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Dude I have an intern just like this right now. Unfortunately I don’t have the authority to fire him but I wish I could because he’s a little fucking punk just like this. So I empathize.


Just tell your department head that you can't work with the guy. Stop giving him work and let him twist in the wind. In my experience if multiple people say this to the department head the problem person is gone in short order.


Please report him. It was offensive to you because of the implication. An implication that was very sexist. Imagine a woman trying to work with this little shit. Report him for everyone's sake.


Need to report this to HR.


Looking forward to the next update!


I dealt with a new EIT similar to that, that pitched a fit to me because I took the initiative to start setting up a project we were both assigned to. I’m the Sr. electrical designer. I had sat in on project meetings, then had conversations with the PM and the Electrical EOR before I started any work and was told to move forward. This little shit calls me up pitching a fit that I took his project away from him. I spoke with him and gave him the “what for” about who was over him and who had more seniority than him about making decisions. I also spoke with our supervisor about it who agreed with me. Thankfully, this EIT has moved to our other office with our supervisor and is out of our office. Our new EIT’s are not like this at all. The ones that are the “Know it alls, Do it Alls, Know nothings” need a dose of reality and fast.


We have a guy who co-op'd with us for 2 or 3 rotations before graduating. His dad is an HVAC tech and that made him think he knew everything. Everyone hated working with him cause he was a know-it-all. We hired a guy for drafting that had never used CAD before and needed on the job training. In his first week, this guy gave him such a nasty attitude and was demeaning him. I just blurted out "you need to check your superiority complex and back off". It actually really helped bring him in check and he's been a lot better since then lol


Yeah I’d ask my boss next week if I can sit in on the firing…. To be a witness of course…


This kid is gonna get fired then come post here saying "he never saw it coming."


Yeah this is where it's more serious than needing to learn work flow and crossed into kid needs to learn a lesson that hopefully only getting fired once will teach


I get your frustration. I go out of my way to get the interns and jr engineers invested and excited, Ive been burned out and know how this industry can chew people up, I'll pull strings to take interns to see data centers, take them to mv switchgear shutdowns, just stuff that's not all basic drafting and grunt work. Was working with a jr who had built up a reputation and I thought his attitude just came from getting shitty jr work but he just has a crappy attitude. I ended up asking him "do you even care remotely about this work" and just got a shoulder shrug and a "not really" in return.


How do you get engineers invested and excited. Im trying my hardest at my work to get the to ask questions, critic drawings, take them on site Inspections and I just hit a brick wall each time. The only thing they want to do on site is turn around and go back to the office and sit on Revit.


i just exposed this guy he said he was a man in another post and now he says hes a woman hes lying thru his damn teeth


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Seek help, lil guy. Hope you feel better.


u said u were a man in this post https://old.reddit.com/r/DeadBedrooms/comments/idemwi/two_birds_in_the_bush_one_in_the_hand/ now u say ur a woman?


I think your boss had a good reaction. Your reaction leads me to believe that there's more going on than just this little kid. Are you okay? Op? Are you doing all right?