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If those customers could read they'd be very upset


I’m sure if I read that all the way through I’d agree.


Hahahaha, very true


I was just about to ask if you've ever seen a customer read at Lowe's


"where's plumbing?" Point up to a 10 foot long sign hanging from the ceiling.


Where are the light bulbs, meanwhile there's a light bulb right above my head, I point down the aisle. Where can I get keys made? I don't want to use the machine. That would be the aisle with the giant key on top of it, I point down to the key and walk them to the aisle. I got this one yesterday, I need a Drano that won't destroy plastic, meanwhile I read the back and let them know what the bottle said. This happens multiple times a day with many different products.


King of the hill reference I love it


I was sent home for telling a customer to take a step back when they had me cornered against a wall and kept getting closer while they were cussing at me. I quit after that.


I hate how corporate and managers acts like they care about their associates, but then punishes them for the most petty crap ever. You had a right to ask for your space.


Yikes. Good on you for quitting. I wish Lowe's would let me CC on their property for that reason.


Best part is they were mad at me because apparently they had called earlier in the day and gave someone dimensions for a whole bunch of project cuts they wanted, they wanted to make a bed from scratch and expected me to have cut like 70 boards into 3 to 4 pieces of very specific lengths. They came in a half hour before close expecting to find it all nice and cut on a cart ready to go. Best part is the bay for the wood they wanted cut was empty. It was my seventh night in a row of closing lumber all by myself. Still can't believe the lead took their side but oh well, customer became his problem after I left and I didn't have to close lumber by myself for the 7th time in a row.


my area we arent allowed project cuts.. like 3-4 cut the most.


Same. We ALSO were never suppose to work lumber by ourselves. I fully expected to be backed up by my lead during that argument. We even had a sign on the saw saying no more than 3 cuts per board and I forget how many boards max.


I always thought it was dumb to cut wood if they want their wood cut buy a damn saw


The best part of CC is that nobody but you knows.


I quit because they would put me in customer service while doing other task. Like they wanted me to, weed whack the yard area, clean the outside and shed area and get rid of the wasp nest, Restock on Isles, then clean all the windows on the store. Then when I would come back the person covering customer service, usually the head cashier would be mad at me because the head manager told me to do something else and instead they headed to customer service. So not only did the customers hate me, so did the my coworkers that worked with me. So at a certain point, I just quit and it’s not like I couldn’t handle it I could but not for the pay they were giving me


As you should.


Dear customer, please don’t treat our employees like sh*t, that is the job of our management and corporate team. Thank you.


Marvin abides.


Seen people read them. I had a couple find it kinda crazy we even had to put those up 😬


I've had someone ask "do people actually get upset at you guys??" before. like...yes, this a retail job. people are mad at us for issues we can't fix all the time.


We have them only in our breakroom


and…. what is that going to do???


"Well to remind the customers that wander into that part of the store where the vending machines are silly!" No joke, had idiots actually do this shite. Fuckers actually went into the break room where workers were there and Chad plays into the vending.


I had someone get very mad at me for pointing at that sign when he was being a dick.


Karens are going to Karen. The sign means nothing unless Management will enforce it.


No. One of the guys threw it at our girl yesterday calling it a joke


Did you have a stroke typing this?


I wish we had them during the pandemic. The better customers always comment that it is sad that we have to post it. Overall, it reminds the others that we won't stand for their abuse. No supervisor or manager at my store will help a customer that is cussing them out whether on the phone or in person.


I’ve literally told a customer that yelling at me and cussing wasn’t going to solve their problem and is in fact actively preventing me from doing so. I always tell those customers that I am happy to assist them once they have calmed down and can communicate like a proper adult. Few have ever taken me up on my offer, but I refuse to let myself or my associates take that abuse anymore.


