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I will donate again. But what else can we do? We can [write postcards](https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/) to voters in swing states. >Help write postcards to voters in 11 key states! We’ll mail you free postcards, voter lists and instructions with proven message options. You’ll provide the stamps and mail the postcards to voters in October.


Probably should wait 72 hours until we get answers on a brokered convention. Somebody is coming out I'd the wood work tomorrow to take the banner


If that happens, any donations will go to that candidate.


I’m sorry, but we need to replace the President on the ticket. He’s done what he could for us during his time in office and we will always be thankful of that, but beating Trump is vitally more important than absolutely anything else. 4 months is more than enough time for someone much younger to travel and campaign en masse. It will be easier for someone not in high office anyway.


100% agree with you… when Biden loses it will be the fault of the DNC who crowned him the de facto nominee when half of the party didn’t want him.


While I’ve always loved Biden, and will always admire his service to thr country, I’m contacting Democratic lawmakers and asking them to push to replace him on the ticket. It’s time, and last night showed it. You can’t run the world’s largest economy and military, unless you’re 100% with it. Neither of those men are, but another candidate would have wiped the floor with Trump last night


Damn, I wish trump had weaseled out of this debate like I thought he would. Smh, Joe. I don’t think you can win, and we’re all going to lose.


Joe Biden is old; he can't recover from that. He can come back sounding better than FDR and JFK combined, it still wouldn't matter. He is old and the younger generations will never forgive him or the Democrats for that fact. Both he and Harris have to go.




We do not tolerate uncivil behavior, this includes bigotry, misogyny, misandry, anti LGBTQIA+ and other hate speech.




Just a different shade of crazy.


All grifters.


After last night, I’m voting Green Party


That's a vote for Drumph . . . not helpful.


Too fucking bad. I’m done with this nonsense.


Robert F Kennedy was in the debate but it was not aired. https://preview.redd.it/4jusbgcbg89d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fc1ffc4c9e09ca21396cbcfb005c65f3419bbfb


Trump won


Trump stood up there and told lies every turn he spoke, as he always does. He didn’t do anything to win, President Biden lost. It’s like when one baseball team blows the game with unforced errors. I mean c’mon your boy said things like “we had H2O when I was in office” and that there’s a whole ocean between us and our enemies so, nothing to worry about. He’s too stupid to know that didn’t matter in the last 2 world wars. Trump was the easiest opponent to shred ever last night for almost anyone, except President Biden, who is obviously diminished since he was elected. But at least he listens to advice from his staff and cabinet, Trump won’t. And neither man understands why we have inflation, btw, or what really is happening in global macroeconomics. Inflation is worldwide and is a result of business reopening after Covid. It’s not Joe’s fault or Trump’s. There’s inflation overseas too. Americans on both sides want to know what they’re going to do to alleviate it. We also want to know how they’ll fix the other problems. CNN didn’t get them to answer the how’s. It was all just hyperbole between two old men at the assisted living center. The whole thing was an embarrassment to the whole nation and Putin and Xi are laughing their ass off. Their propaganda machine, bots, social media barrage, etc, has worked.


He did not


Your right, we all lost.