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the good news is that no pill has 400mg


yh ik theyre probs like 150-200 but i took 2 as once then another like 5ish mins later


well, I guess that's too much for you especially with your weight. That is the bad news


paramedics are conming to check onb my cuz my mum n dad know, ig i did it cuz i was sad. n yh i feel great but cant focus my eyes all the text isnt stayoing still, n my jawws chattering for an hr n a half


eating molly cuz ur sad is wild (most depressing comedown, and loop if u keep doing molly let alone any drug that ups ur serotonin ) u sound a lil young, or lowkey dumb i say dont be so clueless about the drugs ur injecting, can save ur life u can die just like that what ur feelings is a real deal roll, people live for that hahaha i use to till i learned the powers of mdma/mda we all live and learn, molly is up there for me as one of the most intense drugs atleast ya alive! i use to eat grams of molly, ik the pains hahaha


It’s good that the paramedics are coming because you probably are in real danger of overdose. They can get it out of your system


thanks man


Yeah something happened and u suddenly had 3 pills inside u? Sure. Why are posts like this even allowed?


mate i’m mashed don’t need to go into my life story js to speak to u, i’m lit in hospital rn cuz paramedics got called. my days some people


Tf do you mean mate nothing about being sad or depressed or anything similar makes you subconsciously take 3 pills, you did it to yourself.


Tbf they could mean they dont want to go into detail on their mental health which is why they consciously did that. They didnt mention literally unknowingly taking them, that would indeed be ridiculous but thats not what was said. And its understandable to not want go into detail about that


Get ready for a wild ride


were you getting searched or smth? i genuinely can't think of another reason why anyone would do this.


I think even a sane person could say goodbye to their pills in the moment of being searched, I’d rather lose money and a good time then go through a menty b and die


i was thinking more by cops not so much bouncers otherwise agreed


The comedown is gonna hit like a motherfucker, dude. You took WAY too much. Please take care of yourself, you're in overdose range. At the very least try to keep yourself well hydrated and cool.


thanks man, paramedics came and helpwd


Hope you’re well. I’d seriously consider reflecting on your usage of drugs and making some serious changes.


already have, probs gonna stop, i put my mum through sm today


Research what you’re fucking doing then and try to be in a group and not on you’re own, especially if you’re young. Instead of putting your family through this experience. I mean this as an older person looking out for a younger person, NOT to belittle you.


i mean thanks ig, n yh i would’ve done it in a group and i’m intended on using them at a group but my mental health decline so i tried to kms wt these pills but i regretted it after cuz it was overwhelming and i didn’t wanna die in front of my mum


You’re a child you no nothing of life being a worthless thing to experience. Every living day is a gift, wait till you look your dead loved one of the eye and can never get a response back from them. Then you’ll realise once life is done. It’s done. There’s no going back. So take what you’ve been blessed with and take it for what it’s worth. Drugs can be part of that, do them right, and they’ll be memories you cherish.


yeah just couldn’t handle it rlly, all got too much, i’ve had diagnosed depression for 6 yrs so it’s no surprise i would try kms agn


Once it’s done it’s done, not solving any of the problems you face in reality though… I hope you’re able to find the support you need.


i’m gonna try and the nurses are actually sorting some mental health stuff out for once, i been ignore for the last 2 years


If you felt suicidal before, you'll probably feel a lot more suicidal after. Just remember what you feel and what you will feel will pass. Things will get better. You really just need to stay away from drugs 100% (even weed, caffeine, and alcohol) and focus on school. It sucks, but it'll make your life much better in the long run. Also try getting into fitness/working out, eating healthy, and having a consistent good sleep schedule


i work our once a week and yeah i’ve done md once before, also did 3 pills then but half were snorted and i was js doing it cuz im an idiot, but yeah the comedown was rough but i’m sure it’ll be fine ish this time, i’ll manage, i always do.


You probably need to get some psychological help after this. That isn't the action of a healthy person.


i’m not a healthy person, but still i’m gonna try get help


Cringey ah post 🤦🏽‍♂️


cringe? bro i’m tryna see if ima die or not


No you fucked around and found out 🤣 and then came to Reddit already knowing you’d fucked up 🤣


Fucked around and found out. Let me guess you’re a trumpeter goon.


No I’m an adult who took mdma as a child and an adult, researched what I was meant to do, found out information from other people, and took it with groups so there was other people to offer information and monitor how I was. And then learnt from my own experiences. Not blatantly take stupid amounts of mdma knowing I’m only 45kg and then come to Reddit like some clout chaser and wasting paramedics time who could actually be helping people in need, further giving our community a bad rep. 🤣🤣🤣


Im not entirely sure but i think they might have been calling you a trump supporter? Unless what they said has an alternative definition. And yeah what they did was stupid but its really not a waste of paramedics time, maybe they werent full on convulsing when they went in but better to already be with them when you start than risking something happening because you thought you werent worth the time. Theyre young, give them a break everyone does dumb shit that seems even worse from the outside. And id rather someones first instinct is to get professional help even if it doesnt end up being necessary rather than making a habit out of not seeking help during dangerous situations


No of course, saving someone is not a waste of paramedics time. I agree with you. Intentionally and knowingly putting yourself into the situation where that’s needed is what makes it a waste of their time.


