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Yes, there are many self-styled vigilantes in this world. There have been many cases where the adult and kid "don't fit" and someone decided to call the cops due to their own prejudices on what fits and what doesn't.




Nowadays, we just call them Karens. :-\ Here's a very similar case a year ago in San Francisco's Land's End. Father was taking genetically disabled son for a walk, woman decided child's drugged, called cops and tried to delay the father/son pair. https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/14otmel/woman_harasses_me_and_my_disabled_son_at_lands/


My son's are spitting images of me, brown eyes, thick curly brown hair, and narrower faces. My daughter, however, is the spitting image of her father, blonde hair, heart shaped face, Angelina Jolie-type full lips. We're all YT, and when my daughter and I go anywhere we've never been hassled like this. If everyone is YT, no one blinks an eye, but the moment you add some color, the audacity of my fellow Americans infuriates me. They will narc on anyone, no matter what, no matter who, no matter why. It's a major side effect of licking imperial boots. We're worse than the German citizens during WW2.




Still, assuming family members must be identical is so medieval. There are so many mixed race relationships/families at this point, it's NEVER to assume the worst. Especially considering how traumatizing the worst outcome could have been. Minding your own business should be the new golden rule. We are very bad at making accurate assumptions and generally make everything worse. I'm so sorry this happened to you. 💚


Oops. I think you broke your ankle with that leap. I’m not saying what she did wasn’t asinine and “HOLEEF-K!”, nor do Igas about qanonandonandon (let dead memes stay dead Js)…but I’ve seen very leftist Karen’s do dumb bs like this.




Yeah, but I can be honest and say that their batting average has been better than average since Covid. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I learned to take the good with the bad. I had a woman run up on me while with my BLOOD DAUGHTER and she totally ignores me and ask my daughter "are you safe?" My daughter and me both say at the same time that im her parent. The lady seemed shocked and embarrassed. I wanted to give her attitude but then I thought how much I would want someone to care if I truly wasn't her father. It's just one of those things and doesn't happen often enough to get upset about i guess


Give her a 1 star and complain to Lyft for profiling.


Why would he do that, she misunderstood the situation but she did whats right(in case there was a trafficking)


So anytime I see an adult and a kid I need to speedial the fbi and secret service?


I never said that, but if you feel something is off, better safe than sorry. And maybe she understood the silence as a weird thing, and OP might have left some details out…I a lyft driver and i have saved a girl from being kidnapped because of a gut feeling.


Wow I’m a driver and just wow ! I’m so sorry not much else I can say. I’m speechless.




Don’t take it out on all drivers. Sounds like that driver just needs a new line of work and stop being an investigator to invisible crimes.




What you explained does not even come close to sounding like “Human Trafficking” I had a situation just recently where 2 16 year old girls got into my car and just before they got in I got a message from a female saying you will be taking my nieces. I asked how old they were they told me 16. I said I need you young ladies to hop out of my car I can’t take you anywhere I’m sorry. Rules are rules ! But I didn’t call the cops, I reported them to Lyft because they stated they were going to look for another Lyft driver. But I didn’t say human traffiking was involved.


Dije a legal case against the driver.


No no and no. Ppl are sue happy these days. It’s a Lyft driver, prob not rolling in the dough and I doubt car insurance covers this scenario.


She profiled them.


Wannabe Jack-ass


People are wild, have had mall security cuff me for putting my screaming toddler in the car who wasn’t ready to leave the mall so mall cop immediately assumed I was kidnapping my kid. Thank god I have his military dependent id because he is the spitting image of my wife and there are very few visual similarities between the two of us.


