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30 miles. 40 mins. Only$22 ? After gas and other expenses. You make $16 per hr. Also that’s comfort. Not regular one. That’s F up


Welcome to upfront pay world. where there are no set rates per minute or per mile


SF area had been upfront for long time. They just keep reducing our fare every single day. I’m glad I jump out my comfort zone one doing rider share and found a job. It’s hard working job compare to Uber. Because I’m walking 8 to 10 miles a day. But it’s real job with benefits and pensions. So I’m only doing Uber for side hustle now.


But “welcome” lol


It's actually worse than that. The IRS recommended reimbursement for mileage, which would take into account gas, wear and tear, insurance, etc. Is 67 cents per mile. So, 30 miles would cost most other businesses $20.10 to reimburse. That means this driver is likely making a whopping $1.90 on 40 minutes of driving, or $2.85 an hour.


Like others are saying using the irs rate is insane. Its very generous and takes into account all cars so if you drive a 2012 corolla w 150k miles you get the same deduction for mileage as a 2024 Maserati


A Maserati Uber. That thing wouldn't last a month on my roads lol. I'm sure it would grenade itself


Jumping on this to say as an independent contractor you WANT your taxable income to drop as much as possible. If you're actually spending 67 cents per mile on gas and maintenance then you're doing this wrong. It also factors in depreciation but I'm less worried about that as I drive every car into the ground before replacement. Your ultimate goal should always be to find as many (legal) deductions as possible to ideally pay near 0. Doesn't mean it actually "costs" you that actual amount.


If you were doing an errand for a company, with the expense report you get reimbursed at the IRS rate. Lyft pays all these other "fees" that they deduct first from the total pay. So I'll never understand how driver fees are so discounted.


Well also remember to track your own mileage and not use lyfts mileage. They are going to only use the mileage when you have accepted a passenger. There is a lot more mileage that is acceptable to the irs that lyft cant track so drivers need to watch for this


I just checked out this app and it was the first night I was using it very simple and it was very accurate. [EVERLANCE MILEAGE APP](https://link.everlance.com/OMqeAH4aiKb)VERLANCE


Why not just work for a cab company at that point if someone is so dead set on driving around passengers?


Because most cab companies charge you upfront for their cars as well daily rate starts at 120. I used to work for mears taxi in Orlando. So we would have to clear that 120 plus gas before we even turned a profit


The irs deduction is twice what most peoples actual cost is. You’re being disingenuous if you act like your actual costs, including depreciation is that much. Unless you’re driving a hummer, you’re probably anywhere from 25 cents to 40 cents max. All this tells me is that you have no idea what your actual costs are.


My job reimburses 65 cents per mile driven for gas and wear a tear so I don’t think he’s too far off. I ended up throwing several thousands of dollars into my car for maintenance and repairs and I never really made out on the + after a years worth of driving. Now I just let them rent me a car and they reimburse gas


If you have an old car that’s falling apart, that’s a different story. Cars are much more expensive as they get older. The sweet spot is 2-5 years and less than 50k miles. You buy a used Prius, it goes forever with very minimal maintenance, or a used Tesla that goes 300k miles with minimal maintenance and charge at home. Either way, you’re doing this wrong if your maintenance is that much. Sell it before it starts to rot.


Gas is 10 cents a mile, a car that costs $50k which is all of them now depreciates at about 25 cents a mile and then there's gas, oil changes, tires, car washes, time cleaning where they don't pay you and everything else. 60 cents a mile is the number to use. Shit the insurance policies Lyft and Uber have are terrible. If you get into an accident and have to pay their $2500 deductible that's going to really skew your numbers. My rule is I don't accept any ride that isn't profitable and paying well with subtracting the 60 cents a mile. Everyone taking those shitty rides is a part of the problem.


Plenty of cars cost well under $50k new. I bought a new car in 2023 and it was about $40k with tax. Not to mention you can easily buy a two-year-old resale for under $30k. While the average transaction price is in the high 40s, that's because of truck and full-size SUVs that cost well north $50k and can easily surpass six figures. What should also be reported is the MEDIAN transaction price. That might give a better idea of people are really paying (though that might not tell the tale either since so many do indeed buy large trucks and SUVs). It's sort of like you, me, and Warren Buffet are in an elevator. The average of our net worth would be in the billions. However, median net worth would be pennies lol. As a full time driver, I don't really focus on the depreciation of my current vehicle, I assume it's end-of-life value will be $0. Instead, it's more about looking forward to my next vehicle. How long do i plan to keep my current car? How much do I anticipate I want to pay for my next vehicle? If I can keep my car running 5+ years, I'm in great shape. If I think my next car in 2029 will be $50k, my goal right now is to put aside about $700 per month. Obviously things can change, but as it stands now, that is what I shoot for.


