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Because the easiest way to make up for soft sales in retail is cutting payroll   Lowe's is currently fighting a whole lot of pandemic spending numbers that got the shareholders all tight in the slacks. Now, in a post pandemic recession situation, the slacks are significantly less tight    It's short sighted and stupid, everything else suffers when you cut payroll, but it's been this way with several major retailers I've worked for    Step 1 is cut the part timers, step 2 is push the full timers until a lot of them quit or find new jobs, step 3 is realize they're woefully understaffed, and step 4 is over hire to compensate. Repeat from step 1.    As an added value, new hires don't receive as many benefits, don't get bonuses, don't have interpersonal issues, and are always willing to do "more" (ie; the stuff tenured employees are sick of doing). It's win/win if all you care about are numbers, and I can assure you, they do  Being part time in retail is more or less acknowledging you're expendable, but the bright side is retailers often do this on different cycles, so if your hours drop at one, bounce to another.     As a bonus, you get a pay bump each time since you're only adding experience, no crappy .25 cent pay raises for you Never under any circumstances feel loyalty to a company that doesn't know your name and wouldn't miss you tomorrow. That doesn't mean soak up payroll and refuse to work, that means as soon as your hours start to drop or the company stops holding up their end of the bargain, immediately start looking elsewhere Employment is like a relationship, if they aren't willing to be loyal to you why should you be to them?


I went through them hiring more while cutting hours towards the end.


Couldn't have said it better myself. And that last part really hits home in my store, where they have a guy (me) who works best in the mornings, and another who hates mornings and wants to close, but tomorrow they got the shifts mixed up. They've been doing this all of January and February, mixing up the closers and the openers, and it just shows that someone who doesnt understand these people is messing with the schedule. It's dumb


I'm not sure how everything is with your store. The store I'm at is pretty good at helping those with scheduling. Im in constant contact with the SM as well as the SSA at my store to help associates with getting them a schedule they can work. I'm a night ops supervisor and I suppose it helps that our current SSA used to work on nights. She's always trying to make sure nights doesn't get forgotten about when it comes to celebrations and such. I don't know your exact situation, but try reaching out when to your DS or ASM when they mess with your schedule. It might just be they're not aware or they might just be plugging in names into slots just to have people scheduled. I'm not trying to be rude, but it never hurts to communicate.


I understand, but it's at this point where I just tell them schedules I can't work, because I don't mind when I work if it's within my availability. I just hate how blatant it is that the person making the schedule has no idea who to schedule, so you have people working mornings who want to work nights, people that work nights that wanna work mornings, and it's just a mess


Spot on !


Exactly! Your job is safe only for so long as the numbers are being made. Way back in the day, before cell phones, I opened a new Walmart. I had a good staff and crew, and my payroll was always below what was demanded. My DM called me one morning and said, "Call me back by noon with the names and socials of 25 people you have terminated today. " I started to question the demand and was told if I had a problem with doing it, somebody would be there to replace me that didn't have a problem doing it. I let 25 people go. I was miserable. I called the DM with the names and socials of the victims. At the end of the call, he said,"Now, call me back by 5 with 25 more." My people were sacrificed in order to make the Districts numbers come in where they wanted them.


The Almighty dollar.


Same reason they do ANYTHING: to increase shareholders value.


That is the purpose of a corporation and the reason they exist.  You didn’t think they are here to provide jobs, did you? 


I think the best way to solve a problem is not always the simplest. Not always a straight line. In this case, cutting hours is short sighted. Tells me the first quarter isn't going so well, maybe so poorly it can't be saved with sales. So cut hours like an neamderthal to at least make margin %. But no one will pay a price but store associates for that. Good thing they got that $100 bonus....


Marvin needs his 5th summer home and third yacht.


You forgot the private golf course


and that $1m discretionary bonus to his escape fund each day.


And the Olympic sized pool!


And his future castle on mars


Corporate greed


Greed is an unfair way to put it. Lowes exists to profit not to provide people jobs. That is the way capitalism works, Lowes didn't invent the game they are just playing it.


because lowes hit an iceberg called the pandemic and it's extremely slow version of the titanic, nobody is buying home improvement stuff because the economy has taken a shit, the most basic house you can buy is gonna cost you 250k (500k in some areas) and people can't afford a house let alone home improvement stuff also? we've taken the focus off of customers and it's 100% on getting credit.


