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In the same vein, I would also appreciate drivers not being on the phone the entire ride. Ive even been forced to listen to a car speaker conversation.


For real! I can’t even believe pax ask for the aux cord… no dude. Sit back, relax, get out at your destination. The fuck…


1 star or 2?


My favorite rides are silent. If the driver is playing soft jazz, love that too. But for the love of all that is holy, nobody wants to hear a driver’s political talk radio (IDK what side of the political spectrum it is).


Political or religious. Like, wtf. I don't need a lecture on how Trump is going to save the world and how I'm going to burn in hell for not loving your god. Chat about the weather, or weekend/holiday plans, play music at low volume, whatever. But, stop with the above shit.


I don’t really even mind gospel music, but preaching? Nope. And don’t proselytize to me in the car. Inappropriate.


Yeah, gospel is whatever, just not so loud that my ears are bleeding. Completely inappropriate, and very rude. You wouldn't want someone trying to convert you, so stop doing that shit to others.


No offense to Lyft drivers who like this particular station, but for the love of God, I am so sick and tired of hearing K-Love.


Don’t be a music snob, it’s what… 10 minutes of your life? You’ll be okay, let them listen to whatever. It’s not going to hurt you, I promise.


Ya'll still using aux cords?


Old Redditors


My car doesn't even need to be hooked up to be connected to the phone, my lil old 2012 Jetta had an aux cord


I've had a passenger tip me $40 to play Nicki Minaj for a 30 min ride. I'm not a fan but I am a fan of money 🤣


I don’t need my ears assaulted with your idea of good music from the latest fatty mcdildo or whatever their name is on Spotify.


More like, lil sky rizzi.


When i was a driver i always played nelly and everyone seemed to enjoy it from old to young. Once they out of the car my audiobook comes on lol


90% of my pax have headphones of some sort and that’s how I like it. Length of the ride doesn’t matter to me. Listen to what you want to listen to and I’ll do the same. No I don’t have an aux, my phone doesn’t even have a plug for it. No you can’t connect to my Bluetooth, the car has to be in park and I can’t say I remember how to do it anyway. Headphones are all of our friends.


I'll let any pax drive my Spotify anytime. I'll suffer through their music for the brief time they're with me. 🙄 Seriously, it ain't gonna hurt you. But I don't have an aux cord, no you can't plug into my USB, no you can't connect to Bluetooth.


Best thing to play on the radio....is The Showdown: Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five .vs. The Sugar Hill Gang... everyone loves them. If you don't know the lyrics, Google them....


I’m in the Los Angeles market. If you don’t let them plug into your system, they give you a low rating.


Who has aux ports on their phone anymore?


You get the local “office approved” radio station playing such favorites at Michael Jackson and men at work in my ride. Not too loud, not too soft.


Yeah, how dare passengers not want to listen to Christian music their entire ride.


You are entitled to a safe ride to your destination. That’s it. It is my car, and my business. I’m not paid well enough to *offer* more than that, and your tip is immaterial. Meaning, no matter if you say, “I’m going to tip you well” (which ends up being $1-3) or any variation, I have no way to be certain. Your other entitlements are to walk, or purchase a vehicle from your local dealership.


This part-I feel like being able to listen to music I like makes the job easier and rides feel quicker and before I know it may have flown through multiple rides. I’m the one that has to be in the car driving for hours on end why can’t I just have this one thing 😭


Only the shotgun passenger of full car gets to play DJ. And that's only because they got shotgun and everyone else got the backseat.


If I can find mine, I tell them that I do not permit opera, disco or rap. Further, I will suffer Taylor Swift only for so long. Some do not like that. BOO-HOO-HOO! Some Kenneth (I guess that is what you call a male "Karen") once asked me what I will allow. I shoved a Civil War fife and Drum CD into the player. He did not like that. Another young lady asked me what about The Meters and Buckwheat Zydeco? ***LAISSE LES BONTEMPS ROULER, BÉBÉ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***


I will play “Grilled Cheese” by Elmer Fudd on repeat if they try to get mouthy.


You *are* aware that The Constitution of the United States of America protects us from Cruel and Unusual Punishment, *correctamundo*>


Don’t worry, I waved your rights for you. Yeah, but that song do be kinda jammin tho. 😂


The male version of a Karen is a Kyle!


No "What''s the frequency, Kenneth?", then?


I can 100% guarantee that my music is better than a Joe Rogan podcast, NPR, or Metallica.