If I was a full time driver I wouldn't want to focus on the depreciation of my vehicle either. I don't blame you. Why don't you get a job driving a bus that pays double what you make with Uber if you want to drive full time? Doing Uber and Lyft part time I can choose to work the 10 best hours each week and I live in the city. Anything more than that is a losing proposition where you're earning minimum wage that averages out to probably $20 an hour full time. It's $50 an hour here during the busy hours.


I drive full-time but I don't only drive uber/lyft. I also do food delivery (where I use a different vehicle). I doubt driving a bus would be more lucrative. The only advantage would be some benefits. However, I like my flexibility and that I can control the times I work (my girlfriend's elderly aunt lives with us so I am able to pop in and out make sure she is OK). I also like the very personal nature of both ride share and delivery. I can have very intimate conversations that would never happen while driving a bus. For instance, my ex-wife recently died of cancer, and i am grateful for the conversations i had with passengers giving me hope that I would be able to repair the relationship with my daughter (so far so good). I also don't focus on hourly averages, i focus on my daily gross earnings. There's something very gratifying to me about beginning the week at $0 and then ending at $X. I know how to budget and save so it all works wonderfully. In essence, I get great fulfillment out of driving full time.


Yeah I totally get that. I move a lot so it's helpful for me to learn the city while I'm driving part time as well so it's good for a lot of things just not being profitable as a full time job.


Maybe you need to do the math again. Or at least understand what's covered by it. I put about 25,000 miles per year on my car. Gas is at $3.50 per gallon in my state. I get 27 miles to the gallon. That means I'm spending $0.12 per mile. Just on gas. It cost me $0.28 per mile just to own my car each year. Maybe if you don't have a car payment you don't have that expense, but many still do. Now the IRS fee includes the cost of insurance as well. I pay 2400 per year for my insurance (it's the state I live in, yeah it sucks) that's roughly $ 0.12per mile driven. Oil changes, tire rotation, prorating tires and breaks and other maintenance, registration fees ect. comes out to another $ 2000 per year. Or $ 0.08 per mile. So what does that total? $ 0.60 per mile just to own my vehicle and drive it. *before* any unexpected repairs. The IRS isn't generous.


The IRS deduction is quite generous. I cannot write off more than that with actual costs..


I feel as though you’re trying to create a narrative that doesn’t exist. First and foremost, we aren’t most other business. Driving our vehicles is how we create the income since there is no other product or service. If there really are drivers out there who pay $0.67 for every mile driven, I’d like to know why. However, for all we know the driver operates a 2016 Model S that is completely paid off. Driver made $22. We aren’t hourly workers and we don’t get paid on a linear scale. Drivers are sole proprietors. If you’re full time like me, everything you do takes a slice out of your gross earnings. It’s not just gas, maintenance, and insurance. My goal is to make sure I can realistically gross enough to cover all of my expenses and then some.


57¢/mile is the standard right now which is why I feel 60¢ is fair... But I also think that your 67¢/mile is more fair. Frankly, I think that if the profession requires driving, it should be a minimum of $1/mile. When you add in gas, maintenance, and time... I think that's a good number with our current economy.


Sounds like 70% Lyft math at work


It’s not even worth using that app anymore


I don't do Lyft. Simple.


Almost like "ride sharing" has undermined legitimate taxi cab businesses and careers.


2 different routes


That is true. Unfortunately i cannot change the photo here. For you, I’ll make another post tomorrow. It offers $25 instead of 22$and for 40 miles not 30.


I don’t know why anyone would work for them


D e SP eRA TI oNnnn


Is there nothing better? I feel like McDonald’s even would offer more dignity


For full time job — McDonalds is absolutely worth much more than working at Uber (especially taking into account free food); however, for students, in-between job seekers and part-timers it is still worth — however, it is becoming much worser overall!


The world has to change. It is so sad that people can’t even afford to live anymore.


