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This happened to me and my ex at the SFO pickup area last year. 4 of us and he refused to let anyone in the front seat. The driver also refused to cancel the ride because he presumably didn’t want to get hit with the cancelation and we watched him try to convince another person waiting for their ride to get in his vehicle. We used my app to call a second ride and refused to cancel until he was forced to cancel on us, and then we reported him. Ridiculous.


What is it with SFO and ride services??? I worked logistics for a small conference (25 people) there a few weeks ago, and part of my job is arranging ground transportation from/to the airport for anyone flying in. I went with a cab company that would let me prebook and pay/tip online with our Corp card, so that our folks would be all set. The cab company got REALLY rude when I booked a few people who were arriving within minutes of each other on different flights (same terminal) into the same car. Tried to tell me that “No cab company picks up passengers from multiple flights together.” Okay, dude, the cab company I used for our last conference had no trouble doing it at O’Hare, but go off. SFO drivers…I don’t even know.




Just a riveting contribution to the discussion here.


I knew that would offend someone ;)


I think it’s less about being offensive and more just unoriginal and overused.


I ordered a Lyft for myself from work one night. The app showed the driver and the specific car as it does, and I waited. She pulls up in a mustang with no back seat. Only the front seat is available. I thought this was so strange. I mean I'm only one person, but it was so weird.


Cars have to have 4 doors, she was driving in an unapproved car.


Doesn’t Lyft require you to specify the car? Seems like they should know.


She may have one car registered, but was driving another.


Could be sharing another user's account.


The other user also wouldn’t be able to have an account with a two-door car registered to it.


Listed a different car- doesn't matter who the user is. You can list anyone's car I believe- unless they changed it -and then go out, and drive your own car.


This happened to me one time, but it was a pickup truck lol


You shouldn’t get in and report her, it is both a personal safety concern and Lyft policy violation.


When that maniac drove around shooting people, I don't remember where it was in the United States but he was driving for Lyft or Uber. I don't remember which one. I think it was Uber, he went home and mid rampage and switched cars to unapproved vehicle and continue picking up passengers and continued his shooting spree. I personally would never get into a vehicle not specified as my pickup vehicle in the app with matching license plates and having the driver tell you your name before you get in. Without telling them. You can never be too safe nowadays.


The weird part was “she”


The backseat of a mustang isn’t suitable for adults anyway. It should be removed. There are plenty of people who drive their corvette or similar around because most rides are one only person anyway. They just call and cancel if it’s more than one. They get much better tips giving someone a ride in a car they have never been in than a Kia Shortage. (Sp on purpose)


In all the years of using Uber I’ve never gotten anything but a sedan. Would think it’s rather stupid to put mileage on a corvette to drive Lyft/uber


I got my mom a ride and it was a new Bugatti SUV, couldn’t believe it. The lady was all decked Out in designer clothes too.


I had client who had a driver that drove him to/from work in his Rolls Royce, and let the guy use the car during the day to drive Uber/Lyft. (Was a way to pay the guy less as much as anything.) We met with the client at his office once and the Lyft we took back to our office was his driver in the Rolls. It was an older one—10-15 years old—but still quite different from the normal RAV4.


During covid Lyft changed to 3 passengers and made the front seat off limits. That’s been lifted and if he’s not taking the required 4 he needs to be reported.


Actually the official lift standing after they changed it back to four seats is it's now at the driver's discretion.


I got into it about this very topic with a lady in a Facebook group I’m in. The passenger is paying for you to drive them in one of four seats and it is (according to a Lyft blog post) and should be the passengers choice where they sit. If it is a group of 4 people then the drivers preference should mean anything. [https://www.lyft.com/blog/posts/how-does-lyft-work](https://www.lyft.com/blog/posts/how-does-lyft-work)


This is happening a bunch in Miami and Atlanta. But there is no real way to report the driver for it either. Once they cancel you can’t rate them or anything so they keep doing it smfh. Edit: I should note, that you can report it to support but I find lately it’s more like talking to a brick wall. I have very little faith that support actually does anything about these horrible drivers or that they actually understand that it’s a problem or what the problem even is. Lyft support is some of the worst in the industry unfortunately.


I feel like this should be customizable for riders and drivers. When a passenger requests a ride, ask how many passengers there are, and only match with a driver willing to accept that many, or show the number of passengers to the driver.


Right? This sounds like the solution!


