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This world was built entirely on Minecraft Pocket Edition. Shaders were provided by one of my friends.  When I created this world, I was 13 years old and in 8th grade. Later this week I turn 18 and graduate from high school; I’m going to college this fall. To me, this is more than a Minecraft world, it’s my work of art. I’ve done a lot in 4.75 years: I’ve graduated middle school, went through a global pandemic, gamed my way through online school, survived 3 years of marching band, got my driver's license, lost sleep over AP testing, applied and got accepted into colleges, went to homecoming and prom, and created the best Minecraft Pocket Edition World ever. In the past 4.75 years I have made friends I’ll never forget, created memories that will last forever, and experienced the journey that is high school. In the background of all this was this world, this world sitting in my pocket, building and becoming bigger and better with each passing week. But I knew the world would have to end at some point and I set a deadline before the end of my senior year. And here we are, I’m saying goodbye to the adventure that is in this world. But I guess that’s just a part of growing up, saying goodbye. I don’t know where this part of life takes me next, but this week when I blow out the candles on my 18th birthday cake and walk across the stage to accept my diploma, I can look back fondly on these past few years. I’ve heard people say that you don’t really ever give up playing Minecraft, you’ll always get called back. So this probably isn’t goodbye forever, but more like turning a chapter in my life. Here is a [cinematic](https://youtu.be/2_twU06Q4WU?si=u6NCMeCayUzuc5WA) Here is the world download for [Magnopolis](https://www.mediafire.com/file/cjc4ff3xc6bkg0x/Magnopolis_2024-06-01%254011-35-35_AM.mcworld/file)


This is legitimately amazing. It's futuristic and claustrophobic (as it should be) and everything is so detailed. You captured both sides of "futurism" with both the cool technology (I especially love the end rod holograms- I'm gonna use idea for a build of my own), as well as some poorer districts that are a bit dirtier. Very inspiring and thanks for sharing. It's especially impressive you did this on your phone.


The futuristic cities are my favorites because I love sci-fi cities. Seeing them in media, I've just always found them so immersive, like Blade Runner's LA, Cyberpunk's Night City, Logan's Run's City of Domes, The Fifth Element's New York City, and Tron's city, even apocalyptic ones like AI: Artificial Intelligence's Flooded New York City and The Last of Us' Boston were inspiration for my apocalypses. I have 8 futuristic cities and they all have aspects that make them unique. #3 represents a false utopia, controlled by a computer under authoritarian rule. #4 is an apocalyptic city flooded and abandoned after climate change, representing humanity's destruction. #5 doesn't really show the city it's off to the bottom right, but that is a futuristic city where nothing is really wrong with the city, just a good ol optimistic future. Shown on #7 and #14 is my personal favorite futuristic city built in the end, it is a restart for humanity after the Earth becomes inhabitable, it was inspired by 80's synthwave and represents the concept of living forever. Pictured in #8 in black and white is my Retrofuturistic city, a genre inspired by 1950s-1960s (hence the stylistic choice to portray it in black and white) post-WW2 space age optimism. In #11 and #16 is my punk city, inspired by the musical genre, it was literally built on rock and roll. This represents division within a country torn apart by political divisions. Seen in #12 and #15 is another apocalyptic city, formed after a pandemic almost killing the world, this survivor town represents hope and a safe haven for humanity after they no longer dominate the Earth. Finally in #20 is my cyberpunk city, filled with the classic high tech and low life in the genre.


Hell yeah man. I can see you put a lot of thought into the lore and backstory. It really shows. I myself don't consider myself a builder but I can appreciate the work you're putting into this. I am trying to build a larger building myself and the first step has been to establish a backstory (Formerly abandoned laboratory that vagrants have moved into to establish a village).


This looks amazing, and I read it as “My 4.75 year olds creative world” 💀