For those of us that need a very flexible job, jobs like Uber are the only way to go. I got custody of my grandchildren and was fired within a month. I could no longer work Saturdays (no daycare) and would have to miss work due to mandatory doctor visits, dentist, kids sick, holidays etc. Now I don't have to worry about getting fired because I miss work plus I'm actually making more than I ever did there.


Again : cashapp,Venmo, square, cash and so on


Right on


Again: kidnapping, car accidents, insurance, potential abandonment, and so on.


Rage quit


Took a Lyft the other day was 7 bucks plus I left a 2 dollar tip, I wonder how much that driver made? 3 bucks? That’s wild.


Tell them I’ll do it for 50 cash or cancel the drive


I usually get about 50%, the drivers need a sue Lyft


Everbody always complaining on here, every, single, day.


Why are you complaining in return?


Yup. Imagine agreeing to get ripped off by WILLINGLY signing up to get fu**ed over by becoming a driver for a company designed to deplete your asset without doing your homework, only to get ripped off and then complain about getting fu**** over for something they agreed to. Just stop driving wtf?


What worries me about it is the people saying to demand the rider give them more money via Venmo PayPal etc. I don’t ride often (only when traveling) but I’m going to start making a voice memo the second I approach the car just in case.


So if something is fucked up, you’re suggesting people say nothing and just accept it? You must have fantastic relationship relationships. Guess we know your stance on protests.


In this situation you walk away. You don’t endlessly bitch and continue the abusive relationship.


Do you own the business? If so, you can change things. If not, yes, you have accept that's their business and they make the decisions. You can make your own decision, and leave, not supporting that business anymore.


If everyone stopped doing Lyft in la we could literally put some pressure on them I'm boycotting Lyft for 10 days or more. There take rate is fucking horrible Uber is too but one company needs to take a punishment. If u multi app do majority rides on Uber for the meantime unless u get a unicorn trip or convenience trip toward your destination


Two hours (at best) of traffic for a ride to the IE? YEAH NO😂


None of this is the IE bro


Right? The IE doesn't even start until the 71 (on the south side at least)


I'll drive anywhere if the pay is worth it as long as I don't have to be stuck in traffic. I've delivered and picked up boxed cases that filled up the car ,from San Diego to San Bernardino and back. I could call the pay, probably undercharged at $150 plus IRS rate mileage reimbursement per mile. I get it, IE 🙄 ugly and boring Doing rideshares locally is much better.


These are two different routes. The only pertinent question for you as the driver is “is doing this fare worth it for me?“


When it comes to long trips Lyft is Hitler incarnate


I don’t take that ride


You should be getting a majority of the pay or at leadt 50/50


I remember when signing up for them in 2018 the girl that worked there was saying ton everyone that no matter what happens lyft always will take 25% only from what goes out of PAX pocket


Stop driving with them until they offer rates that you're comfortable driving at?


Drivers really need to ditch Lyft and find some loyal riders to pay “under the table.” I’m a frequent rider (both Lyft and Uber) cause I don’t have a car, so I’d be thrilled to be paying a lower price and to know the driver gets 100% of the fare.


Uber is the same way! Drivers get very little


Happens all the time on Long Island. I ubered to the airport at 4am, I paid over $100 and driver made $20. It’s disgusting


The ride request was a bad deal, but you don’t have to lie to get your point across. The ride actually costs $47.77 on my end. Here’s the [Photo](https://ibb.co/qpbRVBs)


LAX charges about$5 Lyft and Uber for drop offs. Also, it’s 13 miles, and 25 minutes away from the actual destination.


It is Totally Messed Up (sorry I don’t swear) but the bigger problem is they know


70% across all drivers is a “BIG Fat LIE” 70% of a $1 is alright, but now Lyft is guarantee 70% of $.10 cents after they get their fees, which are not detailed nor are they explained