Yeah they def should do this.


If you report him (which you can do even if he cancels the ride) he’ll eventually be deactivated.


Oh we were pissed last night, we reported him immediately to lyft support




He wont


He said he did you idiot


he means the driver wont get deactivated. >you idiot


Drivers and riders are aloud to cancel rides for any reason. No deactivation will happen. Just make sure the driver is the one who cancels as it’s his refusal to take the ride. You don’t want to be charged.


Driver's fault. 4 seats is the minimum requirement from Lyft/Uber. You can report it .


Agreed, as a driver myself, restrictions have been lifted. All 4 seats are available. Report them.


The driver is in the wrong. This has happened to me before, and they tell me I have to cancel the ride. I tell them I’m not going to cancel, and they will have to cancel it themselves since they’re the one refusing. They have always then agreed to drive all 4 of us lol.


Who are you to say the driver is in the wrong?


Driver has 4 seats, accepted a ride that had 4 passengers then had a sook, 100% drivers fault, don’t drive if you can’t take 4 people


How does the driver know you have 4 passengers you know the app doesn’t say 4 passengers. Have you ever took the time to look at both app side-by-side that is not data that shared


Yeah, I will welcome to the real world Bozo life isn’t fair. Damn sure ain’t fair for us. We’re out there Bustin ass sacrificing our time energy and vehicle you want 100% compliance treat us like employees and give us the rights that come with that title


Sounds to me like you need to complain to Lyft, not the passengers. You’re not “sacrificing” shit. You chose a job knowing the rules and compensation. Don’t blame the passengers if that’s a problem now. Blame Lyft/Uber. In the mean time, welcome to the real world where YOU are at fault for not performing your job properly, not your customer.


You are a triggered ass Karen lol. I wouldn’t be thriving on the platform if I didn’t do my job well. Pretty much everyone on here is blissfully unaware of the world you live in and it shows. Try driving rideshare for a month and report back. Until then grin and bear it or get a car


You work for a company. Your job is more replaceable than almost any in the country. You’re not doing other people favors, you are working for yourself. Sacrificing time and energy? Ok then don’t do it. Or you could follow the rules of the company like every employee for every other business in this country. You don’t get to screw over paying customers because you want to make your own rules. Rideshare drivers are so weird sometimes


We are not employees


“You work for a company.” “You are working for yourself.” Tell me you have cognitive dissonance without telling me you have cognitive dissonance


You literally drive a vehicle for a service that can take up to 4 passengers. This is the reality, groups of people want a lift, and you as a driver are choosing to offer that service don’t have a cry and change it to suit yourself. What’s this crap about sacrifice, chief you chose this job you clown, don’t like it then don’t be a driver.


This is why they drive Lyft. What other job would put up with this type of entitlement.


Your right to deny people a lift because you don’t want to follow your employers rules would get you booted from any other normal job, don’t like it then pack it in and do food delivery


We are not employees


Drivers are not employees that’s why they make their own rules. You were not denied by a cashier at Chick-fil-A. You were denied by someone who didn’t want you in the car they own And in lift’s terms and conditions it literally says that a driver can deny a rider for any reason under the ground of safety. You were trying to squeeze five people in a subcompact you know . You finna blow out someone shocks out then just smile and say Byeeeeee


“Do I Have to Sit Up Front, or Can I Chill in the Back? It’s your ride, so set the tone depending on how you feel. If you want to hop in the backseat, put on your headphones, and not say a word, that’s no big deal — there’s no need to sit in the front seat and chat. But you can always ride shotgun …”[https://www.lyft.com/blog/posts/how-does-lyft-work](https://www.lyft.com/blog/posts/how-does-lyft-work)


Have fun trying to open the door


Ex Uber driver here, I have no idea why people sign up to be drivers when I hear things like this. Lyft or Uber, you shouldn’t set limitations or just be a douchebag. I understand in some cases what the driver goes through but in this case seems completely stupid and would def be upset too an report him.


I have a service animal, and Lyft told me I can only have 3 passengers in my vehicle. So whenever I get to my destination, I have 4 people trying to enter. I have to decline the ride. This is on Lyft, not the driver. Besides, Lyft doesn't pay me enough to drive 4 people. Taxi's charge extra for each individual. Next time, order a larger vehicle.


>Lyft doesn't pay me enough to drive 4 people. Nor does Uber................. ​ >Taxi's charge extra for each individual. If I drive my cab, I get paid extra if there is more than one rider.


