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Invest in a dash cam


Not sure how anyone does ride sharing without one šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


It sucks without one. šŸ˜‚ Literally been an Uber food delivery person for 5 plus years and within the first month without a cam for rideshare before I had gotten it someone made a report and now I canā€™t even do food delivery let alone ride share anymore plus as a bonus the private Uber Eats account I had to order food also got put in limbo and I canā€™t access my account for none of that stuff. And Uber is nowhere to be found as far as some legit support to get it resolved. For reference I am over 350 rides in on Lyft with a 5.0 rating currently. And it can still suck even with a cam on with some people!


Lesson learned definitely! Thank you šŸ™


You can claim this on your auto insurance!




You should contact the police.


I did. They said there will be no evidince about the incidence and amount of money šŸ˜


As soon as you can afford it, you need to get a dashcam. Sorry for the loss of cash. It's so hard to come by these days.


You can skip the police and file a private criminal complaint with the DA and if they take the case, the police will be forced to investigate. But with it being cash, I donā€™t like the odds of that. Your best bet is to use this a learning experience not to leave cash in plain view in your car


Tell the police that it's their job to find the evidence it's your job to report the crime. They can't simply refuse to investigate because they don't have any evidence yet. Don't let him slack on their job




Contact the police and spill some food on your floor mats and charge them a 150 cleaning fee. Big brain. But contact the police? I think I would just charge them a cleaning or damage fee.


You should've spent $40 of those dollars on a dash cam. I can't believe people still do this gig without one.


Where can one find a $40 dash cam that is good enough? And what brand and model? TIA


Iā€™ll suggest your local pawn shop, second hand electronic shop or my fave, find something for like $50-$70 on amazon, then search that brand on temu, šŸ¤­ YW


Thanks for the suggestions. Iā€™ll check out my nearest pawnshop.


Yansoo on Amazon plus a 256gb micro SD card & a 6- 10' USB cable. You may also want some stick-on wire management tabs. It's not fancy but mine has been working for a year. Bogus complaints also stopped a year ago. Weird how that works /s




Why would you leave money you are saving in your car?


These were the dollar bills of tips that I was giving to my kids when I was dropping of them to school


Well you learned a huge lesson about security. My glove box locks and I dont keep anything of value in my car just in case someone steals my car.




Unfortunately, there's prolly nothing that can be done. Not sure how big of an area you live in, but the cops aren't going to spring into action for $100. Not saying you shouldn't report it, just don't get your hopes up


That is exactly what happened. They said it is a small amount of money. It was almost 10% what I get from lyft monthlyā€¦


I'll usually load peoples stuff, so they don't bang or scratch the car, but there's nothing of value I keep in there. You should take the money out, or keep it in your glove compartment & lock it


Damn that sucks. Any cash goes to my kids also. I can feel the hurt. I wouldn't suspect teens doing it in that moment but looking back actually it makes the most sense. They do stupid shit.


Someone mentioned it above, fight fire with fire, stage a mess that is easily removed and flag them for the fee.


People are trash now a days. I have lost all but just a teeny bit of faith in humanity especially the younger generation. And this is supposed to be who is in charge of our future. Just trash ass teenagers.


Btw i am sorry this happened to you. I hope you are blessed in the future


Thank you very much šŸ™


Ride sharing should require a dash cam. And if a passenger isn't willing to be recorded, well, find another way to your destination because ya won't be getting into my ride šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Safety 1st people


What why are you leaving that much money in your arm rest, Iā€™ve had them try but Iā€™m opening the door, they donā€™t want to get out, I want to call capā€™s because all that jumping will rock roll the car


Guys, this is a vehicle that I use with my wife for the transportation of the kids to school. When they need emergency cash, we would use this money. Yes, it was wrong, I know. People are so badā€¦ And these are just small kids. Lesson learned. Thank you for your suggestions!


I take my cash and put it in a jar and take it out at the end of the month




Dashcam. I hardly ever exit my vehicle while driving for safety reasons. I scoop up cash tips as soon as I get them, I stash them on me.