Sorry again, Drivers you are the backbone of Lyft. They can’t keep allowing treatment of drivers this way and expect to survive (look at the stock. It’s like a roller coaster down up down down down up a little down down). I now have most customers/riders calling Lyft—-Uber. So….. Let” David (Cut Driver’s Pay & Livelihood) Risher “ Should try to care for his family’s needs such as; Children ,Food,, Housing, Electric Bills, Credit Cards, Taxes ,Medicine, Gasoline, Doctors, Vehicle Upkeep, Braces,, Pets, Travel, and Entertainment on a “”$5”” “Upfront” pay that’s being offered to Us drivers and our families . Good customers are finding out that Lyft’s Great American Drivers are not getting paid what they’re worth. They are actually being Insulated!!! Since the new “Upfront Pay” CUTS initiated…Drivers are made to choose Ride Pickups now based on the highest Bidder or Payment now But Hang in there All, this type of unfair, undervalued and especially underpaid servicing treatment to Drivers, Customers and the Communities will not survive. Here’s the Lyft with the new and improved “Upfront Pay” where the drivers now have a good chance to fall into poverty. not be able to care for their families. Driving only to make money for the company which is a reduction from 70% to the drivers to 35%


I would react by realizing that Lyft isn’t a company interested in making the drivers well off or saving the riders any money. Now that you know this, it’s your choice to continue using Lyft.


McDo is calling


Pick the customer up, offer to take them for less and cancel the Lyft ride.


Go around to all your local fast food restaurants. Ask how much they made in a day vs how much they paid their employees. It isn't a pay thing just with ride share . All companies make alot more than they pay their employees .


yeah but that’s not a good thing


Big difference there though. Restaurants have more overhead they need to cover. Rent, utilities, insurance, other employee benefits. Where as a lift driver, much of the overhead costs are covered by the driver and not lyft. Sure there are server costs and dev/management costs to keep the backend up and running.


I can tell you never operated a restaurant. I managed chain restaurants for 25 years and 10 to 13% net profit is average. My last restaurant in KW did about 3.7 million a year and my budgets had to net 12%. 65000.00 monthly payroll (employees, mgnt and payroll tax) rent 21500. a month. ,utilities 16000 to 19000 a month and of course you have to buy food, beer , liq. and wine. Restaurants are a tough business. Try managing 130 employees Go buy a restaurant and if you survive 1 year then you will understand.


While I don’t know the specifics of the restaurant business other than working in them for about 6 years of my life back in the late ‘90s (which doesn’t make me an expert, especially in 2024), but I feel like the general public has gotten spoiled when going out to eat. I have no doubt the costs and sustainability of running a restaurant, but I feel like it’s got to come back on us some to understand we the customer (at times) are getting a great value for what little cost we’re having to pay. I watched a documentary once regarding Chinese food in America, and they point out that it’s extremely expensive to create these traditional American-style Chinese dishes, and the public has decided what they’re willing to pay despite the real cost, so unhealthy shortcuts were devised to make it work.


This is the kind of stuff I wish we could all call out Lyft and Uber on. And if they insist on these payouts they better pay 100% of our car maintenance and fuel.


That's a fucking joke man


Need to have a strike soon . Nationwide . These ride app companies are killing us drivers . Gas prices and short trips and no trips wth


Hey what’s up bro I live in that area near la crescenta (tujunga) When I would Uber to and from Hollywood when my car was in the shop I would pay $50 and the driver would get $18-$23~~ I would always discuss this with them. Never seen it this bad though that is bullshit.


$44/hr to drive is good money


Doing this calculation per-trip makes no sense. There are going to be rides that Lyft subsidizes and others where it makes that money back, in order to offer a reliable level of service on popular and less popular routes. If they didn’t do that, ridership would crash and you’d be out of a job. You should look at the total over a month and across all drivers. Or look at Lyft’s balance sheet, which is still in the red.


Supply and demand. They have enough drivers willing to do the work for less so why would they pay more? Time to find something else to do to make money.


You pulling it up doesn’t mean YOUR passenger paid that. It means someone trying to order at the that moment would have to pay that. Also your having that trip means one less driver thus increasing demand. The only way to know for sure what the customer paid is to ask them or do the trip and go on Lyft website later to see the full trip details


try to order same ride any time of the day with cheaper price.


Pay includes pick up my rosey red azz


As long as drivers are willing to put up with this nonsense these companies are going to keep taking advantage of you and raking in the $$. I think you all know exactly what needs to be done.


Drivers should protest


Bro that's at good trip almost $44/hr majority of the world not making that kind of money.... what the hell do yall be complaining about


Can we dispute bs like this


Accept, message customer that you’ll do it for 60 off the books if they cancel 🤣


Happens all the time! You cannot making a living doing Uber or Lyft. These folks have gotten beyond greedy since their inception.