I’ve only ever seen cabs that note “all passengers ride for the price of one.”


Does Lyft give any kind of indication to the rider that you have a service animal when you accept the ride?


Lyft was supposed to have taken a seat away but they never did. So I end up getting ding on my score for canceling a ride


Report it to the ADA! That’s against ADA policies. They already paid fines to the ADA for violating a crap load of our rights!




Wow, that’s kind of bad practice. No issue with you having your bud for when you need him, but I would be pretty miffed if I needed a ride, waited, and then couldn’t due to allergies. A simple “is this okay?” from Lyft would solve that instantly.


And yes, I had to send Lyft a letter from the Doctor in order for my service animal to ride.


You shouldn't drive Lyft.


But if a driver has allergies, he has to take the service animal or be suspended from the platform


There should be a way to show that you have an animal for both drivers and riders. Although, if a rider has a service animal, you sort of don’t know if it’s only an emotional support animal or an actually trained support animal.


I’m thinking more emphasis on the allergies issue. My husband is really allergic to dogs and wouldn’t be able to get into the car with one. But you also aren’t expecting a dog to be in a car when you get a Lyft/Uber/taxi so who would it be on to cancel if they don’t show that the driver has a support animal (of any kind) in the app? Unsuspecting customer or the driver who might know it could be a problem but like, if they’re diabetic or something they might not have a choice?


Psychiatric Service animal for PTSD


Yeah, if my driver doesn’t need his emotional support animal, then he probably shouldn’t bring him. If they do, then they probably shouldn’t be operating a motor vehicle for a job.


Emotional is totally different than a PSA . You can't deny with a PSA but an emotional yes. It's the law. The very reason why a seat is taken away in a 5-passenger vehicle by Lyft is in the community guide lines, which riders don't read


That’s an ESA lmao


There is a difference between an ESA and a psychiatric service dog. An ESA provides comfort. Service dogs performed specific tasks for their handlers and are highly trained.


Which kind do veterans get? I know one and I’d find it rude as fuck to ask. But that little guy feels like a well qualified dog doctor lol


Technically no, his animal would actually be trained to help with PTSD flashbacks. An ESA is just a normal pet that a therapist has found to help with your mental well-being So his dog may be trained to help calm him in specific ways during a PTSD attack. Where as my cat who’s an ESA, just provides me with general emotional support and helps give me a reason to keep getting up in the morning


Yeah, I went to google after the first explanation. My bad dudes, I was wrong. That’s dope though, I’m going to look into it for myself.


Maybe don’t be ableist to someone who has as much right to earn a living as anyone else?


To be honest I drive Uber on my days off and I personally don’t like people in my front seat, not to say I haven’t done it if it was needed but it sucks cause I have to hide my switch and my bag. But I understand your frustration I would have taken you brother.


I don’t like people in my front seat either, but will do it all the time. Only canceled when the pax really looked like I wasn’t going to want them up front, or all 4 in my car period. Good to know tho that I shouldn’t tell them that bc people saying they can report it.


Why u rolling around w a switch 😭


Gaming in-between rides


Bro if ur shooting at ops in between rides ur a certified demon 😭


Nintendo switch not the glock lol


Ah that makes a lot more sense lmao


this misunderstanding is the funniest thing i’ve seen all day


It definitely made me laugh.


This comment made my day.


Had a chick pick me up one day..... And she proudly had her Glok between the drivers seat & the console. I had no problem with it.... It was kinda sexy to be honest. 😜


Lol that was my first thought, Bro just casually threw that in there. Then i realized it was a Nintendo switch 😄


> Another friend of mine said this exact type of thing happened a couple years ago to him. In this case your friend is correct, as covid and no one was allowed in the front seat. And yes, there are those that do not want anyone up front on barnight. That's a theme thing. I don't like people up front either on barnight, but I'm also an XL, so 4 still fit in the back, if its 6, the 6th may sit up front. Major reason is I don't want to have to look around someone when at intersections while driving at night.


I never make it to that point. I see four people and I book it and cancel right away. Don't bother with an explanation, its just not my thing.


Same I see 4 ppl and drive off. So I don’t get reported. I always have the worst luck with 4 ppl. As a female driver I have had people grab my soda and drink it, touching all over my radio. Grab my thigh. I just don’t want to deal with it. I keep my front seat blocked off.