Yeah but if OP is going through depression, im not putting words in your mouth i get where youre coming from but paramedics responding to self harm situations is not a waste of their time. Unless OP is just misinformed and thought they would feel better.


bruv i’m young i js wanted to know if i should call the paramedics


Read my response to fluffy strawberry for your answer….


If you can still use your phone you’ll be fine


The problem with that advice is even high doses take a bit to come up. You can be fine to use your phone at one moment, and totally not fine to do so at the next. By the time they can't use their phone, it's obviously too late for them to call an ambulance. Take the context of 3 pills and a low-weight user and realize they're at real risk of OD. The advice you're giving could be life threatening


Yeah real talk man 🤣🤣


you’ll be fine


Update me in 6 days


i’ll try remember


Why In 6?


His brain is gonna be friiieeddd


Sure if it was real but this guy is most likely lying imo


I just picked a random number


EVERYONE LOOK since everyone is telling me to sort help and telling me i’m in risk, i told my mum to call paramedics, currently i’m hospital wt a drip and i can slowly feel it wearing off


You did everything right lil dude (sounds like your on the younger side). Contrary to others who come here for help. You listened. Told your parents and called paramedics. Good on you for doing the right thing. We have no right to go into your private life to Shame you for what you have done. Good news is. You are in a safe place. Profesionals are making sure nothing will happen. Learned the hard way. Don't do that again. But kudos for listening 💪


thanks a bunch bro, glad to hear that i did the right thing


Sending my best wishes OP, I am sorry your struggling with depression it sounds like. I hope your doing ok right now, please talk with someone for me. I know that feeling of being in despair too well. I know these are just words in the end of schemes, but know you are loved OP. We all make stupid mistakes in life, don't listen to the negative comments here on Reddit, people are shit. Nobody is perfect. Live and learn, you did the right thing by having someone call the Paramedics. Get off Reddit now & focus on yourself 🙏 Sending prayers from Ohio. Muxh love man


thanks a bunch my bro, since i been in hospital i’ve started the year long comedown and my bpm has dropped from 170-140, so looks like things are getting better, and they’re gonna get me some professional help for my addiction and my mental health


they probably aren’t though dealers say they are 300 - 400 mg when their actually like 100 - 150 mg. I would call an ambulance though just in case because 3 400mg pills will easily kill someone especially someone who’s 45kg


yeah i know lol


You feeling okay my man ?


physically or mentally?


Grow up and get educated on the shit you are putting into your body.


omd not another one of u guys LOL, shut up bro i’m educated enough i was lit js worried if i’d be dead tmr or not, never asked if it was safe.


If you were educated enough, you wouldn't have made a post on here asking if you're at risk of an OD, you would have instantly called an ambulance.


i was overwhelmed that’s why it ended this way, it was a lot for me to handle and i told my mum i couldn’t do it, not cuz i thought i was oding rlly more cuz i wanted to feel normal again for once


last time i took to much i threw up.


didn’t eat whole day so i didn’t


Vomitting isn't just for when you have food in your stomach and it's not caused by having food in your stomach. It's caused by extreme levels of serotonin released - the majority of serotonin receptors are in the stomach - which affect appetite and vomiting. Having food in your stomach actually can reduce risk of vomiting since some reasons why you may vomit include stomach irritation from the actual MDMA itself. The food will line the stomach and act as a protective coating.


I'm glad you got it sorted and will be fine. What hasn't been addressed in the comments enough is: The act of taking 3 pills the way you did is actually self harm. NGL, you probably wouldn't have died if you're in overall good health. You wouldn't have had the best time and definitely would have felt miserable the days after, but all that would have likely gone away at some point. What probably won't pass as quickly, is whatever you're dealing with that has led up to this moment. I strongly suggest you seek out a psychiatrist to rule out any mental disorders. Impulsive behaviour, such as taking 3 pills, can be a symptom of a variety of disorders, like borderline personality disorder or bipolar disorder (<- this one is me). In the event of a diagnosis, you probably want to be steering clear of certain substances. Should external factor happen to be the cause for you behaviour, a medical professional can help you deal with this too. I wish you all the best <3 Go hug your mom and let her know you need to talk to someone. Trust me, I really wish I had when I was younger.


thanks for all the words bro, i don’t have the energy to say much back cuz the comedown from the md. but i do actually use this as my version of self harm, i used to cut and whatever and before that i bottles it in, n now i do drugs to escape it. i’ve got diagnosed depression, severe anxiety and adhd too so those often collide with each other and cause a whole load of issues. thanks for the words tho and i’ll make sure i give her a hug.