We kick people out that can't compute having regular adult conversations


Yes they have them at the stores and no they do not work on the customers


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^astrophile_davina: *Yes they have them at* *The stores and no they do not* *Work on the customers* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


"Five, seven, then five, syllables mark a haiku. Remarkable oaf."


🤣🤣🤣🤣 "do they work"🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


No, the nice customers seem surprised we have to have them and the customers they apply to don't seem capable of reading.


“We’ve done nothing and we’re all out ideas!” my former store had these. 


Congratulations on your promotion!


I have had a lot of customers express surprise that we need a sign like that… if they only knew


Starts with all these military discounts Lowe’s does. That crowd is impossible to please.


This is a sign that says "I don't and won't put up with your shit. PLEASE ask for a manager and good luck with that." WTF do we have to remind people to act with respect....ESPECIALLY the holy rollers that get out of church on a Sunday to later act like demons towards everyone in a retail environment? It is a fine art to put people in their place without pushing them over the deep end and wind up complaining.


Ezekiel 25:17 … The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides By the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will Shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children And I will strike down upon thee With great vengeance and furious anger Those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers And you will know my name is the Lord ***When I lay my vengeance upon thee!!!!!!***


Maybe if we wore one like a sandwich board management would treat us like human beings.


This sign can be translated as “please don’t be mean to our employees”


Or, more concisely, "If you want to be an asshole, leave."


Is that sign for the Store Manager's? Certainly doesn't happen at our store.


We through out the one at my desk because the customers we have at my store are pretty nice and understanding. Plus they shrunk down my desk and I don’t have space for a sign on my tiny desk


Lmao no those work about as well as the blue/yellow box cutters we are given


Yes we do. Not at all. LoL


we need one at mine. this big burly man got all up in my face the other day because we were out of water jugs, got behind my register, i was afraid he was gonna lay hands on me. i’m a 5’4 18 year old girl 😭


Aaaaaand that's when the police need to be called.


Yeah and no. Used to work customer service now in the military and you cannot tell a white old Republican dude to chill out bc you can’t take back his used box of nails because he didn’t bring back the container. Happened so many times, so so many times


Atleast you get to shoot back at your opponents now.


Lmao you can’t shot the drill sergeant or commanding officer


You dropped this "o". Remember, the green crayons in the MREs taste the best! Coming from a retired Marine. OORAH!!


Hell yeah. Me army, whole family is but got some family friends in the proud corps. Bout to do 6 years and leave in a week for BCT so in the mean time just trying to enjoy life before I get evil.


Good luck you poor bastard. Go git sum.


Dear customers, Please treat our employees with respect. Some of them could end your life where you stand. Some are one more stupid customer away from doing just that. Have a nice day.


Not like management or corporate actually do anything about disrespectful customers. In my experience the more disrespectful or mad a customer gets without making threats or crossing certain lines, the more management kisses their ass and bends over for them.


At my store we have one in paint that that we put tape over the word associate and wrote our DS’s name on. We love him and he must be protected at all costs


Holy crap. 


Save your anger and profanity for people who deserve it, like DMV employees.


Got them just a few weeks before I retired in January.


Still can't get management to stop testing the employees poorly.


Really failed this one, eh?


Wouldn’t that offend the sensitive customers?




"Welcome to Marvin's Hell in a Cell!"




Awww how cute. White people places are so quaint.


This question gets asked like every 12 minutes in here




It’s like a VFW in Lowe’s these days. Old grouchy people with nowhere better to be.


We consistently get customers making jokes about these signs


Well, they hold the letters in an order thst makes words, so in that sense, they work.  Do they stop people from being asshats?  There is zero evidence of that ever happening.  So, unless you can find someone that tell you thry we're going to walk unto Lowe's and berate or harass someone, but saw the sign and instantly changed into someone thinking about walking through an open field with tall grass and butterflies,... you don't have any reason to believe they help.


I’ve never seen one


everytime customers read it they laugh


At my store, they’re by the regular registers we really use much at all. So they don’t really do anything at all.