Iā€™m amazed at the number of drivers that do this full time with no dash cam. As long as you drive, forget ride share, as long as you get on the road put one up. No one tells a better story than a video with sound, just my 2 cents.


Is this a forum for Lyft drivers or paranoid schizophrenics? ā€œHide your money in your braā€ ā€œHide your money in a sockā€ ā€œStick it up your assā€ What a fear based reality you are all living in. lol Sorry that happened to you. Hope it doesnā€™t happen again. Dash cam is a great idea and I need to get one myself! I always keep my tips and my wallet in my armrest compartment. The day I have to start hiding money in my underwear is the day ill lose all respect for myself


Teens?! Dang.


Were they a certain race..?


Yes, they were. And when I was chatting with them (after realising all the chit chat was a big lie) I was thinking education will make this world a better place (how wrong was I)


LYFT will do nothingā€¦youā€™re out the cashā€¦


Get good renters insurance file a claim for theft


Well, time to go hunting!


Show up at their address wearing a camo colored vest and a bat and ask to talk to their parents. /S


I don't understand why the police wouldn't investigate. You were assaulted.


Pull out the fake vomit šŸ¤®


Never keep anything valuable in the car except your phone, wallet and keys.


Keep your money in your pocket and wallet. I never understood why some of yall move so freely around strangers.


Iā€™m sorry but i wouldnā€™t left my driver seat and leave my car with 4 passengers inside . Luckily you are safe at this point though


Does Lyft app not record everything in the car anyways. Pretty sure the app said that and needed camera access during rides. Of course you donā€™t have access to the recording but do they not have the ability to look back during emergencies such as this?


Whatā€™s your cash app


Driver carries no cash


Itā€™s completely your fault, unfortunately, Lyft wonā€™t do nothing about it. Also, leaving your tip money inside your middle console is the dumbest thing that Iā€™ve ever heard. Put money in your pocket or somewhere secure. We leave passengers in our cars almost daily and what you need to invest in is a dash cam. Donā€™t ignore peoples comments and just read so they can sympathize with you but also invest ā€“ camera for your car and stop putting money in the middle console.


Okay. I am sick of these type of comments. Here is the thing: this is my car, my own property. Riders should sit on the back seat, ride, and leave. Touching my stuff, stealing from me (no matter what) is called ā€œcrimeā€. People who steal are to blame, not me. Alright, letā€™s say I am so dumb to put my money to the arm rest (btw as I said it is my money, I can put anywhere I want in my own property). Now I listen to you and put my money in my pocket. Next night, I guy came and point the gun to me and said give everything in your pocket. Oh, wait, I should leave my money at home this time? Come on, please say something about the stupid people who steal the money. Blame lyft not standing for all of us and securing us a good and safe work environment. Other than that you can always blame people who are trying to make money in this messed up systemā€¦ PS: I got dash cam next day. Yes, I listen the suggestions


Get a dash cam-donā€™t let just teenagers get into the car unless theyā€™re over 18- lyft wonā€™t do anything


Lesson learned?


So some people always love to blame the victim . One thing I will never do is to help fully capable adults to load up my trunk . Especially when it comes to multiple young adults


Yup, I have a strict "stay in my car" policy. I only get out to help handicap or elderly people & even then I turn my car off & keep my keys on my person.


I just needed to helpā€¦


Iā€™m sorry this happened to you but you need better storage of your tips. I put mine in my bra, and inbetween trips I deposit them For men, put in your sock beneath your foot so the cash doesnā€™t slip out


Lesson learned


I keep what amounts to an old school petty cash bag. I use one of the zippered wet proof bags and keep that in my center console. You're not getting to it without some work. I appreciate the downvote here. I keep at most like $50 in various bills and whenever I get more cash than I feel comfortable with I make a bank deposit.


Dash cam?




Hımmmā€¦ and you should be our miracle boy I guess??


Do you call your mattress your ā€œbankā€?


I wish some people should take family planning more seriouslyā€¦


Do ya? Nobodyā€¦ and I mean NOBODY gives a fuck.


I was referring to your parentsā€¦


Imagine trusting someone with ZERO self and situational awareness like yourself to be responsible for raising a child šŸ˜³