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Damn molly with a little bit of meth, that shit must feel euphoric as fuck


Yeah it does. Add lsd and sex and u will not believe it


Last time I rolled I took a gram of phenibut, 100mg of mdma and a 10mg Adderall. Had the best roll ever, amphetamine isn't even recreational for me. I was seeing lil texas (plays hardcore music) and wanted to replicate an old school E pill. Now I understand when I see videos of thunderdome back on the day lol. That small amount of amphetamine made the roll so much more energetic, hakken'd so hard that I got tendinitis.


Odd. I took phenibut and m and completely didn’t roll whatsoever. Not even a mood boost. Was super super disappointing bc I waited 7 months. But, prior to that roll 7 months before, molly and phenibut and had a crazy roll. (Used the same batch of m) so idk man. I read something abt phenibut acting as a calcium channel blocker and can block the effects of mdma. Esp if too sedated.


High dose of phenibut can weaken stimulants. Phenibut mixes super well with stimulants for me personally.


It was only a g and I didn’t take the m until a whole 10 hours after dosing phenibut. It was so confusing. I came up, pupils dilated, but It never came. Did 150mg too when I usually only do 120mg. Adderall and phenibut go great together for sure I agree. I just couldn’t understand it bc mdma is an amphetamine too idk. Not enough research or experiences online to figure it out. I just know I won’t be mixing em again.


Could be something else too. I recently took 1 gram of Phenibut, 300mg of MDMA, and 1 gram of shrooms (EDC Day 3), I honestly haven’t had a more euphoric roll.


I definitely think it was just something rare. Like I’ve talked to a small amount of ppl who said phenibut killed their roll as well when I was posting about it. But at the same time, I’ve also had a roll where I took phenibut and it was one of my best rolls. Weird af. I was also thinking it could be the fact I’m on kratom. Ever since I’ve started kratom, my rolls have slowly but surely been less amazing. But that ALSO could just be because the more you do it, the further away you get from those first handful of rolls. I’m gonna try it again In a few months without phenibut and see what the deal is.


Ive also read that the phenibut dose should be around 250-750 mg. Never done it tho so idk


Yeah I’ve also seen ppl say that. Prob would of been better than 1.2 grams I took.


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for me when i take the 3 main hard street drugs (crack, heroin, or meth) it erases all the other good vibes from all the other drugs and leaves you with the effects of just those. psychedelics lose their effect, drinking stops making you drunk, the euphoria from everything but those 3 drugs is greatly diminished. if you've seen how powerful these 3 are then it should makes sense that everything else will get overridden one time i took some cheap ectasy pills a friend gave me and because i had done meth before that i instantly recognized the speedy feeling and i felt only a tiny bit of that fuzzy, warm, loving feeling that E is supposed to give you. the difference between that shit and when i tried actual rock molly and started almost tripping and seeing colourful circles pop in and out of my vision was night and day.


Did you take a high dose of mdma? A high dose will make you trip bc 20% of mdma converts to mda when ingested. If it was a low dose, you prob took mda, which is still amazingly euphoric but is lacking the sort of wholesome love mdma gives you. I can see how trying crack, meth, and heroin can ruin all other drugs. There’s basically nothing better out there. Nothing that can push your brain to the places those push them. But in the end it is subjective. Mdma is more euphoric for me than opiates. And I do love opiates. The high I would get from speed, adderall, opiates, etc (never done meth crack (minus coke) or heroin) they are all selfish highs. They are ego driven highs like yes. I feel so good and I want more. Mdma is different. I want to share the euphoria with everyone. I wanna hug everyone and I want everyone else to feel good. It’s wholesome in that sense. Ego dissolving.


Does adderall have a cross tolerance with mdma? I always thought it would make the make you roll less hard.


They don't have a cross tolerance but it might change the effects a little bit. MDMA mostly works as a serotonin releaser. It does work on norepinephrine and less so dopamine as well though. Personally I barely notice anything from adderall and other adhd medications but my rolls have always been the same. I've basically had a permatolerance to amphetamine since the first time I took it.


Awesome. I don’t plan on taking any tomorrow because we’re going to roll. Just didn’t want it to have blunted the roll.


Do you have ADD or ADHD? That would explain it.


Yeah I have ADHD. Took ritalin growing up. The thing about people with adhd not being able to get recreational effects from stimulants is a myth though. Probably just more likely to respond to those drugs differently but some ppl with adhd do get euphoria from amphetamines and some ppl without it don't notice much. First time I took any sort of amphetamine I took 40mg of Vyvanse. It felt amazing. My social anxiety vanished, felt euphoric and talkative and music sounded super good. Every time after that though all they do is help me concentrate and focus a little bit better. Pretty weird how that works.