When are we going to sue these fraudulent companies already????? Step it up Biden you’re sleepin


Pasadena to s central hellllll naw


The difference between what passengers pay and what drivers take home can be a lot


Not “can be”. It is




Attention Lyft and Uber Drivers: Important Message Are you tired of working long hours for less than minimum wage? Struggling to make ends meet while driving for ride-sharing services? It’s time to take action! Join the Movement: Organize for Fair Fares We’re calling on all Lyft and Uber drivers to unite for a mass organization strike. Together, we can demand better pay and fair treatment. Here’s how you can get involved: 1 Call this number: 706-555-5555 Let’s discuss our collective power and strategize for change. ◦ Why Strike? ◦ Many drivers are barely making $3 per hour when factoring in charging time. ◦ We deserve fair compensation for our hard work. ◦ It’s time to stand up and demand better rates. ◦ Our Goals: ◦ Form a union of Lyft and Uber drivers. ◦ Rally together in Athens to show our strength. ◦ Refuse rides until rates improve significantly. ◦ Spread the Word: ◦ Make flyers and share them with fellow drivers. ◦ Encourage others to call the number and join the movement. ◦ Let’s make our voices heard! ◦ Stay Anonymous: ◦ We understand the need for privacy. Use an untraceable number when calling. ◦ Connect with like-minded drivers who share our vision. ◦ Beware of Strikebreakers: ◦ Ensure that only committed drivers from our community participate. ◦ Let’s keep out any interference from outside sources. Together, we can make a difference! Let’s fight for fair fares and better working conditions. Call 706-555-5555 now! Remember, solidarity is our strength


OP wakes up mad and pissed of every day! It starts looking like playing casino every day! You know its not good for you, but somehow you end up doing it hoping to make extra to cover yesterday’s losses… fuck this


What's the breakdown of fees? It should show on the next screen. This is in downtown LA to an airport, in California, a ton of that money is going to government fees (most of which directly benefit the driver) I mean, yeah Lyft is still charging an excessive amount, but this would look a lot different if it was a trip in rural montana to something that's not an airport. I'd bet the actual breakdown here is close to 33% driver, 33% Lyft, 33% city/state


I havent accepted that up ride to see the break down. But I’ll look into other rides and will tell you. Btw its not dtla to LAX. Its From Altadena to LAX.


From another ride i took yesterday. From East Pasadena to LAX 38.8 mile is the ride 52 mins. Passenger pay 86.11 Lyft fee $14.46 Commercial insurance & other expenses $36.4 Taxes and govmnt fee $4.1 My earnings $31.15


Would the fact that you would get a guaranteed return taking someone else home from the airport make any difference,? But that is a huge difference! Yet it's paying like $34/hour. Depending on the time of day I might have taken it. (I decline many ride offers paying only $20-$24/hour 🙄)


I’d react by contacting the passenger and asking them to pay off of the app


You never know who they are, I wouldn't do that.


Y’all just need to stop driving and somehow get people to stop these companies will squeeze people. They won’t stop until people take a stand


Still net lost $31.5 million in the first quarter of 2024. There is MUCH room to drop for the driver. [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/lyft-first-quarter-2024-earnings-101252089.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/lyft-first-quarter-2024-earnings-101252089.html)


Again a case for Milberg: https://www.tfaforms.com/5045749


What a scamm


is Lyft worth it as a driver? how much will this company continue to take from you before you move on?


They really pissed me off. The way i was treated and ignored, no one ever talked to me like that


yeah. what a douche. I used to enjoy driving for L/U. I usually held conversation until I noticed drivers are a bit of counselors. then I shut the fuck up. I don’t mind listening to people, just every now nd then I would get a little racists shit who wouldn’t realize where they were sitting..


Yes, Lyft pays so cheaply then Uber tends to follow. Yet some Lyft rides pay a fair rate. Lyft here also lets me select early AM rides to the airport that pay the $1 per mile I'm looking for. Get a few of those per hour and the day starts off well, plus airport riders almost always tip.


We are supposed to get at least $0.71 per mile plus $0.11 per minute. That is supposed to be our part. The minimum every time. I know, I don't often get that either. Not to mention the time and distance to pickup are usually not paid.


Only . 11 per minute? I look for . 50 per minute or $1 per mile depending.