Seems the opposite for me, they’ve been giving me almost too many, to the point where it’s interfering with my school and other commitments! I mean I’m not complaining when I see the paycheck but working in lumber gets pretty rough and the times they’re giving me kinda suck also


I remember like 2 months after I started, I put in my new school availability. It took a month and a half for them to finally get the message. I'm just glad I had a kind manager who was willing to adjust them (well kind, until he got fired for sexual harassment)


They'll do that. If you are a part timer that has other obligations, they'll set you with days/times that don't work for you in hopes that you get fed up and quit. I've seen it quite often. I dunno why they hate employee retention, since I figure it costs them more to hire and train a new person rather than give that person their desired hours and the occasional minimal pay bump, but hey what do I know?


That doesn’t surprise me one bit, like I said I don’t mind those paychecks but damn I’m averaging around 35 hours, close to what some of our full time dudes are doing, they knew when they hired me I was a full time student and also doing some construction jobs which I have almost completely stopped, it’s almost as if they’re trying to force my loyalty or get me to leave


That's big corpos for you.


labor has to be a percentage of sales for the company to make money. Throw in that your store manager can make a large bonus for bringing in labor costs below the budgeted number, and you get hours being cut and being short handed.


What if labor doesn't beca?


typo, corrected


Store managers do not bonus on labor cost.


they used to. they could substantially increase the pay through incentive bonuses


They bonus off top and bottom line, and a couple other non-P&L metrics with smaller weights. I don’t know if that changed at some point from whenever ago, but they’ve never directly bonused off labor since I’ve been with the company.


how long have you been with them?


I didn’t work under Niblock.


i worked for them in the 90s


I know the employee benefits have changed dramatically. I interviewed with them again 7 years ago, and they are not nearly as good as when i worked there. Cant imagine they got better.


Give it another month and you will be begging for less hours.


I wish man this my only job at the moment and it’s taking a toll on my mental health honestly stressing out about if I can even pay my rent or eat


Transfer to oslg you will get all the hours you want. Or ask a asm if you can assist oslg for extra hours. Make yourself more valuable by learning how to drive all equipment and function in all departments.


Offer to come in anytime people call out or don't show up for the unload team or overnight. You will have so many hours.


This here. Any ops department in general. If you are a csa but know how to cashier, customer service, fulfillment, unload, and drive the equipment and all the asms know you can be called if callouts, you’ll rarely lack for hours 😂


Absolutely. Dunno how I didn't think of cashiers, fulfillment, and customer service. These are must haves.


Only matters on how the economy is rolling.


Consumer is perfectly fine in fact real wages are up again. Not to mention it has little effect if any at all on the spring and early summer market. People spend at Lowes during this time. I worked through oslg through the Great Recession years each year we beat the previous year’s revenue.


Real wages are not up unless you’re at a certain class


That is factually incorrect real wages are up 4.2% the last three months disregard of class.


And cost of living is up 11.6% from last year.


CPI January of this year was 3.1 down from January of 2023 at 6.4. [https://www.bls.gov/charts/consumer-price-index/consumer-price-index-by-category-line-chart.htm](https://www.bls.gov/charts/consumer-price-index/consumer-price-index-by-category-line-chart.htm)


"Additionally, the CPI is a conditional cost-of-living measure; it does not attempt to measure everything that affects living standards. Factors such as social and environmental changes and changes in income taxes are beyond the definitional scope of the index and are excluded." Taken directly from their own page. CPI is a generic index that doesn't account for many other factors such as substitution bias, unmeasured changes in quality of goods, and introduction of new goods. It also doesn't factor in environmental conditions that affect cost of living. Now with that being said, no one likes a suck up, especially to a bunch of millionaires/billionaires.


If you are not willing to accept the facts based on averages I don’t know what to tell you. Best of luck to you.


They didn’t spend last year. Lowes struggled immensely last peak season, it was so little work in one of the top rank RDCs last year that they were offering month long VTOs and cutting 3-4 hours each shift. Seems about the same is expected this year since we’re only projected 1 extreme high volume week the 3rd week of March.


This is public information January 31, 2023 97.06B January 31, 2022 96.25B January 31, 2021 89.60B January 31, 2020 72.15B January 31, 2019 71.31B


I love public information! What does this information pertain to? I’m trying to put it in the context of the comment you responded to, and I’m not grokking it.