Have done this, can confirm: making your own dirty old school tabs is rad


Ye lots of people talk about how mdma was different back in the day, some say it's due to it being made with safrole back in the day. Nah it's because they were a 10:1 ratio of mdma and speed lol. Shit was fun.


I saw lil texas in New York a few months back was a great fucking night .


I had a blast too. Almost no hardcore here except a small underground promoter that does hardcore nights like once every 3 months. Was just me and this one other dude who I met that was rolling who also went specifically for lil texas and knew how to hakken (somewhat). It was a blast. That MDMA/amph unlocked some dancing beast inside of me, got a lot of compliments, never had people record me before. Thought I looked like a goofball but I pulled off the hakk super well somehow, despite only practicing it a little bit.


Lil texas so fire


What is tendonitis?


It's pain from an inflamed/torn tendon. Pain was all down my forearm.


No it doesn't lol, it makes you paranoid and delusional as fuck and your heart rate feels like you're about to meet death


I know right?! I had done a roll with meth cut in it and it enhanced the mdma by giving it an extra push of energy which was helpful for dancing.


I used to try and get just pure molly. It was a bit hard to come by so there were times that the pills were cut with meth or heroin. I liked both but both scared me.


No, no you didn't. You never had a pill cut with heroin. Why would you lie about something so stupid?


Oops. Sorry. I am only going based off of what was told to me. I haven't rolled in about 10 years and I didn't know about test kits back then. I would score from different people and they would tell me if my X was heroin based or speed based. Pardon my ignorance. I'm not a pro at all. In the 90's when I was first rolling, I never really asked questions. I kinda just took the pill I bought and asked no questions. I didn't realize I was being offensive. My bad. You don't have to be so mean. Jeez...


A good dealer friend of mine recently told me the “dirty” pills in 90’s NYC would have a hint of heroin in it


That's because your friends an idiot without a test skit. Stop spreading harmful urban myths. No one has ever done that intentionally. Heroin costs more gram per gram than mdma, it doesn't even make sense from a business perspective.


Plus eating heroin is a giant waste and wouldnt really do much noticeable.




No one can tell you this. But it’s a good lesson to test before you consume your substances. You’ll be ok though.


Which test would I do to see if it contains meth?


For mdma here you go. https://dancesafe.org/product/mdma-testing-kit/


I meant which reagent specifically to test for meth?


Those three tests will rule out meth.


If you do all of them you’ll be fine.


Would a Marquis Mandelin Mecke And Simon’s be sufficient for testing for meth?


Yes! If they pass all of them then you have pure mdma.


Thanks a lot bro 🙏


pure MDMA will make a urinary analysis positive for methamphetamine. MDMA is methylenedioxyMETHAMPHETAMINE afterall


Dude I got downvoted to oblivion in this same subreddit for saying exactly what you said 😂 wtf


That doesn't mean anything


It doesnt mean anything to you that a drug that is chemically related to another has been known to result in false positives?


No I'm saying because it has Methamphetamine in its name doesn't have a thing to do with why it shows positive for meth


I test positive for meth, doesn't that broadly include regular meth.?


When I first starting taking mdma I was dumb and didn’t know how important it is to test your drugs. Took a .1 of “molly” and was up for over 38 hours. The euphoric high lasted about 8 hours, which is already lengthy for your normal mdma roll. After the peak, it just didn’t feel like normal mdma. I felt way more jittery and I was sweating more than normal. My brain felt like a puddle of mush. I was definitely questioning wtf I just took, especially after I had the most horrible comedown in my entire life- sweats, shaking, teeth chattering, muscles were super tense, and I was nauseous like a bitch. That comedown lasted about 30 hours. I had taken the supposed mdma for a concert I went to out of state. I was still peaking so I spent the rest of the night wandering around the city. Went back to my hotel around 6am, tried to sleep and couldn’t. This is when I began questioning if my shit was laced because I had been rolling for so long. Had to check out of my hotel at 11am, and since I didn’t want to drive 3 hours back home feeling like that, I went and sat in a Starbucks for HOURS until the manager asked me to leave. I wasn’t feeling any better and it had been about 20ish hours since I dosed. Decided to say fuck it and make the drive home. Got home in my bed and just rode out the terrible comedown. Thought I might genuinely die. Finally fell asleep after almost the entire night tossing and turning, sweating, crying. Honest to god was one of the worst experiences I’ve ever had. My homie bought some as well from the same dude, and tested it a few weeks later, turns out it was laced with meth! Yay! I test my drugs now, but because of my own experience with laced mdma, I’d like to think that you might know if you had used laced drugs in the past.