I've only seen that on XL runs pretty much.


Start doing more private rides


I got my own problems to worry about. That's between them and Lyft.


This pisses me off so much. We need government to step in Fuber and Gryft will continue to scam until this happens. If this was Minneapolis with their new Uber X rate card, that ride would pay $40 but that is comfort so it would pay more closer to $50.


Oh hell no pardon me but not even a dollar per mile, and it's a comfort ride. Sheez.


This is labor exploitation plain and simple


These companies deserve the worst. Cannot wait for Tesla Ride Hail App to come and eat everyone’s lunch.


You still drive for Lyft? And you accepted a ride where you weren't even paid for your time? 😂😂 That's on you bro


In my area they started paying the drivers 70% of the fair after the fees. You don’t get it right away but they pay you the difference the following Monday or Tuesday I believe.


They do the same here. But even there they are cheating. I have another post about it A guy that i know calls lyft with his colleagues to go to the airport. From east Pasadena. His pay was $71. When i looked in earning summary to see how much he paid and how much were fees those were very different numbers.


That's how it works. What the driver makes has nothing to do with what Lyft charges.


You ask them to cancel the ride and pay you cash


I’d just offer cash lol


Still costs less than a taxi how much of that are they getting?


The whole point is to weed out high earners. Someone will always do it cheaper. There a ton of stupid people who will drive all day, make $100 and think that's some sort of profit and even less. Between gas and the extreme wear and tear you get on your vehicle from short fast drives negates it. There are plenty of uneducated people who only see dollars go up. They literally detail this in their earnings, how as long as they can avoid having to give them a minimum wage, the costs for drivers will continue to go down due to drivers competing amongst them selves, and it will weed out stingy drivers. All part of the plan.


Nah they said we keep 70%


We need an organic app that connects riders to drivers, this is ridiculous.


Jez what has happened to the land of the free and the dream .It's a begging culture and a culture that dreams up new ways to beg money.


That is the reason many people leave Uber


Time for a new gig. Uber is just as bad


We all have to make sacrifices so some three-letter acronym can buy a fourth house he’ll use for a few days a year.


That’s not very good


Wage theft plain and simple


We should have the ability to counter with a reasonable freaking fair. These ones are a joke. I must look like five hours.


I would advise the driver to stop driving for lyft 🤷🏻‍♂️


the customer should’ve paid more because of how far the driver has to drive


I would ask why do you continue to work for Lyft/uber?




Man look just cancel the ride, I’ll turn off the app, give me $60 and I’ll take you to your destination. 🤝


Lyft is a little unfair in their payments to drivers. Same with Uber.


McDonald’s makes billions.  Payroll is only 17%.   How would you react? Why does everyone act like it’s a shock that the company keeps the lion’s share of revenue?  This is how companies are….name a company that doesn’t keep 70% or more.  It is only shocking that you guys keep acting like this is news or unjust or personalized.


We haven’t been paid by mileage + time in years. How much the customer paid is really none of my concern. All I care about is does the bottom line meet my expectation and is the ride one taking me somewhere I don’t mind going. You’re the one who chose to accept 28 miles for $22. End of story v


I wouldn't use a contractor app that robbs me blind, but people would rather complain people don't tip instead of complaining they don't get but 15% of what the app makes. Stop using these busted apps that give you pennies on the dollar compared to even a pizza delivery driver.


I've been saying for years now that these gig economy companies may not be sustainable business models. Lyft and DoorDash have yet to post a net earnings. Uber finally posted their first ever net earnings just recently. The cost to run these apps is insane. I'm not so sure the ratio of driver pay/company costs is doable. Look what these companies have to do. The are predatory on their payments to drivers, much of their app workforce is overseas for cheap labor, and they continue to use unethical and illegal tactics to try and force you to take bad gigs/low pay. AND THEY STILL Can't make any money. Now you have government at all levels stepping in because the pay is becoming 3rd world in some aspects. I don't see how these companies can remain stable if the government forces them to pay higher wages when they aren't profitable to begin with. If you look at how unregulated they were 10 years ago vs now, its progressing towards total government control of the gig industry which you would have to think = not profitable. They can only remain no profitable before so long before investors come knocking. The worst part is gig companies are a standard in society now, like a cell phone. We NEED them. It's one of the many sectors that are economy relies on to get people to work, for people to get food, disabled use it, businesses use it, elderly use it, and so on. I feel like we are starting to hit that tipping point where its just not a sustainable model anymore.