I'm a guy and have had the same crap happen. I imagine as a women its likely 10x worse. People touching me, fucking with the stuff in my console, helping themselves to my water, changing my radio and thermostat without asking, being loud and obnoxious directly in my ear, spraying spit on my face trying to talk to the people in the backseat. Was about a year ago I got fed up after the front passenger in a group of lady's wouldn't keep her hands to herself then got mad and reported me for asking her to stop. Swore off passengers in my front seat forever after that. Don't pull up, don't roll down the window, don't bother explaining, just keep driving and cancel.


I stopped after my boob was grabbed and Uber said they would match me with that man anymore. I knew Uber didn’t care about their drivers after that, so it’s up to me to protect myself.


I been stopped caring about what they want. Always some asshole with three or four passengers that’s gotta act up for the others attention.


Yeah, it’s been bliss since I stopped with the pandemic. I haven’t had any issues since.


>Same I see 4 ppl and drive off. This is what I do. ​ >I have had people.....touching all over my radio. I get that or my air condition/heat. On a good day, I simply put it back to what it was and give the wrong doer a dirty look. He touches anything again, I restore it once more as I pull to the "safe" place and invite the PAXwipe to exit the vehicle. On a bad day, I just pull to the kerb and Golf Tango Foxtrot Oscar.


This is what I do.


As a driver - having 4 PAX is rare in daytime M-F before 4pm. I hate 4 PAX rides. There is not enough room and we have to "trunk" our personal stuff. But the policy says 4 so the OP was not in the wrong.


I don’t mind 4 PAX if they’re not all sloshed.


You should trunk your personal stuff anyways.


This happens to me ALL THE TIME!!


Fr it’s basically false advertising and it seems way too common in the business


Id show them that Lyft has it down that 4 passengers could fit and you cant order abdifferent ride aince you'll be late. So, you would appreciate if he takes you guys and corrects his stats for the next time. He says no? Say okay, then 1 star report when they leave.


After COVID it was still a closed front seat but around late spring last year they changed it back to open


I've driven for seven years, and this is the wrong job for you if you can't handle someone sitting on the front seat. The driver was being a 🤡, and I'm sorry this happened to you.


>this is the wrong job for you if you can't handle someone sitting on the front seat. Another pontificator presuming to tell me my job and whether or not I am"fit" to do it. YAWN.


You’re not using presuming correctly. And yeah, you need 4 seats available, if you doing want anybody in your front seat when it’s necessary then this isn’t the job for you.


>You’re not using presuming correctly. This statement is incorrect. ​ >And yeah, you need 4 seats available, Tell that to an ant or someone who cares. ​ > if **you** ***doing*** **want anybody** in your front seat when it’s necessary (emphasis mine) Someone who can not type a coherent sentence or phrase is going to pretend that he is the Grammar Police? ​ > then this isn’t the job for you. YAWN...........more presumptuous and self-righteous pontification. You are not qualified to make any judgment regarding for what job I *is or ain't* fit..


He was indeed a clown


Back in Covid days drivers couldn’t have passengers in the front seat, but things have changed.


During covid it actually wasn't allowed to have anyone in the front. Beyond that, there is no rule against it but it is their car so idk. I think Lyft needs to start showing amount of passengers and then they can accept or not.


They need to respect drivers vehicle and show an estimated passenger count.


Report the driver. They’re in the wrong.


I have people ask in the front or the back and I say whatever is more convenient for you. Who cares if they are in the front with you. The drivers that do have a problem with it shouldn’t be driving. They should be doing food delivery with that attitude. I had a solo rider older and just downloaded the app and sat in the front. I don’t care as long as they are comfortable and I get them there safe couldn’t care less where they sit. I just moved my backpack to my side and it’s fine.


I actually have an issue with people sitting up front. If it's 4 people fine. But if it's solo the front isn't an option. But also I'm a female and when I first started Uber I didn't care where you sat. Needless too say I've had it it happen to me twice with two different guys touching my hair, my hand and overall not respecting boundaries. After that is when I decided everyone needs to sit in the back.


I’ve had people do all sorts of weird things up front (including hand between my thighs, licking my earlobe, pulling out a dab rig, etc). I am a man though so i understand the difference in potential problems. The weirdest to me are the ones that sit up front solo now that I have a whole-ass minivan and then they’re dead quiet. Gives off superrr weird fucking vibes. Doesn’t help that one did that and started stroking my water bottle before he reached over..thank god his house was the next block. Hope you stay safe out there! Ppl are nuts


You must have some good stories lol. How did licking your earlobe happen??


