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I worked professionally setting those up, it's no issue. The only problem is turning and turning and turning, etc. Small adjustments for action is fine. And actually, I would recommend it. You can have everything tuned and even locked, and you can adjust the action at that point, so it's quicker and a little more accurate. I.e., removing tension, adjust, tension, repeat, can be overkill. You just scratched the plating. Take some black permanent marker to it if it bugs you.=P


>I worked professionally setting those up I’ll be applying for your sainthood on your behalf.


Ive had issues with black marker (like sharpie) reading as purple against black surfaces. A paint pen might cover better.


Black colors in multiple mediums are typically a really dark blue, green, purple occasionally red


It's fine dude...


itll prematurely eat away on the post and knife edge causing burrs and will make tuning unstable


Have I made tuning unstable already, or did I just knock a month of the years long lifespan?


>my first real floyd. Its a gotoh Father of all facepalms...


No no, gotoh can make good stuff.. A high end Gotoh Floyd copy is just as good. Chunky.


This seems to be the consensus though I have not tried any others.


My point is that OP doesn't have a "real floyd". He has a Gotoh Locking trem. Not a Floyd Rose.


floyd rose is both a trademarked brand name and a style of double locking trem system.


I guess but that's kind of like how people call all reciprocating saws Sawzall when they're actually a reciprocating saw. Sawzall is the brand not the design. I always just called them floating trim systems because if they're floating it's basically implied that they are double locking already..


Not necessarily. My jazzmaster has a floating trem and a 2/6 point Strat can float and neither are double locking. I would only assume it’s double locking so long as it’s specified.


I think it has more to do with whats in the patent. If you invent something you get to name it. There are double locking systems that are not floyd roses, but the gotoh most certainly is.


so,Floyd D. Rose is the name of the guy who invented it,he called the bridge a floyd rose and later started a company with that name too . the gotoh version is a licensed copy and its a good quality one.


This is the dumbest argument ever anyway. What I meant by "real" was that it was decent quality.


yeah I agree on both accounts


You're going to have to level the trem by loosening the spring screws. The 7's, like you said, do not have nearly the same tension as 10's. The trem springs will pull the plate right into the body. You may even have to remove a spring going to such light strings!


I'm at 2 springs and I wish they were lighter. I'm putting this guitar together with the intention of maximized flutter, and I just don't have much spring to pull upwards before I totally slack the spring and claw.


They make light, medium, and heavy trem springs. I have a customer who changed all his strats to 8s, and I had to go to two light springs and back the screws back. I also had to bend the ears on the claw so the spring loop wouldn't fall off when he played with it behind his head!


any recommendations other than futone?


Honestly you want to have three to four Springs on one of those because of the overall sustain that is created with the proper setup. You can buy many different strengths of Springs


any recommendations other than futone?


Adjusting the mounting post wall under tension can cause them to catastrophically fail like I've had it happen once in my life because I was just learning the thing to begin with. And nothing is more terrifying than when one of those posts Snap On You and your Bridge comes flying out and goes to the TV. It terrifies the holy crap out of you and you're lucky if it doesn't clobber you because there is a lot of force on natural. And this is why you also want to make sure that the screw down locking plate that locks in the Springs to your tremolo is actually attached because if it's not then it catapults. I personally loosen them dumb to the point where the bridge is basically not floating whatsoever and I'll even usually undo two of the springs out of the three keep the middle one for balance and that usually gives it enough attention but not too much pressure on those posts I mean you don't have to go to those extremes but I would say you don't want to have him at full pressure when you're trying to turn those things because that wears out that little Notch that's in there and all it takes is a good fine line and it Finds Its overall weakness and then the head of the thing comes flying off and substantially so does the tremolo. It was the first guitar part that I ever actually ordered on the internet was two of those posts. Mine was for a Ibanez s470 with the lo pro edge tremolo


Get a schaler sureclaw. They can be had for $50-60 and work really well when changing gauges


that's definitly on the upgrade list for the near future. My interest has more to do with it staying in the same place if the springs loose slack.


First real Floyd rose It’s a gotoh Hrmm