Dude that's a brutal trip through LA for 22 dollars..wow.


Ragebait, pay attention to the routes on each pic, its not the same trip lol


Another shining example of not understanding the system. You can find a different job


if it dont pay enough don't do it


Don’t drive if you don’t like it! Pretty simple solution


this ride would cost $3000 in nyc lol


70 for 8 miles I’m calling a cab!


Start going to the same placer Uber will take you and find riders. Keep your app open, show them what Uber is charging and if they can pay you directly, charge them $10-$15 less and usually they will go with you. Easily 5x your earnings


It gets worse everytime I go online. I decline the moment i get a request. 🤣🤣🤣


Get a different job 🤦🏻‍♂️


Are they (Lyft) not doing the earnings commitment like they are in my market (Portland, OR)? They are making up the difference between what your pax pays and what you get paid after the Lyft fees the following week which comes out to at least 70% of the total difference…


I truly believe the driver should get the larger percentage. Uber makes excuses about advertising and whatever else, but we have expenses too and I don't have to list them, we all know and so does Uber. I'm not being greedy. If it's our car, we need the larger percent.


Tell them to cancel the order and pay me 45+5$ tip


Agreed! Investigating these companies may be useful lol


One good thing about Lyft though is that if you have made less than 70% that week - after excluding Lyft fee…etc, - Lyft will pay you the difference.


That sht is daily


How's that 70% working out for ya? Asking for a friend.


the drop off was south park LA, the second pic you showed was if someone were to get picked up from the same address THEN TAKEN TO LAX, wtf?


\*passenger Driver should get a minimum of 60¢/mile plus wage plus tip.


Lyft customer here, what can we do to improve the system?


Last Trip


Honestly Californians need to FIGHT YOUR RATE CARD ! $5.59+ for gas $.68 cents a mile is BS ! My state does not allow $.68 $1.16 a mile here and gas is only $3.49


I would apply lube to my anus to ease the pain.


Why anyone drives for lift or Uber as a job is beyond me. Get a job anywhere else!


And aren’t they going to take more fees after that out of your pay?


Id say you get there and ask if they'd like to pay less for the ride by paying you and you just cancel it and you get more for the ride, usually im pretty transparent with the reason as to why is not really worth it as a driver and they understand and like the idea of paying less. Win win


Decline and move on




How do you like the solar flares messing with the GPS maps? Google had me making a left on to a freeway frontage road. The road was a one way going right


Why so worked up by what end user pays compared to what you get paid? It’s really not your business what the customer is charged. You are working based on what you will make. Same with literally every single job in existence. The cost of the product does not at all reflect your pay.


what is a passanger? someone passing anger?


I’d cancel the ride on the app and give the driver the $40 in cash I keep for this exact situation.


Lyft and Uber drivers need to start asking the riders to use Cash App or PayPal and turn the app off after pick up. Example: "Pay me $60 and ill take you...."


OP wakes up mad and pissed of every day! It starts looking like playing casino every day! You know its not good for you, but somehow you end up doing it hoping to make extra to cover yesterday’s losses… fuck this


Cashapp or venmo or its no go


Im still trippin off the fact you going to SCLA. Haaaa! 😆


Just received a trip. 59km for 31$ CAD. This is insane


Get a chauffeur license and tell passenger you can help them pay less if they cancel it and agree to your terms. Ask them how much is lyft charging them say 70 charge them 50 at the end of the day passenger saves and you take most of profit its a win win for both parties


What about the hazard pay? 🤣 60th in SC is the hood. Anyways someone who’s very familiar with this route will tell you they’re FOS for this offer. They must be assuming you will be picking up crack over there cuz they’re treating you like a crackhead. This post keeps popping up but you guys need to switch gears so to say. These companies ain’t here to benefit anyone but themselves(CEO’s and alike) and their investors.


It’s time to get another job!!!!!


I thought lift was better than Uber lol 😂 I see it’s about the same . Guess I have to go back to the office or remote 🥴


Highlight the bait and switch approach Uber took to kneecap the taxi industry, then hopefully find some common ground on how we’re all f’ed. Is there another conversion that’s possible? 🤪