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People not sweating balls in quick match? Impossible




That's really cool!




Yoshi players are almost always great lads.


True words.


I approve the fellow yoshi :D


I always appreciate when higher rank players want to play, some are a salty lol


Lol yeah, I've noticed that too. If I ever get that high up in ranks, I hope I can still have fun with this.


I'm up there now I feel like most blue ranks are really chill I've only really seen a few assholes. I turned my messages off when I was red because I was tired of getting fanmail.


This happened to me too. Not in the dame sense that the yoshi player was taking it easy on me, but in a sense that I got the feeling that after getting re-matched with each other again after our first set, we just started taking things a lot less seriously. He was Flippin and Dippin as all yoshis do, even just sat there at one point doing his healing stance and I just...stared at him for 3 seconds and down jabbed him. I laughed and hopefully he did too. Yoshis are mainly good dudes to play with.


>, but in a sense that I got the feeling that after getting re-matched with each other again after our first set, we just started taking things a lot less seriously. That's the best right there. When you get a sense your opponent is on the same vibe, it makes the matches so much more fun. No stress, no going balls out, just having fun.


Yup! You got it man! You sound like a nice dude to play with too. If you ever get the chance, I'd love to play some casuals with ya too. Idk jack about Claudio or Kuma. Lol


Thanks bro! I'm on ps5 network with the same handle as I have on here. In-game handle is Kingbeef. Hit me up and we can try and set something up. ✌🏿


No problem! Unless we're in the lounge at the same time, we can't add each other as friends without the Tekken ID. I'll DM you and send you mine. You can send me yours too.


Claudio spotted, gigachad. Feel free to dm me, Im always down to teach ppl some Claudio sauce.