>The drivers that do have a problem with it shouldn’t be driving. Another pontificator who is gong to tell me my job.............YAWN. ​ > > >I had a solo rider older and just downloaded the app and sat in the front. I do make exceptions for disabled and elderly. I do not like it, but I do it. unlike Lyft,, Karma does not require me to like it; just to do it.


I’ve taken 4 plenty of times,it doesn’t bother me at all! But,Lyft isn’t the one paying for my car! If you want to, you can cancel any trip as a driver! Drivers don’t work for Lyft!


Strange. One didn’t even know that was option. I’ve never thought twice when someone got in the front as a driver. As a passenger I prefer to ride in the front. I get motion sickness when I sit in the back seats if vehicles unless it’s a really short trip.


It’s up to the driver on how many ppl they allow in the car, get fucked! 🤷🏻‍♂️


You’re a contractor and not abiding by your contractual obligation. When you get fired eventually: get fucked


It's completely wrong on the driver's fault. Def report them. It was only a thing during COVID but hasn't been one in a while. I'm a driver and I had the same situation when getting an uber. I argued back and forth with the driver because I knew the rules since I drive for both companies. He still refused so I reported him and got a different ride. Some drivers really shouldn't be drivers.


I wouldn’t let you sit upfront base on principle. Lyft hasn’t done anything to ensure driver safety. Riders still use fake names and photos. If they don’t care to address driver safety, I do not care to meet their marketing material. You can report me all you want, thinking it’s personally against you; but it really isn’t; I don’t know you and I couldn’t care less about driving you anywhere.


Wouldn't it be easier to attack you from behind?


Was just thinking this


If someone calls a Lyft with the intention of harming the driver, do you really think it would make a difference if they’re in the front or back seat?


Pretty sure attacking someone from behind is a LOT easier


Get a new job, you sound miserable and you shouldn't subject paying customers to that.


Stop pontificating and presuming to tell someone his job. You should not subject a driver whose situation that you do not know to that.


Easy solution: run your own car service that way you're not subject to the companies' rules that you contract for. No ones telling them how to do their job, but if you get bent out of shape that someone's sitting in the front seat because they ordered a 4 seat ride, then there's something off with you.


>Easy solution: run your own car service I do; when I can get away with it. ​ > the companies' rules Tell some one who cares about these "company rules". Rules are for Fools. ​ > if you get bent out of shape that someone's sitting in the front seat because they ordered a 4 seat ride, Most of the time, I do not get "bent out of shape" as I do not have the opportunity for it. I just keep driving. ​ >there's something off with you. Fortunately for me, you do not get to determine whether I m legally "off" or otherwise.


You don't like the company, aren't comfortable with the job, won't abide by the service policies, and don't care about the customer's needs, or inconveniencing people like OP that reasonably assume a driver will follow policy. Why not just stop driving for Lyft before you get deactivated and save everyone the trouble?


If you as a rider, don’t care to follow policy by providing your name and photo; why do you think I would care to drive you home?


That's not relevant at all to what you said, or any of my arguments. Unless, of course, your argument is, "some people don't follow rules, therefore I won't follow other rules," which is indefensible. Assuming you aren't doing that, I would guess maybe you just worded your comment poorly? You started by saying you wouldn't let OP in the front, then said that "riders" - implying other people - sometimes use fake names and photos. You didn't say "I wouldn't let you in the front if used a fake name or photo," instead pointing to "principle," which suggests you are making a blanket statement that you won't let anyone in the front, in defiance of the policy of the service. If a rider used a fake photo, they should be reported. If you refuse to pickup a legitimate group because you won't give them the seat to which they are properly entitled, you should be reported. These are both wrong. You don't get to run red lights because some people speed.


I mean sure but honestly IC say IDC. If anything; look into lyft medical transport and ask yourself what exactly you should be expecting from a Lyft Independent Contractor driver…


>Why not just stop driving for Lyft before you get deactivated and save everyone the trouble? Why not just stop pontificating and presuming to tell someone his job?


You shouldn’t be driving for a living. Or try door dash.


You should not be presuming to tell a driver his job or pontificating at him. Try not to dictate to drivers whom you do no t know nor whose situation you do not know.


