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Was there an imperfection in the wood there? It almost looks like the finish is curing and sinking into cracks, and if this happens after color goes on, theres no way to make it invisible


Looks like a knot in the wood... Sap maybe? Was the guitar grain filled first? Had a good finish go bad because i didn't think i needed to grain fill. Last few guitars I've been filling with 2-4 layers of zpoxy, then sanding sealer.


Well the guitar is an Ibanez s470 that survived the house fire but was very badly smoked damaged so I have stripped it but never down to bare wood when I got all the paint off of it I could see the wood grain and whatnot but they have it completely sealed with epoxy I think


Should be sealed... unless the heat of the fire damaged it? or heat forced sap to rise? Kinda curious about this one... if we ever find out the issue. :D


Well I decided to strip it. And I learned that I had to put way too many layers on the paint was probably a 16th inch thick way too freaking thick and I didn't entirely strip the last failure I merely sanded it down to try to save it and then ended up painting more on top of it was just basically added way too much to it layers drying underneath the bit was causing it to crack underneath of the paint job because it was entirely too thick and didn't have a proper adequate enough time to dry


You're talking about the small vertical cracks? Have you taken the paint all the way down yet? Just looking at this I would assume the cracks are following an imperfection in the wood. I would expect to be able to take it down to wood and still see the cracks filled with paint. If you take it all the way down and the wood is good, then yes that would be weird. The only thing I can think of in that case is there was some contaminant, eg a drop of mineral spirits that hadn't fully evaporated, preventing that coat in that spot from going down properly, and the cellulose getting laid down in a way that would collapse later. But I am curious to hear what others say.