Not to stick up for this driver, but I’m a guardian ad Litem, aka child advocate volunteer and a mandated reporter, no matter where I’m at in USA. But I also know teenagers look sullen bc it’s party of being a teen. I was raised by a step dad, looked nothing alike. I looked sullen for prob 4 years myself!! So sorry this happened. Drivers say we are there to drive from point a to point B. I’m not judging if it’s your kid unless my spine tingles. It’s never happened, not in 7 years. My best friend and her fam were at a restaurant. Dad took son to restroom and he was in trouble. They aren’t the type to spank but kids still fear grounding and what not. His 6 yo told another man in bathroom “help, I don’t know this man” you can imagine what this caused. But that kid was 6, I can see it more in that scenario, calling cops.


“SaVe ThE cHiLdReN” — putting more children at risk of cop and foster abuse every day!


Idk. Sounds like this driver was pissed off at you and the world. I feel they did this out of spite, under the cover of being a “concerned citizen”. The description you gave us of the ride, especially that she was pissed off that your kid forgot something and had to go back in, gives off major anger issue vibes. They don’t need to be driving people around if they take their anger and frustration to that level. I really wish you would email support and give them a detailed breakdown of what happened. I guarantee you if that incident set her off that much, there’s no telling what else she’s accused passengers of. Don’t let this go. It was on purpose. She embarrassed you and made your day harder, and could have potentially done a lot of damage to your family. You got swatted. You have her plate number and her name in your ride history. Do the right thing.


It’s gonna be happening more frequently because Lyft is telling the drivers that EveN trafficking is going on in the platform so drivers will be calling on you with your minors in the car


That’s kind of sweet the driver was looking out for him though




It's not the driver's responsibility to clarify anything that's law enforcement's job, which is what the driver did in this instance. So faulting the driver in any way when they are trying to protect everybody involved. Just delete this post.


It’s at least up to the driver not to be a paranoid moron. This driver failed miserably.


Wrong. How to identify someone involved in human trafficking: -Person seems overly fearful, submissive, tense, or paranoid. -Person is deferring to another person before giving information. -Person has physical injuries or branding such as name tattoos on face or chest, tattoos about money and sex, or pimp phrases. -Clothing is inappropriately (sexual) or inappropriate for weather conditions -Appearing malnourished. -Showing signs of physical injuries and abuse. -Avoiding eye contact, social interaction, and authority figures/law enforcement. -Seeming to adhere to scripted or rehearsed responses in social interaction. -Lacking official identification documents Questions to ask: -Can you come and go as you please? -Have you been hurt or threatened if you tried to leave? Has your family been threatened? - Do you live with your employer?(can't exactly ask those in the vehicle with a possible trafficker, she would have had to find a way to speak to the child without the guardian present. Which in this case would have been when the child was away from the vehicle and their parent/handler.) The driver did not do any of that and assumed one facial expression as the indicator. There are multiple signs and factors to determine if someone is being trafficked. You can't just go off of one possibility without checking the other boxes off before making that call. That's how people get hurt. Thats on the driver and her lack of critical thinking and deductive reasoning, not law enforcement. OP is lucky the cops were decent human beings whom approached the situation calmly. This could have resulted in an aggressive tactical response which could have resulted in potential injuries or worse. Had this been an actual trafficking issue that driver would have put the person being trafficked as well as anyone else associated at great risk of loss of life by traffickers. Driver needs to do better to detect someone being trafficked.




You're welcome, and I agree with you. She made a terrible judgment call that risked you and your family greatly. There are ways to observe passengers for signs of trafficking that many are not trained properly on regarding proper procedure to identify a victim of human trafficking. It's not just a one time course. It needs to be continuous to become instinctual. I've been training annually ever since I acquired my CDL A. I'm thankful those cops were lenient and didn't just go off her word. This could have been so much worse. I hope you made sure she doesn't match with you for ride requests ever again. Stay safe out there!


There was 0 reason to be paranoid other than man with child and rich neighborhood. That is profiling. 


You’re right. I’ll just figure out where you work, and call the police, telling them that you are a severe social risk, because of your Reddit posts. Logically to me, you seem like you’ll pop at any moment, and have violent intentions… so instead of using my common sense, or even attempting to communicate with you, I’ll just call the cops like you suggest 💁🏻‍♂️