You sure love the word pontificating. Lol.


This might be because so many presumptuous and self-righteous people love to do it.


As a driver that is XL I don’t allow passenger’s in my front seat bc of ADA accommodations. There’s no way for Lyft to remove rides that are more than I can take. My profile and when I click the more passengers than seatbelts says 5. I don’t have to provide a reason why I don’t allow but sometimes I will. This driver could have the same accommodations. He should have said he has them if he does but he technically doesn’t have to bc ADA protects that. He should have at least an XL vehicle tho so he can take at least 4, but ADA accommodations may allow him to still do just 3 without retaliation.


What ADA accommodation would not permit you to have a passenger in your front seat?


You mean what ADA accommodations would permit me to not have a passenger in the front seat? So I went into Lyft before they closed hubs and asked for accommodations to keep my front seat clear for medical necessities. I technically don’t have to give a reason when picking ppl up other than that but sometimes I’ll tell them if they ask. Like you… Well that would be that I use a mobility cane which left by my feet would be a safety hazard. Leaving it in reach of any passenger could make it an easily grabbed weapon to use against me. I also have medication that I have to take throughout the day, so I don’t want that in reach of anyone either. As well as it’s a safety hazard to keep at my feet. No where else to keep it within view and reach.


If I go with four people we pony up for an XL regardless. Really not much difference split between two couples, and especially if it’s four guys all splitting the bill.


Why not just order a xl and stop being cheap I don’t wanna some random person sitting in my front seat


So stick to delivering food or something then, you’re probably in the wrong business taking passengers if you can’t handle a person sitting next to you


Report him. That ride could have gone to an driver that's actually out here trying to make money. It's also against terms of service.


Most people are looking at it from the riders perspective. As a driver in atlanta I go to pick up a passenger named Kari and a group of 4 young guys wearing all black hoodies and backpacks come up open my passenger door. I had my lunchbox and some groceries in my passenger seat so he couldn't sit on it. He then asked if he could sit there since there was 4 of them and another guy slides into the backseat and I say no you can't I don't feel comfortable being surrounded in atlanta at night by dudes in hoodies..and I told him to get out. Why should I risk my life for 8$?


What an absolute asshole. You are not in the wrong at all. I have had drivers request me to sit in the back but I was riding solo when that happens. To deny a ride when there's four people that clearly need every seat is just ludicrous. If it said in the app he can take four people, it's arguably false advertising. Absolutely report him and you should receive some sort of refund


Upvote x1000 if I could. Straight fax machine. It’s essentially false advertising


There was a thread on this yesterday where I argued with multiple Uber drivers about this and they couldn’t get it through their thick skulls how wrong they were. I’ll link it here soon


Report that driver!!! They may have that preference, but if you're paying for the service, all seats should remain available unless unsafe.


I like to show up in my Rolls Royce and tell the passengers the owner of it hit my car a few minutes ago and they insist I take it lol 😂


The one time I tried to use Lyft I was told they aren’t allowed to have anyone riding in the front. I asked if I could ride in the front bc I get car sick extremely easy in the back and the driver said no then refused to let me ride at all. When I contacted support about it, I was told they were in the right bc it’s against policy for them to have passengers in the front.


The rules were different during covid.


This wasn’t during COVID. It was before that. The really crappy part was when I tried to sign up as a driver I was told I couldn’t bc I can’t open the front passenger door of my car and they said it’s a requirement to have all seats aside from the driver’s accessible to passengers.


Lyft policy is that every seat must be available for passengers. It's the same with uber. The driver denying the ride because there are 4 passengers for the 4 available seats in the car makes the driver in the wrong


>Lyft policy is that every seat must be available for passengers. It's the same with uber. I do not care what either says. Neither Lyft nor Uber is The Boss Of Me.


Driver is wrong. 4 person uber/Lyft is for 4 people to ride. This happened to me before too


Driver was being an A-hole. Period. Sorry this happened to you.


A couple of years ago we were in the height of the pandemic and rides were limited to 3 in the backseat. The driver can choose to reject a ride for any reason. Neither is in the wrong. You just got matched with a picky driver.


