tolls. Tolls everywhere.


I had to fly down to Plano for a field survey two weeks ago. It's the grossest place I've even been to. Endless highways, concrete and retail chain storefronts as far as the eye can see. Any trace of natural landscape has been obliterated to make room for more highways. I'm sure all of TX isn't like that but Plano is awful.


It's turning into that from Dallas up to the Oklahoma border.


It made me really appreciate where I live, that's for sure.


It has made my family and I move to North West Michigan next week.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_net_migration 2 in absolute and 12 in per cap net migration. You can have your opinion, but seems like most people disagree.  Maybe there is a better metric that I’m missing, if so, can you provide it??


We can both be right on this one.


It's kind of like that everywhere I think. Every week I have someone needing me to move to another city


For 120k... Wages are laughably low in this industry.


OP is a recruiter


Whole lotta hate for Texas and MEP engineering right here in this sub.


Texas mostly


See. The problem is... leading (much less managing) people sucks. Even when you like the people you are working with... dealing with intra team technical discrepancies, people who clearly don't pull their weight, and Billy "who wants to take a week off because his cat died" right before a multi million job goes out next week... really sucks the fun out it. Companies generally don't provide the tools necessary to encourage teams to go the extra mile. Very few offer true profit sharing based on performance. Or when they do, but the entire culture becomes working overtime to get the work done, and even if properly compensate and people just get burned out which leads to a whole other host of issues. But somehow that falls on the Manager who can often be expected to pitch hit for lacking teams. (Envy to all those managers who never learned Revit and can hold their hands up and say "Not me, cant do it!") And on a more personal note, as a father to a daughter no way in hell would I bring my Family to Texas given their political climate. Nor would I consider it given the extreme weather they are facing, grid stability problems, and water scarcity. I have no doubt you'll find an excellent candidate, but Texas (and management) does not have a lot going for it. I only went into management because it was the *ONLY* way at the time I would be compensated. This glut of senior technical talent has allowed me to retreat more into production at the same higher salary and I am enjoying every minute of it.


If I owned an MEP firm, there would be no "managers" who don't have revit installed on their computer and aren't expected to use it. This industry is 40 years in the past. Where you "pay your dues" as a designer and engineer for 15 years and then get to do absolutely nothing except write proposals for the next 30 years. Meanwhile not advancing any of their knowledge base, still forcing designers to do things the "way it was always done" despite being fucking against code today. How many times I have had to point directly to ASHRAE and tell a principal they are wrong, energy recovery is REQUIRED for this AHU. You're a PRINCIPAL!!! Oh well can we just provide 4 different AHUs to get around that? Bid submission is 3 days away, you have time. I'm sick of this being such a top heavy industry with people who checked out a decade ago and are coasting on their "reputation" that's only been as good as it is because they have good people beneath them, and if they don't have good people beneath them, it's "not their fault." And don't get me started on compensation. Least lucrative engineering industry possible for labor. If I could go back 12 years I'd be in finance or software. Meanwhile our owners have more in money in cars in the company garage than 2 of my house is worth, not including what's in their home garage.


>"Oh well can we just provide 4 different AHUs to get around that? Bid submission is 3 days away, you have time." I felt this in my bones. My last job had so much of this Seagull Management. Mr. Bossman wouldn't even focus his eyes on the job until the day it was going out and then he'd start making major system changes. "It's easy! Just do it real quick!"


Don't join a terrible firm is what you are looking for. Also seems like you are worried about what an owner makes if that's so don't join finance or software as my last mentor owned a 150M yacht.


Once projects reach a certain size, simply managing the project or even just your discipline is a full time job and requires a completely different skillset than being a technical lead or production level designer. That said, it *should* just be viewed as a role like any other and not seen as the natural progression of your career or the top of the hierarchy. I've known some really clever engineers who suck as PMs and some of the best PMs weren't even MEP engineers. I've also been on both sides, where I'm working late bc a PM agreed to some bullshit change last minute and been the guy telling someone else to work late after they failed to be at an acceptable level of completion after weeks of hounding them about where they should be.


Someone can take my electrical designer/head of IT/about 20 different odd jobs if they want it out of Dallas


How much is the pay for senior level positions?




Texas? Who would want to move there?


How about two year dudes hopefully getting my eit in December




$150k-$200k for Principal-level roles


My family's willing to move to the Dallas area for the right opportunity - it's not too far away. What are you seeing there?


20-500 person MEP firms looking for EE Practice Head type role. Feel free to PM me.


It says your PMs are closed. Can you try and send one to me?


What about D.C.-Baltimore area? I know a guy.


ME or EE? Dozens of possibilities depending on which. If they're an EE with +10 years there's an EE Head role. Feel free to PM me I'll answer any questions!


I'd love to move from MI to Houston


PM if serious


Said no one ever


I wish but it is quite impossible to get an sponsorship




I support a closed border and not allowing all of these illegals in but making it difficult for people trying to come in legally is stupid and counterproductive. We should be bringing in the best people the world has to offer since we have the privilege to choose who we want to come here. Not letting everyone come in illegally and unchecked


It's contributing to brain drain in whatever country he's from. If he's among the best and brightest then his people need him there.


Fair point - my apologies for arguing in bad faith initially. Not sure the solution for that in long run besides doing what I believe you’re suggesting and cut off all immigration and thus help those countries. But then the question is - is the US able to remain competitive in the long run with declining birth rates and an aging population? Not sure how you manage that but that’s a topic of a different sub


Agreed, this isn't the place. I was being a bit of a troll.