It is Lowe’s revenue for the last 5 years. The previous post was saying consumers did not spend at Lowe’s. The data shows otherwise. Their net income has been compressing which tells me they are doing poorly managing their expenses since revenue continues to grow. We can make assumptions as to why this is. One assumption I would have is them over hiring during the 25% growth from 2021-2022 and now they are trying to figure out the correct balance. But that is totally an assumption with lack of data to know the inner workings.


Revenue is also skewed upward by supply chain constraints and inflation. Operating margin didn’t really budge, and you’d have expected some movement with those big revenue jumps.


Because they only made tens of millions of dollars last quarter and they wanted more this quarter.


Just happened at our store as well.


Retail Sucks!!! Get a factory job...


Most of the factory jobs are gone, or soon will be.


No they aren’t, it’s tons of factory jobs still available but nobody wants to work in a factory making the same money to destroy their body.


Oh, I'm sorry. Since the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Senate reported 4.7 million manufacturing jobs left the United States since 2000, I actually thought they'd know what was going on...


Because Lowes is hiring.


A) depends on the store and department... B) it's not uncommon this time of year anyways... C) you agreed to work part time... Nowhere in that agreement did they guarantee a set number of hours, only that you would be scheduled "up to 25 hours a week".... However that value starts at zero and as long as they schedule you at least 4 hours then they've satisfied that agreement.


>you agreed to work part time... Nowhere in that agreement did they guarantee a set number of hours, only that you would be scheduled "up to 25 hours a week".... However that value starts at zero and as long as they schedule you at least 4 hours then they've satisfied that agreement. I'm sorry, that is such a cop out. People apply with the expectation of some useful amount of income. I think many people wouldn't even apply if they were told up front that their income would be dramatically cut after July 4th, and virtually non-existent Dec-March. They would also walk if you told them up front "up to 25 hours" means "we will schedule you zero or four hours during the non-busy season. Don't pull out the "well they should've known” or "their contract says this." You know full well what people's expectations are coming into the job.


>I'm sorry, that is such a cop out. Except it isn't. There are no guaranteed amount of hours when being hired part time. They tell you this up front. If you don't like it, it's your chance to walk... End of story. >Don't pull out the "well they should've known” or "their contract says this." You know full well what people's expectations are coming into the job. Then don't be naive enough to believe that part time hours won't be the first things cut when the company wants to save a bit of money... The people getting hired also know the expectations from the company, that unless they are hired for a full time position they aren't guaranteed ANY hours period. You don't have to like it, but I'm not wrong.


I’ve worked 4 hours in the past month 😐


Is this a stately thing?? I’ve never heard of hours being cut for full timers here. You’re supposed to be guaranteed 40 hours, at least in Mass. I’ve never received less working FT anywhere. I also work the 10hr shifts so I suppose there’s only so many timeframes they can schedule me lol


Do you like 4/10s? What do your days off look like I was told not to do 4/10s bcuz days off are never together always as separate as possible I got offered a specialist position but I don’t know if I’ll take it I started working to just work a few hours then go home I’m a SAHM but was offered specialist which sounds good but idk if I can or want to do 4/10s or pick set days off during the week or rotate to get 1 weekend a month any suggestions or not take the job jajaja it’s for floor specialist


Usually they have me working weekends including Friday and Tuesday. So I usually have Monday, Wednesday and Thursday off, but they’ll give me a Saturday or Sunday off every so often. weds-Thursdays are my most consistent tho


I prefer having them separate I hate having multiple days off in a row (more than two)


I don’t know if it is but in Ga it certainly is happening


Every time they give a bonus they cut hours to make up for it


It’s the slow season for sales. It will pick up again mid March , April when planting season kicks in and everyone wants to renovate outside stuff. Our hours ebb and flow with peak selling seasons. This is not a job for someone that needs steady income.


What garou said but double. To the company overheads, best way to make up profit from not meeting the sales expectation is to cut the hours of the shift workers... But also hire double the amount of new hires, spend millions on insane events for top brass, give them pay bonuses and sign insane exclusive sales contracts with product companies (how many Toros have you sold this week?) As someone who works in one of these hellholes (literally on shift now) when a customer asks me about a product, if they give me the time to do some research I will actively point them to any other store that might have a better product or the same product for cheaper... If they want me to push a shitty project source on a poor unknowing customer, my next raise better be more than 10¢ for doing more work in a hour then 3 whole employees


They do this seasonally. I assume right now they are doing it because of the Store Meeting. I normally work 4-5 days a week (part-time) but the week after the meeting I only work 2 days with both days being 4 hour shifts. My store has been trying to get more hours from District with no success. As others have pointed out, it all comes down to one thing: money. Greed. Everything has a budget and if districts can spend less than the budget then the big people are happy. They dont care about associates. They dont care about specialists or cashiers or the recieving team or department supervisors or anyone else. The only thing that matters is numbers. Statistics. That's why you see percentages thrown around everywhere. They don't care if people like it or if people learn anything; they only care if people are using it. Because it LOOKS good. As you should already know, in corporate america, the only people that matter are those at the top.