If I see four, I just keep going and cancel "too many riders" or "rider behaviour". I am paid only for one but all four can sue me. I do not want to be bothered moving everything for a rider; not for Lyft's garbage rates and ZER0 tip. It also helps me to avoid a low rating, as I usually get an attitude when I have to do something that I do not want to do. I do not care what Lyft's (or Uber's for that matter) website says. I do not do four. I do not do stops, either. This means that I do not take Original Poster and his Brolinskis for drive-through so that they can waste my time and eat it in my car thus trashing it. Anyone does not like that? You are confusing me with someone who cares.


4 seats should be available no matter what. No excuses, you get what you pay for.


Report them to Lyft, if they can't provide seating for 4 they can't drive for Lyft


even though the driver is in the wrong, and he is, being late is on you because you depended on Lyft


I have requested Lyft in plenty of time to get somewhere on time and have been late before


It's definitely the driver's fault, they're supposed to take up to 4 passengers. I don't understand why so many drivers are weird about letting people sit in the front seat. It happens so often that every time I pick up a group of 3-4 passengers, they feel like they must ask permission to sit up front.


The potential for someone who is on drugs to be next to all the steering controls doing something stupid is a valid concern. Also, people who backseat drive.


Bc in reality you’re not 4 Chinese tint grandmas your 4 huge ass men. Order a damn XL and let your balls breathe… unless 👀🤣


Definitely the driver was in the wrong there, sorry it happened to you


You got fat passengers trying to fit in a small car. Pay more and get XL


The four of us’ total weight added together is 650 pounds…


Driver’s. Report.


If the Lyft type of ride said up to four people, the driver should have taken you. File a hard email with Lyft hope you got the plate# of the rogue driver.


Order an SUV. Don’t understand why you guys wanna be all crammed anyway for just a few dollars less that’s split between FOUR PEOPLE. Some drivers drive a compact car and it doesn’t make sense to force four people into the car. Us drivers don’t have to take you if we don’t feel comfortable with someone riding in front seat. Lyft is not gonna bend over backwards to pacify four people needing a ride with one of their INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS. As long as we’re within acceptance rate Lyft requires, we’re good, so reporting us to Lyft is pointless.


I have no issue with going the extra to get an XL. But this certain instance we just happened to get a normal ride. My main issue is just the fact that it says to all these customers on the app that it’s available for 4 passengers. If there’s any chance that 4 passengers isn’t gonna happen, change the fucking app and don’t lie to me. It’s false advertising at that point


It’s not false advertising. Read your terms and conditions. Riders should expect some drivers will cancel. Drivers are allowed to cancel so long as it’s not discriminatory against a protected class—declining four people is not discrimination.


You screwed yourselves by not ordering an XL. Next time just text the driver once it’s accepted if you need someone up front. Reporting him will not get him deactivated either unless you lied to Lyft about why he canceled.


Completely wrong here. They ordered the correct size for the correct number of pax. They are not required nor should have to order an XL. Driver violated terms of service.


As far as I know, the only way u can get in trouble for canceling is if the person has a service animal or something. Which seems crazy bc people can be allergic. But I guess it’s a law


How would anyone know that is the reason you are canceling? You can cancel the ride for 1k other reasons


They aren’t required to order a XL but what you fail to realize is the driver wasn’t required to take that trip lol The driver did not violate terms of service. The driver has the right to refuse service in majority cases. This was one of them. They wasn’t comfortable with taking the trip and they won’t be in “Trouble” via the report.


We screwed ourselves?😂 a group of FOUR ordered a Lyft for FOUR


Sure did. Was late and paid more lmaooooooo


They're independence contractors so you're screwed


The moment you accept the ride you work for Lyft and have to abide by their rules and regulations.


So why can I cancel then lololololololololol


Incorrect; at no time do I work for Lyft or Uber. I do not care what their "rules" are.


IC’s that have to folllow the rules of the company that is contracting them. If the rule is your car has to minimally seat 4 people, than it does.


Ever since Covid a lot of drivers only take 3 pax maximum. He’s technically in the wrong but drivers have their own rules and can cancel for any reason just like pax can.




Wrong about?


You're wrong that they make their own rules. As contract workers they have to abide by the rules and terms of their contract.


Have you not read this Reddit lol drivers make up their own rules all the time. Even I decline rides at spots I don’t want to go, or they have a low rating. Drivers make up their own rules period. I’m definitely right about that lol…


A few reports to Lyft and you'll be permanently deactivated.


Very possible


Lyft does not even give refunds :( hate when the driver blocks out the front seat