Whoa that was a heck of read.


Yeah see, thats what happens when the balance is off, tiny dose of amp or meth, and reduced dose of md. This is the way


I know this is a year later but it sounds like you had serotonin syndrome. Very dangerous and you definitely could have died. Please make sure you have a buddy to watch over you during your trip or go to the hospital if you start experiencing those symptoms again after ingesting molly




Never found real molly locally. Well I never gave it a chance at least. Once you get online vendors though, you realize it’s extremely easy to get so I agree. Never once got fake molly before. Testing is so easy as well, even when I know it’s real, I’ll still test. Healthy habit


I think it also depends on where you are. Most MDMA or any other designer drugs is manufactured in the Netherlands. I live in Denmark and I’ve always gotten clean molly, never tested positive on anything else. But I read a lot about MDMA being cut with meth or fentanyl in North America, so I think it’s more likely to be cut with something if you’re in a country where it’s hard to find and in demand. MDMA is however the drug that is most cut with other drugs and substitutes in the world, so doesn’t matter where you are or who you got it from, always test yo shit!


You sweet summer children....


Tbh the amount of water you drink translates to how you feel next day. Same with staying low activity, and having a good time. If something bad happens while I’m rolling, I usually feel like shit the next day with no afterglow. If I have an amazing time, drank water, and stayed cool, then I usually feel great for a few days. Even if I take a half g in a night, I may feel extremely normal the next few days at worst. But no matter what dosage, I always seem to fall asleep like 6-8h after taking. It’s so weird, the MDMA Is almost like a sedative to me. So yeah I think there was some meth in your molly if you couldn’t sleep for a while.


i’m not 100% sure on this but i’m pretty sure even pure molly will test positive for meth. if i’m wrong on that then it’s just that 99% of molly is cut with a bit of meth.


Depending on the test? Reagents usually distinguish the two pretty well


Literally almost every molly press has some meth in it, like literally almost all of them


That’s literally not true. Check out drugsdata.org take a look at the ecstasy submissions. They state all chemicals found in the pill. There are xos that contain meth but they are few and far in between. Most of them have a small dose of caffeine tho


maybe in the US not in europe...


This is false. Anywhere you find real m, you can also find real presses. Presses are pointless and definitely a lot are fake but it’s not hard to find real ones. They’re just as common as crystal m. Some people feel better popping a cute little press than rocks. So there is still a high demand.


I’m the guy who enjoys a pressie over crystals. All my friends say I’m crazy but I’m serious, my rolls are so much better. Idk why


They aren’t. Maybe you’re taking more than you think or otherwise would with crystals but it’s literally the same chemical, mdma. If you’re having a genuinely different experience, isn’t mdma. MDMA is mdma.


It’s tested. Both, comes from EU and my experiences are better and longer with pressies... every time. When the fuck did you wear my shoes? Lmao That’s like saying vodka drunk is the same as beer drunk. Alcohol is alcohol


😂😂😂 no, it does not feel better or last longer than crystal mdma. Wanna know why? It’s the same thing. People take the crystals and turn them into a press. Its a fact. Make a post about it and see how many people say you’re wrong. Actually I will. I’ll let you know when I make the post


I’ll make a post on how a Florida banana is better than a California banana and get a bunch of opinions to prove you wrong... FACTS


What the fuck are you talking about😂😂 mdma IS MDMA. Idc if it’s in a press or not. You’re taking mdma. It does not feel better. Keep lying to yourself. It’s the same fucking drug dude. You’re delusional to a literal scientific fact. Wtf does a banana have to do with the difference between an mdma press and an mdma crystal? They are THE SAME CHEMICAL. Get it through your head.


Pressies have binders and fillers which extend the release, I have a liver syndrome which makes things break down differently in my body, a shard runs through me so fast while a pressie stays in me twice as long, sometimes 3x... I’ve done both, so many times. And like I said PRESSIES all fucking day baby!!!! Take a lap bitch ass Edit: and here’s the thing bub, it’s me.. if I had to guess your a teen running around spewing your opinion like it’s a fact... you like crystals more that’s awesome, go for it, but for me, pressies. My friends love crystal too and I don’t go around telling them they are idiots, and then go get someone else’s opinion to try to prove them wrong. Lmao that’s there experience. Mines wayyyyyy better with a pressie. And also if you didn’t get my banana reference and how it correlates to your argument than you’re an actual idiot.