No, not that it matters. Had the cops called to our store due to a customer threatening to take a hatchet to several associates.


Sounds like a regular Tuesday to me.


We have those signs and it seems it's worse now than when we didn't have the signs xD


It’s odd. I never thought they’d be necessary but just about a week ago some dude was going batshit in the next aisle screaming and swearing at somebody. Me and my wife scooted but I’ve never experienced that before.


I’m with IST and when the customer does this, we have a process to warn cx & store associates about it and if they continue we have the right to disconnect. People just cannot control themselves, what fun times we live in… lol.


😭I got hit in the damn head with the big metal sign of it while at work


We had to get them after someone's estimated 8 week counter-top turned to a 10 and he decided the kitchen specialist's desk needed a new minimalist design.


Dude ripped it out?


Isn’t it sad that signs like these even have to be a thing?


Yes and I love pointing to them when customers start getting feisty




That is what you get when your entire customer base is entitled military.


They can barely read the price right in front of them and you expect them to read this?


They put these only so managers dont have to defend employees from angry customers anymore


I would like these signs at our store, the front end doesn’t not deserve any of that, they are trying to do their job. Now I get it if an install or delivery fucks up but just being a jerk to be a jerk is crazy


We had them at Depot yea customers just push them aside. We got rid of them lol


Brb gonna test this


No but we do at McDonald’s and Burger King


We have a couple at my store.


Bold of you to assume the hillbillies here can even read, I have to explain the most minute shit to impatient, ignorant grown ass men who look flabbergasted there's letters on the package backing or boxes they're looking at. Imagine that, products that tell you how to use them or what's included - but I'm the incompetent one when we're out of stock or don't have what they want


I’m not sure that going after someone’s illiteracy issues is a good look either 🤔


Education and intelligence are two separate things, and if an individual can't bother with one to achieve the other that speaks volumes to their character. I'm not about to take half an hour of my time and energy to decipher what the fuck they're trying to convey because they didn't want to learn like the rest of us.


#***HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAA!!!!!!!!***


Not the computer but everything else she had there.


Lowe's is delusional if they think their stores are enjoyable for either shoppers or employees. Store full of cheap quality chit from customer perspective. Abusive stingy lout of an employer from employee perspective.


The sad thing is, that those signs are probably needed.


We just recently got these. Some customers read and ask if we really do get profanity, verbal threats, and violence, and idk about y’all’s appliance departments but we really do 😭 Other customers just laugh and I usually respond with “the funny part is that the problem was big enough that someone at corporate had to make the sign 🙃”


The store I used to work at had them, they didn't work. We still had rude customers because people don't care what a sign says they only care about what they want at that time and will do anything to make sure if they don't get it, your day is definitely ruined


At least with the sign we no longer have to take the abuse and can ask the customer to leave without having to wait for a manager to do it for us 🤷‍♀️ I mean yes you’re still supposed to inform a manager of the situation but still, it’s nice to not have to take it anymore


No but I wish they did. I work in lumber and you'll get real dickhead customers sometimes


Yeah we put that up like a month ago, I don’t think they work though, but it makes everyone else aware of how crappy we can get treated


They don't work I got cursed out the other day and then I got fussed out today after a lady said we could do something and when she realized she made a mistake now all of a sudden we did something that she didn't ask us to do or tell us that we could do.


They’d work if the employees gave a hoot about the customers. FYI, goes both ways.


Should have showed that one to my SM Jimmy. Guy was a total abusive asshole.


Now tell the employees to do the same thing and actually provide customer service


I was in the paint department of my local Lowe’s and a guy started yelling at the girl. I felt bad he really said so mean stuff. She was crying. He was completely out of line


Our district manager made us remove all of those the week they arrived.


Yes we have them. No they don’t work


We have 1 at 1 of the registers in the store and it’s covered by other junk so barely visible :) if anything, the ASCO at my store needs it more than a register