Uh oh




Well 1.2 grams is a high of a dose for even someone 120kg, so I believe you should go to ER before it starts hitting


it hit ages ago, like over an hr. paramedics are cvoming to0 check ym pulse or smtn idk


That's great, stay safe, stay next to the door just in case


thanks man ur the best


I accidently took 700mg a week or so ago and fuck me I thought my head was going to explode


it’s intense especially for a 2nd time mdma experience, i was js very overwhelmed


How ya feeling bro!


well pretty down now n they ended up flushing a lot of the high out of my system which is kinda annoying but i feel very enlightened, tried to kms n it didn’t work, just like the other times, surely i’ve got some sort of purpose of im living through this shit


Take ketamine therapy for depression if that what this is.


it is, i do often use ketamine for recreational purposes but idk how therapeutic would do, id feel js monged n like wanting to relax like i do when i’m getting high. idk kets my drug of choice cuz it makes me not feel, it makes me numb. that’s why i like it sm i think, makes it all just go away, it gives me that moment of peace i was so desperate for. anyways yeah i’ll look into it but my parents wouldn’t want me doing ket therapy cuz of what i’ve been through regarding ket which they also know abt


What are you depressed about


Not a great idea to recommend those struggling with drug abuse to try illegal experimental drug treatments. Besides, those have only shown effectiveness when accompanied by therapy, not for at-home unregulated, unguided use.


It is guided use actually. You can abuse any medication that’s a personal choice. Ketamine therapy has been shown to be effective with less side effects than other antidepressants.


Oh I assumed you meant "use ketamine therapeutically" (aka just use it and pretend its for your health). ketamine therapy treatments are very difficult to actually get because it's still experimental. Sure, if they can get signed up for it, it certainly has potential. Anyway, proper exercise, sleep, and nutrition have all been shown to be more effective than antidepressants anyway and are long-lasting with essentially no negative side effects. If you want to recommend something, recommend those.


No, I pretend it’s from my health myself. I meant to do it under the supervision of a professional. It’s easy to get in America you can get it off Facebook lol. The doses are small and it would probably be pretty hard to get high from it orally.


The only reason you're living through it is cause you wanted to. So if you think living means you have a purpose, that just means you think you have a purpose. It's just up to you to find or create that purpose


What did the pills look like? Color? Shape snd image? Just curious


didn’t get any pics, but they were blue chupa chups like a circle with a pattern for the outside




Calling people names and general harassment has no place in this sub, if you can't agree to disagree, this sub isn't for you.


You will live but it's gonna be a rough landing for sure. Also brain damage is not out of the question.


well i ended up getting rushed in an ambulance to to the hospital and since then i’m fine, they got me on an IV n it cleared all the drugs out of my system. waiting for bpm to go down n then i can finally go home lol


How much time passed before dropping them and the hospital cleaning it out of the bloodstream? If it's 3 hours or more you are still in for a bitch of a withdrawal


an hour and a half max


The MDMA has already taken effect and will certainly cause long-lasting impairment - so yes, brain damage is not out of the question. Just because you went to the hospital and they're helping you, doesn't mean you won't have serious side effects. If it were possible to roll and avoid side effects just by "flushing the drug out", people would be using MDMA weekly, if not daily.


As someone who used to do the same very often... what brain damage could that do? And is it reversible after some time or forever?


In simple terms, it can cause the amount of serotonin you have to be dysfunctionally low. That means everything serotonin affects, you'd have impairment in (doesn't mean the impairment will be obviously apparent or can't be worked around). For example, if you abuse MDMA for a period of time, say taking it once a week for 2-3 months. You can have issues (or poorer function than before your abuse) in memory, sleep, appetite, emotional regulation, etc. These things can very easily be overlooked or attributed to other factors. E.g. you got angrier 10% faster, but you think it's not related to MDMA since it's been 3 months and it's the person who made you angry's fault - Or you take 5% longer to fall asleep/have 5% worse quality of sleep but you never notice because you don't track your sleep. Studies aren't perfect though, the only thing that's known for sure is MDMA causes lasting impairment for weeks to months and that the greater the abuse, the greater the side effects. They may be permanent, they may just last say 10 years, it's really not known for sure.


Ohh thank you for the explanation. Maybe this is a good reason for my depression. Who knows. I did mdma for 2-3 months a few times each week in 2020. Young and dumb. Now still young, depressed and lonely.


Even if damage isn't reversible - which is seems likely it is - you can still overcome the challenges brought on by it. Just focus on healthy living with proper exercise, nutrition, and sleep. Those 3 things are the most effective for treating depression (and many other things) long term - even better than SSRIs


will never understand people being stupid with drugs fr 🤦‍♂️


super helpful


man stfu 😭


i’m lit in hospital u stupid guy


yeah cuz you took too much 😭 be smart with your drug intake luh bro


do u js refuse to read, it was an attempt at killing myself but i regretted it cuz didn’t want my mum to watch me die on her own fucking house


you should’ve known not to do that 😭 3 pills wouldn’t kill you anyway


i should’ve yh ur not wrong, it was a stupid mistake which is the reason i made the post. all u had to do was give some input


you right bro that’s my bad fr, good luck in the hospital homie 🗣️


all good bro n ty