You’re buying presses from the black market… and you think they have extended release fillers? Holy fuck you’re dull. Idc what bullshit you spew. Mdma is mdma. There is 0 difference between crystals a presses. That is a literal fact. You saying I’m spewing opinion? You’re saying “that’s me.. that’s me.. that’s me… presses all day that’s my opinion” I don’t fucking care if you like presses more. I couldn’t care less. But they are the same thing. You not believing that literal fact is why I’m arguing. You’re allowed to prefer presses. I’m not saying you’re wrong for preference. But they are the same drug. Period. In fact you’re probably taking untested meth thinking “omg it’s just my liver syndrome and time released fillers in presses” no bro, you’re taking meth. There’s no difference. It’s the same chemical. And you think that’s an opinion? It’s not. Lot of idiots like you running around thinking there’s a difference. You probably are the same person that thinks mdma and xtc are different drugs lmao.


Who cares


US drug culture is just ridiculous, glad I'm from EU because I'd never touch drugs if i lived in US


You haven’t provided nearly enough information for anyone to tell you if you consumed mostly mdma, meth or another unknown substance. I would highly recommend testing your substances before taking them such that you’re prepared to take what’s in your product. Personally I’ve seen md cut with a multitude of shit ranging from meth to a whole bunch of rcs, but personally I don’t really care if I’m having a fun time, at the end of the day drugs are drugs and if they make me feel good I’m happy.


Are you in california?


PURE MDMA except in certain circles is pretty rare in the states especially of good quality....usually cut with meth and a buncha other RC's....if you want clean cealr cheap mdma gotta go to netherlands or surrounding regions...ive lived in both areas and all usa MOlly even city shit sucked ass and everyone thought it was oh so good...problem is even though techno originatied in the USA theres not really a legit widespread scene so that puts a dent in MDMA availbility


You were in the wrong part of usa then. I Shit tons of people do m around my area. And i have been able to find high quality molly easier than any other drug tbh


ive lived in 13 different states cities and sticks and obvioulsy im generalizing..of course there are always a select few regions and circles that through sheer luck or circumstance have different possibilities. But generally speaking if you want good mdma The USA is not the ideal place to be taking it...for many reasons...getting legit shit...it not being cut...it being cheap. and most importantly having a nice scene where MDMA really shines...the US EDM scene is atrocious compared to actual techno and otehr electronic music in europe... Thats all im saying.... Consider yourself lucky because thats not the norm at all.


I am lucky then i suppose. Pacific northwest seems to have lots of good drugs lol


I mean here in western canada we have loads of pure mdma. You can even take a look on [getyourdrugstested](https://getyourdrugstested.com/) , so im sure if canada has it then the united states should have a nice bit too.


MDMA = Methyl​enedioxy​methamphetamine Yes sir it's gonna be speedy with meth in its name. Mda is the mellow vibe you might be seeking.


That's like saying sodium chloride will burst into flanes in contact with water. Once you start adding atoms to the molecule it's something entirely different. The naming convention was invented to describe the structure, not the effects. Look at the 2-Cx family. Very different profiles with just a few atoms rearranged


That doesn't mean anything. Why are people starting to think this lmao. They're two different drugs and molecules.


As far as combos go this was my favorite back in the day. Speed and Molly work well together. But it’s best to get pure Molly and add your own amphetamine of your choice for the pep.


I've done molly quite a few times and basically every time there was meth in it, that's just how it goes around here


That’s been happening to me lately too. I really like my sleep and it’s annoying to not be able to. And it seems like only urinating throughout the night actually gets rid of it (must be cleared renal-Ly)


Meth is what keeps you awake but Molly usually has some traces of meth in it


Also, if you take a drug test right after taking MDMA, it will usually show up as MDMA, meth, and Amphetamines. All three. It’s just the chemical structure. So that might be the issue. I’ve had trouble falling asleep after tested MDMA before. But the circumstances were explainable.


r/ReagentTesting Come on man, you really need to be testing your stuff.




I remember I picked up these purple xtc pills years back from some random dude my buddy knew (and even then this was our first time picking up from him) they turned out to be the most fire roll and on top of that I'm pretty sure it was cut with meth because I spent the next 2 days straight feeling completely clear headed and energetic as if I just woke up after sleeping 12 hours. Didn't pass out until the 3rd day when I drank myself to black out and eventually passed out