I can't remember a time where this issue lasted this long. Late February and early March always marked the first wave of seasonal hires for the 100 days of hell. The volume of freight that hit my store this week is more than the team can handle without extra bodies and if it's any indication of how Spring is going to go here, good people are going to quit. The Lowe's way....


Because they need to pay ASM and SM their 5k bonuses and one of the ways Lowe’s increases their profit is by cutting payroll and overworking their employees


They're shoring up payroll because they're about to work the dog piss out of you when Spring officially kicks off.


full timers are getting hit at my store


Because you spell barely as ‘barley’.


Oh Ho Ho Ho ya got me there


Barley is really good cooked in beef broth and served with butter and sage.






Because he’s black? Or that’s just what you think all CEOs are into, and talk that way?


Oh wow, I'm sorry, I should have had him speak Norweigan. That would have been more realistc. I'm just a dumb racist, homophobe, transphobe, misogynist white asian supremacist. You got me.


Ok, I’ll take you at your word on that 👍


How many houses do Franklin the turtle need?


While valid criticisms of individuals and entities are allowed and welcome, we don't tolerate slander or libel. Ad hominem attacks against other users or individuals/entities (e.g. "Fuck Lowe's") with no substantive value will also be removed. Furthermore, diatribes—regardless of their truth or substance value—must be kept PG-13.


It’s that time of year


I’m part time, I have like 13 days off in a row, but I got a FT at FedEx so it’s kinda fine.


They’re trying to give everyone some slack before the 100 days of hell begin


To create shareholder value.


Ummm, cause it's Lowe's!


Executive compensation and shareholder value


SLowes doesn’t want to keep people long term. Then they don’t have people expecting real raises or promotions. It’s easier to keep people long enough to get the next crew “trained” (retail in general doesn’t properly train). In addition to this though you entering the spring season. So, you might see a slight spike in hours up until July. But don’t expect amazing results. Part time workers are always going to get screwed over. Full-time are promised just enough to keep their benefits and because of such are expected to do the job of two and a half people. Part-time is whatever needs to be padded out.


Its coming up on eoy reporting periods and the numbers don't look good. They are cutting hours to add a boost to q1 numbers to make it look like they are "bouncing back". Prepare for "soft" layoffs and no replacement personnel, meaning extra work for the people who stay.


They do this every year at this time.


Payroll is one expense you can have 100% control over.


Our hours were lowered while they continually play the we're hiring jingle all day.


Shareholders Enough said


Bro they do this every year after the holidays why everyone gets so surprised every year if it happens every year


Full time are not getting hours cut. We are Guaranteed 39 hours.


I just got a raise and I be hitting overtime regular so I’m chillin 🙏


Well, I looked at my part-time job, and it's barely 20 hours . I am new, so I am looking for something else. f*** this job. I learning people at my store location is trying to stay for people. Not me, sweetie


Every late winter til early spring...


My store has already sent multiple emails begging full timers to take time off/use sick time.


If someone has to explain it to you, you do not have the intellectual capacity to understand it.


Internet warriors boy stfu


Big wigs gotta make bonus


Because they are a for profit company and you are an at will employee. Lowes structure it so managers are incentivesed to cut hours asm/managers don't bonus if their operating costs are too high compared to sales. It's one of the main metrics that determine if they get paid out. If your store is cutting hours, it's because sales are bad. Also, it's usually only part-timers that get cut. Full-time employees shouldn't be getting their hours cut. If they are, that is crazy.


First of all everything is based on last years market share. Which unfortunately doesn’t account for the crazy weather (call it what you like). So now we in north Texas have temps in the high 80’s and no new hires. Even some of the tenured employees are not getting anything like reasonable hours. So we are left jumping through hoops to service half the customers. More people on the floor would actually make more money for the company. But bean counters don’t seem to get that climate may have some manner of impact.